diff --git a/src/view/phui/PHUITimelineEventView.php b/src/view/phui/PHUITimelineEventView.php index 87fee5cfa6..a5834befd3 100644 --- a/src/view/phui/PHUITimelineEventView.php +++ b/src/view/phui/PHUITimelineEventView.php @@ -1,667 +1,673 @@ authorPHID = $author_phid; return $this; } public function getAuthorPHID() { return $this->authorPHID; } public function setQuoteRef($quote_ref) { $this->quoteRef = $quote_ref; return $this; } public function getQuoteRef() { return $this->quoteRef; } public function setQuoteTargetID($quote_target_id) { $this->quoteTargetID = $quote_target_id; return $this; } public function getQuoteTargetID() { return $this->quoteTargetID; } public function setIsNormalComment($is_normal_comment) { $this->isNormalComment = $is_normal_comment; return $this; } public function getIsNormalComment() { return $this->isNormalComment; } public function setHideByDefault($hide_by_default) { $this->hideByDefault = $hide_by_default; return $this; } public function getHideByDefault() { return $this->hideByDefault; } public function setTransactionPHID($transaction_phid) { $this->transactionPHID = $transaction_phid; return $this; } public function getTransactionPHID() { return $this->transactionPHID; } public function setIsEdited($is_edited) { $this->isEdited = $is_edited; return $this; } public function getIsEdited() { return $this->isEdited; } public function setIsPreview($is_preview) { $this->isPreview = $is_preview; return $this; } public function getIsPreview() { return $this->isPreview; } public function setIsEditable($is_editable) { $this->isEditable = $is_editable; return $this; } public function getIsEditable() { return $this->isEditable; } public function setIsRemovable($is_removable) { $this->isRemovable = $is_removable; return $this; } public function getIsRemovable() { return $this->isRemovable; } public function setDateCreated($date_created) { $this->dateCreated = $date_created; return $this; } public function getDateCreated() { return $this->dateCreated; } public function setContentSource(PhabricatorContentSource $content_source) { $this->contentSource = $content_source; return $this; } public function getContentSource() { return $this->contentSource; } public function setUserHandle(PhabricatorObjectHandle $handle) { $this->userHandle = $handle; return $this; } public function setAnchor($anchor) { $this->anchor = $anchor; return $this; } public function getAnchor() { return $this->anchor; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; return $this; } public function addClass($class) { $this->classes[] = $class; return $this; } public function addBadge(PHUIBadgeMiniView $badge) { $this->badges[] = $badge; return $this; } public function setIcon($icon) { $this->icon = $icon; return $this; } public function setColor($color) { $this->color = $color; return $this; } public function setReallyMajorEvent($me) { $this->reallyMajorEvent = $me; return $this; } public function setHideCommentOptions($hide_comment_options) { $this->hideCommentOptions = $hide_comment_options; return $this; } public function getHideCommentOptions() { return $this->hideCommentOptions; } public function setToken($token, $removed = false) { $this->token = $token; $this->tokenRemoved = $removed; return $this; } public function getEventGroup() { return array_merge(array($this), $this->eventGroup); } public function addEventToGroup(PHUITimelineEventView $event) { $this->eventGroup[] = $event; return $this; } protected function shouldRenderEventTitle() { if ($this->title === null) { return false; } return true; } protected function renderEventTitle($force_icon, $has_menu, $extra) { $title = $this->title; $title_classes = array(); $title_classes[] = 'phui-timeline-title'; $icon = null; if ($this->icon || $force_icon) { $title_classes[] = 'phui-timeline-title-with-icon'; } if ($has_menu) { $title_classes[] = 'phui-timeline-title-with-menu'; } if ($this->icon) { $fill_classes = array(); $fill_classes[] = 'phui-timeline-icon-fill'; if ($this->color) { $fill_classes[] = 'fill-has-color'; $fill_classes[] = 'phui-timeline-icon-fill-'.$this->color; } $icon = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->setIcon($this->icon) ->addClass('phui-timeline-icon'); $icon = phutil_tag( 'span', array( 'class' => implode(' ', $fill_classes), ), $icon); } $token = null; if ($this->token) { $token = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->addClass('phui-timeline-token') ->setSpriteSheet(PHUIIconView::SPRITE_TOKENS) ->setSpriteIcon($this->token); if ($this->tokenRemoved) { $token->addClass('strikethrough'); } } $title = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => implode(' ', $title_classes), ), array($icon, $token, $title, $extra)); return $title; } public function render() { $events = $this->getEventGroup(); // Move events with icons first. $icon_keys = array(); foreach ($this->getEventGroup() as $key => $event) { if ($event->icon) { $icon_keys[] = $key; } } $events = array_select_keys($events, $icon_keys) + $events; $force_icon = (bool)$icon_keys; $menu = null; $items = array(); $has_menu = false; if (!$this->getIsPreview() && !$this->getHideCommentOptions()) { foreach ($this->getEventGroup() as $event) { $items[] = $event->getMenuItems($this->anchor); if ($event->hasChildren()) { $has_menu = true; } } $items = array_mergev($items); } if ($items || $has_menu) { $icon = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->setIcon('fa-caret-down'); $aural = javelin_tag( 'span', array( 'aural' => true, ), pht('Comment Actions')); if ($items) { $sigil = 'phui-dropdown-menu'; Javelin::initBehavior('phui-dropdown-menu'); } else { $sigil = null; } $action_list = id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setUser($this->getUser()); foreach ($items as $item) { $action_list->addAction($item); } $menu = javelin_tag( $items ? 'a' : 'span', array( 'href' => '#', 'class' => 'phui-timeline-menu', 'sigil' => $sigil, 'aria-haspopup' => 'true', 'aria-expanded' => 'false', 'meta' => $action_list->getDropdownMenuMetadata(), ), array( $aural, $icon, )); $has_menu = true; } // Render "extra" information (timestamp, etc). $extra = $this->renderExtra($events); $show_badges = false; $group_titles = array(); $group_items = array(); $group_children = array(); foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event->shouldRenderEventTitle()) { + + // Render the group anchor here, outside the title box. If we render + // it inside the title box it ends up completely hidden and Chrome 55 + // refuses to jump to it. See T11997 for discussion. + + if ($extra && $this->anchor) { + $group_titles[] = id(new PhabricatorAnchorView()) + ->setAnchorName($this->anchor) + ->render(); + } + $group_titles[] = $event->renderEventTitle( $force_icon, $has_menu, $extra); // Don't render this information more than once. $extra = null; } if ($event->hasChildren()) { $group_children[] = $event->renderChildren(); $show_badges = true; } } $image_uri = $this->userHandle->getImageURI(); $wedge = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-timeline-wedge phui-timeline-border', 'style' => (nonempty($image_uri)) ? '' : 'display: none;', ), ''); $image = null; $badges = null; if ($image_uri) { $image = phutil_tag( ($this->userHandle->getURI()) ? 'a' : 'div', array( 'style' => 'background-image: url('.$image_uri.')', 'class' => 'phui-timeline-image', 'href' => $this->userHandle->getURI(), ), ''); if ($this->badges && $show_badges) { $flex = new PHUIBadgeBoxView(); $flex->addItems($this->badges); $flex->setCollapsed(true); $badges = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-timeline-badges', ), $flex); } } $content_classes = array(); $content_classes[] = 'phui-timeline-content'; $classes = array(); $classes[] = 'phui-timeline-event-view'; if ($group_children) { $classes[] = 'phui-timeline-major-event'; $content = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-timeline-inner-content', ), array( $group_titles, $menu, phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-timeline-core-content', ), $group_children), )); } else { $classes[] = 'phui-timeline-minor-event'; $content = $group_titles; } $content = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-timeline-group phui-timeline-border', ), $content); $content = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => implode(' ', $content_classes), ), array($image, $badges, $wedge, $content)); $outer_classes = $this->classes; $outer_classes[] = 'phui-timeline-shell'; $color = null; foreach ($this->getEventGroup() as $event) { if ($event->color) { $color = $event->color; break; } } if ($color) { $outer_classes[] = 'phui-timeline-'.$color; } $sigil = null; $meta = null; if ($this->getTransactionPHID()) { $sigil = 'transaction'; $meta = array( 'phid' => $this->getTransactionPHID(), 'anchor' => $this->anchor, ); } $major_event = null; if ($this->reallyMajorEvent) { $major_event = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-timeline-event-view '. 'phui-timeline-spacer '. 'phui-timeline-spacer-bold', '', )); } return array( javelin_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => implode(' ', $outer_classes), 'id' => $this->anchor ? 'anchor-'.$this->anchor : null, 'sigil' => $sigil, 'meta' => $meta, ), phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => implode(' ', $classes), ), $content)), $major_event, ); } private function renderExtra(array $events) { $extra = array(); if ($this->getIsPreview()) { $extra[] = pht('PREVIEW'); } else { foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event->getIsEdited()) { $extra[] = pht('Edited'); break; } } $source = $this->getContentSource(); $content_source = null; if ($source) { $content_source = id(new PhabricatorContentSourceView()) ->setContentSource($source) ->setUser($this->getUser()); $content_source = pht('Via %s', $content_source->getSourceName()); } $date_created = null; foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event->getDateCreated()) { if ($date_created === null) { $date_created = $event->getDateCreated(); } else { $date_created = min($event->getDateCreated(), $date_created); } } } if ($date_created) { $date = phabricator_datetime( $date_created, $this->getUser()); if ($this->anchor) { Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-watch-anchor'); Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-tooltips'); - $anchor = id(new PhabricatorAnchorView()) - ->setAnchorName($this->anchor) - ->render(); - $date = array( - $anchor, javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '#'.$this->anchor, 'sigil' => 'has-tooltip', 'meta' => array( 'tip' => $content_source, - ), + ), ), $date), ); } $extra[] = $date; } } $extra = javelin_tag( 'span', array( 'class' => 'phui-timeline-extra', ), phutil_implode_html( javelin_tag( 'span', array( 'aural' => false, ), self::DELIMITER), $extra)); return $extra; } private function getMenuItems($anchor) { $xaction_phid = $this->getTransactionPHID(); $items = array(); if ($this->getIsEditable()) { $items[] = id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-pencil') ->setHref('/transactions/edit/'.$xaction_phid.'/') ->setName(pht('Edit Comment')) ->addSigil('transaction-edit') ->setMetadata( array( 'anchor' => $anchor, )); } if ($this->getQuoteTargetID()) { $ref = null; if ($this->getQuoteRef()) { $ref = $this->getQuoteRef(); if ($anchor) { $ref = $ref.'#'.$anchor; } } $items[] = id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-quote-left') ->setHref('#') ->setName(pht('Quote')) ->addSigil('transaction-quote') ->setMetadata( array( 'targetID' => $this->getQuoteTargetID(), 'uri' => '/transactions/quote/'.$xaction_phid.'/', 'ref' => $ref, )); } if ($this->getIsNormalComment()) { $items[] = id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-cutlery') ->setHref('/transactions/raw/'.$xaction_phid.'/') ->setName(pht('View Raw')) ->addSigil('transaction-raw') ->setMetadata( array( 'anchor' => $anchor, )); $content_source = $this->getContentSource(); $source_email = PhabricatorEmailContentSource::SOURCECONST; if ($content_source->getSource() == $source_email) { $source_id = $content_source->getContentSourceParameter('id'); if ($source_id) { $items[] = id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-envelope-o') ->setHref('/transactions/raw/'.$xaction_phid.'/?email') ->setName(pht('View Email Body')) ->addSigil('transaction-raw') ->setMetadata( array( 'anchor' => $anchor, )); } } } if ($this->getIsRemovable()) { $items[] = id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-times') ->setHref('/transactions/remove/'.$xaction_phid.'/') ->setName(pht('Remove Comment')) ->addSigil('transaction-remove') ->setMetadata( array( 'anchor' => $anchor, )); } if ($this->getIsEdited()) { $items[] = id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-list') ->setHref('/transactions/history/'.$xaction_phid.'/') ->setName(pht('View Edit History')) ->setWorkflow(true); } return $items; } }