diff --git a/src/infrastructure/env/PhabricatorEnv.php b/src/infrastructure/env/PhabricatorEnv.php index 0ccf9d3a76..60bd9e4595 100644 --- a/src/infrastructure/env/PhabricatorEnv.php +++ b/src/infrastructure/env/PhabricatorEnv.php @@ -1,866 +1,880 @@ overrideEnv('some.key', 'new-value-for-this-test'); * * // Some test which depends on the value of 'some.key'. * * } * * Your changes will persist until the `$env` object leaves scope or is * destroyed. * * You should //not// use this in normal code. * * * @task read Reading Configuration * @task uri URI Validation * @task test Unit Test Support * @task internal Internals */ final class PhabricatorEnv extends Phobject { private static $sourceStack; private static $repairSource; private static $overrideSource; private static $requestBaseURI; private static $cache; private static $localeCode; private static $readOnly; private static $readOnlyReason; const READONLY_CONFIG = 'config'; const READONLY_UNREACHABLE = 'unreachable'; const READONLY_SEVERED = 'severed'; const READONLY_MASTERLESS = 'masterless'; /** * @phutil-external-symbol class PhabricatorStartup */ public static function initializeWebEnvironment() { self::initializeCommonEnvironment(); } public static function initializeScriptEnvironment() { self::initializeCommonEnvironment(); // NOTE: This is dangerous in general, but we know we're in a script context // and are not vulnerable to CSRF. AphrontWriteGuard::allowDangerousUnguardedWrites(true); // There are several places where we log information (about errors, events, // service calls, etc.) for analysis via DarkConsole or similar. These are // useful for web requests, but grow unboundedly in long-running scripts and // daemons. Discard data as it arrives in these cases. PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance()->enableDiscardMode(); DarkConsoleErrorLogPluginAPI::enableDiscardMode(); DarkConsoleEventPluginAPI::enableDiscardMode(); } private static function initializeCommonEnvironment() { PhutilErrorHandler::initialize(); + self::resetUmask(); self::buildConfigurationSourceStack(); // Force a valid timezone. If both PHP and Phabricator configuration are // invalid, use UTC. $tz = self::getEnvConfig('phabricator.timezone'); if ($tz) { @date_default_timezone_set($tz); } $ok = @date_default_timezone_set(date_default_timezone_get()); if (!$ok) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); } // Prepend '/support/bin' and append any paths to $PATH if we need to. $env_path = getenv('PATH'); $phabricator_path = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')); $support_path = $phabricator_path.'/support/bin'; $env_path = $support_path.PATH_SEPARATOR.$env_path; $append_dirs = self::getEnvConfig('environment.append-paths'); if (!empty($append_dirs)) { $append_path = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $append_dirs); $env_path = $env_path.PATH_SEPARATOR.$append_path; } putenv('PATH='.$env_path); // Write this back into $_ENV, too, so ExecFuture picks it up when creating // subprocess environments. $_ENV['PATH'] = $env_path; // If an instance identifier is defined, write it into the environment so // it's available to subprocesses. $instance = self::getEnvConfig('cluster.instance'); if (strlen($instance)) { putenv('PHABRICATOR_INSTANCE='.$instance); $_ENV['PHABRICATOR_INSTANCE'] = $instance; } PhabricatorEventEngine::initialize(); // TODO: Add a "locale.default" config option once we have some reasonable // defaults which aren't silly nonsense. self::setLocaleCode('en_US'); } public static function beginScopedLocale($locale_code) { return new PhabricatorLocaleScopeGuard($locale_code); } public static function getLocaleCode() { return self::$localeCode; } public static function setLocaleCode($locale_code) { if (!$locale_code) { return; } if ($locale_code == self::$localeCode) { return; } try { $locale = PhutilLocale::loadLocale($locale_code); $translations = PhutilTranslation::getTranslationMapForLocale( $locale_code); $override = self::getEnvConfig('translation.override'); if (!is_array($override)) { $override = array(); } PhutilTranslator::getInstance() ->setLocale($locale) ->setTranslations($override + $translations); self::$localeCode = $locale_code; } catch (Exception $ex) { // Just ignore this; the user likely has an out-of-date locale code. } } private static function buildConfigurationSourceStack() { self::dropConfigCache(); $stack = new PhabricatorConfigStackSource(); self::$sourceStack = $stack; $default_source = id(new PhabricatorConfigDefaultSource()) ->setName(pht('Global Default')); $stack->pushSource($default_source); $env = self::getSelectedEnvironmentName(); if ($env) { $stack->pushSource( id(new PhabricatorConfigFileSource($env)) ->setName(pht("File '%s'", $env))); } $stack->pushSource( id(new PhabricatorConfigLocalSource()) ->setName(pht('Local Config'))); // If the install overrides the database adapter, we might need to load // the database adapter class before we can push on the database config. // This config is locked and can't be edited from the web UI anyway. foreach (self::getEnvConfig('load-libraries') as $library) { phutil_load_library($library); } // If custom libraries specify config options, they won't get default // values as the Default source has already been loaded, so we get it to // pull in all options from non-phabricator libraries now they are loaded. $default_source->loadExternalOptions(); // If this install has site config sources, load them now. $site_sources = id(new PhutilClassMapQuery()) ->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorConfigSiteSource') ->setSortMethod('getPriority') ->execute(); foreach ($site_sources as $site_source) { $stack->pushSource($site_source); } $master = PhabricatorDatabaseRef::getMasterDatabaseRef(); if (!$master) { self::setReadOnly(true, self::READONLY_MASTERLESS); } else if ($master->isSevered()) { $master->checkHealth(); if ($master->isSevered()) { self::setReadOnly(true, self::READONLY_SEVERED); } } try { $stack->pushSource( id(new PhabricatorConfigDatabaseSource('default')) ->setName(pht('Database'))); } catch (AphrontQueryException $exception) { // If the database is not available, just skip this configuration // source. This happens during `bin/storage upgrade`, `bin/conf` before // schema setup, etc. } } public static function repairConfig($key, $value) { if (!self::$repairSource) { self::$repairSource = id(new PhabricatorConfigDictionarySource(array())) ->setName(pht('Repaired Config')); self::$sourceStack->pushSource(self::$repairSource); } self::$repairSource->setKeys(array($key => $value)); self::dropConfigCache(); } public static function overrideConfig($key, $value) { if (!self::$overrideSource) { self::$overrideSource = id(new PhabricatorConfigDictionarySource(array())) ->setName(pht('Overridden Config')); self::$sourceStack->pushSource(self::$overrideSource); } self::$overrideSource->setKeys(array($key => $value)); self::dropConfigCache(); } public static function getUnrepairedEnvConfig($key, $default = null) { foreach (self::$sourceStack->getStack() as $source) { if ($source === self::$repairSource) { continue; } $result = $source->getKeys(array($key)); if ($result) { return $result[$key]; } } return $default; } public static function getSelectedEnvironmentName() { $env_var = 'PHABRICATOR_ENV'; $env = idx($_SERVER, $env_var); if (!$env) { $env = getenv($env_var); } if (!$env) { $env = idx($_ENV, $env_var); } if (!$env) { $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')); $path = $root.'/conf/local/ENVIRONMENT'; if (Filesystem::pathExists($path)) { $env = trim(Filesystem::readFile($path)); } } return $env; } /* -( Reading Configuration )---------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get the current configuration setting for a given key. * * If the key is not found, then throw an Exception. * * @task read */ public static function getEnvConfig($key) { if (isset(self::$cache[$key])) { return self::$cache[$key]; } if (array_key_exists($key, self::$cache)) { return self::$cache[$key]; } $result = self::$sourceStack->getKeys(array($key)); if (array_key_exists($key, $result)) { self::$cache[$key] = $result[$key]; return $result[$key]; } else { throw new Exception( pht( "No config value specified for key '%s'.", $key)); } } /** * Get the current configuration setting for a given key. If the key * does not exist, return a default value instead of throwing. This is * primarily useful for migrations involving keys which are slated for * removal. * * @task read */ public static function getEnvConfigIfExists($key, $default = null) { try { return self::getEnvConfig($key); } catch (Exception $ex) { return $default; } } /** * Get the fully-qualified URI for a path. * * @task read */ public static function getURI($path) { return rtrim(self::getAnyBaseURI(), '/').$path; } /** * Get the fully-qualified production URI for a path. * * @task read */ public static function getProductionURI($path) { // If we're passed a URI which already has a domain, simply return it // unmodified. In particular, files may have URIs which point to a CDN // domain. $uri = new PhutilURI($path); if ($uri->getDomain()) { return $path; } $production_domain = self::getEnvConfig('phabricator.production-uri'); if (!$production_domain) { $production_domain = self::getAnyBaseURI(); } return rtrim($production_domain, '/').$path; } public static function getAllowedURIs($path) { $uri = new PhutilURI($path); if ($uri->getDomain()) { return $path; } $allowed_uris = self::getEnvConfig('phabricator.allowed-uris'); $return = array(); foreach ($allowed_uris as $allowed_uri) { $return[] = rtrim($allowed_uri, '/').$path; } return $return; } /** * Get the fully-qualified production URI for a static resource path. * * @task read */ public static function getCDNURI($path) { $alt = self::getEnvConfig('security.alternate-file-domain'); if (!$alt) { $alt = self::getAnyBaseURI(); } $uri = new PhutilURI($alt); $uri->setPath($path); return (string)$uri; } /** * Get the fully-qualified production URI for a documentation resource. * * @task read */ public static function getDoclink($resource, $type = 'article') { $uri = new PhutilURI('https://secure.phabricator.com/diviner/find/'); $uri->setQueryParam('name', $resource); $uri->setQueryParam('type', $type); $uri->setQueryParam('jump', true); return (string)$uri; } /** * Build a concrete object from a configuration key. * * @task read */ public static function newObjectFromConfig($key, $args = array()) { $class = self::getEnvConfig($key); return newv($class, $args); } public static function getAnyBaseURI() { $base_uri = self::getEnvConfig('phabricator.base-uri'); if (!$base_uri) { $base_uri = self::getRequestBaseURI(); } if (!$base_uri) { throw new Exception( pht( "Define '%s' in your configuration to continue.", 'phabricator.base-uri')); } return $base_uri; } public static function getRequestBaseURI() { return self::$requestBaseURI; } public static function setRequestBaseURI($uri) { self::$requestBaseURI = $uri; } public static function isReadOnly() { if (self::$readOnly !== null) { return self::$readOnly; } return self::getEnvConfig('cluster.read-only'); } public static function setReadOnly($read_only, $reason) { self::$readOnly = $read_only; self::$readOnlyReason = $reason; } public static function getReadOnlyMessage() { $reason = self::getReadOnlyReason(); switch ($reason) { case self::READONLY_MASTERLESS: return pht( 'Phabricator is in read-only mode (no writable database '. 'is configured).'); case self::READONLY_UNREACHABLE: return pht( 'Phabricator is in read-only mode (unreachable master).'); case self::READONLY_SEVERED: return pht( 'Phabricator is in read-only mode (major interruption).'); } return pht('Phabricator is in read-only mode.'); } public static function getReadOnlyURI() { return urisprintf( '/readonly/%s/', self::getReadOnlyReason()); } public static function getReadOnlyReason() { if (!self::isReadOnly()) { return null; } if (self::$readOnlyReason !== null) { return self::$readOnlyReason; } return self::READONLY_CONFIG; } /* -( Unit Test Support )-------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @task test */ public static function beginScopedEnv() { return new PhabricatorScopedEnv(self::pushTestEnvironment()); } /** * @task test */ private static function pushTestEnvironment() { self::dropConfigCache(); $source = new PhabricatorConfigDictionarySource(array()); self::$sourceStack->pushSource($source); return spl_object_hash($source); } /** * @task test */ public static function popTestEnvironment($key) { self::dropConfigCache(); $source = self::$sourceStack->popSource(); $stack_key = spl_object_hash($source); if ($stack_key !== $key) { self::$sourceStack->pushSource($source); throw new Exception( pht( 'Scoped environments were destroyed in a different order than they '. 'were initialized.')); } } /* -( URI Validation )----------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Detect if a URI satisfies either @{method:isValidLocalURIForLink} or * @{method:isValidRemoteURIForLink}, i.e. is a page on this server or the * URI of some other resource which has a valid protocol. This rejects * garbage URIs and URIs with protocols which do not appear in the * `uri.allowed-protocols` configuration, notably 'javascript:' URIs. * * NOTE: This method is generally intended to reject URIs which it may be * unsafe to put in an "href" link attribute. * * @param string URI to test. * @return bool True if the URI identifies a web resource. * @task uri */ public static function isValidURIForLink($uri) { return self::isValidLocalURIForLink($uri) || self::isValidRemoteURIForLink($uri); } /** * Detect if a URI identifies some page on this server. * * NOTE: This method is generally intended to reject URIs which it may be * unsafe to issue a "Location:" redirect to. * * @param string URI to test. * @return bool True if the URI identifies a local page. * @task uri */ public static function isValidLocalURIForLink($uri) { $uri = (string)$uri; if (!strlen($uri)) { return false; } if (preg_match('/\s/', $uri)) { // PHP hasn't been vulnerable to header injection attacks for a bunch of // years, but we can safely reject these anyway since they're never valid. return false; } // Chrome (at a minimum) interprets backslashes in Location headers and the // URL bar as forward slashes. This is probably intended to reduce user // error caused by confusion over which key is "forward slash" vs "back // slash". // // However, it means a URI like "/\evil.com" is interpreted like // "//evil.com", which is a protocol relative remote URI. // // Since we currently never generate URIs with backslashes in them, reject // these unconditionally rather than trying to figure out how browsers will // interpret them. if (preg_match('/\\\\/', $uri)) { return false; } // Valid URIs must begin with '/', followed by the end of the string or some // other non-'/' character. This rejects protocol-relative URIs like // "//evil.com/evil_stuff/". return (bool)preg_match('@^/([^/]|$)@', $uri); } /** * Detect if a URI identifies some valid linkable remote resource. * * @param string URI to test. * @return bool True if a URI idenfies a remote resource with an allowed * protocol. * @task uri */ public static function isValidRemoteURIForLink($uri) { try { self::requireValidRemoteURIForLink($uri); return true; } catch (Exception $ex) { return false; } } /** * Detect if a URI identifies a valid linkable remote resource, throwing a * detailed message if it does not. * * A valid linkable remote resource can be safely linked or redirected to. * This is primarily a protocol whitelist check. * * @param string URI to test. * @return void * @task uri */ public static function requireValidRemoteURIForLink($raw_uri) { $uri = new PhutilURI($raw_uri); $proto = $uri->getProtocol(); if (!strlen($proto)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'URI "%s" is not a valid linkable resource. A valid linkable '. 'resource URI must specify a protocol.', $raw_uri)); } $protocols = self::getEnvConfig('uri.allowed-protocols'); if (!isset($protocols[$proto])) { throw new Exception( pht( 'URI "%s" is not a valid linkable resource. A valid linkable '. 'resource URI must use one of these protocols: %s.', $raw_uri, implode(', ', array_keys($protocols)))); } $domain = $uri->getDomain(); if (!strlen($domain)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'URI "%s" is not a valid linkable resource. A valid linkable '. 'resource URI must specify a domain.', $raw_uri)); } } /** * Detect if a URI identifies a valid fetchable remote resource. * * @param string URI to test. * @param list Allowed protocols. * @return bool True if the URI is a valid fetchable remote resource. * @task uri */ public static function isValidRemoteURIForFetch($uri, array $protocols) { try { self::requireValidRemoteURIForFetch($uri, $protocols); return true; } catch (Exception $ex) { return false; } } /** * Detect if a URI identifies a valid fetchable remote resource, throwing * a detailed message if it does not. * * A valid fetchable remote resource can be safely fetched using a request * originating on this server. This is a primarily an address check against * the outbound address blacklist. * * @param string URI to test. * @param list Allowed protocols. * @return pair Pre-resolved URI and domain. * @task uri */ public static function requireValidRemoteURIForFetch( $uri, array $protocols) { $uri = new PhutilURI($uri); $proto = $uri->getProtocol(); if (!strlen($proto)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'URI "%s" is not a valid fetchable resource. A valid fetchable '. 'resource URI must specify a protocol.', $uri)); } $protocols = array_fuse($protocols); if (!isset($protocols[$proto])) { throw new Exception( pht( 'URI "%s" is not a valid fetchable resource. A valid fetchable '. 'resource URI must use one of these protocols: %s.', $uri, implode(', ', array_keys($protocols)))); } $domain = $uri->getDomain(); if (!strlen($domain)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'URI "%s" is not a valid fetchable resource. A valid fetchable '. 'resource URI must specify a domain.', $uri)); } $addresses = gethostbynamel($domain); if (!$addresses) { throw new Exception( pht( 'URI "%s" is not a valid fetchable resource. The domain "%s" could '. 'not be resolved.', $uri, $domain)); } foreach ($addresses as $address) { if (self::isBlacklistedOutboundAddress($address)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'URI "%s" is not a valid fetchable resource. The domain "%s" '. 'resolves to the address "%s", which is blacklisted for '. 'outbound requests.', $uri, $domain, $address)); } } $resolved_uri = clone $uri; $resolved_uri->setDomain(head($addresses)); return array($resolved_uri, $domain); } /** * Determine if an IP address is in the outbound address blacklist. * * @param string IP address. * @return bool True if the address is blacklisted. */ public static function isBlacklistedOutboundAddress($address) { $blacklist = self::getEnvConfig('security.outbound-blacklist'); return PhutilCIDRList::newList($blacklist)->containsAddress($address); } public static function isClusterRemoteAddress() { $cluster_addresses = self::getEnvConfig('cluster.addresses'); if (!$cluster_addresses) { return false; } $address = idx($_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR'); if (!$address) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Unable to test remote address against cluster whitelist: '. 'REMOTE_ADDR is not defined.')); } return self::isClusterAddress($address); } public static function isClusterAddress($address) { $cluster_addresses = self::getEnvConfig('cluster.addresses'); if (!$cluster_addresses) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Phabricator is not configured to serve cluster requests. '. 'Set `cluster.addresses` in the configuration to whitelist '. 'cluster hosts before sending requests that use a cluster '. 'authentication mechanism.')); } return PhutilCIDRList::newList($cluster_addresses) ->containsAddress($address); } /* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @task internal */ public static function envConfigExists($key) { return array_key_exists($key, self::$sourceStack->getKeys(array($key))); } /** * @task internal */ public static function getAllConfigKeys() { return self::$sourceStack->getAllKeys(); } public static function getConfigSourceStack() { return self::$sourceStack; } /** * @task internal */ public static function overrideTestEnvConfig($stack_key, $key, $value) { $tmp = array(); // If we don't have the right key, we'll throw when popping the last // source off the stack. do { $source = self::$sourceStack->popSource(); array_unshift($tmp, $source); if (spl_object_hash($source) == $stack_key) { $source->setKeys(array($key => $value)); break; } } while (true); foreach ($tmp as $source) { self::$sourceStack->pushSource($source); } self::dropConfigCache(); } private static function dropConfigCache() { self::$cache = array(); } + private static function resetUmask() { + // Reset the umask to the common standard umask. The umask controls default + // permissions when files are created and propagates to subprocesses. + + // "022" is the most common umask, but sometimes it is set to something + // unusual by the calling environment. + + // Since various things rely on this umask to work properly and we are + // not aware of any legitimate reasons to adjust it, unconditionally + // normalize it until such reasons arise. See T7475 for discussion. + umask(022); + } + }