diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/engine/DiffusionCommitHookEngine.php b/src/applications/diffusion/engine/DiffusionCommitHookEngine.php index 5471cd9165..3996b9ee6e 100644 --- a/src/applications/diffusion/engine/DiffusionCommitHookEngine.php +++ b/src/applications/diffusion/engine/DiffusionCommitHookEngine.php @@ -1,937 +1,967 @@ remoteProtocol = $remote_protocol; return $this; } public function getRemoteProtocol() { return $this->remoteProtocol; } public function setRemoteAddress($remote_address) { $this->remoteAddress = $remote_address; return $this; } public function getRemoteAddress() { return $this->remoteAddress; } private function getRemoteAddressForLog() { // If whatever we have here isn't a valid IPv4 address, just store `null`. // Older versions of PHP return `-1` on failure instead of `false`. $remote_address = $this->getRemoteAddress(); $remote_address = max(0, ip2long($remote_address)); $remote_address = nonempty($remote_address, null); return $remote_address; } private function getTransactionKey() { if (!$this->transactionKey) { $entropy = Filesystem::readRandomBytes(64); $this->transactionKey = PhabricatorHash::digestForIndex($entropy); } return $this->transactionKey; } public function setSubversionTransactionInfo($transaction, $repository) { $this->subversionTransaction = $transaction; $this->subversionRepository = $repository; return $this; } public function setStdin($stdin) { $this->stdin = $stdin; return $this; } public function getStdin() { return $this->stdin; } public function setRepository(PhabricatorRepository $repository) { $this->repository = $repository; return $this; } public function getRepository() { return $this->repository; } public function setViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $this->viewer = $viewer; return $this; } public function getViewer() { return $this->viewer; } public function setMercurialHook($mercurial_hook) { $this->mercurialHook = $mercurial_hook; return $this; } public function getMercurialHook() { return $this->mercurialHook; } /* -( Hook Execution )----------------------------------------------------- */ public function execute() { $ref_updates = $this->findRefUpdates(); $all_updates = $ref_updates; $caught = null; try { try { $this->rejectDangerousChanges($ref_updates); } catch (DiffusionCommitHookRejectException $ex) { // If we're rejecting dangerous changes, flag everything that we've // seen as rejected so it's clear that none of it was accepted. foreach ($all_updates as $update) { $update->setRejectCode( PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REJECT_DANGEROUS); } throw $ex; } $this->applyHeraldRefRules($ref_updates, $all_updates); $content_updates = $this->findContentUpdates($ref_updates); $all_updates = array_merge($all_updates, $content_updates); $this->applyHeraldContentRules($content_updates, $all_updates); // TODO: Fire external hooks. // If we make it this far, we're accepting these changes. Mark all the // logs as accepted. foreach ($all_updates as $update) { $update->setRejectCode(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REJECT_ACCEPT); } } catch (Exception $ex) { // We'll throw this again in a minute, but we want to save all the logs // first. $caught = $ex; } // Save all the logs no matter what the outcome was. foreach ($all_updates as $update) { $update->save(); } if ($caught) { throw $caught; } return 0; } private function findRefUpdates() { $type = $this->getRepository()->getVersionControlSystem(); switch ($type) { case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT: return $this->findGitRefUpdates(); case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL: return $this->findMercurialRefUpdates(); case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN: return $this->findSubversionRefUpdates(); default: throw new Exception(pht('Unsupported repository type "%s"!', $type)); } } private function rejectDangerousChanges(array $ref_updates) { assert_instances_of($ref_updates, 'PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog'); $repository = $this->getRepository(); if ($repository->shouldAllowDangerousChanges()) { return; } $flag_dangerous = PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_DANGEROUS; foreach ($ref_updates as $ref_update) { if (!$ref_update->hasChangeFlags($flag_dangerous)) { // This is not a dangerous change. continue; } // We either have a branch deletion or a non fast-forward branch update. // Format a message and reject the push. $message = pht( "DANGEROUS CHANGE: %s\n". "Dangerous change protection is enabled for this repository.\n". "Edit the repository configuration before making dangerous changes.", $ref_update->getDangerousChangeDescription()); throw new DiffusionCommitHookRejectException($message); } } private function findContentUpdates(array $ref_updates) { assert_instances_of($ref_updates, 'PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog'); $type = $this->getRepository()->getVersionControlSystem(); switch ($type) { case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT: return $this->findGitContentUpdates($ref_updates); case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL: return $this->findMercurialContentUpdates($ref_updates); case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN: return $this->findSubversionContentUpdates($ref_updates); default: throw new Exception(pht('Unsupported repository type "%s"!', $type)); } } /* -( Herald )------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function applyHeraldRefRules( array $ref_updates, array $all_updates) { $this->applyHeraldRules( $ref_updates, new HeraldPreCommitRefAdapter(), $all_updates); } private function applyHeraldContentRules( array $content_updates, array $all_updates) { $this->applyHeraldRules( $content_updates, new HeraldPreCommitContentAdapter(), $all_updates); } private function applyHeraldRules( array $updates, HeraldAdapter $adapter_template, array $all_updates) { if (!$updates) { return; } $adapter_template->setHookEngine($this); $engine = new HeraldEngine(); $rules = null; $blocking_effect = null; foreach ($updates as $update) { $adapter = id(clone $adapter_template) ->setPushLog($update); if ($rules === null) { $rules = $engine->loadRulesForAdapter($adapter); } $effects = $engine->applyRules($rules, $adapter); $engine->applyEffects($effects, $adapter, $rules); $xscript = $engine->getTranscript(); if ($blocking_effect === null) { foreach ($effects as $effect) { if ($effect->getAction() == HeraldAdapter::ACTION_BLOCK) { $blocking_effect = $effect; break; } } } } if ($blocking_effect) { foreach ($all_updates as $update) { $update->setRejectCode(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REJECT_HERALD); $update->setRejectDetails($blocking_effect->getRulePHID()); } $message = $blocking_effect->getTarget(); if (!strlen($message)) { $message = pht('(None.)'); } $rules = mpull($rules, null, 'getID'); $rule = idx($rules, $effect->getRuleID()); if ($rule && strlen($rule->getName())) { $rule_name = $rule->getName(); } else { $rule_name = pht('Unnamed Herald Rule'); } throw new DiffusionCommitHookRejectException( pht( "This commit was rejected by Herald pre-commit rule %s.\n". "Rule: %s\n". "Reason: %s", 'H'.$blocking_effect->getRuleID(), $rule_name, $message)); } } public function loadViewerProjectPHIDsForHerald() { // This just caches the viewer's projects so we don't need to load them // over and over again when applying Herald rules. if ($this->heraldViewerProjects === null) { $this->heraldViewerProjects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withMemberPHIDs(array($this->getViewer()->getPHID())) ->execute(); } return mpull($this->heraldViewerProjects, 'getPHID'); } /* -( Git )---------------------------------------------------------------- */ private function findGitRefUpdates() { $ref_updates = array(); // First, parse stdin, which lists all the ref changes. The input looks // like this: // // $stdin = $this->getStdin(); $lines = phutil_split_lines($stdin, $retain_endings = false); foreach ($lines as $line) { $parts = explode(' ', $line, 3); if (count($parts) != 3) { throw new Exception(pht('Expected "old new ref", got "%s".', $line)); } $ref_old = $parts[0]; $ref_new = $parts[1]; $ref_raw = $parts[2]; if (preg_match('(^refs/heads/)', $ref_raw)) { $ref_type = PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_BRANCH; $ref_raw = substr($ref_raw, strlen('refs/heads/')); } else if (preg_match('(^refs/tags/)', $ref_raw)) { $ref_type = PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_TAG; $ref_raw = substr($ref_raw, strlen('refs/tags/')); } else { throw new Exception( pht( "Unable to identify the reftype of '%s'. Rejecting push.", $ref_raw)); } $ref_update = $this->newPushLog() ->setRefType($ref_type) ->setRefName($ref_raw) ->setRefOld($ref_old) ->setRefNew($ref_new); $ref_updates[] = $ref_update; } $this->findGitMergeBases($ref_updates); $this->findGitChangeFlags($ref_updates); return $ref_updates; } private function findGitMergeBases(array $ref_updates) { assert_instances_of($ref_updates, 'PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog'); $futures = array(); foreach ($ref_updates as $key => $ref_update) { // If the old hash is "00000...", the ref is being created (either a new // branch, or a new tag). If the new hash is "00000...", the ref is being // deleted. If both are nonempty, the ref is being updated. For updates, // we'll figure out the `merge-base` of the old and new objects here. This // lets us reject non-FF changes cheaply; later, we'll figure out exactly // which commits are new. $ref_old = $ref_update->getRefOld(); $ref_new = $ref_update->getRefNew(); if (($ref_old === self::EMPTY_HASH) || ($ref_new === self::EMPTY_HASH)) { continue; } $futures[$key] = $this->getRepository()->getLocalCommandFuture( 'merge-base %s %s', $ref_old, $ref_new); } foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $key => $future) { // If 'old' and 'new' have no common ancestors (for example, a force push // which completely rewrites a ref), `git merge-base` will exit with // an error and no output. It would be nice to find a positive test // for this instead, but I couldn't immediately come up with one. See // T4224. Assume this means there are no ancestors. list($err, $stdout) = $future->resolve(); if ($err) { $merge_base = null; } else { $merge_base = rtrim($stdout, "\n"); } $ref_update->setMergeBase($merge_base); } return $ref_updates; } private function findGitChangeFlags(array $ref_updates) { assert_instances_of($ref_updates, 'PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog'); foreach ($ref_updates as $key => $ref_update) { $ref_old = $ref_update->getRefOld(); $ref_new = $ref_update->getRefNew(); $ref_type = $ref_update->getRefType(); $ref_flags = 0; $dangerous = null; if ($ref_old === self::EMPTY_HASH) { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_ADD; } else if ($ref_new === self::EMPTY_HASH) { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_DELETE; if ($ref_type == PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_BRANCH) { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_DANGEROUS; $dangerous = pht( "The change you're attempting to push deletes the branch '%s'.", $ref_update->getRefName()); } } else { $merge_base = $ref_update->getMergeBase(); if ($merge_base == $ref_old) { // This is a fast-forward update to an existing branch. // These are safe. $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_APPEND; } else { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_REWRITE; // For now, we don't consider deleting or moving tags to be a // "dangerous" update. It's way harder to get wrong and should be easy // to recover from once we have better logging. Only add the dangerous // flag if this ref is a branch. if ($ref_type == PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_BRANCH) { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_DANGEROUS; $dangerous = pht( "The change you're attempting to push updates the branch '%s' ". "from '%s' to '%s', but this is not a fast-forward. Pushes ". "which rewrite published branch history are dangerous.", $ref_update->getRefName(), $ref_update->getRefOldShort(), $ref_update->getRefNewShort()); } } } $ref_update->setChangeFlags($ref_flags); if ($dangerous !== null) { $ref_update->attachDangerousChangeDescription($dangerous); } } return $ref_updates; } private function findGitContentUpdates(array $ref_updates) { $flag_delete = PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_DELETE; $futures = array(); foreach ($ref_updates as $key => $ref_update) { if ($ref_update->hasChangeFlags($flag_delete)) { // Deleting a branch or tag can never create any new commits. continue; } // NOTE: This piece of magic finds all new commits, by walking backward // from the new value to the value of *any* existing ref in the // repository. Particularly, this will cover the cases of a new branch, a // completely moved tag, etc. $futures[$key] = $this->getRepository()->getLocalCommandFuture( 'log --format=%s %s --not --all', '%H', $ref_update->getRefNew()); } $content_updates = array(); foreach (Futures($futures)->limit(8) as $key => $future) { list($stdout) = $future->resolvex(); if (!strlen(trim($stdout))) { // This change doesn't have any new commits. One common case of this // is creating a new tag which points at an existing commit. continue; } $commits = phutil_split_lines($stdout, $retain_newlines = false); foreach ($commits as $commit) { $content_updates[$commit] = $this->newPushLog() ->setRefType(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_COMMIT) ->setRefNew($commit) ->setChangeFlags(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_ADD); } } return $content_updates; } /* -( Mercurial )---------------------------------------------------------- */ private function findMercurialRefUpdates() { $hook = $this->getMercurialHook(); switch ($hook) { case 'pretxnchangegroup': return $this->findMercurialChangegroupRefUpdates(); case 'prepushkey': return $this->findMercurialPushKeyRefUpdates(); default: throw new Exception(pht('Unrecognized hook "%s"!', $hook)); } } private function findMercurialChangegroupRefUpdates() { $hg_node = getenv('HG_NODE'); if (!$hg_node) { throw new Exception(pht('Expected HG_NODE in environment!')); } // NOTE: We need to make sure this is passed to subprocesses, or they won't // be able to see new commits. Mercurial uses this as a marker to determine // whether the pending changes are visible or not. $_ENV['HG_PENDING'] = getenv('HG_PENDING'); $repository = $this->getRepository(); $futures = array(); foreach (array('old', 'new') as $key) { $futures[$key] = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture( 'heads --template %s', '{node}\1{branches}\2'); } // Wipe HG_PENDING out of the old environment so we see the pre-commit // state of the repository. $futures['old']->updateEnv('HG_PENDING', null); $futures['commits'] = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture( "log --rev %s --rev tip --template %s", hgsprintf('%s', $hg_node), '{node}\1{branches}\2'); // Resolve all of the futures now. We don't need the 'commits' future yet, // but it simplifies the logic to just get it out of the way. foreach (Futures($futures) as $future) { $future->resolvex(); } list($commit_raw) = $futures['commits']->resolvex(); $commit_map = $this->parseMercurialCommits($commit_raw); $this->mercurialCommits = $commit_map; list($old_raw) = $futures['old']->resolvex(); $old_refs = $this->parseMercurialHeads($old_raw); list($new_raw) = $futures['new']->resolvex(); $new_refs = $this->parseMercurialHeads($new_raw); $all_refs = array_keys($old_refs + $new_refs); $ref_updates = array(); foreach ($all_refs as $ref) { $old_heads = idx($old_refs, $ref, array()); $new_heads = idx($new_refs, $ref, array()); sort($old_heads); sort($new_heads); if ($old_heads === $new_heads) { // No changes to this branch, so skip it. continue; } if (!$new_heads) { if ($old_heads) { // It looks like this push deletes a branch, but that isn't possible // in Mercurial, so something is going wrong here. Bail out. throw new Exception( pht( 'Mercurial repository has no new head for branch "%s" after '. 'push. This is unexpected; rejecting change.')); } else { // Obviously, this should never be possible either, as it makes // no sense. Explode. throw new Exception( pht( 'Mercurial repository has no new or old heads for branch "%s" '. 'after push. This makes no sense; rejecting change.')); } } $stray_heads = array(); if (count($old_heads) > 1) { // HORRIBLE: In Mercurial, branches can have multiple heads. If the // old branch had multiple heads, we need to figure out which new // heads descend from which old heads, so we can tell whether you're // actively creating new heads (dangerous) or just working in a // repository that's already full of garbage (strongly discouraged but // not as inherently dangerous). These cases should be very uncommon. $dfutures = array(); foreach ($old_heads as $old_head) { $dfutures[$old_head] = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture( 'log --rev %s --template %s', hgsprintf('(descendants(%s) and head())', $old_head), '{node}\1'); } $head_map = array(); foreach (Futures($dfutures) as $future_head => $dfuture) { list($stdout) = $dfuture->resolvex(); $head_map[$future_head] = array_filter(explode("\1", $stdout)); } // Now, find all the new stray heads this push creates, if any. These // are new heads which do not descend from the old heads. $seen = array_fuse(array_mergev($head_map)); foreach ($new_heads as $new_head) { if (empty($seen[$new_head])) { $head_map[self::EMPTY_HASH][] = $new_head; } } } else if ($old_heads) { $head_map[head($old_heads)] = $new_heads; } else { $head_map[self::EMPTY_HASH] = $new_heads; } foreach ($head_map as $old_head => $child_heads) { foreach ($child_heads as $new_head) { if ($new_head === $old_head) { continue; } $ref_flags = 0; $dangerous = null; if ($old_head == self::EMPTY_HASH) { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_ADD; } else { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_APPEND; } $splits_existing_head = (count($child_heads) > 1); $creates_duplicate_head = ($old_head == self::EMPTY_HASH) && (count($head_map) > 1); if ($splits_existing_head || $creates_duplicate_head) { $readable_child_heads = array(); foreach ($child_heads as $child_head) { $readable_child_heads[] = substr($child_head, 0, 12); } $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_DANGEROUS; if ($splits_existing_head) { // We're splitting an existing head into two or more heads. // This is dangerous, and a super bad idea. Note that we're only // raising this if you're actively splitting a branch head. If a // head split in the past, we don't consider appends to it // to be dangerous. $dangerous = pht( "The change you're attempting to push splits the head of ". "branch '%s' into multiple heads: %s. This is inadvisable ". "and dangerous.", $ref, implode(', ', $readable_child_heads)); } else { // We're adding a second (or more) head to a branch. The new // head is not a descendant of any old head. $dangerous = pht( "The change you're attempting to push creates new, divergent ". "heads for the branch '%s': %s. This is inadvisable and ". "dangerous.", $ref, implode(', ', $readable_child_heads)); } } $ref_update = $this->newPushLog() ->setRefType(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_BRANCH) ->setRefName($ref) ->setRefOld($old_head) ->setRefNew($new_head) ->setChangeFlags($ref_flags); if ($dangerous !== null) { $ref_update->attachDangerousChangeDescription($dangerous); } $ref_updates[] = $ref_update; } } } return $ref_updates; } private function findMercurialPushKeyRefUpdates() { $key_namespace = getenv('HG_NAMESPACE'); if ($key_namespace === 'phases') { // Mercurial changes commit phases as part of normal push operations. We // just ignore these, as they don't seem to represent anything // interesting. return array(); } $key_name = getenv('HG_KEY'); $key_old = getenv('HG_OLD'); if (!strlen($key_old)) { $key_old = null; } $key_new = getenv('HG_NEW'); if (!strlen($key_new)) { $key_new = null; } if ($key_namespace !== 'bookmarks') { throw new Exception( pht( "Unknown Mercurial key namespace '%s', with key '%s' (%s -> %s). ". "Rejecting push.", $key_namespace, $key_name, coalesce($key_old, pht('null')), coalesce($key_new, pht('null')))); } if ($key_old === $key_new) { // We get a callback when the bookmark doesn't change. Just ignore this, // as it's a no-op. return array(); } $ref_flags = 0; $merge_base = null; if ($key_old === null) { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_ADD; } else if ($key_new === null) { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_DELETE; } else { list($merge_base_raw) = $this->getRepository()->execxLocalCommand( 'log --template %s --rev %s', '{node}', hgsprintf('ancestor(%s, %s)', $key_old, $key_new)); if (strlen(trim($merge_base_raw))) { $merge_base = trim($merge_base_raw); } if ($merge_base && ($merge_base === $key_old)) { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_APPEND; } else { $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_REWRITE; } } $ref_update = $this->newPushLog() ->setRefType(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_BOOKMARK) ->setRefName($key_name) ->setRefOld(coalesce($key_old, self::EMPTY_HASH)) ->setRefNew(coalesce($key_new, self::EMPTY_HASH)) ->setChangeFlags($ref_flags); return array($ref_update); } private function findMercurialContentUpdates(array $ref_updates) { $content_updates = array(); foreach ($this->mercurialCommits as $commit => $branches) { $content_updates[$commit] = $this->newPushLog() ->setRefType(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_COMMIT) ->setRefNew($commit) ->setChangeFlags(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_ADD); } return $content_updates; } private function parseMercurialCommits($raw) { $commits_lines = explode("\2", $raw); $commits_lines = array_filter($commits_lines); $commit_map = array(); foreach ($commits_lines as $commit_line) { list($node, $branches_raw) = explode("\1", $commit_line); if (!strlen($branches_raw)) { $branches = array('default'); } else { $branches = explode(' ', $branches_raw); } $commit_map[$node] = $branches; } return $commit_map; } private function parseMercurialHeads($raw) { $heads_map = $this->parseMercurialCommits($raw); $heads = array(); foreach ($heads_map as $commit => $branches) { foreach ($branches as $branch) { $heads[$branch][] = $commit; } } return $heads; } /* -( Subversion )--------------------------------------------------------- */ private function findSubversionRefUpdates() { // Subversion doesn't have any kind of mutable ref metadata. return array(); } private function findSubversionContentUpdates(array $ref_updates) { list($youngest) = execx( 'svnlook youngest %s', $this->subversionRepository); $ref_new = (int)$youngest + 1; $ref_flags = 0; $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_ADD; $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_APPEND; $ref_content = $this->newPushLog() ->setRefType(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_COMMIT) ->setRefNew($ref_new) ->setChangeFlags($ref_flags); return array($ref_content); } /* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */ private function newPushLog() { // NOTE: By default, we create these with REJECT_BROKEN as the reject // code. This indicates a broken hook, and covers the case where we // encounter some unexpected exception and consequently reject the changes. // NOTE: We generate PHIDs up front so the Herald transcripts can pick them // up. $phid = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog())->generatePHID(); return PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::initializeNewLog($this->getViewer()) ->setPHID($phid) ->attachRepository($this->getRepository()) ->setRepositoryPHID($this->getRepository()->getPHID()) ->setEpoch(time()) ->setRemoteAddress($this->getRemoteAddressForLog()) ->setRemoteProtocol($this->getRemoteProtocol()) ->setTransactionKey($this->getTransactionKey()) ->setRejectCode(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REJECT_BROKEN) ->setRejectDetails(null); } public function loadChangesetsForCommit($identifier) { $vcs = $this->getRepository()->getVersionControlSystem(); switch ($vcs) { case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT: case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL: // For git and hg, we can use normal commands. $drequest = DiffusionRequest::newFromDictionary( array( 'repository' => $this->getRepository(), 'user' => $this->getViewer(), 'commit' => $identifier, )); $raw_diff = DiffusionRawDiffQuery::newFromDiffusionRequest($drequest) ->setTimeout(5 * 60) ->setLinesOfContext(0) ->loadRawDiff(); break; case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN: // TODO: This diff has 3 lines of context, which produces slightly // incorrect "added file content" and "removed file content" results. // This may also choke on binaries, but "svnlook diff" does not support // the "--diff-cmd" flag. // For subversion, we need to use `svnlook`. list($raw_diff) = execx( 'svnlook diff -t %s %s', $this->subversionTransaction, $this->subversionRepository); break; default: throw new Exception(pht("Unknown VCS '%s!'", $vcs)); } $parser = new ArcanistDiffParser(); $changes = $parser->parseDiff($raw_diff); $diff = DifferentialDiff::newFromRawChanges($changes); return $diff->getChangesets(); } + public function loadCommitRefForCommit($identifier) { + $repository = $this->getRepository(); + $vcs = $repository->getVersionControlSystem(); + switch ($vcs) { + case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT: + return id(new DiffusionLowLevelGitCommitQuery()) + ->setRepository($repository) + ->withIdentifier($identifier) + ->execute(); + case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL: + return id(new DiffusionLowLevelMercurialCommitQuery()) + ->setRepository($repository) + ->withIdentifier($identifier) + ->execute(); + case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN: + // For subversion, we need to use `svnlook`. + list($message) = execx( + 'svnlook log -t %s %s', + $this->subversionTransaction, + $this->subversionRepository); + + return id(new DiffusionCommitRef()) + ->setMessage($message); + break; + default: + throw new Exception(pht("Unknown VCS '%s!'", $vcs)); + } + } + + } diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/herald/HeraldPreCommitContentAdapter.php b/src/applications/diffusion/herald/HeraldPreCommitContentAdapter.php index a12b0875c5..e65bc0643e 100644 --- a/src/applications/diffusion/herald/HeraldPreCommitContentAdapter.php +++ b/src/applications/diffusion/herald/HeraldPreCommitContentAdapter.php @@ -1,182 +1,193 @@ log = $log; return $this; } public function setHookEngine(DiffusionCommitHookEngine $engine) { $this->hookEngine = $engine; return $this; } public function getAdapterApplicationClass() { return 'PhabricatorApplicationDiffusion'; } public function getObject() { return $this->log; } public function getAdapterContentName() { return pht('Commit Hook: Commit Content'); } public function getFieldNameMap() { return array( ) + parent::getFieldNameMap(); } public function getFields() { return array_merge( array( self::FIELD_BODY, self::FIELD_DIFF_FILE, self::FIELD_DIFF_CONTENT, self::FIELD_DIFF_ADDED_CONTENT, self::FIELD_DIFF_REMOVED_CONTENT, self::FIELD_REPOSITORY, self::FIELD_PUSHER, self::FIELD_PUSHER_PROJECTS, self::FIELD_RULE, ), parent::getFields()); } public function getConditionsForField($field) { switch ($field) { } return parent::getConditionsForField($field); } public function getActions($rule_type) { switch ($rule_type) { case HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_GLOBAL: return array( self::ACTION_BLOCK, self::ACTION_NOTHING ); case HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL: return array( self::ACTION_NOTHING, ); } } public function getValueTypeForFieldAndCondition($field, $condition) { return parent::getValueTypeForFieldAndCondition($field, $condition); } public function getPHID() { return $this->getObject()->getPHID(); } public function getHeraldName() { return pht('Push Log'); } public function getHeraldField($field) { $log = $this->getObject(); switch ($field) { + case self::FIELD_BODY: + return $this->getCommitRef()->getMessage(); case self::FIELD_DIFF_FILE: return $this->getDiffContent('name'); case self::FIELD_DIFF_CONTENT: return $this->getDiffContent('*'); case self::FIELD_DIFF_ADDED_CONTENT: return $this->getDiffContent('+'); case self::FIELD_DIFF_REMOVED_CONTENT: return $this->getDiffContent('-'); case self::FIELD_REPOSITORY: return $this->hookEngine->getRepository()->getPHID(); case self::FIELD_PUSHER: return $this->hookEngine->getViewer()->getPHID(); case self::FIELD_PUSHER_PROJECTS: return $this->hookEngine->loadViewerProjectPHIDsForHerald(); } return parent::getHeraldField($field); } public function applyHeraldEffects(array $effects) { assert_instances_of($effects, 'HeraldEffect'); $result = array(); foreach ($effects as $effect) { $action = $effect->getAction(); switch ($action) { case self::ACTION_NOTHING: $result[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Did nothing.')); break; case self::ACTION_BLOCK: $result[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Blocked push.')); break; default: throw new Exception(pht('No rules to handle action "%s"!', $action)); } } return $result; } private function getDiffContent($type) { if ($this->changesets === null) { try { $this->changesets = $this->hookEngine->loadChangesetsForCommit( $this->log->getRefNew()); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->changesets = $ex; } } if ($this->changesets instanceof Exception) { $ex_class = get_class($this->changesets); $ex_message = $this->changesets->getmessage(); if ($type === 'name') { return array("<{$ex_class}: {$ex_message}>"); } else { return array("<{$ex_class}>" => $ex_message); } } $result = array(); if ($type === 'name') { foreach ($this->changesets as $change) { $result[] = $change->getFilename(); } } else { foreach ($this->changesets as $change) { $lines = array(); foreach ($change->getHunks() as $hunk) { switch ($type) { case '-': $lines[] = $hunk->makeOldFile(); break; case '+': $lines[] = $hunk->makeNewFile(); break; case '*': default: $lines[] = $hunk->makeChanges(); break; } } $result[$change->getFilename()] = implode('', $lines); } } return $result; } + private function getCommitRef() { + if ($this->commitRef === null) { + $this->commitRef = $this->hookEngine->loadCommitRefForCommit( + $this->log->getRefNew()); + } + return $this->commitRef; + } + } diff --git a/src/applications/herald/storage/HeraldRule.php b/src/applications/herald/storage/HeraldRule.php index aad5577611..21cba7ee9a 100644 --- a/src/applications/herald/storage/HeraldRule.php +++ b/src/applications/herald/storage/HeraldRule.php @@ -1,235 +1,235 @@ true, ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(HeraldPHIDTypeRule::TYPECONST); } public function getRuleApplied($phid) { return $this->assertAttachedKey($this->ruleApplied, $phid); } public function setRuleApplied($phid, $applied) { if ($this->ruleApplied === self::ATTACHABLE) { $this->ruleApplied = array(); } $this->ruleApplied[$phid] = $applied; return $this; } public function loadConditions() { if (!$this->getID()) { return array(); } return id(new HeraldCondition())->loadAllWhere( 'ruleID = %d', $this->getID()); } public function attachConditions(array $conditions) { assert_instances_of($conditions, 'HeraldCondition'); $this->conditions = $conditions; return $this; } public function getConditions() { // TODO: validate conditions have been attached. return $this->conditions; } public function loadActions() { if (!$this->getID()) { return array(); } return id(new HeraldAction())->loadAllWhere( 'ruleID = %d', $this->getID()); } public function attachActions(array $actions) { // TODO: validate actions have been attached. assert_instances_of($actions, 'HeraldAction'); $this->actions = $actions; return $this; } public function getActions() { return $this->actions; } public function loadEdits() { if (!$this->getID()) { return array(); } $edits = id(new HeraldRuleEdit())->loadAllWhere( 'ruleID = %d ORDER BY dateCreated DESC', $this->getID()); return $edits; } public function logEdit($editor_phid, $action) { id(new HeraldRuleEdit()) ->setRuleID($this->getID()) ->setRuleName($this->getName()) ->setEditorPHID($editor_phid) ->setAction($action) ->save(); } public function saveConditions(array $conditions) { assert_instances_of($conditions, 'HeraldCondition'); return $this->saveChildren( id(new HeraldCondition())->getTableName(), $conditions); } public function saveActions(array $actions) { assert_instances_of($actions, 'HeraldAction'); return $this->saveChildren( id(new HeraldAction())->getTableName(), $actions); } protected function saveChildren($table_name, array $children) { assert_instances_of($children, 'HeraldDAO'); if (!$this->getID()) { throw new Exception("Save rule before saving children."); } foreach ($children as $child) { $child->setRuleID($this->getID()); } // TODO: // $this->openTransaction(); queryfx( $this->establishConnection('w'), 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE ruleID = %d', $table_name, $this->getID()); foreach ($children as $child) { $child->save(); } // $this->saveTransaction(); } public function delete() { // TODO: // $this->openTransaction(); queryfx( $this->establishConnection('w'), 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE ruleID = %d', id(new HeraldCondition())->getTableName(), $this->getID()); queryfx( $this->establishConnection('w'), 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE ruleID = %d', id(new HeraldAction())->getTableName(), $this->getID()); parent::delete(); // $this->saveTransaction(); } public function hasValidAuthor() { return $this->assertAttached($this->validAuthor); } public function attachValidAuthor($valid) { $this->validAuthor = $valid; return $this; } public function getAuthor() { return $this->assertAttached($this->author); } public function attachAuthor(PhabricatorUser $user) { $this->author = $user; return $this; } public function isGlobalRule() { return ($this->getRuleType() === HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_GLOBAL); } public function isPersonalRule() { return ($this->getRuleType() === HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { if ($this->isGlobalRule()) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER; case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: $app = 'PhabricatorApplicationHerald'; $herald = PhabricatorApplication::getByClass($app); $global = HeraldCapabilityManageGlobalRules::CAPABILITY; return $herald->getPolicy($global); } } else { return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE; } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { if ($this->isPersonalRule()) { return ($viewer->getPHID() == $this->getAuthorPHID()); } else { return false; } } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { if ($this->isPersonalRule()) { return pht("A personal rule's owner can always view and edit it."); } return null; } }