diff --git a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialChangesetViewController.php b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialChangesetViewController.php index e5c5fbbc83..a99ad41268 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialChangesetViewController.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialChangesetViewController.php @@ -1,374 +1,380 @@ allowsAnonymousAccess()) { return false; } return parent::shouldRequireLogin(); } public function shouldAllowPublic() { return true; } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $author_phid = $request->getUser()->getPHID(); $rendering_reference = $request->getStr('ref'); $parts = explode('/', $rendering_reference); if (count($parts) == 2) { list($id, $vs) = $parts; } else { $id = $parts[0]; $vs = 0; } $id = (int)$id; $vs = (int)$vs; $changeset = id(new DifferentialChangeset())->load($id); if (!$changeset) { return new Aphront404Response(); } // TODO: (T603) Make Changeset policy-aware. For now, just fake it // by making sure we can see the diff. $diff = id(new DifferentialDiffQuery()) ->setViewer($request->getUser()) ->withIDs(array($changeset->getDiffID())) ->executeOne(); if (!$diff) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $view = $request->getStr('view'); if ($view) { $changeset->attachHunks($changeset->loadHunks()); $phid = idx($changeset->getMetadata(), "$view:binary-phid"); if ($phid) { return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI("/file/info/$phid/"); } switch ($view) { case 'new': return $this->buildRawFileResponse($changeset, $is_new = true); case 'old': if ($vs && ($vs != -1)) { $vs_changeset = id(new DifferentialChangeset())->load($vs); if ($vs_changeset) { $vs_changeset->attachHunks($vs_changeset->loadHunks()); return $this->buildRawFileResponse($vs_changeset, $is_new = true); } } return $this->buildRawFileResponse($changeset, $is_new = false); default: return new Aphront400Response(); } } if ($vs && ($vs != -1)) { $vs_changeset = id(new DifferentialChangeset())->load($vs); if (!$vs_changeset) { return new Aphront404Response(); } } if (!$vs) { $right = $changeset; $left = null; $right_source = $right->getID(); $right_new = true; $left_source = $right->getID(); $left_new = false; $render_cache_key = $right->getID(); } else if ($vs == -1) { $right = null; $left = $changeset; $right_source = $left->getID(); $right_new = false; $left_source = $left->getID(); $left_new = true; $render_cache_key = null; } else { $right = $changeset; $left = $vs_changeset; $right_source = $right->getID(); $right_new = true; $left_source = $left->getID(); $left_new = true; $render_cache_key = null; } if ($left) { $left->attachHunks($left->loadHunks()); } if ($right) { $right->attachHunks($right->loadHunks()); } if ($left) { $left_data = $left->makeNewFile(); if ($right) { $right_data = $right->makeNewFile(); } else { $right_data = $left->makeOldFile(); } $engine = new PhabricatorDifferenceEngine(); $synthetic = $engine->generateChangesetFromFileContent( $left_data, $right_data); $choice = clone nonempty($left, $right); $choice->attachHunks($synthetic->getHunks()); $changeset = $choice; } $coverage = null; if ($right && $right->getDiffID()) { $unit = id(new DifferentialDiffProperty())->loadOneWhere( 'diffID = %d AND name = %s', $right->getDiffID(), 'arc:unit'); if ($unit) { $coverage = array(); foreach ($unit->getData() as $result) { $result_coverage = idx($result, 'coverage'); if (!$result_coverage) { continue; } $file_coverage = idx($result_coverage, $right->getFileName()); if (!$file_coverage) { continue; } $coverage[] = $file_coverage; } $coverage = ArcanistUnitTestResult::mergeCoverage($coverage); } } $spec = $request->getStr('range'); list($range_s, $range_e, $mask) = DifferentialChangesetParser::parseRangeSpecification($spec); $parser = new DifferentialChangesetParser(); $parser->setCoverage($coverage); $parser->setChangeset($changeset); $parser->setRenderingReference($rendering_reference); $parser->setRenderCacheKey($render_cache_key); $parser->setRightSideCommentMapping($right_source, $right_new); $parser->setLeftSideCommentMapping($left_source, $left_new); $parser->setWhitespaceMode($request->getStr('whitespace')); if ($request->getStr('renderer') == '1up') { $parser->setRenderer(new DifferentialChangesetOneUpRenderer()); } if ($left && $right) { $parser->setOriginals($left, $right); } // Load both left-side and right-side inline comments. $inlines = $this->loadInlineComments( array($left_source, $right_source), $author_phid); if ($left_new) { $inlines = array_merge( $inlines, $this->buildLintInlineComments($left)); } if ($right_new) { $inlines = array_merge( $inlines, $this->buildLintInlineComments($right)); } $phids = array(); foreach ($inlines as $inline) { $parser->parseInlineComment($inline); if ($inline->getAuthorPHID()) { $phids[$inline->getAuthorPHID()] = true; } } $phids = array_keys($phids); $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids); $parser->setHandles($handles); $engine = new PhabricatorMarkupEngine(); $engine->setViewer($request->getUser()); foreach ($inlines as $inline) { $engine->addObject( $inline, PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface::MARKUP_FIELD_BODY); } $engine->process(); $parser->setMarkupEngine($engine); if ($request->isAjax()) { // TODO: This is sort of lazy, the effect is just to not render "Edit" // and "Reply" links on the "standalone view". $parser->setUser($request->getUser()); } $output = $parser->render($range_s, $range_e, $mask); $mcov = $parser->renderModifiedCoverage(); if ($request->isAjax()) { $coverage = array( 'differential-mcoverage-'.md5($changeset->getFilename()) => $mcov, ); return id(new PhabricatorChangesetResponse()) ->setRenderedChangeset($output) ->setCoverage($coverage); } Javelin::initBehavior('differential-show-more', array( 'uri' => '/differential/changeset/', 'whitespace' => $request->getStr('whitespace'), )); Javelin::initBehavior('differential-comment-jump', array()); // TODO: [HTML] Clean up DifferentialChangesetParser output, but it's // undergoing like six kinds of refactoring anyway. $output = phutil_safe_html($output); $detail = new DifferentialChangesetDetailView(); $detail->setChangeset($changeset); $detail->appendChild($output); $detail->setVsChangesetID($left_source); $panel = new DifferentialPrimaryPaneView(); $panel->appendChild( phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'differential-review-stage', 'id' => 'differential-review-stage', ), $detail->render())); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $panel ), array( 'title' => pht('Changeset View'), )); } private function loadInlineComments(array $changeset_ids, $author_phid) { $changeset_ids = array_unique(array_filter($changeset_ids)); if (!$changeset_ids) { return; } return id(new DifferentialInlineCommentQuery()) ->withViewerAndChangesetIDs($author_phid, $changeset_ids) ->execute(); } private function buildRawFileResponse( DifferentialChangeset $changeset, $is_new) { + $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); + if ($is_new) { $key = 'raw:new:phid'; } else { $key = 'raw:old:phid'; } $metadata = $changeset->getMetadata(); $file = null; $phid = idx($metadata, $key); if ($phid) { - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $phid); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($viewer) + ->withPHIDs(array($phid)) + ->execute(); + if ($file) { + $file = head($file); + } } if (!$file) { // This is just building a cache of the changeset content in the file // tool, and is safe to run on a read pathway. $unguard = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); if ($is_new) { $data = $changeset->makeNewFile(); } else { $data = $changeset->makeOldFile(); } $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileData( $data, array( 'name' => $changeset->getFilename(), 'mime-type' => 'text/plain', )); $metadata[$key] = $file->getPHID(); $changeset->setMetadata($metadata); $changeset->save(); unset($unguard); } return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($file->getBestURI()); } private function buildLintInlineComments($changeset) { $lint = id(new DifferentialDiffProperty())->loadOneWhere( 'diffID = %d AND name = %s', $changeset->getDiffID(), 'arc:lint'); if (!$lint) { return array(); } $lint = $lint->getData(); $inlines = array(); foreach ($lint as $msg) { if ($msg['path'] != $changeset->getFilename()) { continue; } $inline = new DifferentialInlineComment(); $inline->setChangesetID($changeset->getID()); $inline->setIsNewFile(true); $inline->setSyntheticAuthor('Lint: '.$msg['name']); $inline->setLineNumber($msg['line']); $inline->setLineLength(0); $inline->setContent('%%%'.$msg['description'].'%%%'); $inlines[] = $inline; } return $inlines; } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialRevisionViewController.php b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialRevisionViewController.php index 3b1eac014a..8e59c2b380 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialRevisionViewController.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialRevisionViewController.php @@ -1,997 +1,998 @@ allowsAnonymousAccess()) { return false; } return parent::shouldRequireLogin(); } public function shouldAllowPublic() { return true; } public function willProcessRequest(array $data) { $this->revisionID = $data['id']; } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $viewer_is_anonymous = !$user->isLoggedIn(); $revision = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery()) ->withIDs(array($this->revisionID)) ->setViewer($request->getUser()) ->needRelationships(true) ->needReviewerStatus(true) ->executeOne(); if (!$revision) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $diffs = id(new DifferentialDiffQuery()) ->setViewer($request->getUser()) ->withRevisionIDs(array($this->revisionID)) ->execute(); $diffs = array_reverse($diffs, $preserve_keys = true); if (!$diffs) { throw new Exception( "This revision has no diffs. Something has gone quite wrong."); } $diff_vs = $request->getInt('vs'); $target_id = $request->getInt('id'); $target = idx($diffs, $target_id, end($diffs)); $target_manual = $target; if (!$target_id) { foreach ($diffs as $diff) { if ($diff->getCreationMethod() != 'commit') { $target_manual = $diff; } } } if (empty($diffs[$diff_vs])) { $diff_vs = null; } $arc_project = $target->loadArcanistProject(); $repository = ($arc_project ? $arc_project->loadRepository() : null); list($changesets, $vs_map, $vs_changesets, $rendering_references) = $this->loadChangesetsAndVsMap( $target, idx($diffs, $diff_vs), $repository); if ($request->getExists('download')) { return $this->buildRawDiffResponse( $changesets, $vs_changesets, $vs_map, $repository); } $props = id(new DifferentialDiffProperty())->loadAllWhere( 'diffID = %d', $target_manual->getID()); $props = mpull($props, 'getData', 'getName'); $aux_fields = $this->loadAuxiliaryFields($revision); $comments = $revision->loadComments(); $comments = array_merge( $this->getImplicitComments($revision, reset($diffs)), $comments); $all_changesets = $changesets; $inlines = $this->loadInlineComments( $revision, $all_changesets); $object_phids = array_merge( $revision->getReviewers(), $revision->getCCPHIDs(), $revision->loadCommitPHIDs(), array( $revision->getAuthorPHID(), $user->getPHID(), ), mpull($comments, 'getAuthorPHID')); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $metadata = $comment->getMetadata(); $added_reviewers = idx( $metadata, DifferentialComment::METADATA_ADDED_REVIEWERS); if ($added_reviewers) { foreach ($added_reviewers as $phid) { $object_phids[] = $phid; } } $added_ccs = idx( $metadata, DifferentialComment::METADATA_ADDED_CCS); if ($added_ccs) { foreach ($added_ccs as $phid) { $object_phids[] = $phid; } } } foreach ($revision->getAttached() as $type => $phids) { foreach ($phids as $phid => $info) { $object_phids[] = $phid; } } $aux_phids = array(); foreach ($aux_fields as $key => $aux_field) { $aux_field->setDiff($target); $aux_field->setManualDiff($target_manual); $aux_field->setDiffProperties($props); $aux_phids[$key] = $aux_field->getRequiredHandlePHIDsForRevisionView(); } $object_phids = array_merge($object_phids, array_mergev($aux_phids)); $object_phids = array_unique($object_phids); $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($object_phids); foreach ($aux_fields as $key => $aux_field) { // Make sure each field only has access to handles it specifically // requested, not all handles. Otherwise you can get a field which works // only in the presence of other fields. $aux_field->setHandles(array_select_keys($handles, $aux_phids[$key])); } $reviewer_warning = null; if ($revision->getStatus() == ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVIEW) { $has_live_reviewer = false; foreach ($revision->getReviewers() as $reviewer) { if (!$handles[$reviewer]->isDisabled()) { $has_live_reviewer = true; break; } } if (!$has_live_reviewer) { $reviewer_warning = new AphrontErrorView(); $reviewer_warning->setSeverity(AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_WARNING); $reviewer_warning->setTitle(pht('No Active Reviewers')); if ($revision->getReviewers()) { $reviewer_warning->appendChild( phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht('All specified reviewers are disabled and this revision '. 'needs review. You may want to add some new reviewers.'))); } else { $reviewer_warning->appendChild( phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht('This revision has no specified reviewers and needs '. 'review. You may want to add some reviewers.'))); } } } $request_uri = $request->getRequestURI(); $limit = 100; $large = $request->getStr('large'); if (count($changesets) > $limit && !$large) { $count = count($changesets); $warning = new AphrontErrorView(); $warning->setTitle('Very Large Diff'); $warning->setSeverity(AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_WARNING); $warning->appendChild(hsprintf( '%s %s', pht( 'This diff is very large and affects %s files. Load each file '. 'individually.', new PhutilNumber($count)), phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $request_uri ->alter('large', 'true') ->setFragment('toc'), ), pht('Show All Files Inline')))); $warning = $warning->render(); $my_inlines = id(new DifferentialInlineCommentQuery()) ->withDraftComments($user->getPHID(), $this->revisionID) ->execute(); $visible_changesets = array(); foreach ($inlines + $my_inlines as $inline) { $changeset_id = $inline->getChangesetID(); if (isset($changesets[$changeset_id])) { $visible_changesets[$changeset_id] = $changesets[$changeset_id]; } } if (!empty($props['arc:lint'])) { $changeset_paths = mpull($changesets, null, 'getFilename'); foreach ($props['arc:lint'] as $lint) { $changeset = idx($changeset_paths, $lint['path']); if ($changeset) { $visible_changesets[$changeset->getID()] = $changeset; } } } } else { $warning = null; $visible_changesets = $changesets; } $revision_detail = id(new DifferentialRevisionDetailView()) ->setUser($user) ->setRevision($revision) ->setDiff(end($diffs)) ->setAuxiliaryFields($aux_fields) ->setURI($request->getRequestURI()); $actions = $this->getRevisionActions($revision); $custom_renderer_class = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'differential.revision-custom-detail-renderer'); if ($custom_renderer_class) { // TODO: build a better version of the action links and deprecate the // whole DifferentialRevisionDetailRenderer class. $custom_renderer = newv($custom_renderer_class, array()); $custom_renderer->setUser($user); $custom_renderer->setDiff($target); if ($diff_vs) { $custom_renderer->setVSDiff($diffs[$diff_vs]); } $actions = array_merge( $actions, $custom_renderer->generateActionLinks($revision, $target_manual)); } $whitespace = $request->getStr( 'whitespace', DifferentialChangesetParser::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_ALL); if ($arc_project) { list($symbol_indexes, $project_phids) = $this->buildSymbolIndexes( $arc_project, $visible_changesets); } else { $symbol_indexes = array(); $project_phids = null; } $revision_detail->setActions($actions); $revision_detail->setUser($user); $comment_view = new DifferentialRevisionCommentListView(); $comment_view->setComments($comments); $comment_view->setHandles($handles); $comment_view->setInlineComments($inlines); $comment_view->setChangesets($all_changesets); $comment_view->setUser($user); $comment_view->setTargetDiff($target); $comment_view->setVersusDiffID($diff_vs); if ($arc_project) { Javelin::initBehavior( 'repository-crossreference', array( 'section' => $comment_view->getID(), 'projects' => $project_phids, )); } $changeset_view = new DifferentialChangesetListView(); $changeset_view->setChangesets($changesets); $changeset_view->setVisibleChangesets($visible_changesets); if (!$viewer_is_anonymous) { $changeset_view->setInlineCommentControllerURI( '/differential/comment/inline/edit/'.$revision->getID().'/'); } $changeset_view->setStandaloneURI('/differential/changeset/'); $changeset_view->setRawFileURIs( '/differential/changeset/?view=old', '/differential/changeset/?view=new'); $changeset_view->setUser($user); $changeset_view->setDiff($target); $changeset_view->setRenderingReferences($rendering_references); $changeset_view->setVsMap($vs_map); $changeset_view->setWhitespace($whitespace); if ($repository) { $changeset_view->setRepository($repository); } $changeset_view->setSymbolIndexes($symbol_indexes); $changeset_view->setTitle('Diff '.$target->getID()); $diff_history = new DifferentialRevisionUpdateHistoryView(); $diff_history->setDiffs($diffs); $diff_history->setSelectedVersusDiffID($diff_vs); $diff_history->setSelectedDiffID($target->getID()); $diff_history->setSelectedWhitespace($whitespace); $diff_history->setUser($user); $local_view = new DifferentialLocalCommitsView(); $local_view->setUser($user); $local_view->setLocalCommits(idx($props, 'local:commits')); if ($repository) { $other_revisions = $this->loadOtherRevisions( $changesets, $target, $repository); } else { $other_revisions = array(); } $other_view = null; if ($other_revisions) { $other_view = $this->renderOtherRevisions($other_revisions); } $toc_view = new DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView(); $toc_view->setChangesets($changesets); $toc_view->setVisibleChangesets($visible_changesets); $toc_view->setRenderingReferences($rendering_references); $toc_view->setUnitTestData(idx($props, 'arc:unit', array())); if ($repository) { $toc_view->setRepository($repository); } $toc_view->setDiff($target); $toc_view->setUser($user); $toc_view->setRevisionID($revision->getID()); $toc_view->setWhitespace($whitespace); $comment_form = null; if (!$viewer_is_anonymous) { $draft = id(new PhabricatorDraft())->loadOneWhere( 'authorPHID = %s AND draftKey = %s', $user->getPHID(), 'differential-comment-'.$revision->getID()); $reviewers = array(); $ccs = array(); if ($draft) { $reviewers = idx($draft->getMetadata(), 'reviewers', array()); $ccs = idx($draft->getMetadata(), 'ccs', array()); if ($reviewers || $ccs) { $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles(array_merge($reviewers, $ccs)); $reviewers = array_select_keys($handles, $reviewers); $ccs = array_select_keys($handles, $ccs); } } $comment_form = new DifferentialAddCommentView(); $comment_form->setRevision($revision); $comment_form->setAuxFields($aux_fields); $comment_form->setActions($this->getRevisionCommentActions($revision)); $comment_form->setActionURI('/differential/comment/save/'); $comment_form->setUser($user); $comment_form->setDraft($draft); $comment_form->setReviewers(mpull($reviewers, 'getFullName', 'getPHID')); $comment_form->setCCs(mpull($ccs, 'getFullName', 'getPHID')); } $pane_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); Javelin::initBehavior( 'differential-keyboard-navigation', array( 'haunt' => $pane_id, )); Javelin::initBehavior('differential-user-select'); $page_pane = id(new DifferentialPrimaryPaneView()) ->setID($pane_id) ->appendChild(array( $comment_view->render(), $diff_history->render(), $warning, $local_view->render(), $toc_view->render(), $other_view, $changeset_view->render(), )); if ($comment_form) { $page_pane->appendChild($comment_form->render()); } else { // TODO: For now, just use this to get "Login to Comment". $page_pane->appendChild( id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionCommentView()) ->setUser($user) ->setRequestURI($request->getRequestURI())); } $object_id = 'D'.$revision->getID(); $top_anchor = id(new PhabricatorAnchorView()) ->setAnchorName('top') ->setNavigationMarker(true); $content = array( $reviewer_warning, $top_anchor, $revision_detail, $page_pane, ); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addCrumb( id(new PhabricatorCrumbView()) ->setName($object_id) ->setHref('/'.$object_id)); $prefs = $user->loadPreferences(); $pref_filetree = PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_DIFF_FILETREE; if ($prefs->getPreference($pref_filetree)) { $collapsed = $prefs->getPreference( PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_NAV_COLLAPSED, false); $nav = id(new DifferentialChangesetFileTreeSideNavBuilder()) ->setAnchorName('top') ->setTitle('D'.$revision->getID()) ->setBaseURI(new PhutilURI('/D'.$revision->getID())) ->setCollapsed((bool)$collapsed) ->build($changesets); $nav->appendChild($content); $nav->setCrumbs($crumbs); $content = $nav; } else { array_unshift($content, $crumbs); } return $this->buildApplicationPage( $content, array( 'title' => $object_id.' '.$revision->getTitle(), 'pageObjects' => array($revision->getPHID()), )); } private function getImplicitComments( DifferentialRevision $revision, DifferentialDiff $diff) { $author_phid = nonempty( $diff->getAuthorPHID(), $revision->getAuthorPHID()); $template = new DifferentialComment(); $template->setAuthorPHID($author_phid); $template->setRevisionID($revision->getID()); $template->setDateCreated($revision->getDateCreated()); $comments = array(); if (strlen($revision->getSummary())) { $summary_comment = clone $template; $summary_comment->setContent($revision->getSummary()); $summary_comment->setAction(DifferentialAction::ACTION_SUMMARIZE); $comments[] = $summary_comment; } if (strlen($revision->getTestPlan())) { $testplan_comment = clone $template; $testplan_comment->setContent($revision->getTestPlan()); $testplan_comment->setAction(DifferentialAction::ACTION_TESTPLAN); $comments[] = $testplan_comment; } return $comments; } private function getRevisionActions(DifferentialRevision $revision) { $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $viewer_phid = $user->getPHID(); $viewer_is_owner = ($revision->getAuthorPHID() == $viewer_phid); $viewer_is_reviewer = in_array($viewer_phid, $revision->getReviewers()); $viewer_is_cc = in_array($viewer_phid, $revision->getCCPHIDs()); $logged_in = $this->getRequest()->getUser()->isLoggedIn(); $status = $revision->getStatus(); $revision_id = $revision->getID(); $revision_phid = $revision->getPHID(); $links = array(); $can_edit = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $user, $revision, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $links[] = array( 'icon' => 'edit', 'href' => "/differential/revision/edit/{$revision_id}/", 'name' => pht('Edit Revision'), 'disabled' => !$can_edit, 'sigil' => $can_edit ? null : 'workflow', ); if (!$viewer_is_owner && !$viewer_is_reviewer) { $action = $viewer_is_cc ? 'rem' : 'add'; $links[] = array( 'icon' => $viewer_is_cc ? 'disable' : 'check', 'href' => "/differential/subscribe/{$action}/{$revision_id}/", 'name' => $viewer_is_cc ? pht('Unsubscribe') : pht('Subscribe'), 'instant' => $logged_in, 'disabled' => !$logged_in, 'sigil' => $can_edit ? null : 'workflow', ); } else { $links[] = array( 'icon' => 'enable', 'name' => pht('Automatically Subscribed'), 'disabled' => true, ); } require_celerity_resource('phabricator-object-selector-css'); require_celerity_resource('javelin-behavior-phabricator-object-selector'); $links[] = array( 'icon' => 'link', 'name' => pht('Edit Dependencies'), 'href' => "/search/attach/{$revision_phid}/DREV/dependencies/", 'sigil' => 'workflow', 'disabled' => !$can_edit, ); $maniphest = 'PhabricatorApplicationManiphest'; if (PhabricatorApplication::isClassInstalled($maniphest)) { $links[] = array( 'icon' => 'attach', 'name' => pht('Edit Maniphest Tasks'), 'href' => "/search/attach/{$revision_phid}/TASK/", 'sigil' => 'workflow', 'disabled' => !$can_edit, ); } $request_uri = $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI(); $links[] = array( 'icon' => 'download', 'name' => pht('Download Raw Diff'), 'href' => $request_uri->alter('download', 'true') ); return $links; } private function getRevisionCommentActions(DifferentialRevision $revision) { $actions = array( DifferentialAction::ACTION_COMMENT => true, ); $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $viewer_phid = $viewer->getPHID(); $viewer_is_owner = ($viewer_phid == $revision->getAuthorPHID()); $viewer_is_reviewer = in_array($viewer_phid, $revision->getReviewers()); $viewer_did_accept = ($viewer_phid === $revision->loadReviewedBy()); $status = $revision->getStatus(); $allow_self_accept = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'differential.allow-self-accept'); $always_allow_close = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'differential.always-allow-close'); $allow_reopen = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'differential.allow-reopen'); if ($viewer_is_owner) { switch ($status) { case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVIEW: $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ACCEPT] = $allow_self_accept; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ABANDON] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_RETHINK] = true; break; case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVISION: $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ACCEPT] = $allow_self_accept; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ABANDON] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_REQUEST] = true; break; case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED: $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ABANDON] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_REQUEST] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_RETHINK] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE] = true; break; case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED: break; case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ABANDONED: $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_RECLAIM] = true; break; } } else { switch ($status) { case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVIEW: $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ACCEPT] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_REJECT] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_RESIGN] = $viewer_is_reviewer; break; case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVISION: $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ACCEPT] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_RESIGN] = $viewer_is_reviewer; break; case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED: $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_REJECT] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_RESIGN] = $viewer_is_reviewer && !$viewer_did_accept; break; case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED: case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ABANDONED: break; } if ($status != ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED) { $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLAIM] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE] = $always_allow_close; } } $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ADDREVIEWERS] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_ADDCCS] = true; $actions[DifferentialAction::ACTION_REOPEN] = $allow_reopen && ($status == ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED); $actions = array_keys(array_filter($actions)); $actions_dict = array(); foreach ($actions as $action) { $actions_dict[$action] = DifferentialAction::getActionVerb($action); } return $actions_dict; } private function loadInlineComments( DifferentialRevision $revision, array &$changesets) { assert_instances_of($changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset'); $inline_comments = array(); $inline_comments = id(new DifferentialInlineCommentQuery()) ->withRevisionIDs(array($revision->getID())) ->withNotDraft(true) ->execute(); $load_changesets = array(); foreach ($inline_comments as $inline) { $changeset_id = $inline->getChangesetID(); if (isset($changesets[$changeset_id])) { continue; } $load_changesets[$changeset_id] = true; } $more_changesets = array(); if ($load_changesets) { $changeset_ids = array_keys($load_changesets); $more_changesets += id(new DifferentialChangeset()) ->loadAllWhere( 'id IN (%Ld)', $changeset_ids); } if ($more_changesets) { $changesets += $more_changesets; $changesets = msort($changesets, 'getSortKey'); } return $inline_comments; } private function loadChangesetsAndVsMap( DifferentialDiff $target, DifferentialDiff $diff_vs = null, PhabricatorRepository $repository = null) { $load_ids = array(); if ($diff_vs) { $load_ids[] = $diff_vs->getID(); } $load_ids[] = $target->getID(); $raw_changesets = id(new DifferentialChangeset()) ->loadAllWhere( 'diffID IN (%Ld)', $load_ids); $changeset_groups = mgroup($raw_changesets, 'getDiffID'); $changesets = idx($changeset_groups, $target->getID(), array()); $changesets = mpull($changesets, null, 'getID'); $refs = array(); $vs_map = array(); $vs_changesets = array(); if ($diff_vs) { $vs_id = $diff_vs->getID(); $vs_changesets_path_map = array(); foreach (idx($changeset_groups, $vs_id, array()) as $changeset) { $path = $changeset->getAbsoluteRepositoryPath($repository, $diff_vs); $vs_changesets_path_map[$path] = $changeset; $vs_changesets[$changeset->getID()] = $changeset; } foreach ($changesets as $key => $changeset) { $path = $changeset->getAbsoluteRepositoryPath($repository, $target); if (isset($vs_changesets_path_map[$path])) { $vs_map[$changeset->getID()] = $vs_changesets_path_map[$path]->getID(); $refs[$changeset->getID()] = $changeset->getID().'/'.$vs_changesets_path_map[$path]->getID(); unset($vs_changesets_path_map[$path]); } else { $refs[$changeset->getID()] = $changeset->getID(); } } foreach ($vs_changesets_path_map as $path => $changeset) { $changesets[$changeset->getID()] = $changeset; $vs_map[$changeset->getID()] = -1; $refs[$changeset->getID()] = $changeset->getID().'/-1'; } } else { foreach ($changesets as $changeset) { $refs[$changeset->getID()] = $changeset->getID(); } } $changesets = msort($changesets, 'getSortKey'); return array($changesets, $vs_map, $vs_changesets, $refs); } private function loadAuxiliaryFields(DifferentialRevision $revision) { $aux_fields = DifferentialFieldSelector::newSelector() ->getFieldSpecifications(); foreach ($aux_fields as $key => $aux_field) { if (!$aux_field->shouldAppearOnRevisionView()) { unset($aux_fields[$key]); } else { $aux_field->setUser($this->getRequest()->getUser()); } } $aux_fields = DifferentialAuxiliaryField::loadFromStorage( $revision, $aux_fields); return $aux_fields; } private function buildSymbolIndexes( PhabricatorRepositoryArcanistProject $arc_project, array $visible_changesets) { assert_instances_of($visible_changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset'); $engine = PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::newEngine(); $langs = $arc_project->getSymbolIndexLanguages(); if (!$langs) { return array(array(), array()); } $symbol_indexes = array(); $project_phids = array_merge( array($arc_project->getPHID()), nonempty($arc_project->getSymbolIndexProjects(), array())); $indexed_langs = array_fill_keys($langs, true); foreach ($visible_changesets as $key => $changeset) { $lang = $engine->getLanguageFromFilename($changeset->getFilename()); if (isset($indexed_langs[$lang])) { $symbol_indexes[$key] = array( 'lang' => $lang, 'projects' => $project_phids, ); } } return array($symbol_indexes, $project_phids); } private function loadOtherRevisions( array $changesets, DifferentialDiff $target, PhabricatorRepository $repository) { assert_instances_of($changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset'); $paths = array(); foreach ($changesets as $changeset) { $paths[] = $changeset->getAbsoluteRepositoryPath( $repository, $target); } if (!$paths) { return array(); } $path_map = id(new DiffusionPathIDQuery($paths))->loadPathIDs(); if (!$path_map) { return array(); } $query = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getRequest()->getUser()) ->withStatus(DifferentialRevisionQuery::STATUS_OPEN) ->setOrder(DifferentialRevisionQuery::ORDER_PATH_MODIFIED) ->setLimit(10) ->needRelationships(true); foreach ($path_map as $path => $path_id) { $query->withPath($repository->getID(), $path_id); } $results = $query->execute(); // Strip out *this* revision. foreach ($results as $key => $result) { if ($result->getID() == $this->revisionID) { unset($results[$key]); } } return $results; } private function renderOtherRevisions(array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $view = id(new DifferentialRevisionListView()) ->setRevisions($revisions) ->setFields(DifferentialRevisionListView::getDefaultFields($user)) ->setUser($user) ->loadAssets(); $phids = $view->getRequiredHandlePHIDs(); $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids); $view->setHandles($handles); return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Open Revisions Affecting These Files')) ->appendChild($view); } /** * Straight copy of the loadFileByPhid method in * @{class:DifferentialReviewRequestMail}. * * This is because of the code similarity between the buildPatch method in * @{class:DifferentialReviewRequestMail} and @{method:buildRawDiffResponse} * in this class. Both of these methods end up using call_user_func and this * piece of code is the lucky function. * * @return mixed (@{class:PhabricatorFile} if found, null if not) */ public function loadFileByPHID($phid) { + // TODO: (T603) Factor this and the other one out. $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( 'phid = %s', $phid); if (!$file) { return null; } return $file->loadFileData(); } /** * Note this code is somewhat similar to the buildPatch method in * @{class:DifferentialReviewRequestMail}. * * @return @{class:AphrontRedirectResponse} */ private function buildRawDiffResponse( array $changesets, array $vs_changesets, array $vs_map, PhabricatorRepository $repository = null) { assert_instances_of($changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset'); assert_instances_of($vs_changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset'); $engine = new PhabricatorDifferenceEngine(); $generated_changesets = array(); foreach ($changesets as $changeset) { $changeset->attachHunks($changeset->loadHunks()); $right = $changeset->makeNewFile(); $choice = $changeset; $vs = idx($vs_map, $changeset->getID()); if ($vs == -1) { $left = $right; $right = $changeset->makeOldFile(); } else if ($vs) { $choice = $vs_changeset = $vs_changesets[$vs]; $vs_changeset->attachHunks($vs_changeset->loadHunks()); $left = $vs_changeset->makeNewFile(); } else { $left = $changeset->makeOldFile(); } $synthetic = $engine->generateChangesetFromFileContent( $left, $right); if (!$synthetic->getAffectedLineCount()) { $filetype = $choice->getFileType(); if ($filetype == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_TEXT || $filetype == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_SYMLINK) { continue; } } $choice->attachHunks($synthetic->getHunks()); $generated_changesets[] = $choice; } $diff = new DifferentialDiff(); $diff->attachChangesets($generated_changesets); $raw_changes = $diff->buildChangesList(); $changes = array(); foreach ($raw_changes as $changedict) { $changes[] = ArcanistDiffChange::newFromDictionary($changedict); } $bundle = ArcanistBundle::newFromChanges($changes); $bundle->setLoadFileDataCallback(array($this, 'loadFileByPHID')); $vcs = $repository ? $repository->getVersionControlSystem() : null; switch ($vcs) { case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT: case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL: $raw_diff = $bundle->toGitPatch(); break; case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN: default: $raw_diff = $bundle->toUnifiedDiff(); break; } $request_uri = $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI(); // this ends up being something like // D123.diff // or the verbose // D123.vs123.id123.whitespaceignore-all.diff // lame but nice to include these options $file_name = ltrim($request_uri->getPath(), '/').'.'; foreach ($request_uri->getQueryParams() as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'download') { continue; } $file_name .= $key.$value.'.'; } $file_name .= 'diff'; $file = PhabricatorFile::buildFromFileDataOrHash( $raw_diff, array( 'name' => $file_name, )); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($file->getBestURI()); } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialReviewRequestMail.php b/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialReviewRequestMail.php index a1c3e01c17..7a3f4523f5 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialReviewRequestMail.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialReviewRequestMail.php @@ -1,155 +1,156 @@ comments = $comments; return $this; } public function getComments() { return $this->comments; } public function __construct( DifferentialRevision $revision, PhabricatorObjectHandle $actor, array $changesets) { assert_instances_of($changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset'); $this->setRevision($revision); $this->setActorHandle($actor); $this->setChangesets($changesets); } protected function prepareBody() { parent::prepareBody(); $inline_max_length = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'metamta.differential.inline-patches'); if ($inline_max_length) { $patch = $this->buildPatch(); if (count(explode("\n", $patch)) <= $inline_max_length) { $this->patch = $patch; } } } protected function renderReviewRequestBody() { $revision = $this->getRevision(); $body = array(); if (!$this->isFirstMailToRecipients()) { if (strlen($this->getComments())) { $body[] = $this->formatText($this->getComments()); $body[] = null; } } $phase = ($this->isFirstMailToRecipients() ? DifferentialMailPhase::WELCOME : DifferentialMailPhase::UPDATE); $body[] = $this->renderAuxFields($phase); $changesets = $this->getChangesets(); if ($changesets) { $body[] = 'AFFECTED FILES'; $max = self::MAX_AFFECTED_FILES; foreach (array_values($changesets) as $i => $changeset) { if ($i == $max) { $body[] = ' ('.(count($changesets) - $max).' more files)'; break; } $body[] = ' '.$changeset->getFilename(); } $body[] = null; } if ($this->patch) { $body[] = 'CHANGE DETAILS'; $body[] = $this->patch; } return implode("\n", $body); } protected function buildAttachments() { $attachments = array(); if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.differential.attach-patches')) { $revision = $this->getRevision(); $revision_id = $revision->getID(); $diffs = id(new DifferentialDiffQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getActor()) ->withRevisionIDs(array($revision_id)) ->execute(); $diff_number = count($diffs); $attachments[] = new PhabricatorMetaMTAAttachment( $this->buildPatch(), "D{$revision_id}.{$diff_number}.patch", 'text/x-patch; charset=utf-8' ); } return $attachments; } public function loadFileByPHID($phid) { + // TODO: (T603) Factor this and the other one out. $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( 'phid = %s', $phid); if (!$file) { return null; } return $file->loadFileData(); } private function buildPatch() { $diff = new DifferentialDiff(); $diff->attachChangesets($this->getChangesets()); foreach ($diff->getChangesets() as $changeset) { $changeset->attachHunks( $changeset->loadRelatives(new DifferentialHunk(), 'changesetID')); } $raw_changes = $diff->buildChangesList(); $changes = array(); foreach ($raw_changes as $changedict) { $changes[] = ArcanistDiffChange::newFromDictionary($changedict); } $bundle = ArcanistBundle::newFromChanges($changes); $bundle->setLoadFileDataCallback(array($this, 'loadFileByPHID')); $format = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.differential.patch-format'); switch ($format) { case 'git': return $bundle->toGitPatch(); break; case 'unified': default: return $bundle->toUnifiedDiff(); break; } } protected function getMailTags() { $tags = array(); if ($this->isFirstMailToRecipients()) { $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_DIFFERENTIAL_REVIEW_REQUEST; } else { $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_DIFFERENTIAL_UPDATED; } return $tags; } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/parser/DifferentialChangesetParser.php b/src/applications/differential/parser/DifferentialChangesetParser.php index e68ca33ab5..637b3ac363 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/parser/DifferentialChangesetParser.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/parser/DifferentialChangesetParser.php @@ -1,1229 +1,1230 @@ renderer = $renderer; return $this; } public function getRenderer() { if (!$this->renderer) { return new DifferentialChangesetTwoUpRenderer(); } return $this->renderer; } public function setDisableCache($disable_cache) { $this->disableCache = $disable_cache; return $this; } public function getDisableCache() { return $this->disableCache; } const CACHE_VERSION = 11; const CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 8e6; const ATTR_GENERATED = 'attr:generated'; const ATTR_DELETED = 'attr:deleted'; const ATTR_UNCHANGED = 'attr:unchanged'; const ATTR_WHITELINES = 'attr:white'; const LINES_CONTEXT = 8; const WHITESPACE_SHOW_ALL = 'show-all'; const WHITESPACE_IGNORE_TRAILING = 'ignore-trailing'; // TODO: This is now "Ignore Most" in the UI. const WHITESPACE_IGNORE_ALL = 'ignore-all'; const WHITESPACE_IGNORE_FORCE = 'ignore-force'; public function setOldLines(array $lines) { $this->old = $lines; return $this; } public function setNewLines(array $lines) { $this->new = $lines; return $this; } public function setSpecialAttributes(array $attributes) { $this->specialAttributes = $attributes; return $this; } public function setIntraLineDiffs(array $diffs) { $this->intra = $diffs; return $this; } public function setVisibileLinesMask(array $mask) { $this->visible = $mask; return $this; } /** * Configure which Changeset comments added to the right side of the visible * diff will be attached to. The ID must be the ID of a real Differential * Changeset. * * The complexity here is that we may show an arbitrary side of an arbitrary * changeset as either the left or right part of a diff. This method allows * the left and right halves of the displayed diff to be correctly mapped to * storage changesets. * * @param id The Differential Changeset ID that comments added to the right * side of the visible diff should be attached to. * @param bool If true, attach new comments to the right side of the storage * changeset. Note that this may be false, if the left side of * some storage changeset is being shown as the right side of * a display diff. * @return this */ public function setRightSideCommentMapping($id, $is_new) { $this->rightSideChangesetID = $id; $this->rightSideAttachesToNewFile = $is_new; return $this; } /** * See setRightSideCommentMapping(), but this sets information for the left * side of the display diff. */ public function setLeftSideCommentMapping($id, $is_new) { $this->leftSideChangesetID = $id; $this->leftSideAttachesToNewFile = $is_new; return $this; } public function setOriginals( DifferentialChangeset $left, DifferentialChangeset $right) { $this->originalLeft = $left; $this->originalRight = $right; } public function diffOriginals() { $engine = new PhabricatorDifferenceEngine(); $changeset = $engine->generateChangesetFromFileContent( implode('', mpull($this->originalLeft->getHunks(), 'getChanges')), implode('', mpull($this->originalRight->getHunks(), 'getChanges'))); $parser = new DifferentialHunkParser(); return $parser->parseHunksForHighlightMasks( $changeset->getHunks(), $this->originalLeft->getHunks(), $this->originalRight->getHunks()); } /** * Set a key for identifying this changeset in the render cache. If set, the * parser will attempt to use the changeset render cache, which can improve * performance for frequently-viewed changesets. * * By default, there is no render cache key and parsers do not use the cache. * This is appropriate for rarely-viewed changesets. * * NOTE: Currently, this key must be a valid Differential Changeset ID. * * @param string Key for identifying this changeset in the render cache. * @return this */ public function setRenderCacheKey($key) { $this->renderCacheKey = $key; return $this; } private function getRenderCacheKey() { return $this->renderCacheKey; } public function setChangeset(DifferentialChangeset $changeset) { $this->changeset = $changeset; $this->setFilename($changeset->getFilename()); return $this; } public function setWhitespaceMode($whitespace_mode) { $this->whitespaceMode = $whitespace_mode; return $this; } public function setRenderingReference($ref) { $this->renderingReference = $ref; return $this; } private function getRenderingReference() { return $this->renderingReference; } public function getChangeset() { return $this->changeset; } public function setFilename($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; return $this; } public function setHandles(array $handles) { assert_instances_of($handles, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle'); $this->handles = $handles; return $this; } public function setMarkupEngine(PhabricatorMarkupEngine $engine) { $this->markupEngine = $engine; return $this; } public function setUser(PhabricatorUser $user) { $this->user = $user; return $this; } public function setCoverage($coverage) { $this->coverage = $coverage; return $this; } private function getCoverage() { return $this->coverage; } public function parseInlineComment( PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface $comment) { // Parse only comments which are actually visible. if ($this->isCommentVisibleOnRenderedDiff($comment)) { $this->comments[] = $comment; } return $this; } private function loadCache() { $render_cache_key = $this->getRenderCacheKey(); if (!$render_cache_key) { return false; } $data = null; $changeset = new DifferentialChangeset(); $conn_r = $changeset->establishConnection('r'); $data = queryfx_one( $conn_r, 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE id = %d', $changeset->getTableName().'_parse_cache', $render_cache_key); if (!$data) { return false; } if ($data['cache'][0] == '{') { // This is likely an old-style JSON cache which we will not be able to // deserialize. return false; } $data = unserialize($data['cache']); if (!is_array($data) || !$data) { return false; } foreach (self::getCacheableProperties() as $cache_key) { if (!array_key_exists($cache_key, $data)) { // If we're missing a cache key, assume we're looking at an old cache // and ignore it. return false; } } if ($data['cacheVersion'] !== self::CACHE_VERSION) { return false; } // Someone displays contents of a partially cached shielded file. if (!isset($data['newRender']) && (!$this->isTopLevel || $this->comments)) { return false; } unset($data['cacheVersion'], $data['cacheHost']); $cache_prop = array_select_keys($data, self::getCacheableProperties()); foreach ($cache_prop as $cache_key => $v) { $this->$cache_key = $v; } return true; } protected static function getCacheableProperties() { return array( 'visible', 'new', 'old', 'intra', 'newRender', 'oldRender', 'specialAttributes', 'hunkStartLines', 'cacheVersion', 'cacheHost', ); } public function saveCache() { if ($this->highlightErrors) { return false; } $render_cache_key = $this->getRenderCacheKey(); if (!$render_cache_key) { return false; } $cache = array(); foreach (self::getCacheableProperties() as $cache_key) { switch ($cache_key) { case 'cacheVersion': $cache[$cache_key] = self::CACHE_VERSION; break; case 'cacheHost': $cache[$cache_key] = php_uname('n'); break; default: $cache[$cache_key] = $this->$cache_key; break; } } $cache = serialize($cache); // We don't want to waste too much space by a single changeset. if (strlen($cache) > self::CACHE_MAX_SIZE) { return; } try { $changeset = new DifferentialChangeset(); $conn_w = $changeset->establishConnection('w'); $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); queryfx( $conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (id, cache, dateCreated) VALUES (%d, %s, %d) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cache = VALUES(cache)', DifferentialChangeset::TABLE_CACHE, $render_cache_key, $cache, time()); } catch (AphrontQueryException $ex) { // TODO: uhoh } } private function markGenerated($new_corpus_block = '') { $generated_guess = (strpos($new_corpus_block, '@'.'generated') !== false); if (!$generated_guess) { $generated_path_regexps = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'differential.generated-paths'); foreach ($generated_path_regexps as $regexp) { if (preg_match($regexp, $this->changeset->getFilename())) { $generated_guess = true; break; } } } $event = new PhabricatorEvent( PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_DIFFERENTIAL_WILLMARKGENERATED, array( 'corpus' => $new_corpus_block, 'is_generated' => $generated_guess, ) ); PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event); $generated = $event->getValue('is_generated'); $this->specialAttributes[self::ATTR_GENERATED] = $generated; } public function isGenerated() { return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_GENERATED, false); } public function isDeleted() { return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_DELETED, false); } public function isUnchanged() { return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_UNCHANGED, false); } public function isWhitespaceOnly() { return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_WHITELINES, false); } private function applyIntraline(&$render, $intra, $corpus) { foreach ($render as $key => $text) { if (isset($intra[$key])) { $render[$key] = ArcanistDiffUtils::applyIntralineDiff( $text, $intra[$key]); } } } private function getHighlightFuture($corpus) { return $this->highlightEngine->getHighlightFuture( $this->highlightEngine->getLanguageFromFilename($this->filename), $corpus); } protected function processHighlightedSource($data, $result) { $result_lines = phutil_split_lines($result); foreach ($data as $key => $info) { if (!$info) { unset($result_lines[$key]); } } return $result_lines; } private function tryCacheStuff() { $whitespace_mode = $this->whitespaceMode; switch ($whitespace_mode) { case self::WHITESPACE_SHOW_ALL: case self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_TRAILING: case self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_FORCE: break; default: $whitespace_mode = self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_ALL; break; } $skip_cache = ($whitespace_mode != self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_ALL); if ($this->disableCache) { $skip_cache = true; } $this->whitespaceMode = $whitespace_mode; $changeset = $this->changeset; if ($changeset->getFileType() != DifferentialChangeType::FILE_TEXT && $changeset->getFileType() != DifferentialChangeType::FILE_SYMLINK) { $this->markGenerated(); } else { if ($skip_cache || !$this->loadCache()) { $this->process(); if (!$skip_cache) { $this->saveCache(); } } } } private function process() { $whitespace_mode = $this->whitespaceMode; $changeset = $this->changeset; $ignore_all = (($whitespace_mode == self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_ALL) || ($whitespace_mode == self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_FORCE)); $force_ignore = ($whitespace_mode == self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_FORCE); if (!$force_ignore) { if ($ignore_all && $changeset->getWhitespaceMatters()) { $ignore_all = false; } } // The "ignore all whitespace" algorithm depends on rediffing the // files, and we currently need complete representations of both // files to do anything reasonable. If we only have parts of the files, // don't use the "ignore all" algorithm. if ($ignore_all) { $hunks = $changeset->getHunks(); if (count($hunks) !== 1) { $ignore_all = false; } else { $first_hunk = reset($hunks); if ($first_hunk->getOldOffset() != 1 || $first_hunk->getNewOffset() != 1) { $ignore_all = false; } } } if ($ignore_all) { $old_file = $changeset->makeOldFile(); $new_file = $changeset->makeNewFile(); if ($old_file == $new_file) { // If the old and new files are exactly identical, the synthetic // diff below will give us nonsense and whitespace modes are // irrelevant anyway. This occurs when you, e.g., copy a file onto // itself in Subversion (see T271). $ignore_all = false; } } $hunk_parser = new DifferentialHunkParser(); $hunk_parser->setWhitespaceMode($whitespace_mode); $hunk_parser->parseHunksForLineData($changeset->getHunks()); // Depending on the whitespace mode, we may need to compute a different // set of changes than the set of changes in the hunk data (specificaly, // we might want to consider changed lines which have only whitespace // changes as unchanged). if ($ignore_all) { $engine = new PhabricatorDifferenceEngine(); $engine->setIgnoreWhitespace(true); $no_whitespace_changeset = $engine->generateChangesetFromFileContent( $old_file, $new_file); $type_parser = new DifferentialHunkParser(); $type_parser->parseHunksForLineData($no_whitespace_changeset->getHunks()); $hunk_parser->setOldLineTypeMap($type_parser->getOldLineTypeMap()); $hunk_parser->setNewLineTypeMap($type_parser->getNewLineTypeMap()); } $hunk_parser->reparseHunksForSpecialAttributes(); $unchanged = false; if (!$hunk_parser->getHasAnyChanges()) { $filetype = $this->changeset->getFileType(); if ($filetype == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_TEXT || $filetype == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_SYMLINK) { $unchanged = true; } } $changetype = $this->changeset->getChangeType(); if ($changetype == DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_MOVE_AWAY) { // sometimes we show moved files as unchanged, sometimes deleted, // and sometimes inconsistent with what actually happened at the // destination of the move. Rather than make a false claim, // omit the 'not changed' notice if this is the source of a move $unchanged = false; } $this->setSpecialAttributes(array( self::ATTR_UNCHANGED => $unchanged, self::ATTR_DELETED => $hunk_parser->getIsDeleted(), self::ATTR_WHITELINES => !$hunk_parser->getHasTextChanges(), )); $hunk_parser->generateIntraLineDiffs(); $hunk_parser->generateVisibileLinesMask(); $this->setOldLines($hunk_parser->getOldLines()); $this->setNewLines($hunk_parser->getNewLines()); $this->setIntraLineDiffs($hunk_parser->getIntraLineDiffs()); $this->setVisibileLinesMask($hunk_parser->getVisibleLinesMask()); $this->hunkStartLines = $hunk_parser->getHunkStartLines( $changeset->getHunks()); $new_corpus = $hunk_parser->getNewCorpus(); $new_corpus_block = implode('', $new_corpus); $this->markGenerated($new_corpus_block); if ($this->isTopLevel && !$this->comments && ($this->isGenerated() || $this->isUnchanged() || $this->isDeleted())) { return; } $old_corpus = $hunk_parser->getOldCorpus(); $old_corpus_block = implode('', $old_corpus); $old_future = $this->getHighlightFuture($old_corpus_block); $new_future = $this->getHighlightFuture($new_corpus_block); $futures = array( 'old' => $old_future, 'new' => $new_future, ); $corpus_blocks = array( 'old' => $old_corpus_block, 'new' => $new_corpus_block, ); $this->highlightErrors = false; foreach (Futures($futures) as $key => $future) { try { try { $highlighted = $future->resolve(); } catch (PhutilSyntaxHighlighterException $ex) { $this->highlightErrors = true; $highlighted = id(new PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighter()) ->getHighlightFuture($corpus_blocks[$key]) ->resolve(); } switch ($key) { case 'old': $this->oldRender = $this->processHighlightedSource( $this->old, $highlighted); break; case 'new': $this->newRender = $this->processHighlightedSource( $this->new, $highlighted); break; } } catch (Exception $ex) { phlog($ex); throw $ex; } } $this->applyIntraline( $this->oldRender, ipull($this->intra, 0), $old_corpus); $this->applyIntraline( $this->newRender, ipull($this->intra, 1), $new_corpus); } private function shouldRenderPropertyChangeHeader($changeset) { if (!$this->isTopLevel) { // We render properties only at top level; otherwise we get multiple // copies of them when a user clicks "Show More". return false; } $old = $changeset->getOldProperties(); $new = $changeset->getNewProperties(); if ($old === $new) { return false; } if ($changeset->getChangeType() == DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_ADD && $new == array('unix:filemode' => '100644')) { return false; } if ($changeset->getChangeType() == DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_DELETE && $old == array('unix:filemode' => '100644')) { return false; } return true; } public function render( $range_start = null, $range_len = null, $mask_force = array()) { // "Top level" renders are initial requests for the whole file, versus // requests for a specific range generated by clicking "show more". We // generate property changes and "shield" UI elements only for toplevel // requests. $this->isTopLevel = (($range_start === null) && ($range_len === null)); $this->highlightEngine = PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::newEngine(); $this->tryCacheStuff(); $render_pch = $this->shouldRenderPropertyChangeHeader($this->changeset); $rows = max( count($this->old), count($this->new)); $renderer = $this->getRenderer() ->setChangeset($this->changeset) ->setRenderPropertyChangeHeader($render_pch) ->setIsTopLevel($this->isTopLevel) ->setOldRender($this->oldRender) ->setNewRender($this->newRender) ->setHunkStartLines($this->hunkStartLines) ->setOldChangesetID($this->leftSideChangesetID) ->setNewChangesetID($this->rightSideChangesetID) ->setOldAttachesToNewFile($this->leftSideAttachesToNewFile) ->setNewAttachesToNewFile($this->rightSideAttachesToNewFile) ->setCodeCoverage($this->getCoverage()) ->setRenderingReference($this->getRenderingReference()) ->setMarkupEngine($this->markupEngine) ->setHandles($this->handles) ->setOldLines($this->old) ->setNewLines($this->new); if ($this->user) { $renderer->setUser($this->user); } $shield = null; if ($this->isTopLevel && !$this->comments) { if ($this->isGenerated()) { $shield = $renderer->renderShield( pht( 'This file contains generated code, which does not normally '. 'need to be reviewed.')); } else if ($this->isUnchanged()) { $type = 'text'; if (!$rows) { // NOTE: Normally, diffs which don't change files do not include // file content (for example, if you "chmod +x" a file and then // run "git show", the file content is not available). Similarly, // if you move a file from A to B without changing it, diffs normally // do not show the file content. In some cases `arc` is able to // synthetically generate content for these diffs, but for raw diffs // we'll never have it so we need to be prepared to not render a link. $type = 'none'; } $shield = $renderer->renderShield( pht('The contents of this file were not changed.'), $type); } else if ($this->isWhitespaceOnly()) { $shield = $renderer->renderShield( pht('This file was changed only by adding or removing whitespace.'), 'whitespace'); } else if ($this->isDeleted()) { $shield = $renderer->renderShield( pht('This file was completely deleted.')); } else if ($this->changeset->getAffectedLineCount() > 2500) { $lines = number_format($this->changeset->getAffectedLineCount()); $shield = $renderer->renderShield( pht( 'This file has a very large number of changes (%s lines).', $lines)); } } if ($shield) { return $renderer->renderChangesetTable($shield); } $old_comments = array(); $new_comments = array(); $old_mask = array(); $new_mask = array(); $feedback_mask = array(); if ($this->comments) { foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { $start = max($comment->getLineNumber() - self::LINES_CONTEXT, 0); $end = $comment->getLineNumber() + $comment->getLineLength() + self::LINES_CONTEXT; $new_side = $this->isCommentOnRightSideWhenDisplayed($comment); for ($ii = $start; $ii <= $end; $ii++) { if ($new_side) { $new_mask[$ii] = true; } else { $old_mask[$ii] = true; } } } foreach ($this->old as $ii => $old) { if (isset($old['line']) && isset($old_mask[$old['line']])) { $feedback_mask[$ii] = true; } } foreach ($this->new as $ii => $new) { if (isset($new['line']) && isset($new_mask[$new['line']])) { $feedback_mask[$ii] = true; } } $this->comments = msort($this->comments, 'getID'); foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { $final = $comment->getLineNumber() + $comment->getLineLength(); $final = max(1, $final); if ($this->isCommentOnRightSideWhenDisplayed($comment)) { $new_comments[$final][] = $comment; } else { $old_comments[$final][] = $comment; } } } $renderer ->setOldComments($old_comments) ->setNewComments($new_comments); switch ($this->changeset->getFileType()) { case DifferentialChangeType::FILE_IMAGE: $old = null; $new = null; // TODO: Improve the architectural issue as discussed in D955 // https://secure.phabricator.com/D955 $reference = $this->getRenderingReference(); $parts = explode('/', $reference); if (count($parts) == 2) { list($id, $vs) = $parts; } else { $id = $parts[0]; $vs = 0; } $id = (int)$id; $vs = (int)$vs; if (!$vs) { $metadata = $this->changeset->getMetadata(); $data = idx($metadata, 'attachment-data'); $old_phid = idx($metadata, 'old:binary-phid'); $new_phid = idx($metadata, 'new:binary-phid'); } else { $vs_changeset = id(new DifferentialChangeset())->load($vs); $old_phid = null; $new_phid = null; // TODO: This is spooky, see D6851 if ($vs_changeset) { $vs_metadata = $vs_changeset->getMetadata(); $old_phid = idx($vs_metadata, 'new:binary-phid'); } $changeset = id(new DifferentialChangeset())->load($id); if ($changeset) { $metadata = $changeset->getMetadata(); $new_phid = idx($metadata, 'new:binary-phid'); } } if ($old_phid || $new_phid) { // grab the files, (micro) optimization for 1 query not 2 $file_phids = array(); if ($old_phid) { $file_phids[] = $old_phid; } if ($new_phid) { $file_phids[] = $new_phid; } + // TODO: (T603) Probably fine to use omnipotent viewer here? $files = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( 'phid IN (%Ls)', $file_phids); foreach ($files as $file) { if (empty($file)) { continue; } if ($file->getPHID() == $old_phid) { $old = $file; } else if ($file->getPHID() == $new_phid) { $new = $file; } } } return $renderer->renderFileChange($old, $new, $id, $vs); case DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY: case DifferentialChangeType::FILE_BINARY: $output = $renderer->renderChangesetTable(null); return $output; } if ($this->originalLeft && $this->originalRight) { list($highlight_old, $highlight_new) = $this->diffOriginals(); $highlight_old = array_flip($highlight_old); $highlight_new = array_flip($highlight_new); $renderer ->setHighlightOld($highlight_old) ->setHighlightNew($highlight_new); } $renderer ->setOriginalOld($this->originalLeft) ->setOriginalNew($this->originalRight); if ($range_start === null) { $range_start = 0; } if ($range_len === null) { $range_len = $rows; } $range_len = min($range_len, $rows - $range_start); list($gaps, $mask, $depths) = $this->calculateGapsMaskAndDepths( $mask_force, $feedback_mask, $range_start, $range_len); $renderer ->setGaps($gaps) ->setMask($mask) ->setDepths($depths); $html = $renderer->renderTextChange( $range_start, $range_len, $rows); return $renderer->renderChangesetTable($html); } /** * This function calculates a lot of stuff we need to know to display * the diff: * * Gaps - compute gaps in the visible display diff, where we will render * "Show more context" spacers. If a gap is smaller than the context size, * we just display it. Otherwise, we record it into $gaps and will render a * "show more context" element instead of diff text below. A given $gap * is a tuple of $gap_line_number_start and $gap_length. * * Mask - compute the actual lines that need to be shown (because they * are near changes lines, near inline comments, or the request has * explicitly asked for them, i.e. resulting from the user clicking * "show more"). The $mask returned is a sparesely populated dictionary * of $visible_line_number => true. * * Depths - compute how indented any given line is. The $depths returned * is a sparesely populated dictionary of $visible_line_number => $depth. * * This function also has the side effect of modifying member variable * new such that tabs are normalized to spaces for each line of the diff. * * @return array($gaps, $mask, $depths) */ private function calculateGapsMaskAndDepths($mask_force, $feedback_mask, $range_start, $range_len) { // Calculate gaps and mask first $gaps = array(); $gap_start = 0; $in_gap = false; $base_mask = $this->visible + $mask_force + $feedback_mask; $base_mask[$range_start + $range_len] = true; for ($ii = $range_start; $ii <= $range_start + $range_len; $ii++) { if (isset($base_mask[$ii])) { if ($in_gap) { $gap_length = $ii - $gap_start; if ($gap_length <= self::LINES_CONTEXT) { for ($jj = $gap_start; $jj <= $gap_start + $gap_length; $jj++) { $base_mask[$jj] = true; } } else { $gaps[] = array($gap_start, $gap_length); } $in_gap = false; } } else { if (!$in_gap) { $gap_start = $ii; $in_gap = true; } } } $gaps = array_reverse($gaps); $mask = $base_mask; // Time to calculate depth. // We need to go backwards to properly indent whitespace in this code: // // 0: class C { // 1: // 1: function f() { // 2: // 2: return; // 1: // 1: } // 0: // 0: } // $depths = array(); $last_depth = 0; $range_end = $range_start + $range_len; if (!isset($this->new[$range_end])) { $range_end--; } for ($ii = $range_end; $ii >= $range_start; $ii--) { // We need to expand tabs to process mixed indenting and to round // correctly later. $line = str_replace("\t", " ", $this->new[$ii]['text']); $trimmed = ltrim($line); if ($trimmed != '') { // We round down to flatten "/**" and " *". $last_depth = floor((strlen($line) - strlen($trimmed)) / 2); } $depths[$ii] = $last_depth; } return array($gaps, $mask, $depths); } /** * Determine if an inline comment will appear on the rendered diff, * taking into consideration which halves of which changesets will actually * be shown. * * @param PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface Comment to test for visibility. * @return bool True if the comment is visible on the rendered diff. */ private function isCommentVisibleOnRenderedDiff( PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface $comment) { $changeset_id = $comment->getChangesetID(); $is_new = $comment->getIsNewFile(); if ($changeset_id == $this->rightSideChangesetID && $is_new == $this->rightSideAttachesToNewFile) { return true; } if ($changeset_id == $this->leftSideChangesetID && $is_new == $this->leftSideAttachesToNewFile) { return true; } return false; } /** * Determine if a comment will appear on the right side of the display diff. * Note that the comment must appear somewhere on the rendered changeset, as * per isCommentVisibleOnRenderedDiff(). * * @param PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface Comment to test for display * location. * @return bool True for right, false for left. */ private function isCommentOnRightSideWhenDisplayed( PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface $comment) { if (!$this->isCommentVisibleOnRenderedDiff($comment)) { throw new Exception("Comment is not visible on changeset!"); } $changeset_id = $comment->getChangesetID(); $is_new = $comment->getIsNewFile(); if ($changeset_id == $this->rightSideChangesetID && $is_new == $this->rightSideAttachesToNewFile) { return true; } return false; } /** * Parse the 'range' specification that this class and the client-side JS * emit to indicate that a user clicked "Show more..." on a diff. Generally, * use is something like this: * * $spec = $request->getStr('range'); * $parsed = DifferentialChangesetParser::parseRangeSpecification($spec); * list($start, $end, $mask) = $parsed; * $parser->render($start, $end, $mask); * * @param string Range specification, indicating the range of the diff that * should be rendered. * @return tuple List of suitable for passing to * @{method:render}. */ public static function parseRangeSpecification($spec) { $range_s = null; $range_e = null; $mask = array(); if ($spec) { $match = null; if (preg_match('@^(\d+)-(\d+)(?:/(\d+)-(\d+))?$@', $spec, $match)) { $range_s = (int)$match[1]; $range_e = (int)$match[2]; if (count($match) > 3) { $start = (int)$match[3]; $len = (int)$match[4]; for ($ii = $start; $ii < $start + $len; $ii++) { $mask[$ii] = true; } } } } return array($range_s, $range_e, $mask); } /** * Render "modified coverage" information; test coverage on modified lines. * This synthesizes diff information with unit test information into a useful * indicator of how well tested a change is. */ public function renderModifiedCoverage() { $na = phutil_tag('em', array(), '-'); $coverage = $this->getCoverage(); if (!$coverage) { return $na; } $covered = 0; $not_covered = 0; foreach ($this->new as $k => $new) { if (!$new['line']) { continue; } if (!$new['type']) { continue; } if (empty($coverage[$new['line'] - 1])) { continue; } switch ($coverage[$new['line'] - 1]) { case 'C': $covered++; break; case 'U': $not_covered++; break; } } if (!$covered && !$not_covered) { return $na; } return sprintf('%d%%', 100 * ($covered / ($covered + $not_covered))); } public function detectCopiedCode( array $changesets, $min_width = 30, $min_lines = 3) { assert_instances_of($changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset'); $map = array(); $files = array(); $types = array(); foreach ($changesets as $changeset) { $file = $changeset->getFilename(); foreach ($changeset->getHunks() as $hunk) { $line = $hunk->getOldOffset(); foreach (explode("\n", $hunk->getChanges()) as $code) { $type = (isset($code[0]) ? $code[0] : ''); if ($type == '-' || $type == ' ') { $code = trim(substr($code, 1)); $files[$file][$line] = $code; $types[$file][$line] = $type; if (strlen($code) >= $min_width) { $map[$code][] = array($file, $line); } $line++; } } } } foreach ($changesets as $changeset) { $copies = array(); foreach ($changeset->getHunks() as $hunk) { $added = array_map('trim', $hunk->getAddedLines()); for (reset($added); list($line, $code) = each($added); ) { if (isset($map[$code])) { // We found a long matching line. $best_length = 0; foreach ($map[$code] as $val) { // Explore all candidates. list($file, $orig_line) = $val; $length = 1; // Search also backwards for short lines. foreach (array(-1, 1) as $direction) { $offset = $direction; while (!isset($copies[$line + $offset]) && isset($added[$line + $offset]) && idx($files[$file], $orig_line + $offset) === $added[$line + $offset]) { $length++; $offset += $direction; } } if ($length > $best_length || ($length == $best_length && // Prefer moves. idx($types[$file], $orig_line) == '-')) { $best_length = $length; // ($offset - 1) contains number of forward matching lines. $best_offset = $offset - 1; $best_file = $file; $best_line = $orig_line; } } $file = ($best_file == $changeset->getFilename() ? '' : $best_file); for ($i = $best_length; $i--; ) { $type = idx($types[$best_file], $best_line + $best_offset - $i); $copies[$line + $best_offset - $i] = ($best_length < $min_lines ? array() // Ignore short blocks. : array($file, $best_line + $best_offset - $i, $type)); } for ($i = 0; $i < $best_offset; $i++) { next($added); } } } } $copies = array_filter($copies); if ($copies) { $metadata = $changeset->getMetadata(); $metadata['copy:lines'] = $copies; $changeset->setMetadata($metadata); } } return $changesets; } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/conduit/ConduitAPI_file_download_Method.php b/src/applications/files/conduit/ConduitAPI_file_download_Method.php index 6d6215040f..66c7c700fd 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/conduit/ConduitAPI_file_download_Method.php +++ b/src/applications/files/conduit/ConduitAPI_file_download_Method.php @@ -1,42 +1,43 @@ 'required phid', ); } public function defineReturnType() { return 'nonempty base64-bytes'; } public function defineErrorTypes() { return array( 'ERR-BAD-PHID' => 'No such file exists.', ); } protected function execute(ConduitAPIRequest $request) { $phid = $request->getValue('phid'); - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $phid); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($request->getUser()) + ->withPHIDs(array($phid)) + ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { throw new ConduitException('ERR-BAD-PHID'); } return base64_encode($file->loadFileData()); } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/conduit/ConduitAPI_file_info_Method.php b/src/applications/files/conduit/ConduitAPI_file_info_Method.php index ca0d6ccdc9..555ec2585a 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/conduit/ConduitAPI_file_info_Method.php +++ b/src/applications/files/conduit/ConduitAPI_file_info_Method.php @@ -1,61 +1,63 @@ 'optional phid', 'id' => 'optional id', ); } public function defineReturnType() { return 'nonempty dict'; } public function defineErrorTypes() { return array( 'ERR-NOT-FOUND' => 'No such file exists.', ); } protected function execute(ConduitAPIRequest $request) { $phid = $request->getValue('phid'); $id = $request->getValue('id'); + $query = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($request->getUser()); if ($id) { - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->load($id); + $query->withIDs(array($id)); } else { - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $phid); + $query->withPHIDs(array($phid)); } + $file = $query->executeOne(); + if (!$file) { throw new ConduitException('ERR-NOT-FOUND'); } $uri = $file->getBestURI(); return array( 'id' => $file->getID(), 'phid' => $file->getPHID(), 'objectName' => 'F'.$file->getID(), 'name' => $file->getName(), 'mimeType' => $file->getMimeType(), 'byteSize' => $file->getByteSize(), 'authorPHID' => $file->getAuthorPHID(), 'dateCreated' => $file->getDateCreated(), 'dateModified' => $file->getDateModified(), 'uri' => PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($uri), ); } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDataController.php b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDataController.php index 8423277955..bd42f01c9d 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDataController.php +++ b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDataController.php @@ -1,79 +1,80 @@ phid = $data['phid']; $this->key = $data['key']; } public function shouldRequireLogin() { return false; } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $alt = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.alternate-file-domain'); $uri = new PhutilURI($alt); $alt_domain = $uri->getDomain(); if ($alt_domain && ($alt_domain != $request->getHost())) { return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($uri->setPath($request->getPath())); } - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $this->phid); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($request->getUser()) + ->withPHIDs(array($this->phid)) + ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { return new Aphront404Response(); } if (!$file->validateSecretKey($this->key)) { return new Aphront403Response(); } $data = $file->loadFileData(); $response = new AphrontFileResponse(); $response->setContent($data); $response->setCacheDurationInSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 30); // NOTE: It's important to accept "Range" requests when playing audio. // If we don't, Safari has difficulty figuring out how long sounds are // and glitches when trying to loop them. In particular, Safari sends // an initial request for bytes 0-1 of the audio file, and things go south // if we can't respond with a 206 Partial Content. $range = $request->getHTTPHeader('range'); if ($range) { $matches = null; if (preg_match('/^bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)$/', $range, $matches)) { $response->setHTTPResponseCode(206); $response->setRange((int)$matches[1], (int)$matches[2]); } } $is_viewable = $file->isViewableInBrowser(); $force_download = $request->getExists('download'); if ($is_viewable && !$force_download) { $response->setMimeType($file->getViewableMimeType()); } else { if (!$request->isHTTPPost()) { // NOTE: Require POST to download files. We'd rather go full-bore and // do a real CSRF check, but can't currently authenticate users on the // file domain. This should blunt any attacks based on iframes, script // tags, applet tags, etc., at least. Send the user to the "info" page // if they're using some other method. return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI(PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($file->getBestURI())); } $response->setMimeType($file->getMimeType()); $response->setDownload($file->getName()); } return $response; } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDeleteController.php b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDeleteController.php index 5f54debdc9..17be9f2ff2 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDeleteController.php +++ b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDeleteController.php @@ -1,44 +1,49 @@ id = $data['id']; } public function processRequest() { - $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'id = %d', - $this->id); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($user) + ->withIDs(array($this->id)) + ->requireCapabilities( + array( + PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, + PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, + )) + ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { return new Aphront404Response(); } if (($user->getPHID() != $file->getAuthorPHID()) && (!$user->getIsAdmin())) { return new Aphront403Response(); } if ($request->isFormPost()) { $file->delete(); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI('/file/'); } $dialog = new AphrontDialogView(); $dialog->setUser($user); $dialog->setTitle('Really delete file?'); $dialog->appendChild(hsprintf( "

Permanently delete '%s'? This action can not be undone.

", $file->getName())); $dialog->addSubmitButton('Delete'); $dialog->addCancelButton($file->getInfoURI()); return id(new AphrontDialogResponse())->setDialog($dialog); } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileShortcutController.php b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileShortcutController.php index 3d699e10d4..30eb9fa995 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileShortcutController.php +++ b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileShortcutController.php @@ -1,20 +1,24 @@ id = $data['id']; } public function processRequest() { - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->load($this->id); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($this->getRequest()->getUser()) + ->withIDs(array($this->id)) + ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { return new Aphront404Response(); } + return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($file->getBestURI()); } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileTransformController.php b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileTransformController.php index ffcf9935ea..7a8eb7772d 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileTransformController.php +++ b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileTransformController.php @@ -1,155 +1,156 @@ transform = $data['transform']; $this->phid = $data['phid']; $this->key = $data['key']; } public function shouldRequireLogin() { return false; } public function processRequest() { + $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $this->phid); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($viewer) + ->withPHIDs(array($this->phid)) + ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { return new Aphront404Response(); } if (!$file->validateSecretKey($this->key)) { return new Aphront403Response(); } $xform = id(new PhabricatorTransformedFile()) ->loadOneWhere( 'originalPHID = %s AND transform = %s', $this->phid, $this->transform); if ($xform) { return $this->buildTransformedFileResponse($xform); } $type = $file->getMimeType(); if (!$file->isViewableInBrowser() || !$file->isTransformableImage()) { return $this->buildDefaultTransformation($file); } // We're essentially just building a cache here and don't need CSRF // protection. $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); switch ($this->transform) { case 'thumb-profile': $xformed_file = $this->executeThumbTransform($file, 50, 50); break; case 'thumb-280x210': $xformed_file = $this->executeThumbTransform($file, 280, 210); break; case 'thumb-220x165': $xformed_file = $this->executeThumbTransform($file, 220, 165); break; case 'preview-140': $xformed_file = $this->executePreviewTransform($file, 140); break; case 'preview-220': $xformed_file = $this->executePreviewTransform($file, 220); break; case 'thumb-160x120': $xformed_file = $this->executeThumbTransform($file, 160, 120); break; case 'thumb-60x45': $xformed_file = $this->executeThumbTransform($file, 60, 45); break; default: return new Aphront400Response(); } if (!$xformed_file) { return new Aphront400Response(); } $xform = new PhabricatorTransformedFile(); $xform->setOriginalPHID($this->phid); $xform->setTransform($this->transform); $xform->setTransformedPHID($xformed_file->getPHID()); $xform->save(); return $this->buildTransformedFileResponse($xform); } private function buildDefaultTransformation(PhabricatorFile $file) { static $regexps = array( '@application/zip@' => 'zip', '@image/@' => 'image', '@application/pdf@' => 'pdf', '@.*@' => 'default', ); $type = $file->getMimeType(); $prefix = 'default'; foreach ($regexps as $regexp => $implied_prefix) { if (preg_match($regexp, $type)) { $prefix = $implied_prefix; break; } } switch ($this->transform) { case 'thumb-160x120': $suffix = '160x120'; break; case 'thumb-60x45': $suffix = '60x45'; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported transformation type!"); } $path = celerity_get_resource_uri( "/rsrc/image/icon/fatcow/thumbnails/{$prefix}{$suffix}.png"); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($path); } private function buildTransformedFileResponse( PhabricatorTransformedFile $xform) { - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $xform->getTransformedPHID()); - if ($file) { - $uri = $file->getBestURI(); - } else { - $bad_phid = $xform->getTransformedPHID(); - throw new Exception( - "Unable to load file with phid {$bad_phid}." - ); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($this->getRequest()->getUser()) + ->withPHIDs(array($xform->getTransformedPHID())) + ->executeOne(); + if (!$file) { + return new Aphront404Response(); } // TODO: We could just delegate to the file view controller instead, // which would save the client a roundtrip, but is slightly more complex. + $uri = $file->getBestURI(); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($uri); } private function executePreviewTransform(PhabricatorFile $file, $size) { $xformer = new PhabricatorImageTransformer(); return $xformer->executePreviewTransform($file, $size); } private function executeThumbTransform(PhabricatorFile $file, $x, $y) { $xformer = new PhabricatorImageTransformer(); return $xformer->executeThumbTransform($file, $x, $y); } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/management/PhabricatorFilesManagementWorkflow.php b/src/applications/files/management/PhabricatorFilesManagementWorkflow.php index 4272122802..85de4aefcb 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/management/PhabricatorFilesManagementWorkflow.php +++ b/src/applications/files/management/PhabricatorFilesManagementWorkflow.php @@ -1,53 +1,55 @@ getArg('all')) { if ($args->getArg('names')) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( "Specify either a list of files or `--all`, but not both."); } return new LiskMigrationIterator(new PhabricatorFile()); } if ($args->getArg('names')) { $iterator = array(); + // TODO: (T603) Convert this to ObjectNameQuery. + foreach ($args->getArg('names') as $name) { $name = trim($name); $id = preg_replace('/^F/i', '', $name); if (ctype_digit($id)) { $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( 'id = %d', $id); if (!$file) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( "No file exists with ID '{$name}'."); } } else { $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( 'phid = %s', $name); if (!$file) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( "No file exists with PHID '{$name}'."); } } $iterator[] = $file; } return $iterator; } return null; } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/remarkup/PhabricatorRemarkupRuleEmbedFile.php b/src/applications/files/remarkup/PhabricatorRemarkupRuleEmbedFile.php index 6758ccbea8..81a242c098 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/remarkup/PhabricatorRemarkupRuleEmbedFile.php +++ b/src/applications/files/remarkup/PhabricatorRemarkupRuleEmbedFile.php @@ -1,234 +1,236 @@ load($matches[1]); } if (!$file) { return $matches[0]; } $engine = $this->getEngine(); if ($engine->isTextMode()) { return $engine->storeText($file->getBestURI()); } $phid = $file->getPHID(); $token = $engine->storeText(''); $metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_EMBED_FILE; $metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array()); $bundle = array('token' => $token); $options = array( 'size' => 'thumb', 'layout' => 'left', 'float' => false, 'name' => null, ); if (!empty($matches[2])) { $matches[2] = trim($matches[2], ', '); $parser = new PhutilSimpleOptions(); $options = $parser->parse($matches[2]) + $options; } $file_name = coalesce($options['name'], $file->getName()); $options['name'] = $file_name; $is_viewable_image = $file->isViewableImage(); $is_audio = $file->isAudio(); $attrs = array(); if ($is_viewable_image) { switch ((string)$options['size']) { case 'full': $attrs['src'] = $file->getBestURI(); $options['image_class'] = null; $file_data = $file->getMetadata(); $height = idx($file_data, PhabricatorFile::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT); if ($height) { $attrs['height'] = $height; } $width = idx($file_data, PhabricatorFile::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH); if ($width) { $attrs['width'] = $width; } break; case 'thumb': default: $attrs['src'] = $file->getPreview220URI(); $dimensions = PhabricatorImageTransformer::getPreviewDimensions($file, 220); $attrs['width'] = $dimensions['sdx']; $attrs['height'] = $dimensions['sdy']; $options['image_class'] = 'phabricator-remarkup-embed-image'; break; } } $bundle['attrs'] = $attrs; $bundle['options'] = $options; $bundle['meta'] = array( 'phid' => $file->getPHID(), 'viewable' => $is_viewable_image, 'audio' => $is_audio, 'uri' => $file->getBestURI(), 'dUri' => $file->getDownloadURI(), 'name' => $options['name'], 'mime' => $file->getMimeType(), ); if ($is_audio) { $bundle['meta'] += array( 'autoplay' => idx($options, 'autoplay'), 'loop' => idx($options, 'loop'), ); } $metadata[$phid][] = $bundle; $engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, $metadata); return $token; } public function didMarkupText() { $engine = $this->getEngine(); $metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_EMBED_FILE; $metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array()); if (!$metadata) { return; } $file_phids = array(); foreach ($metadata as $phid => $bundles) { foreach ($bundles as $data) { $options = $data['options']; $meta = $data['meta']; $is_image = idx($meta, 'viewable'); $is_audio = idx($meta, 'audio'); if ((!$is_image && !$is_audio) || $options['layout'] == 'link') { $link = id(new PhabricatorFileLinkView()) ->setFilePHID($meta['phid']) ->setFileName($meta['name']) ->setFileDownloadURI($meta['dUri']) ->setFileViewURI($meta['uri']) ->setFileViewable($meta['viewable']); $embed = $link->render(); $engine->overwriteStoredText($data['token'], $embed); continue; } if ($is_audio) { if (idx($options, 'autoplay')) { $preload = 'auto'; $autoplay = 'autoplay'; } else { $preload = 'none'; $autoplay = null; } $link = phutil_tag( 'audio', array( 'controls' => 'controls', 'preload' => $preload, 'autoplay' => $autoplay, 'loop' => idx($options, 'loop') ? 'loop' : null, ), phutil_tag( 'source', array( 'src' => $meta['uri'], 'type' => $meta['mime'], ))); $engine->overwriteStoredText($data['token'], $link); continue; } require_celerity_resource('lightbox-attachment-css'); $img = phutil_tag('img', $data['attrs']); $embed = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $meta['uri'], 'class' => $options['image_class'], 'sigil' => 'lightboxable', 'mustcapture' => true, 'meta' => $meta, ), $img); $layout_class = null; switch ($options['layout']) { case 'right': case 'center': case 'inline': case 'left': $layout_class = 'phabricator-remarkup-embed-layout-'. $options['layout']; break; default: $layout_class = 'phabricator-remarkup-embed-layout-left'; break; } if ($options['float']) { switch ($options['layout']) { case 'center': case 'inline': break; case 'right': $layout_class .= ' phabricator-remarkup-embed-float-right'; break; case 'left': default: $layout_class .= ' phabricator-remarkup-embed-float-left'; break; } } if ($layout_class) { $embed = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => $layout_class, ), $embed); } $engine->overwriteStoredText($data['token'], $embed); } $file_phids[] = $phid; } $engine->setTextMetadata(self::KEY_EMBED_FILE_PHIDS, $file_phids); $engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, array()); } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php b/src/applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php index 7f30a12e5d..7ec943d58d 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php +++ b/src/applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php @@ -1,866 +1,867 @@ true, self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'metadata' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorFilePHIDTypeFile::TYPECONST); } public function save() { if (!$this->getSecretKey()) { $this->setSecretKey($this->generateSecretKey()); } if (!$this->getMailKey()) { $this->setMailKey(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20)); } return parent::save(); } public static function readUploadedFileData($spec) { if (!$spec) { throw new Exception("No file was uploaded!"); } $err = idx($spec, 'error'); if ($err) { throw new PhabricatorFileUploadException($err); } $tmp_name = idx($spec, 'tmp_name'); $is_valid = @is_uploaded_file($tmp_name); if (!$is_valid) { throw new Exception("File is not an uploaded file."); } $file_data = Filesystem::readFile($tmp_name); $file_size = idx($spec, 'size'); if (strlen($file_data) != $file_size) { throw new Exception("File size disagrees with uploaded size."); } self::validateFileSize(strlen($file_data)); return $file_data; } public static function newFromPHPUpload($spec, array $params = array()) { $file_data = self::readUploadedFileData($spec); $file_name = nonempty( idx($params, 'name'), idx($spec, 'name')); $params = array( 'name' => $file_name, ) + $params; return self::newFromFileData($file_data, $params); } public static function newFromXHRUpload($data, array $params = array()) { self::validateFileSize(strlen($data)); return self::newFromFileData($data, $params); } private static function validateFileSize($size) { $limit = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('storage.upload-size-limit'); if (!$limit) { return; } $limit = phabricator_parse_bytes($limit); if ($size > $limit) { throw new PhabricatorFileUploadException(-1000); } } /** * Given a block of data, try to load an existing file with the same content * if one exists. If it does not, build a new file. * * This method is generally used when we have some piece of semi-trusted data * like a diff or a file from a repository that we want to show to the user. * We can't just dump it out because it may be dangerous for any number of * reasons; instead, we need to serve it through the File abstraction so it * ends up on the CDN domain if one is configured and so on. However, if we * simply wrote a new file every time we'd potentially end up with a lot * of redundant data in file storage. * * To solve these problems, we use file storage as a cache and reuse the * same file again if we've previously written it. * * NOTE: This method unguards writes. * * @param string Raw file data. * @param dict Dictionary of file information. */ public static function buildFromFileDataOrHash( $data, array $params = array()) { $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( 'name = %s AND contentHash = %s LIMIT 1', self::normalizeFileName(idx($params, 'name')), self::hashFileContent($data)); if (!$file) { $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileData($data, $params); unset($unguarded); } return $file; } public static function newFileFromContentHash($hash, $params) { // Check to see if a file with same contentHash exist $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( 'contentHash = %s LIMIT 1', $hash); if ($file) { // copy storageEngine, storageHandle, storageFormat $copy_of_storage_engine = $file->getStorageEngine(); $copy_of_storage_handle = $file->getStorageHandle(); $copy_of_storage_format = $file->getStorageFormat(); $copy_of_byteSize = $file->getByteSize(); $copy_of_mimeType = $file->getMimeType(); $file_name = idx($params, 'name'); $file_name = self::normalizeFileName($file_name); $file_ttl = idx($params, 'ttl'); $authorPHID = idx($params, 'authorPHID'); $new_file = new PhabricatorFile(); $new_file->setName($file_name); $new_file->setByteSize($copy_of_byteSize); $new_file->setAuthorPHID($authorPHID); $new_file->setTtl($file_ttl); $new_file->setContentHash($hash); $new_file->setStorageEngine($copy_of_storage_engine); $new_file->setStorageHandle($copy_of_storage_handle); $new_file->setStorageFormat($copy_of_storage_format); $new_file->setMimeType($copy_of_mimeType); $new_file->copyDimensions($file); $new_file->save(); return $new_file; } return $file; } private static function buildFromFileData($data, array $params = array()) { $selector = PhabricatorEnv::newObjectFromConfig('storage.engine-selector'); if (isset($params['storageEngines'])) { $engines = $params['storageEngines']; } else { $selector = PhabricatorEnv::newObjectFromConfig( 'storage.engine-selector'); $engines = $selector->selectStorageEngines($data, $params); } assert_instances_of($engines, 'PhabricatorFileStorageEngine'); if (!$engines) { throw new Exception("No valid storage engines are available!"); } $file = new PhabricatorFile(); $data_handle = null; $engine_identifier = null; $exceptions = array(); foreach ($engines as $engine) { $engine_class = get_class($engine); try { list($engine_identifier, $data_handle) = $file->writeToEngine( $engine, $data, $params); // We stored the file somewhere so stop trying to write it to other // places. break; } catch (PhabricatorFileStorageConfigurationException $ex) { // If an engine is outright misconfigured (or misimplemented), raise // that immediately since it probably needs attention. throw $ex; } catch (Exception $ex) { phlog($ex); // If an engine doesn't work, keep trying all the other valid engines // in case something else works. $exceptions[$engine_class] = $ex; } } if (!$data_handle) { throw new PhutilAggregateException( "All storage engines failed to write file:", $exceptions); } $file_name = idx($params, 'name'); $file_name = self::normalizeFileName($file_name); $file_ttl = idx($params, 'ttl'); // If for whatever reason, authorPHID isn't passed as a param // (always the case with newFromFileDownload()), store a '' $authorPHID = idx($params, 'authorPHID'); $file->setName($file_name); $file->setByteSize(strlen($data)); $file->setAuthorPHID($authorPHID); $file->setTtl($file_ttl); $file->setContentHash(self::hashFileContent($data)); $file->setStorageEngine($engine_identifier); $file->setStorageHandle($data_handle); // TODO: This is probably YAGNI, but allows for us to do encryption or // compression later if we want. $file->setStorageFormat(self::STORAGE_FORMAT_RAW); $file->setIsExplicitUpload(idx($params, 'isExplicitUpload') ? 1 : 0); if (isset($params['mime-type'])) { $file->setMimeType($params['mime-type']); } else { $tmp = new TempFile(); Filesystem::writeFile($tmp, $data); $file->setMimeType(Filesystem::getMimeType($tmp)); } try { $file->updateDimensions(false); } catch (Exception $ex) { // Do nothing } $file->save(); return $file; } public static function newFromFileData($data, array $params = array()) { $hash = self::hashFileContent($data); $file = self::newFileFromContentHash($hash, $params); if ($file) { return $file; } return self::buildFromFileData($data, $params); } public function migrateToEngine(PhabricatorFileStorageEngine $engine) { if (!$this->getID() || !$this->getStorageHandle()) { throw new Exception( "You can not migrate a file which hasn't yet been saved."); } $data = $this->loadFileData(); $params = array( 'name' => $this->getName(), ); list($new_identifier, $new_handle) = $this->writeToEngine( $engine, $data, $params); $old_engine = $this->instantiateStorageEngine(); $old_handle = $this->getStorageHandle(); $this->setStorageEngine($new_identifier); $this->setStorageHandle($new_handle); $this->save(); $old_engine->deleteFile($old_handle); return $this; } private function writeToEngine( PhabricatorFileStorageEngine $engine, $data, array $params) { $engine_class = get_class($engine); $data_handle = $engine->writeFile($data, $params); if (!$data_handle || strlen($data_handle) > 255) { // This indicates an improperly implemented storage engine. throw new PhabricatorFileStorageConfigurationException( "Storage engine '{$engine_class}' executed writeFile() but did ". "not return a valid handle ('{$data_handle}') to the data: it ". "must be nonempty and no longer than 255 characters."); } $engine_identifier = $engine->getEngineIdentifier(); if (!$engine_identifier || strlen($engine_identifier) > 32) { throw new PhabricatorFileStorageConfigurationException( "Storage engine '{$engine_class}' returned an improper engine ". "identifier '{$engine_identifier}': it must be nonempty ". "and no longer than 32 characters."); } return array($engine_identifier, $data_handle); } public static function newFromFileDownload($uri, array $params = array()) { // Make sure we're allowed to make a request first if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.allow-outbound-http')) { throw new Exception("Outbound HTTP requests are disabled!"); } $uri = new PhutilURI($uri); $protocol = $uri->getProtocol(); switch ($protocol) { case 'http': case 'https': break; default: // Make sure we are not accessing any file:// URIs or similar. return null; } $timeout = 5; list($file_data) = id(new HTTPSFuture($uri)) ->setTimeout($timeout) ->resolvex(); $params = $params + array( 'name' => basename($uri), ); return self::newFromFileData($file_data, $params); } public static function normalizeFileName($file_name) { $pattern = "@[\\x00-\\x19#%&+!~'\$\"\/=\\\\?<> ]+@"; $file_name = preg_replace($pattern, '_', $file_name); $file_name = preg_replace('@_+@', '_', $file_name); $file_name = trim($file_name, '_'); $disallowed_filenames = array( '.' => 'dot', '..' => 'dotdot', '' => 'file', ); $file_name = idx($disallowed_filenames, $file_name, $file_name); return $file_name; } public function delete() { // We want to delete all the rows which mark this file as the transformation // of some other file (since we're getting rid of it). We also delete all // the transformations of this file, so that a user who deletes an image // doesn't need to separately hunt down and delete a bunch of thumbnails and // resizes of it. $outbound_xforms = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withTransforms( array( array( 'originalPHID' => $this->getPHID(), 'transform' => true, ), )) ->execute(); foreach ($outbound_xforms as $outbound_xform) { $outbound_xform->delete(); } $inbound_xforms = id(new PhabricatorTransformedFile())->loadAllWhere( 'transformedPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); $this->openTransaction(); foreach ($inbound_xforms as $inbound_xform) { $inbound_xform->delete(); } $ret = parent::delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); // Check to see if other files are using storage $other_file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( 'storageEngine = %s AND storageHandle = %s AND storageFormat = %s AND id != %d LIMIT 1', $this->getStorageEngine(), $this->getStorageHandle(), $this->getStorageFormat(), $this->getID()); // If this is the only file using the storage, delete storage if (!$other_file) { $engine = $this->instantiateStorageEngine(); try { $engine->deleteFile($this->getStorageHandle()); } catch (Exception $ex) { // In the worst case, we're leaving some data stranded in a storage // engine, which is fine. phlog($ex); } } return $ret; } public static function hashFileContent($data) { return sha1($data); } public function loadFileData() { $engine = $this->instantiateStorageEngine(); $data = $engine->readFile($this->getStorageHandle()); switch ($this->getStorageFormat()) { case self::STORAGE_FORMAT_RAW: $data = $data; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown storage format."); } return $data; } public function getViewURI() { if (!$this->getPHID()) { throw new Exception( "You must save a file before you can generate a view URI."); } $name = phutil_escape_uri($this->getName()); $path = '/file/data/'.$this->getSecretKey().'/'.$this->getPHID().'/'.$name; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function getInfoURI() { return '/file/info/'.$this->getPHID().'/'; } public function getBestURI() { if ($this->isViewableInBrowser()) { return $this->getViewURI(); } else { return $this->getInfoURI(); } } public function getDownloadURI() { $uri = id(new PhutilURI($this->getViewURI())) ->setQueryParam('download', true); return (string) $uri; } public function getProfileThumbURI() { $path = '/file/xform/thumb-profile/'.$this->getPHID().'/' .$this->getSecretKey().'/'; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function getThumb60x45URI() { $path = '/file/xform/thumb-60x45/'.$this->getPHID().'/' .$this->getSecretKey().'/'; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function getThumb160x120URI() { $path = '/file/xform/thumb-160x120/'.$this->getPHID().'/' .$this->getSecretKey().'/'; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function getPreview140URI() { $path = '/file/xform/preview-140/'.$this->getPHID().'/' .$this->getSecretKey().'/'; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function getPreview220URI() { $path = '/file/xform/preview-220/'.$this->getPHID().'/' .$this->getSecretKey().'/'; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function getThumb220x165URI() { $path = '/file/xform/thumb-220x165/'.$this->getPHID().'/' .$this->getSecretKey().'/'; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function getThumb280x210URI() { $path = '/file/xform/thumb-280x210/'.$this->getPHID().'/' .$this->getSecretKey().'/'; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function isViewableInBrowser() { return ($this->getViewableMimeType() !== null); } public function isViewableImage() { if (!$this->isViewableInBrowser()) { return false; } $mime_map = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('files.image-mime-types'); $mime_type = $this->getMimeType(); return idx($mime_map, $mime_type); } public function isAudio() { if (!$this->isViewableInBrowser()) { return false; } $mime_map = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('files.audio-mime-types'); $mime_type = $this->getMimeType(); return idx($mime_map, $mime_type); } public function isTransformableImage() { // NOTE: The way the 'gd' extension works in PHP is that you can install it // with support for only some file types, so it might be able to handle // PNG but not JPEG. Try to generate thumbnails for whatever we can. Setup // warns you if you don't have complete support. $matches = null; $ok = preg_match( '@^image/(gif|png|jpe?g)@', $this->getViewableMimeType(), $matches); if (!$ok) { return false; } switch ($matches[1]) { case 'jpg'; case 'jpeg': return function_exists('imagejpeg'); break; case 'png': return function_exists('imagepng'); break; case 'gif': return function_exists('imagegif'); break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown type matched as image MIME type.'); } } public static function getTransformableImageFormats() { $supported = array(); if (function_exists('imagejpeg')) { $supported[] = 'jpg'; } if (function_exists('imagepng')) { $supported[] = 'png'; } if (function_exists('imagegif')) { $supported[] = 'gif'; } return $supported; } protected function instantiateStorageEngine() { return self::buildEngine($this->getStorageEngine()); } public static function buildEngine($engine_identifier) { $engines = self::buildAllEngines(); foreach ($engines as $engine) { if ($engine->getEngineIdentifier() == $engine_identifier) { return $engine; } } throw new Exception( "Storage engine '{$engine_identifier}' could not be located!"); } public static function buildAllEngines() { $engines = id(new PhutilSymbolLoader()) ->setType('class') ->setConcreteOnly(true) ->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorFileStorageEngine') ->selectAndLoadSymbols(); $results = array(); foreach ($engines as $engine_class) { $results[] = newv($engine_class['name'], array()); } return $results; } public function getViewableMimeType() { $mime_map = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('files.viewable-mime-types'); $mime_type = $this->getMimeType(); $mime_parts = explode(';', $mime_type); $mime_type = trim(reset($mime_parts)); return idx($mime_map, $mime_type); } public function getDisplayIconForMimeType() { $mime_map = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('files.icon-mime-types'); $mime_type = $this->getMimeType(); return idx($mime_map, $mime_type, 'docs_file'); } public function validateSecretKey($key) { return ($key == $this->getSecretKey()); } public function generateSecretKey() { return Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20); } public function updateDimensions($save = true) { if (!$this->isViewableImage()) { throw new Exception( "This file is not a viewable image."); } if (!function_exists("imagecreatefromstring")) { throw new Exception( "Cannot retrieve image information."); } $data = $this->loadFileData(); $img = imagecreatefromstring($data); if ($img === false) { throw new Exception( "Error when decoding image."); } $this->metadata[self::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH] = imagesx($img); $this->metadata[self::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT] = imagesy($img); if ($save) { $this->save(); } return $this; } public function copyDimensions(PhabricatorFile $file) { $metadata = $file->getMetadata(); $width = idx($metadata, self::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH); if ($width) { $this->metadata[self::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH] = $width; } $height = idx($metadata, self::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT); if ($height) { $this->metadata[self::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT] = $height; } return $this; } public static function getMetadataName($metadata) { switch ($metadata) { case self::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH: $name = pht('Width'); break; case self::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT: $name = pht('Height'); break; default: $name = ucfirst($metadata); break; } return $name; } /** * Load (or build) the {@class:PhabricatorFile} objects for builtin file * resources. The builtin mechanism allows files shipped with Phabricator * to be treated like normal files so that APIs do not need to special case * things like default images or deleted files. * * Builtins are located in `resources/builtin/` and identified by their * name. * * @param PhabricatorUser Viewing user. * @param list List of builtin file names. * @return dict Dictionary of named builtins. */ public static function loadBuiltins(PhabricatorUser $user, array $names) { $specs = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { $specs[] = array( 'originalPHID' => PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_VOID, 'transform' => 'builtin:'.$name, ); } $files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withTransforms($specs) ->execute(); $files = mpull($files, null, 'getName'); $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')); $root = $root.'/resources/builtin/'; $build = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { if (isset($files[$name])) { continue; } // This is just a sanity check to prevent loading arbitrary files. if (basename($name) != $name) { throw new Exception("Invalid builtin name '{$name}'!"); } $path = $root.$name; if (!Filesystem::pathExists($path)) { throw new Exception("Builtin '{$path}' does not exist!"); } $data = Filesystem::readFile($path); $params = array( 'name' => $name, 'ttl' => time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7), ); $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileData($data, $params); $xform = id(new PhabricatorTransformedFile()) ->setOriginalPHID(PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_VOID) ->setTransform('builtin:'.$name) ->setTransformedPHID($file->getPHID()) ->save(); unset($unguarded); $files[$name] = $file; } return $files; } /** * Convenience wrapper for @{method:loadBuiltins}. * * @param PhabricatorUser Viewing user. * @param string Single builtin name to load. * @return PhabricatorFile Corresponding builtin file. */ public static function loadBuiltin(PhabricatorUser $user, $name) { return idx(self::loadBuiltins($user, array($name)), $name); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, + PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { // TODO: Implement proper per-object policies. return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER; } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { return false; } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { return null; } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface Implementation )-------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($this->authorPHID == $phid); } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { return array( $this->getAuthorPHID(), ); } } diff --git a/src/applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroEditController.php b/src/applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroEditController.php index 1cdf858a8e..733c36f9a7 100644 --- a/src/applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroEditController.php +++ b/src/applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroEditController.php @@ -1,281 +1,282 @@ id = idx($data, 'id'); } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); if ($this->id) { $macro = id(new PhabricatorMacroQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->withIDs(array($this->id)) ->executeOne(); if (!$macro) { return new Aphront404Response(); } } else { $macro = new PhabricatorFileImageMacro(); $macro->setAuthorPHID($user->getPHID()); } $errors = array(); $e_name = true; $e_file = null; $file = null; $can_fetch = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.allow-outbound-http'); if ($request->isFormPost()) { $original = clone $macro; $new_name = null; if ($request->getBool('name_form') || !$macro->getID()) { $new_name = $request->getStr('name'); $macro->setName($new_name); if (!strlen($macro->getName())) { $errors[] = pht('Macro name is required.'); $e_name = pht('Required'); } else if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9:_-]{3,}$/', $macro->getName())) { $errors[] = pht( 'Macro must be at least three characters long and contain only '. 'lowercase letters, digits, hyphens, colons and underscores.'); $e_name = pht('Invalid'); } else { $e_name = null; } } $file = null; if ($request->getFileExists('file')) { $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromPHPUpload( $_FILES['file'], array( 'name' => $request->getStr('name'), 'authorPHID' => $user->getPHID(), 'isExplicitUpload' => true, )); } else if ($request->getStr('url')) { try { $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileDownload( $request->getStr('url'), array( 'name' => $request->getStr('name'), 'authorPHID' => $user->getPHID(), 'isExplicitUpload' => true, )); } catch (Exception $ex) { $errors[] = pht('Could not fetch URL: %s', $ex->getMessage()); } } else if ($request->getStr('phid')) { - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $request->getStr('phid')); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($user) + ->withPHIDs(array($request->getStr('phid'))) + ->executeOne(); } if ($file) { if (!$file->isViewableInBrowser()) { $errors[] = pht('You must upload an image.'); $e_file = pht('Invalid'); } else { $macro->setFilePHID($file->getPHID()); $macro->attachFile($file); $e_file = null; } } if (!$macro->getID() && !$file) { $errors[] = pht('You must upload an image to create a macro.'); $e_file = pht('Required'); } if (!$errors) { try { $xactions = array(); if ($new_name !== null) { $xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorMacroTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorMacroTransactionType::TYPE_NAME) ->setNewValue($new_name); } if ($file) { $xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorMacroTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorMacroTransactionType::TYPE_FILE) ->setNewValue($file->getPHID()); } $editor = id(new PhabricatorMacroEditor()) ->setActor($user) ->setContinueOnNoEffect(true) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request); $xactions = $editor->applyTransactions($original, $xactions); $view_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('/view/'.$original->getID().'/'); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($view_uri); } catch (AphrontQueryDuplicateKeyException $ex) { throw $ex; $errors[] = pht('Macro name is not unique!'); $e_name = pht('Duplicate'); } } } if ($errors) { $error_view = new AphrontErrorView(); $error_view->setTitle(pht('Form Errors')); $error_view->setErrors($errors); } else { $error_view = null; } $current_file = null; if ($macro->getFilePHID()) { $current_file = $macro->getFile(); } $form = new AphrontFormView(); $form->addHiddenInput('name_form', 1); $form->setUser($request->getUser()); $form ->setEncType('multipart/form-data') ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Name')) ->setName('name') ->setValue($macro->getName()) ->setCaption( pht('This word or phrase will be replaced with the image.')) ->setError($e_name)); if (!$macro->getID()) { if ($current_file) { $current_file_view = id(new PhabricatorFileLinkView()) ->setFilePHID($current_file->getPHID()) ->setFileName($current_file->getName()) ->setFileViewable(true) ->setFileViewURI($current_file->getBestURI()) ->render(); $form->addHiddenInput('phid', $current_file->getPHID()); $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormMarkupControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Selected File')) ->setValue($current_file_view)); $other_label = pht('Change File'); } else { $other_label = pht('File'); } if ($can_fetch) { $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel(pht('URL')) ->setName('url') ->setValue($request->getStr('url')) ->setError($request->getFileExists('file') ? false : $e_file)); } $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormFileControl()) ->setLabel($other_label) ->setName('file') ->setError($request->getStr('url') ? false : $e_file)); } $view_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('/view/'.$macro->getID().'/'); if ($macro->getID()) { $cancel_uri = $view_uri; } else { $cancel_uri = $this->getApplicationURI(); } $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->setValue(pht('Save Image Macro')) ->addCancelButton($cancel_uri)); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); if ($macro->getID()) { $title = pht('Edit Image Macro'); $crumb = pht('Edit Macro'); $crumbs->addCrumb( id(new PhabricatorCrumbView()) ->setHref($view_uri) ->setName(pht('Macro "%s"', $macro->getName()))); } else { $title = pht('Create Image Macro'); $crumb = pht('Create Macro'); } $crumbs->addCrumb( id(new PhabricatorCrumbView()) ->setHref($request->getRequestURI()) ->setName($crumb)); $upload = null; if ($macro->getID()) { $upload_form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setEncType('multipart/form-data') ->setUser($request->getUser()); if ($can_fetch) { $upload_form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel(pht('URL')) ->setName('url') ->setValue($request->getStr('url'))); } $upload_form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormFileControl()) ->setLabel(pht('File')) ->setName('file')) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->setValue(pht('Upload File'))); $upload = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Upload New File')) ->setForm($upload_form); } $form_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText($title) ->setFormError($error_view) ->setForm($form); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $form_box, $upload, ), array( 'title' => $title, 'device' => true, )); } } diff --git a/src/applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroMemeController.php b/src/applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroMemeController.php index e876db8068..b0a79e3a4c 100644 --- a/src/applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroMemeController.php +++ b/src/applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroMemeController.php @@ -1,57 +1,62 @@ getRequest(); $macro_name = $request->getStr('macro'); $upper_text = $request->getStr('uppertext'); $lower_text = $request->getStr('lowertext'); $user = $request->getUser(); $uri = PhabricatorMacroMemeController::generateMacro($user, $macro_name, $upper_text, $lower_text); if ($uri === false) { return new Aphront404Response(); } return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($uri); } public static function generateMacro($user, $macro_name, $upper_text, $lower_text) { $macro = id(new PhabricatorMacroQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withNames(array($macro_name)) ->executeOne(); if (!$macro) { return false; } $file = $macro->getFile(); $upper_text = strtoupper($upper_text); $lower_text = strtoupper($lower_text); $mixed_text = md5($upper_text).":".md5($lower_text); $hash = "meme".hash("sha256", $mixed_text); $xform = id(new PhabricatorTransformedFile()) ->loadOneWhere('originalphid=%s and transform=%s', $file->getPHID(), $hash); if ($xform) { - $memefile = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', $xform->getTransformedPHID()); - return $memefile->getBestURI(); + $memefile = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($user) + ->withPHIDs(array($xform->getTransformedPHID())) + ->executeOne(); + if ($memefile) { + return $memefile->getBestURI(); + } } + $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $transformers = (new PhabricatorImageTransformer()); $newfile = $transformers ->executeMemeTransform($file, $upper_text, $lower_text); $xfile = new PhabricatorTransformedFile(); $xfile->setOriginalPHID($file->getPHID()); $xfile->setTransformedPHID($newfile->getPHID()); $xfile->setTransform($hash); $xfile->save(); return $newfile->getBestURI(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskDetailController.php b/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskDetailController.php index ee00597a3f..12290f74bf 100644 --- a/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskDetailController.php +++ b/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskDetailController.php @@ -1,647 +1,650 @@ id = $data['id']; } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $e_title = null; $priority_map = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityMap(); $task = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($this->id)) ->executeOne(); if (!$task) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $workflow = $request->getStr('workflow'); $parent_task = null; if ($workflow && is_numeric($workflow)) { $parent_task = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($workflow)) ->executeOne(); } $transactions = id(new ManiphestTransactionQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withObjectPHIDs(array($task->getPHID())) ->needComments(true) ->execute(); $field_list = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields( $task, PhabricatorCustomField::ROLE_VIEW); foreach ($field_list->getFields() as $field) { $field->setObject($task); $field->setViewer($user); } $field_list->readFieldsFromStorage($task); $aux_fields = $field_list->getFields(); $e_commit = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_HAS_COMMIT; $e_dep_on = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_DEPENDS_ON_TASK; $e_dep_by = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_DEPENDED_ON_BY_TASK; $e_rev = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_HAS_RELATED_DREV; $e_mock = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_HAS_MOCK; $phid = $task->getPHID(); $query = id(new PhabricatorEdgeQuery()) ->withSourcePHIDs(array($phid)) ->withEdgeTypes( array( $e_commit, $e_dep_on, $e_dep_by, $e_rev, $e_mock, )); $edges = idx($query->execute(), $phid); $phids = array_fill_keys($query->getDestinationPHIDs(), true); foreach ($task->getCCPHIDs() as $phid) { $phids[$phid] = true; } foreach ($task->getProjectPHIDs() as $phid) { $phids[$phid] = true; } if ($task->getOwnerPHID()) { $phids[$task->getOwnerPHID()] = true; } $phids[$task->getAuthorPHID()] = true; $attached = $task->getAttached(); foreach ($attached as $type => $list) { foreach ($list as $phid => $info) { $phids[$phid] = true; } } if ($parent_task) { $phids[$parent_task->getPHID()] = true; } $phids = array_keys($phids); $this->loadHandles($phids); $handles = $this->getLoadedHandles(); $context_bar = null; if ($parent_task) { $context_bar = new AphrontContextBarView(); $context_bar->addButton(phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/maniphest/task/create/?parent='.$parent_task->getID(), 'class' => 'green button', ), pht('Create Another Subtask'))); $context_bar->appendChild(hsprintf( 'Created a subtask of %s', $this->getHandle($parent_task->getPHID())->renderLink())); } else if ($workflow == 'create') { $context_bar = new AphrontContextBarView(); $context_bar->addButton(phutil_tag('label', array(), 'Create Another')); $context_bar->addButton(phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/maniphest/task/create/?template='.$task->getID(), 'class' => 'green button', ), pht('Similar Task'))); $context_bar->addButton(phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/maniphest/task/create/', 'class' => 'green button', ), pht('Empty Task'))); $context_bar->appendChild(pht('New task created.')); } $engine = new PhabricatorMarkupEngine(); $engine->setViewer($user); $engine->addObject($task, ManiphestTask::MARKUP_FIELD_DESCRIPTION); foreach ($transactions as $modern_xaction) { if ($modern_xaction->getComment()) { $engine->addObject( $modern_xaction->getComment(), PhabricatorApplicationTransactionComment::MARKUP_FIELD_COMMENT); } } $engine->process(); $resolution_types = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusMap(); $transaction_types = array( PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT => pht('Comment'), ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_STATUS => pht('Close Task'), ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER => pht('Reassign / Claim'), ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_CCS => pht('Add CCs'), ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PRIORITY => pht('Change Priority'), ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_ATTACH => pht('Upload File'), ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PROJECTS => pht('Associate Projects'), ); if ($task->getStatus() == ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN) { $resolution_types = array_select_keys( $resolution_types, array( ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_WONTFIX, ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_INVALID, ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE, )); } else { $resolution_types = array( ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN => 'Reopened', ); $transaction_types[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_STATUS] = 'Reopen Task'; unset($transaction_types[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PRIORITY]); unset($transaction_types[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER]); } $default_claim = array( $user->getPHID() => $user->getUsername().' ('.$user->getRealName().')', ); $draft = id(new PhabricatorDraft())->loadOneWhere( 'authorPHID = %s AND draftKey = %s', $user->getPHID(), $task->getPHID()); if ($draft) { $draft_text = $draft->getDraft(); } else { $draft_text = null; } $is_serious = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.serious-business'); if ($is_serious) { // Prevent tasks from being closed "out of spite" in serious business // installs. unset($resolution_types[ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE]); } $comment_form = new AphrontFormView(); $comment_form ->setUser($user) ->setAction('/maniphest/transaction/save/') ->setEncType('multipart/form-data') ->addHiddenInput('taskID', $task->getID()) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSelectControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Action')) ->setName('action') ->setOptions($transaction_types) ->setID('transaction-action')) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSelectControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Resolution')) ->setName('resolution') ->setControlID('resolution') ->setControlStyle('display: none') ->setOptions($resolution_types)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Assign To')) ->setName('assign_to') ->setControlID('assign_to') ->setControlStyle('display: none') ->setID('assign-tokenizer') ->setDisableBehavior(true)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setLabel(pht('CCs')) ->setName('ccs') ->setControlID('ccs') ->setControlStyle('display: none') ->setID('cc-tokenizer') ->setDisableBehavior(true)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSelectControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Priority')) ->setName('priority') ->setOptions($priority_map) ->setControlID('priority') ->setControlStyle('display: none') ->setValue($task->getPriority())) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Projects')) ->setName('projects') ->setControlID('projects') ->setControlStyle('display: none') ->setID('projects-tokenizer') ->setDisableBehavior(true)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormFileControl()) ->setLabel(pht('File')) ->setName('file') ->setControlID('file') ->setControlStyle('display: none')) ->appendChild( id(new PhabricatorRemarkupControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Comments')) ->setName('comments') ->setValue($draft_text) ->setID('transaction-comments') ->setUser($user)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->setValue($is_serious ? pht('Submit') : pht('Avast!'))); $control_map = array( ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_STATUS => 'resolution', ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER => 'assign_to', ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_CCS => 'ccs', ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PRIORITY => 'priority', ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PROJECTS => 'projects', ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_ATTACH => 'file', ); $tokenizer_map = array( ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PROJECTS => array( 'id' => 'projects-tokenizer', 'src' => '/typeahead/common/projects/', 'ondemand' => PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('tokenizer.ondemand'), 'placeholder' => pht('Type a project name...'), ), ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER => array( 'id' => 'assign-tokenizer', 'src' => '/typeahead/common/users/', 'value' => $default_claim, 'limit' => 1, 'ondemand' => PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('tokenizer.ondemand'), 'placeholder' => pht('Type a user name...'), ), ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_CCS => array( 'id' => 'cc-tokenizer', 'src' => '/typeahead/common/mailable/', 'ondemand' => PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('tokenizer.ondemand'), 'placeholder' => pht('Type a user or mailing list...'), ), ); // TODO: Initializing these behaviors for logged out users fatals things. if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { Javelin::initBehavior('maniphest-transaction-controls', array( 'select' => 'transaction-action', 'controlMap' => $control_map, 'tokenizers' => $tokenizer_map, )); Javelin::initBehavior('maniphest-transaction-preview', array( 'uri' => '/maniphest/transaction/preview/'.$task->getID().'/', 'preview' => 'transaction-preview', 'comments' => 'transaction-comments', 'action' => 'transaction-action', 'map' => $control_map, 'tokenizers' => $tokenizer_map, )); } $comment_header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader($is_serious ? pht('Add Comment') : pht('Weigh In')); $preview_panel = hsprintf( '
', pht('Loading preview...')); $timeline = id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView()) ->setUser($user) ->setObjectPHID($task->getPHID()) ->setTransactions($transactions) ->setMarkupEngine($engine); $object_name = 'T'.$task->getID(); $actions = $this->buildActionView($task); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addCrumb( id(new PhabricatorCrumbView()) ->setName($object_name) ->setHref('/'.$object_name)) ->setActionList($actions); $header = $this->buildHeaderView($task); $properties = $this->buildPropertyView($task, $field_list, $edges, $engine); if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) { // TODO: Eventually, everything should run through this. For now, we're // only using it to get a consistent "Login to Comment" button. $comment_form = id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionCommentView()) ->setUser($user) ->setRequestURI($request->getRequestURI()); $preview_panel = null; } $object_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setActionList($actions) ->setPropertyList($properties); $comment_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setFlush(true) ->setHeader($comment_header) ->appendChild($comment_form); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $context_bar, $object_box, $timeline, $comment_box, $preview_panel, ), array( 'title' => 'T'.$task->getID().' '.$task->getTitle(), 'pageObjects' => array($task->getPHID()), 'device' => true, )); } private function buildHeaderView(ManiphestTask $task) { $view = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader($task->getTitle()) ->setUser($this->getRequest()->getUser()) ->setPolicyObject($task); $status = $task->getStatus(); $status_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::renderFullDescription($status); $view->addProperty(PHUIHeaderView::PROPERTY_STATUS, $status_name); return $view; } private function buildActionView(ManiphestTask $task) { $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $viewer_phid = $viewer->getPHID(); $viewer_is_cc = in_array($viewer_phid, $task->getCCPHIDs()); $id = $task->getID(); $phid = $task->getPHID(); $can_edit = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $viewer, $task, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $view = id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($task) ->setObjectURI($this->getRequest()->getRequestURI()); $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Edit Task')) ->setIcon('edit') ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("/task/edit/{$id}/")) ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit)); if ($task->getOwnerPHID() === $viewer_phid) { $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Automatically Subscribed')) ->setDisabled(true) ->setIcon('enable')); } else { $action = $viewer_is_cc ? 'rem' : 'add'; $name = $viewer_is_cc ? pht('Unsubscribe') : pht('Subscribe'); $icon = $viewer_is_cc ? 'disable' : 'check'; $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName($name) ->setHref("/maniphest/subscribe/{$action}/{$id}/") ->setRenderAsForm(true) ->setUser($viewer) ->setIcon($icon)); } $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Merge Duplicates In')) ->setHref("/search/attach/{$phid}/TASK/merge/") ->setWorkflow(true) ->setIcon('merge') ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit)); $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Create Subtask')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("/task/create/?parent={$id}")) ->setIcon('fork')); $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Edit Dependencies')) ->setHref("/search/attach/{$phid}/TASK/dependencies/") ->setWorkflow(true) ->setIcon('link') ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit)); $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Edit Differential Revisions')) ->setHref("/search/attach/{$phid}/DREV/") ->setWorkflow(true) ->setIcon('attach') ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit)); $pholio_app = PhabricatorApplication::getByClass('PhabricatorApplicationPholio'); if ($pholio_app->isInstalled()) { $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Edit Pholio Mocks')) ->setHref("/search/attach/{$phid}/MOCK/edge/") ->setWorkflow(true) ->setIcon('attach') ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit)); } return $view; } private function buildPropertyView( ManiphestTask $task, PhabricatorCustomFieldList $field_list, array $edges, PhabricatorMarkupEngine $engine) { $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $view = id(new PhabricatorPropertyListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($task); $view->addProperty( pht('Assigned To'), $task->getOwnerPHID() ? $this->getHandle($task->getOwnerPHID())->renderLink() : phutil_tag('em', array(), pht('None'))); $view->addProperty( pht('Priority'), ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($task->getPriority())); $view->addProperty( pht('Subscribers'), $task->getCCPHIDs() ? $this->renderHandlesForPHIDs($task->getCCPHIDs(), ',') : phutil_tag('em', array(), pht('None'))); $view->addProperty( pht('Author'), $this->getHandle($task->getAuthorPHID())->renderLink()); $source = $task->getOriginalEmailSource(); if ($source) { $subject = '[T'.$task->getID().'] '.$task->getTitle(); $view->addProperty( pht('From Email'), phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => 'mailto:'.$source.'?subject='.$subject ), $source)); } $view->addProperty( pht('Projects'), $task->getProjectPHIDs() ? $this->renderHandlesForPHIDs($task->getProjectPHIDs(), ',') : phutil_tag('em', array(), pht('None'))); $edge_types = array( PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_DEPENDED_ON_BY_TASK => pht('Dependent Tasks'), PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_DEPENDS_ON_TASK => pht('Depends On'), PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_HAS_RELATED_DREV => pht('Differential Revisions'), PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_HAS_MOCK => pht('Pholio Mocks'), ); $revisions_commits = array(); $handles = $this->getLoadedHandles(); $commit_phids = array_keys( $edges[PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_HAS_COMMIT]); if ($commit_phids) { $commit_drev = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_COMMIT_HAS_DREV; $drev_edges = id(new PhabricatorEdgeQuery()) ->withSourcePHIDs($commit_phids) ->withEdgeTypes(array($commit_drev)) ->execute(); foreach ($commit_phids as $phid) { $revisions_commits[$phid] = $handles[$phid]->renderLink(); $revision_phid = key($drev_edges[$phid][$commit_drev]); $revision_handle = idx($handles, $revision_phid); if ($revision_handle) { $task_drev = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_HAS_RELATED_DREV; unset($edges[$task_drev][$revision_phid]); $revisions_commits[$phid] = hsprintf( '%s / %s', $revision_handle->renderLink($revision_handle->getName()), $revisions_commits[$phid]); } } } foreach ($edge_types as $edge_type => $edge_name) { if ($edges[$edge_type]) { $view->addProperty( $edge_name, $this->renderHandlesForPHIDs(array_keys($edges[$edge_type]))); } } if ($revisions_commits) { $view->addProperty( pht('Commits'), phutil_implode_html(phutil_tag('br'), $revisions_commits)); } $attached = $task->getAttached(); if (!is_array($attached)) { $attached = array(); } $file_infos = idx($attached, PhabricatorFilePHIDTypeFile::TYPECONST); if ($file_infos) { $file_phids = array_keys($file_infos); - $files = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( - 'phid IN (%Ls)', - $file_phids); + // TODO: These should probably be handles or something; clean this up + // as we sort out file attachments. + $files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($viewer) + ->withPHIDs($file_phids) + ->execute(); $file_view = new PhabricatorFileLinkListView(); $file_view->setFiles($files); $view->addProperty( pht('Files'), $file_view->render()); } $field_list->appendFieldsToPropertyList( $task, $viewer, $view); $view->invokeWillRenderEvent(); if (strlen($task->getDescription())) { $view->addSectionHeader(pht('Description')); $view->addTextContent( phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phabricator-remarkup', ), $engine->getOutput($task, ManiphestTask::MARKUP_FIELD_DESCRIPTION))); } return $view; } } diff --git a/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskEditController.php b/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskEditController.php index 5735c50417..95d904ff77 100644 --- a/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskEditController.php +++ b/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTaskEditController.php @@ -1,604 +1,605 @@ id = idx($data, 'id'); } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $files = array(); $parent_task = null; $template_id = null; if ($this->id) { $task = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->withIDs(array($this->id)) ->executeOne(); if (!$task) { return new Aphront404Response(); } } else { $task = new ManiphestTask(); $task->setPriority(ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()); $task->setAuthorPHID($user->getPHID()); // These allow task creation with defaults. if (!$request->isFormPost()) { $task->setTitle($request->getStr('title')); $default_projects = $request->getStr('projects'); if ($default_projects) { $task->setProjectPHIDs(explode(';', $default_projects)); } $task->setDescription($request->getStr('description')); $assign = $request->getStr('assign'); if (strlen($assign)) { $assign_user = id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadOneWhere( 'username = %s', $assign); if ($assign_user) { $task->setOwnerPHID($assign_user->getPHID()); } } } $file_phids = $request->getArr('files', array()); if (!$file_phids) { // Allow a single 'file' key instead, mostly since Mac OS X urlencodes // square brackets in URLs when passed to 'open', so you can't 'open' // a URL like '?files[]=xyz' and have PHP interpret it correctly. $phid = $request->getStr('file'); if ($phid) { $file_phids = array($phid); } } if ($file_phids) { - $files = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( - 'phid IN (%Ls)', - $file_phids); + $files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($user) + ->withPHIDs($file_phids) + ->execute(); } $template_id = $request->getInt('template'); // You can only have a parent task if you're creating a new task. $parent_id = $request->getInt('parent'); if ($parent_id) { $parent_task = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($parent_id)) ->executeOne(); if (!$template_id) { $template_id = $parent_id; } } } $errors = array(); $e_title = true; $field_list = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields( $task, PhabricatorCustomField::ROLE_EDIT); foreach ($field_list->getFields() as $field) { $field->setObject($task); $field->setViewer($user); } $field_list->readFieldsFromStorage($task); $aux_fields = $field_list->getFields(); if ($request->isFormPost()) { $changes = array(); $new_title = $request->getStr('title'); $new_desc = $request->getStr('description'); $new_status = $request->getStr('status'); if (!$task->getID()) { $workflow = 'create'; } else { $workflow = ''; } $changes[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_TITLE] = $new_title; $changes[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_DESCRIPTION] = $new_desc; $changes[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_STATUS] = $new_status; $owner_tokenizer = $request->getArr('assigned_to'); $owner_phid = reset($owner_tokenizer); if (!strlen($new_title)) { $e_title = pht('Required'); $errors[] = pht('Title is required.'); } $old_values = array(); foreach ($aux_fields as $aux_arr_key => $aux_field) { // TODO: This should be buildFieldTransactionsFromRequest() once we // switch to ApplicationTransactions properly. $aux_old_value = $aux_field->getOldValueForApplicationTransactions(); $aux_field->readValueFromRequest($request); $aux_new_value = $aux_field->getNewValueForApplicationTransactions(); // TODO: We're faking a call to the ApplicaitonTransaction validation // logic here. We need valid objects to pass, but they aren't used // in a meaningful way. For now, build User objects. Once the Maniphest // objects exist, this will switch over automatically. This is a big // hack but shouldn't be long for this world. $placeholder_editor = new PhabricatorUserProfileEditor(); $field_errors = $aux_field->validateApplicationTransactions( $placeholder_editor, PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD, array( id(new ManiphestTransaction()) ->setOldValue($aux_old_value) ->setNewValue($aux_new_value), )); foreach ($field_errors as $error) { $errors[] = $error->getMessage(); } $old_values[$aux_field->getFieldKey()] = $aux_old_value; } if ($errors) { $task->setTitle($new_title); $task->setDescription($new_desc); $task->setPriority($request->getInt('priority')); $task->setOwnerPHID($owner_phid); $task->setCCPHIDs($request->getArr('cc')); $task->setProjectPHIDs($request->getArr('projects')); } else { $changes[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PRIORITY] = $request->getInt('priority'); $changes[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER] = $owner_phid; $changes[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_CCS] = $request->getArr('cc'); $changes[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PROJECTS] = $request->getArr('projects'); $changes[PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY] = $request->getStr('viewPolicy'); $changes[PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY] = $request->getStr('editPolicy'); if ($files) { $file_map = mpull($files, 'getPHID'); $file_map = array_fill_keys($file_map, array()); $changes[ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_ATTACH] = array( PhabricatorFilePHIDTypeFile::TYPECONST => $file_map, ); } $template = new ManiphestTransaction(); $transactions = array(); foreach ($changes as $type => $value) { $transaction = clone $template; $transaction->setTransactionType($type); $transaction->setNewValue($value); $transactions[] = $transaction; } if ($aux_fields) { foreach ($aux_fields as $aux_field) { $transaction = clone $template; $transaction->setTransactionType( PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD); $aux_key = $aux_field->getFieldKey(); $transaction->setMetadataValue('customfield:key', $aux_key); $old = idx($old_values, $aux_key); $new = $aux_field->getNewValueForApplicationTransactions(); $transaction->setOldValue($old); $transaction->setNewValue($new); $transactions[] = $transaction; } } if ($transactions) { $is_new = !$task->getID(); $event = new PhabricatorEvent( PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_WILLEDITTASK, array( 'task' => $task, 'new' => $is_new, 'transactions' => $transactions, )); $event->setUser($user); $event->setAphrontRequest($request); PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event); $task = $event->getValue('task'); $transactions = $event->getValue('transactions'); $editor = id(new ManiphestTransactionEditorPro()) ->setActor($user) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request) ->setContinueOnNoEffect(true) ->applyTransactions($task, $transactions); $event = new PhabricatorEvent( PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_DIDEDITTASK, array( 'task' => $task, 'new' => $is_new, 'transactions' => $transactions, )); $event->setUser($user); $event->setAphrontRequest($request); PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event); } if ($parent_task) { id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor()) ->setActor($user) ->addEdge( $parent_task->getPHID(), PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_DEPENDS_ON_TASK, $task->getPHID()) ->save(); $workflow = $parent_task->getID(); } if ($request->isAjax()) { return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse())->setContent( array( 'tasks' => $this->renderSingleTask($task), )); } $redirect_uri = '/T'.$task->getID(); if ($workflow) { $redirect_uri .= '?workflow='.$workflow; } return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($redirect_uri); } } else { if (!$task->getID()) { $task->setCCPHIDs(array( $user->getPHID(), )); if ($template_id) { $template_task = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($template_id)) ->executeOne(); if ($template_task) { $task->setCCPHIDs($template_task->getCCPHIDs()); $task->setProjectPHIDs($template_task->getProjectPHIDs()); $task->setOwnerPHID($template_task->getOwnerPHID()); $task->setPriority($template_task->getPriority()); $template_fields = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields( $template_task, PhabricatorCustomField::ROLE_EDIT); $fields = $template_fields->getFields(); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if (!$field->shouldCopyWhenCreatingSimilarTask()) { unset($fields[$key]); } if (empty($aux_fields[$key])) { unset($fields[$key]); } } if ($fields) { id(new PhabricatorCustomFieldList($fields)) ->readFieldsFromStorage($template_task); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $aux_fields[$key]->setValueFromStorage( $field->getValueForStorage()); } } } } } } $phids = array_merge( array($task->getOwnerPHID()), $task->getCCPHIDs(), $task->getProjectPHIDs()); if ($parent_task) { $phids[] = $parent_task->getPHID(); } $phids = array_filter($phids); $phids = array_unique($phids); $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids); $tvalues = mpull($handles, 'getFullName', 'getPHID'); $error_view = null; if ($errors) { $error_view = new AphrontErrorView(); $error_view->setErrors($errors); $error_view->setTitle(pht('Form Errors')); } $priority_map = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityMap(); if ($task->getOwnerPHID()) { $assigned_value = array( $task->getOwnerPHID() => $handles[$task->getOwnerPHID()]->getFullName(), ); } else { $assigned_value = array(); } if ($task->getCCPHIDs()) { $cc_value = array_select_keys($tvalues, $task->getCCPHIDs()); } else { $cc_value = array(); } if ($task->getProjectPHIDs()) { $projects_value = array_select_keys($tvalues, $task->getProjectPHIDs()); } else { $projects_value = array(); } $cancel_id = nonempty($task->getID(), $template_id); if ($cancel_id) { $cancel_uri = '/T'.$cancel_id; } else { $cancel_uri = '/maniphest/'; } if ($task->getID()) { $button_name = pht('Save Task'); $header_name = pht('Edit Task'); } else if ($parent_task) { $cancel_uri = '/T'.$parent_task->getID(); $button_name = pht('Create Task'); $header_name = pht('Create New Subtask'); } else { $button_name = pht('Create Task'); $header_name = pht('Create New Task'); } require_celerity_resource('maniphest-task-edit-css'); $project_tokenizer_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); if ($request->isAjax()) { $form = new PHUIFormLayoutView(); } else { $form = new AphrontFormView(); $form ->setUser($user) ->addHiddenInput('template', $template_id); } if ($parent_task) { $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormStaticControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Parent Task')) ->setValue($handles[$parent_task->getPHID()]->getFullName())) ->addHiddenInput('parent', $parent_task->getID()); } $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextAreaControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Title')) ->setName('title') ->setError($e_title) ->setHeight(AphrontFormTextAreaControl::HEIGHT_VERY_SHORT) ->setValue($task->getTitle())); if ($task->getID()) { // Only show this in "edit" mode, not "create" mode, since creating a // non-open task is kind of silly and it would just clutter up the // "create" interface. $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSelectControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Status')) ->setName('status') ->setValue($task->getStatus()) ->setOptions(ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusMap())); } $policies = id(new PhabricatorPolicyQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->setObject($task) ->execute(); $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Assigned To')) ->setName('assigned_to') ->setValue($assigned_value) ->setUser($user) ->setDatasource('/typeahead/common/users/') ->setLimit(1)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setLabel(pht('CC')) ->setName('cc') ->setValue($cc_value) ->setUser($user) ->setDatasource('/typeahead/common/mailable/')) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSelectControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Priority')) ->setName('priority') ->setOptions($priority_map) ->setValue($task->getPriority())) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormPolicyControl()) ->setUser($user) ->setCapability(PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW) ->setPolicyObject($task) ->setPolicies($policies) ->setName('viewPolicy')) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormPolicyControl()) ->setUser($user) ->setCapability(PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT) ->setPolicyObject($task) ->setPolicies($policies) ->setCaption( pht( 'NOTE: These policy controls still have some rough edges and '. 'are not yet fully functional.')) ->setName('editPolicy')) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Projects')) ->setName('projects') ->setValue($projects_value) ->setID($project_tokenizer_id) ->setCaption( javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/project/create/', 'mustcapture' => true, 'sigil' => 'project-create', ), pht('Create New Project'))) ->setDatasource('/typeahead/common/projects/')); foreach ($aux_fields as $aux_field) { $aux_control = $aux_field->renderEditControl(); $form->appendChild($aux_control); } require_celerity_resource('aphront-error-view-css'); Javelin::initBehavior('project-create', array( 'tokenizerID' => $project_tokenizer_id, )); if ($files) { $file_display = mpull($files, 'getName'); $file_display = phutil_implode_html(phutil_tag('br'), $file_display); $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormMarkupControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Files')) ->setValue($file_display)); foreach ($files as $ii => $file) { $form->addHiddenInput('files['.$ii.']', $file->getPHID()); } } $description_control = new PhabricatorRemarkupControl(); // "Upsell" creating tasks via email in create flows if the instance is // configured for this awesomeness. $email_create = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'metamta.maniphest.public-create-email'); if (!$task->getID() && $email_create) { $email_hint = pht( 'You can also create tasks by sending an email to: %s', phutil_tag('tt', array(), $email_create)); $description_control->setCaption($email_hint); } $description_control ->setLabel(pht('Description')) ->setName('description') ->setID('description-textarea') ->setValue($task->getDescription()) ->setUser($user); $form ->appendChild($description_control); if ($request->isAjax()) { $dialog = id(new AphrontDialogView()) ->setUser($user) ->setWidth(AphrontDialogView::WIDTH_FULL) ->setTitle($header_name) ->appendChild( array( $error_view, $form, )) ->addCancelButton($cancel_uri) ->addSubmitButton($button_name); return id(new AphrontDialogResponse())->setDialog($dialog); } $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->addCancelButton($cancel_uri) ->setValue($button_name)); $form_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText($header_name) ->setFormError($error_view) ->setForm($form); $preview = id(new PHUIRemarkupPreviewPanel()) ->setHeader(pht('Description Preview')) ->setControlID('description-textarea') ->setPreviewURI($this->getApplicationURI('task/descriptionpreview/')); if ($task->getID()) { $page_objects = array( $task->getPHID() ); } else { $page_objects = array(); } $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addCrumb( id(new PhabricatorCrumbView()) ->setName($header_name)); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $form_box, $preview, ), array( 'title' => $header_name, 'pageObjects' => $page_objects, 'device' => true, )); } } diff --git a/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTransactionSaveController.php b/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTransactionSaveController.php index 494bf9ac9f..cc98a9eccf 100644 --- a/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTransactionSaveController.php +++ b/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestTransactionSaveController.php @@ -1,253 +1,254 @@ getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); // TODO: T603 This doesn't require CAN_EDIT because non-editors can still // leave comments, probably? For now, this just nondisruptive. Smooth this // out once policies are more clear. $task = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($request->getStr('taskID'))) ->executeOne(); if (!$task) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $transactions = array(); $action = $request->getStr('action'); // If we have drag-and-dropped files, attach them first in a separate // transaction. These can come in on any transaction type, which is why we // handle them separately. $files = array(); // Look for drag-and-drop uploads first. $file_phids = $request->getArr('files'); if ($file_phids) { - $files = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( - 'phid in (%Ls)', - $file_phids); + $files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($user) + ->withPHIDs(array($file_phids)) + ->execute(); } // This means "attach a file" even though we store other types of data // as 'attached'. if ($action == ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_ATTACH) { if (!empty($_FILES['file'])) { $err = idx($_FILES['file'], 'error'); if ($err != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromPHPUpload( $_FILES['file'], array( 'authorPHID' => $user->getPHID(), )); $files[] = $file; } } } // If we had explicit or drag-and-drop files, create a transaction // for those before we deal with whatever else might have happened. $file_transaction = null; if ($files) { $files = mpull($files, 'getPHID', 'getPHID'); $new = $task->getAttached(); foreach ($files as $phid) { if (empty($new[PhabricatorFilePHIDTypeFile::TYPECONST])) { $new[PhabricatorFilePHIDTypeFile::TYPECONST] = array(); } $new[PhabricatorFilePHIDTypeFile::TYPECONST][$phid] = array(); } $transaction = new ManiphestTransaction(); $transaction ->setTransactionType(ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_ATTACH); $transaction->setNewValue($new); $transactions[] = $transaction; } // Compute new CCs added by @mentions. Several things can cause CCs to // be added as side effects: mentions, explicit CCs, users who aren't // CC'd interacting with the task, and ownership changes. We build up a // list of all the CCs and then construct a transaction for them at the // end if necessary. $added_ccs = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::extractPHIDsFromMentions( array( $request->getStr('comments'), )); $cc_transaction = new ManiphestTransaction(); $cc_transaction ->setTransactionType(ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_CCS); $transaction = new ManiphestTransaction(); $transaction ->setTransactionType($action); switch ($action) { case ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_STATUS: $transaction->setNewValue($request->getStr('resolution')); break; case ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER: $assign_to = $request->getArr('assign_to'); $assign_to = reset($assign_to); $transaction->setNewValue($assign_to); break; case ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PROJECTS: $projects = $request->getArr('projects'); $projects = array_merge($projects, $task->getProjectPHIDs()); $projects = array_filter($projects); $projects = array_unique($projects); $transaction->setNewValue($projects); break; case ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_CCS: // Accumulate the new explicit CCs into the array that we'll add in // the CC transaction later. $added_ccs = array_merge($added_ccs, $request->getArr('ccs')); // Throw away the primary transaction. $transaction = null; break; case ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PRIORITY: $transaction->setNewValue($request->getInt('priority')); break; case ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_ATTACH: // Nuke this, we created it above. $transaction = null; break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: // Nuke this, we're going to create it below. $transaction = null; break; default: throw new Exception('unknown action'); } if ($transaction) { $transactions[] = $transaction; } if ($request->getStr('comments')) { $transactions[] = id(new ManiphestTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT) ->attachComment( id(new ManiphestTransactionComment()) ->setContent($request->getStr('comments'))); } // When you interact with a task, we add you to the CC list so you get // further updates, and possibly assign the task to you if you took an // ownership action (closing it) but it's currently unowned. We also move // previous owners to CC if ownership changes. Detect all these conditions // and create side-effect transactions for them. $implicitly_claimed = false; switch ($action) { case ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER: if ($task->getOwnerPHID() == $transaction->getNewValue()) { // If this is actually no-op, don't generate the side effect. break; } // Otherwise, when a task is reassigned, move the previous owner to CC. $added_ccs[] = $task->getOwnerPHID(); break; case ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_STATUS: if (!$task->getOwnerPHID() && $request->getStr('resolution') != ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN) { // Closing an unassigned task. Assign the user as the owner of // this task. $assign = new ManiphestTransaction(); $assign->setTransactionType(ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER); $assign->setNewValue($user->getPHID()); $transactions[] = $assign; $implicitly_claimed = true; } break; } $user_owns_task = false; if ($implicitly_claimed) { $user_owns_task = true; } else { if ($action == ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_OWNER) { if ($transaction->getNewValue() == $user->getPHID()) { $user_owns_task = true; } } else if ($task->getOwnerPHID() == $user->getPHID()) { $user_owns_task = true; } } if (!$user_owns_task) { // If we aren't making the user the new task owner and they aren't the // existing task owner, add them to CC unless they're aleady CC'd. if (!in_array($user->getPHID(), $task->getCCPHIDs())) { $added_ccs[] = $user->getPHID(); } } // Evade no-effect detection in the new editor stuff until we can switch // to subscriptions. $added_ccs = array_filter(array_diff($added_ccs, $task->getCCPHIDs())); if ($added_ccs) { // We've added CCs, so include a CC transaction. $all_ccs = array_merge($task->getCCPHIDs(), $added_ccs); $cc_transaction->setNewValue($all_ccs); $transactions[] = $cc_transaction; } $event = new PhabricatorEvent( PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_WILLEDITTASK, array( 'task' => $task, 'new' => false, 'transactions' => $transactions, )); $event->setUser($user); $event->setAphrontRequest($request); PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event); $task = $event->getValue('task'); $transactions = $event->getValue('transactions'); $editor = id(new ManiphestTransactionEditorPro()) ->setActor($user) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request) ->setContinueOnMissingFields(true) ->applyTransactions($task, $transactions); $draft = id(new PhabricatorDraft())->loadOneWhere( 'authorPHID = %s AND draftKey = %s', $user->getPHID(), $task->getPHID()); if ($draft) { $draft->delete(); } $event = new PhabricatorEvent( PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_DIDEDITTASK, array( 'task' => $task, 'new' => false, 'transactions' => $transactions, )); $event->setUser($user); $event->setAphrontRequest($request); PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI('/T'.$task->getID()); } } diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/replyhandler/PhabricatorMailReplyHandler.php b/src/applications/metamta/replyhandler/PhabricatorMailReplyHandler.php index b37ce4db33..07245a50a5 100644 --- a/src/applications/metamta/replyhandler/PhabricatorMailReplyHandler.php +++ b/src/applications/metamta/replyhandler/PhabricatorMailReplyHandler.php @@ -1,334 +1,335 @@ validateMailReceiver($mail_receiver); $this->mailReceiver = $mail_receiver; return $this; } final public function getMailReceiver() { return $this->mailReceiver; } final public function setActor(PhabricatorUser $actor) { $this->actor = $actor; return $this; } final public function getActor() { return $this->actor; } final public function setExcludeMailRecipientPHIDs(array $exclude) { $this->excludePHIDs = $exclude; return $this; } final public function getExcludeMailRecipientPHIDs() { return $this->excludePHIDs; } abstract public function validateMailReceiver($mail_receiver); abstract public function getPrivateReplyHandlerEmailAddress( PhabricatorObjectHandle $handle); public function getReplyHandlerDomain() { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'metamta.reply-handler-domain'); } abstract public function getReplyHandlerInstructions(); abstract protected function receiveEmail( PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail); public function processEmail(PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail) { $error = $this->sanityCheckEmail($mail); if ($error) { if ($this->shouldSendErrorEmail($mail)) { $this->sendErrorEmail($error, $mail); } return null; } return $this->receiveEmail($mail); } private function sanityCheckEmail(PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail) { $body = $mail->getCleanTextBody(); $attachments = $mail->getAttachments(); if (empty($body) && empty($attachments)) { return 'Empty email body. Email should begin with an !action and / or '. 'text to comment. Inline replies and signatures are ignored.'; } return null; } /** * Only send an error email if the user is talking to just Phabricator. We * can assume if there is only one To address it is a Phabricator address * since this code is running and everything. */ private function shouldSendErrorEmail(PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail) { return (count($mail->getToAddresses()) == 1) && (count($mail->getCCAddresses()) == 0); } private function sendErrorEmail($error, PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail) { $template = new PhabricatorMetaMTAMail(); $template->setSubject('Exception: unable to process your mail request'); $template->setBody($this->buildErrorMailBody($error, $mail)); $template->setRelatedPHID($mail->getRelatedPHID()); $phid = $this->getActor()->getPHID(); $handle = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getActor()) ->withPHIDs(array($phid)) ->executeOne(); $tos = array($phid => $handle); $mails = $this->multiplexMail($template, $tos, array()); foreach ($mails as $email) { $email->saveAndSend(); } return true; } private function buildErrorMailBody($error, PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail) { $original_body = $mail->getRawTextBody(); $main_body = <<addRawSection($main_body); $body->addReplySection($this->getReplyHandlerInstructions()); return $body->render(); } public function supportsPrivateReplies() { return (bool)$this->getReplyHandlerDomain() && !$this->supportsPublicReplies(); } public function supportsPublicReplies() { if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.public-replies')) { return false; } if (!$this->getReplyHandlerDomain()) { return false; } return (bool)$this->getPublicReplyHandlerEmailAddress(); } final public function supportsReplies() { return $this->supportsPrivateReplies() || $this->supportsPublicReplies(); } public function getPublicReplyHandlerEmailAddress() { return null; } final public function getRecipientsSummary( array $to_handles, array $cc_handles) { assert_instances_of($to_handles, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle'); assert_instances_of($cc_handles, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle'); $body = ''; if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.recipients.show-hints')) { if ($to_handles) { $body .= "To: ".implode(', ', mpull($to_handles, 'getName'))."\n"; } if ($cc_handles) { $body .= "Cc: ".implode(', ', mpull($cc_handles, 'getName'))."\n"; } } return $body; } final public function multiplexMail( PhabricatorMetaMTAMail $mail_template, array $to_handles, array $cc_handles) { assert_instances_of($to_handles, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle'); assert_instances_of($cc_handles, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle'); $result = array(); // If MetaMTA is configured to always multiplex, skip the single-email // case. if (!PhabricatorMetaMTAMail::shouldMultiplexAllMail()) { // If private replies are not supported, simply send one email to all // recipients and CCs. This covers cases where we have no reply handler, // or we have a public reply handler. if (!$this->supportsPrivateReplies()) { $mail = clone $mail_template; $mail->addTos(mpull($to_handles, 'getPHID')); $mail->addCCs(mpull($cc_handles, 'getPHID')); if ($this->supportsPublicReplies()) { $reply_to = $this->getPublicReplyHandlerEmailAddress(); $mail->setReplyTo($reply_to); } $result[] = $mail; return $result; } } $tos = mpull($to_handles, null, 'getPHID'); $ccs = mpull($cc_handles, null, 'getPHID'); // Merge all the recipients together. TODO: We could keep the CCs as real // CCs and send to a "noreply@domain.com" type address, but keep it simple // for now. $recipients = $tos + $ccs; // When multiplexing mail, explicitly include To/Cc information in the // message body and headers. $mail_template = clone $mail_template; $mail_template->addPHIDHeaders('X-Phabricator-To', array_keys($tos)); $mail_template->addPHIDHeaders('X-Phabricator-Cc', array_keys($ccs)); $body = $mail_template->getBody(); $body .= "\n"; $body .= $this->getRecipientsSummary($to_handles, $cc_handles); foreach ($recipients as $phid => $recipient) { $mail = clone $mail_template; if (isset($to_handles[$phid])) { $mail->addTos(array($phid)); } else if (isset($cc_handles[$phid])) { $mail->addCCs(array($phid)); } else { // not good - they should be a to or a cc continue; } $mail->setBody($body); $reply_to = null; if (!$reply_to && $this->supportsPrivateReplies()) { $reply_to = $this->getPrivateReplyHandlerEmailAddress($recipient); } if (!$reply_to && $this->supportsPublicReplies()) { $reply_to = $this->getPublicReplyHandlerEmailAddress(); } if ($reply_to) { $mail->setReplyTo($reply_to); } $result[] = $mail; } return $result; } protected function getDefaultPublicReplyHandlerEmailAddress($prefix) { $receiver = $this->getMailReceiver(); $receiver_id = $receiver->getID(); $domain = $this->getReplyHandlerDomain(); // We compute a hash using the object's own PHID to prevent an attacker // from blindly interacting with objects that they haven't ever received // mail about by just sending to D1@, D2@, etc... $hash = PhabricatorObjectMailReceiver::computeMailHash( $receiver->getMailKey(), $receiver->getPHID()); $address = "{$prefix}{$receiver_id}+public+{$hash}@{$domain}"; return $this->getSingleReplyHandlerPrefix($address); } protected function getSingleReplyHandlerPrefix($address) { $single_handle_prefix = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'metamta.single-reply-handler-prefix'); return ($single_handle_prefix) ? $single_handle_prefix . '+' . $address : $address; } protected function getDefaultPrivateReplyHandlerEmailAddress( PhabricatorObjectHandle $handle, $prefix) { if ($handle->getType() != PhabricatorPeoplePHIDTypeUser::TYPECONST) { // You must be a real user to get a private reply handler address. return null; } $user = id(new PhabricatorPeopleQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withPHIDs(array($handle->getPHID())) ->executeOne(); if (!$user) { // This may happen if a user was subscribed to something, and was then // deleted. return null; } $receiver = $this->getMailReceiver(); $receiver_id = $receiver->getID(); $user_id = $user->getID(); $hash = PhabricatorObjectMailReceiver::computeMailHash( $receiver->getMailKey(), $handle->getPHID()); $domain = $this->getReplyHandlerDomain(); $address = "{$prefix}{$receiver_id}+{$user_id}+{$hash}@{$domain}"; return $this->getSingleReplyHandlerPrefix($address); } final protected function enhanceBodyWithAttachments( $body, array $attachments, $format = '- {F%d, layout=link}') { if (!$attachments) { return $body; } + // TODO: (T603) What's the policy here? $files = id(new PhabricatorFile()) ->loadAllWhere('phid in (%Ls)', $attachments); // if we have some text then double return before adding our file list if ($body) { $body .= "\n\n"; } foreach ($files as $file) { $file_str = sprintf($format, $file->getID()); $body .= $file_str."\n"; } return rtrim($body); } } diff --git a/src/applications/paste/controller/PhabricatorPasteViewController.php b/src/applications/paste/controller/PhabricatorPasteViewController.php index d270fb4e06..1ffb3d08ef 100644 --- a/src/applications/paste/controller/PhabricatorPasteViewController.php +++ b/src/applications/paste/controller/PhabricatorPasteViewController.php @@ -1,242 +1,243 @@ id = $data['id']; $raw_lines = idx($data, 'lines'); $map = array(); if ($raw_lines) { $lines = explode('-', $raw_lines); $first = idx($lines, 0, 0); $last = idx($lines, 1); if ($last) { $min = min($first, $last); $max = max($first, $last); $map = array_fuse(range($min, $max)); } else { $map[$first] = $first; } } $this->highlightMap = $map; } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $paste = id(new PhabricatorPasteQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($this->id)) ->needContent(true) ->executeOne(); if (!$paste) { return new Aphront404Response(); } - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $paste->getFilePHID()); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($user) + ->withPHIDs(array($paste->getFilePHID())) + ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { return new Aphront400Response(); } $forks = id(new PhabricatorPasteQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withParentPHIDs(array($paste->getPHID())) ->execute(); $fork_phids = mpull($forks, 'getPHID'); $this->loadHandles( array_merge( array( $paste->getAuthorPHID(), $paste->getParentPHID(), ), $fork_phids)); $header = $this->buildHeaderView($paste); $actions = $this->buildActionView($user, $paste, $file); $properties = $this->buildPropertyView($paste, $fork_phids); $object_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setActionList($actions) ->setPropertyList($properties); $source_code = $this->buildSourceCodeView( $paste, null, $this->highlightMap); $source_code = id(new PHUIBoxView()) ->appendChild($source_code) ->setBorder(true) ->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_LEFT) ->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_RIGHT) ->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE_TOP); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs($this->buildSideNavView()) ->setActionList($actions) ->addCrumb( id(new PhabricatorCrumbView()) ->setName('P'.$paste->getID()) ->setHref('/P'.$paste->getID())); $xactions = id(new PhabricatorPasteTransactionQuery()) ->setViewer($request->getUser()) ->withObjectPHIDs(array($paste->getPHID())) ->execute(); $engine = id(new PhabricatorMarkupEngine()) ->setViewer($user); foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { if ($xaction->getComment()) { $engine->addObject( $xaction->getComment(), PhabricatorApplicationTransactionComment::MARKUP_FIELD_COMMENT); } } $engine->process(); $timeline = id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView()) ->setUser($user) ->setObjectPHID($paste->getPHID()) ->setTransactions($xactions) ->setMarkupEngine($engine); $is_serious = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.serious-business'); $add_comment_header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader( $is_serious ? pht('Add Comment') : pht('Debate Paste Accuracy')); $submit_button_name = $is_serious ? pht('Add Comment') : pht('Pity the Fool'); $draft = PhabricatorDraft::newFromUserAndKey($user, $paste->getPHID()); $add_comment_form = id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionCommentView()) ->setUser($user) ->setObjectPHID($paste->getPHID()) ->setDraft($draft) ->setAction($this->getApplicationURI('/comment/'.$paste->getID().'/')) ->setSubmitButtonName($submit_button_name); $comment_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setFlush(true) ->setHeader($add_comment_header) ->appendChild($add_comment_form); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $object_box, $source_code, $timeline, $comment_box, ), array( 'title' => $paste->getFullName(), 'device' => true, 'pageObjects' => array($paste->getPHID()), )); } private function buildHeaderView(PhabricatorPaste $paste) { $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader($paste->getTitle()) ->setUser($this->getRequest()->getUser()) ->setPolicyObject($paste); return $header; } private function buildActionView( PhabricatorUser $user, PhabricatorPaste $paste, PhabricatorFile $file) { $can_edit = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $user, $paste, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $can_fork = $user->isLoggedIn(); $fork_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('/create/?parent='.$paste->getID()); return id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setUser($user) ->setObject($paste) ->setObjectURI($this->getRequest()->getRequestURI()) ->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Fork This Paste')) ->setIcon('fork') ->setDisabled(!$can_fork) ->setWorkflow(!$can_fork) ->setHref($fork_uri)) ->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('View Raw File')) ->setIcon('file') ->setHref($file->getBestURI())) ->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Edit Paste')) ->setIcon('edit') ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('/edit/'.$paste->getID().'/'))); } private function buildPropertyView( PhabricatorPaste $paste, array $child_phids) { $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $properties = id(new PhabricatorPropertyListView()) ->setUser($user) ->setObject($paste); $properties->addProperty( pht('Author'), $this->getHandle($paste->getAuthorPHID())->renderLink()); $properties->addProperty( pht('Created'), phabricator_datetime($paste->getDateCreated(), $user)); if ($paste->getParentPHID()) { $properties->addProperty( pht('Forked From'), $this->getHandle($paste->getParentPHID())->renderLink()); } if ($child_phids) { $properties->addProperty( pht('Forks'), $this->renderHandlesForPHIDs($child_phids)); } $descriptions = PhabricatorPolicyQuery::renderPolicyDescriptions( $user, $paste); return $properties; } } diff --git a/src/applications/paste/query/PhabricatorPasteQuery.php b/src/applications/paste/query/PhabricatorPasteQuery.php index 5b3c08be73..d05f78b457 100644 --- a/src/applications/paste/query/PhabricatorPasteQuery.php +++ b/src/applications/paste/query/PhabricatorPasteQuery.php @@ -1,243 +1,244 @@ ids = $ids; return $this; } public function withPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->phids = $phids; return $this; } public function withAuthorPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->authorPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function withParentPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->parentPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function needContent($need_content) { $this->needContent = $need_content; return $this; } public function needRawContent($need_raw_content) { $this->needRawContent = $need_raw_content; return $this; } public function withLanguages(array $languages) { $this->includeNoLanguage = false; foreach ($languages as $key => $language) { if ($language === null) { $languages[$key] = ''; continue; } } $this->languages = $languages; return $this; } public function withDateCreatedBefore($date_created_before) { $this->dateCreatedBefore = $date_created_before; return $this; } public function withDateCreatedAfter($date_created_after) { $this->dateCreatedAfter = $date_created_after; return $this; } protected function loadPage() { $table = new PhabricatorPaste(); $conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r'); $data = queryfx_all( $conn_r, 'SELECT paste.* FROM %T paste %Q %Q %Q', $table->getTableName(), $this->buildWhereClause($conn_r), $this->buildOrderClause($conn_r), $this->buildLimitClause($conn_r)); $pastes = $table->loadAllFromArray($data); return $pastes; } protected function willFilterPage(array $pastes) { if ($this->needRawContent) { $pastes = $this->loadRawContent($pastes); } if ($this->needContent) { $pastes = $this->loadContent($pastes); } return $pastes; } protected function buildWhereClause($conn_r) { $where = array(); $where[] = $this->buildPagingClause($conn_r); if ($this->ids) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'id IN (%Ld)', $this->ids); } if ($this->phids) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'phid IN (%Ls)', $this->phids); } if ($this->authorPHIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'authorPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->authorPHIDs); } if ($this->parentPHIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'parentPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->parentPHIDs); } if ($this->languages) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'language IN (%Ls)', $this->languages); } if ($this->dateCreatedAfter) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'dateCreated >= %d', $this->dateCreatedAfter); } if ($this->dateCreatedBefore) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'dateCreated <= %d', $this->dateCreatedBefore); } return $this->formatWhereClause($where); } private function getContentCacheKey(PhabricatorPaste $paste) { return 'P'.$paste->getID().':content/'.$paste->getLanguage(); } private function loadRawContent(array $pastes) { $file_phids = mpull($pastes, 'getFilePHID'); - $files = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( - 'phid IN (%Ls)', - $file_phids); + $files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) + ->withPHIDs($file_phids) + ->execute(); $files = mpull($files, null, 'getPHID'); foreach ($pastes as $key => $paste) { $file = idx($files, $paste->getFilePHID()); if (!$file) { unset($pastes[$key]); continue; } $paste->attachRawContent($file->loadFileData()); } return $pastes; } private function loadContent(array $pastes) { $cache = new PhabricatorKeyValueDatabaseCache(); $cache = new PhutilKeyValueCacheProfiler($cache); $cache->setProfiler(PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance()); $keys = array(); foreach ($pastes as $paste) { $keys[] = $this->getContentCacheKey($paste); } $caches = $cache->getKeys($keys); $results = array(); $need_raw = array(); foreach ($pastes as $key => $paste) { $key = $this->getContentCacheKey($paste); if (isset($caches[$key])) { $paste->attachContent(phutil_safe_html($caches[$key])); $results[$paste->getID()] = $paste; } else { $need_raw[$key] = $paste; } } if (!$need_raw) { return $results; } $write_data = array(); $need_raw = $this->loadRawContent($need_raw); foreach ($need_raw as $key => $paste) { $content = $this->buildContent($paste); $paste->attachContent($content); $write_data[$this->getContentCacheKey($paste)] = (string)$content; $results[$paste->getID()] = $paste; } $cache->setKeys($write_data); return $results; } private function buildContent(PhabricatorPaste $paste) { $language = $paste->getLanguage(); $source = $paste->getRawContent(); if (empty($language)) { return PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::highlightWithFilename( $paste->getTitle(), $source); } else { return PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::highlightWithLanguage( $language, $source); } } } diff --git a/src/applications/people/storage/PhabricatorUser.php b/src/applications/people/storage/PhabricatorUser.php index 0602ac2175..cf6942fb62 100644 --- a/src/applications/people/storage/PhabricatorUser.php +++ b/src/applications/people/storage/PhabricatorUser.php @@ -1,867 +1,869 @@ timezoneIdentifier, date_default_timezone_get()); // Make sure these return booleans. case 'isAdmin': return (bool)$this->isAdmin; case 'isDisabled': return (bool)$this->isDisabled; case 'isSystemAgent': return (bool)$this->isSystemAgent; default: return parent::readField($field); } } public function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_PARTIAL_OBJECTS => true, ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorPeoplePHIDTypeUser::TYPECONST); } public function setPassword(PhutilOpaqueEnvelope $envelope) { if (!$this->getPHID()) { throw new Exception( "You can not set a password for an unsaved user because their PHID ". "is a salt component in the password hash."); } if (!strlen($envelope->openEnvelope())) { $this->setPasswordHash(''); } else { $this->setPasswordSalt(md5(mt_rand())); $hash = $this->hashPassword($envelope); $this->setPasswordHash($hash); } return $this; } // To satisfy PhutilPerson. public function getSex() { return $this->sex; } public function getTranslation() { try { if ($this->translation && class_exists($this->translation) && is_subclass_of($this->translation, 'PhabricatorTranslation')) { return $this->translation; } } catch (PhutilMissingSymbolException $ex) { return null; } return null; } public function isLoggedIn() { return !($this->getPHID() === null); } public function save() { if (!$this->getConduitCertificate()) { $this->setConduitCertificate($this->generateConduitCertificate()); } $result = parent::save(); if ($this->profile) { $this->profile->save(); } $this->updateNameTokens(); id(new PhabricatorSearchIndexer()) ->indexDocumentByPHID($this->getPHID()); return $result; } private function generateConduitCertificate() { return Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(255); } public function comparePassword(PhutilOpaqueEnvelope $envelope) { if (!strlen($envelope->openEnvelope())) { return false; } if (!strlen($this->getPasswordHash())) { return false; } $password_hash = $this->hashPassword($envelope); return ($password_hash === $this->getPasswordHash()); } private function hashPassword(PhutilOpaqueEnvelope $envelope) { $hash = $this->getUsername(). $envelope->openEnvelope(). $this->getPHID(). $this->getPasswordSalt(); for ($ii = 0; $ii < 1000; $ii++) { $hash = md5($hash); } return $hash; } const CSRF_CYCLE_FREQUENCY = 3600; const CSRF_SALT_LENGTH = 8; const CSRF_TOKEN_LENGTH = 16; const CSRF_BREACH_PREFIX = 'B@'; const EMAIL_CYCLE_FREQUENCY = 86400; const EMAIL_TOKEN_LENGTH = 24; private function getRawCSRFToken($offset = 0) { return $this->generateToken( time() + (self::CSRF_CYCLE_FREQUENCY * $offset), self::CSRF_CYCLE_FREQUENCY, PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.csrf-key'), self::CSRF_TOKEN_LENGTH); } /** * @phutil-external-symbol class PhabricatorStartup */ public function getCSRFToken() { $salt = PhabricatorStartup::getGlobal('csrf.salt'); if (!$salt) { $salt = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(self::CSRF_SALT_LENGTH); PhabricatorStartup::setGlobal('csrf.salt', $salt); } // Generate a token hash to mitigate BREACH attacks against SSL. See // discussion in T3684. $token = $this->getRawCSRFToken(); $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($token, $salt); return 'B@'.$salt.substr($hash, 0, self::CSRF_TOKEN_LENGTH); } public function validateCSRFToken($token) { if (!$this->getPHID()) { return true; } $salt = null; $version = 'plain'; // This is a BREACH-mitigating token. See T3684. $breach_prefix = self::CSRF_BREACH_PREFIX; $breach_prelen = strlen($breach_prefix); if (!strncmp($token, $breach_prefix, $breach_prelen)) { $version = 'breach'; $salt = substr($token, $breach_prelen, self::CSRF_SALT_LENGTH); $token = substr($token, $breach_prelen + self::CSRF_SALT_LENGTH); } // When the user posts a form, we check that it contains a valid CSRF token. // Tokens cycle each hour (every CSRF_CYLCE_FREQUENCY seconds) and we accept // either the current token, the next token (users can submit a "future" // token if you have two web frontends that have some clock skew) or any of // the last 6 tokens. This means that pages are valid for up to 7 hours. // There is also some Javascript which periodically refreshes the CSRF // tokens on each page, so theoretically pages should be valid indefinitely. // However, this code may fail to run (if the user loses their internet // connection, or there's a JS problem, or they don't have JS enabled). // Choosing the size of the window in which we accept old CSRF tokens is // an issue of balancing concerns between security and usability. We could // choose a very narrow (e.g., 1-hour) window to reduce vulnerability to // attacks using captured CSRF tokens, but it's also more likely that real // users will be affected by this, e.g. if they close their laptop for an // hour, open it back up, and try to submit a form before the CSRF refresh // can kick in. Since the user experience of submitting a form with expired // CSRF is often quite bad (you basically lose data, or it's a big pain to // recover at least) and I believe we gain little additional protection // by keeping the window very short (the overwhelming value here is in // preventing blind attacks, and most attacks which can capture CSRF tokens // can also just capture authentication information [sniffing networks] // or act as the user [xss]) the 7 hour default seems like a reasonable // balance. Other major platforms have much longer CSRF token lifetimes, // like Rails (session duration) and Django (forever), which suggests this // is a reasonable analysis. $csrf_window = 6; for ($ii = -$csrf_window; $ii <= 1; $ii++) { $valid = $this->getRawCSRFToken($ii); switch ($version) { // TODO: We can remove this after the BREACH version has been in the // wild for a while. case 'plain': if ($token == $valid) { return true; } break; case 'breach': $digest = PhabricatorHash::digest($valid, $salt); if (substr($digest, 0, self::CSRF_TOKEN_LENGTH) == $token) { return true; } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown CSRF token format!"); } } return false; } private function generateToken($epoch, $frequency, $key, $len) { $time_block = floor($epoch / $frequency); $vec = $this->getPHID().$this->getPasswordHash().$key.$time_block; return substr(PhabricatorHash::digest($vec), 0, $len); } /** * Issue a new session key to this user. Phabricator supports different * types of sessions (like "web" and "conduit") and each session type may * have multiple concurrent sessions (this allows a user to be logged in on * multiple browsers at the same time, for instance). * * Note that this method is transport-agnostic and does not set cookies or * issue other types of tokens, it ONLY generates a new session key. * * You can configure the maximum number of concurrent sessions for various * session types in the Phabricator configuration. * * @param string Session type, like "web". * @return string Newly generated session key. */ public function establishSession($session_type) { $conn_w = $this->establishConnection('w'); if (strpos($session_type, '-') !== false) { throw new Exception("Session type must not contain hyphen ('-')!"); } // We allow multiple sessions of the same type, so when a caller requests // a new session of type "web", we give them the first available session in // "web-1", "web-2", ..., "web-N", up to some configurable limit. If none // of these sessions is available, we overwrite the oldest session and // reissue a new one in its place. $session_limit = 1; switch ($session_type) { case 'web': $session_limit = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('auth.sessions.web'); break; case 'conduit': $session_limit = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('auth.sessions.conduit'); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown session type '{$session_type}'!"); } $session_limit = (int)$session_limit; if ($session_limit <= 0) { throw new Exception( "Session limit for '{$session_type}' must be at least 1!"); } // NOTE: Session establishment is sensitive to race conditions, as when // piping `arc` to `arc`: // // arc export ... | arc paste ... // // To avoid this, we overwrite an old session only if it hasn't been // re-established since we read it. // Consume entropy to generate a new session key, forestalling the eventual // heat death of the universe. $session_key = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(40); // Load all the currently active sessions. $sessions = queryfx_all( $conn_w, 'SELECT type, sessionKey, sessionStart FROM %T WHERE userPHID = %s AND type LIKE %>', PhabricatorUser::SESSION_TABLE, $this->getPHID(), $session_type.'-'); $sessions = ipull($sessions, null, 'type'); $sessions = isort($sessions, 'sessionStart'); $existing_sessions = array_keys($sessions); // UNGUARDED WRITES: Logging-in users don't have CSRF stuff yet. $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $retries = 0; while (true) { // Choose which 'type' we'll actually establish, i.e. what number we're // going to append to the basic session type. To do this, just check all // the numbers sequentially until we find an available session. $establish_type = null; for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $session_limit; $ii++) { $try_type = $session_type.'-'.$ii; if (!in_array($try_type, $existing_sessions)) { $establish_type = $try_type; $expect_key = PhabricatorHash::digest($session_key); $existing_sessions[] = $try_type; // Ensure the row exists so we can issue an update below. We don't // care if we race here or not. queryfx( $conn_w, 'INSERT IGNORE INTO %T (userPHID, type, sessionKey, sessionStart) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, 0)', self::SESSION_TABLE, $this->getPHID(), $establish_type, PhabricatorHash::digest($session_key)); break; } } // If we didn't find an available session, choose the oldest session and // overwrite it. if (!$establish_type) { $oldest = reset($sessions); $establish_type = $oldest['type']; $expect_key = $oldest['sessionKey']; } // This is so that we'll only overwrite the session if it hasn't been // refreshed since we read it. If it has, the session key will be // different and we know we're racing other processes. Whichever one // won gets the session, we go back and try again. queryfx( $conn_w, 'UPDATE %T SET sessionKey = %s, sessionStart = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE userPHID = %s AND type = %s AND sessionKey = %s', self::SESSION_TABLE, PhabricatorHash::digest($session_key), $this->getPHID(), $establish_type, $expect_key); if ($conn_w->getAffectedRows()) { // The update worked, so the session is valid. break; } else { // We know this just got grabbed, so don't try it again. unset($sessions[$establish_type]); } if (++$retries > $session_limit) { throw new Exception("Failed to establish a session!"); } } $log = PhabricatorUserLog::newLog( $this, $this, PhabricatorUserLog::ACTION_LOGIN); $log->setDetails( array( 'session_type' => $session_type, 'session_issued' => $establish_type, )); $log->setSession($session_key); $log->save(); return $session_key; } public function destroySession($session_key) { $conn_w = $this->establishConnection('w'); queryfx( $conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE userPHID = %s AND sessionKey = %s', self::SESSION_TABLE, $this->getPHID(), PhabricatorHash::digest($session_key)); } private function generateEmailToken( PhabricatorUserEmail $email, $offset = 0) { $key = implode( '-', array( PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.csrf-key'), $this->getPHID(), $email->getVerificationCode(), )); return $this->generateToken( time() + ($offset * self::EMAIL_CYCLE_FREQUENCY), self::EMAIL_CYCLE_FREQUENCY, $key, self::EMAIL_TOKEN_LENGTH); } public function validateEmailToken( PhabricatorUserEmail $email, $token) { for ($ii = -1; $ii <= 1; $ii++) { $valid = $this->generateEmailToken($email, $ii); if ($token == $valid) { return true; } } return false; } public function getEmailLoginURI(PhabricatorUserEmail $email = null) { if (!$email) { $email = $this->loadPrimaryEmail(); if (!$email) { throw new Exception("User has no primary email!"); } } $token = $this->generateEmailToken($email); $uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/login/etoken/'.$token.'/'); $uri = new PhutilURI($uri); return $uri->alter('email', $email->getAddress()); } public function attachUserProfile(PhabricatorUserProfile $profile) { $this->profile = $profile; return $this; } public function loadUserProfile() { if ($this->profile) { return $this->profile; } $profile_dao = new PhabricatorUserProfile(); $this->profile = $profile_dao->loadOneWhere('userPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); if (!$this->profile) { $profile_dao->setUserPHID($this->getPHID()); $this->profile = $profile_dao; } return $this->profile; } public function loadPrimaryEmailAddress() { $email = $this->loadPrimaryEmail(); if (!$email) { throw new Exception("User has no primary email address!"); } return $email->getAddress(); } public function loadPrimaryEmail() { return $this->loadOneRelative( new PhabricatorUserEmail(), 'userPHID', 'getPHID', '(isPrimary = 1)'); } public function loadPreferences() { if ($this->preferences) { return $this->preferences; } $preferences = null; if ($this->getPHID()) { $preferences = id(new PhabricatorUserPreferences())->loadOneWhere( 'userPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); } if (!$preferences) { $preferences = new PhabricatorUserPreferences(); $preferences->setUserPHID($this->getPHID()); $default_dict = array( PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_TITLES => 'glyph', PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_EDITOR => '', PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_MONOSPACED => '', PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_DARK_CONSOLE => 0); $preferences->setPreferences($default_dict); } $this->preferences = $preferences; return $preferences; } public function loadEditorLink($path, $line, $callsign) { $editor = $this->loadPreferences()->getPreference( PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_EDITOR); if (is_array($path)) { $multiedit = $this->loadPreferences()->getPreference( PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_MULTIEDIT); switch ($multiedit) { case '': $path = implode(' ', $path); break; case 'disable': return null; } } if ($editor) { return strtr($editor, array( '%%' => '%', '%f' => phutil_escape_uri($path), '%l' => phutil_escape_uri($line), '%r' => phutil_escape_uri($callsign), )); } } private static function tokenizeName($name) { if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) { $name = mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8'); } else { $name = strtolower($name); } $name = trim($name); if (!strlen($name)) { return array(); } return preg_split('/\s+/', $name); } /** * Populate the nametoken table, which used to fetch typeahead results. When * a user types "linc", we want to match "Abraham Lincoln" from on-demand * typeahead sources. To do this, we need a separate table of name fragments. */ public function updateNameTokens() { $tokens = array_merge( self::tokenizeName($this->getRealName()), self::tokenizeName($this->getUserName())); $tokens = array_unique($tokens); $table = self::NAMETOKEN_TABLE; $conn_w = $this->establishConnection('w'); $sql = array(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $sql[] = qsprintf( $conn_w, '(%d, %s)', $this->getID(), $token); } queryfx( $conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE userID = %d', $table, $this->getID()); if ($sql) { queryfx( $conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (userID, token) VALUES %Q', $table, implode(', ', $sql)); } } public function sendWelcomeEmail(PhabricatorUser $admin) { $admin_username = $admin->getUserName(); $admin_realname = $admin->getRealName(); $user_username = $this->getUserName(); $is_serious = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.serious-business'); $base_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/'); $uri = $this->getEmailLoginURI(); $body = <<addTos(array($this->getPHID())) ->setSubject('[Phabricator] Welcome to Phabricator') ->setBody($body) ->saveAndSend(); } public function sendUsernameChangeEmail( PhabricatorUser $admin, $old_username) { $admin_username = $admin->getUserName(); $admin_realname = $admin->getRealName(); $new_username = $this->getUserName(); $password_instructions = null; if (PhabricatorAuthProviderPassword::getPasswordProvider()) { $uri = $this->getEmailLoginURI(); $password_instructions = <<addTos(array($this->getPHID())) ->setSubject('[Phabricator] Username Changed') ->setBody($body) ->saveAndSend(); } public static function describeValidUsername() { return pht( 'Usernames must contain only numbers, letters, period, underscore and '. 'hyphen, and can not end with a period. They must have no more than %d '. 'characters.', new PhutilNumber(self::MAXIMUM_USERNAME_LENGTH)); } public static function validateUsername($username) { // NOTE: If you update this, make sure to update: // // - Remarkup rule for @mentions. // - Routing rule for "/p/username/". // - Unit tests, obviously. // - describeValidUsername() method, above. if (strlen($username) > self::MAXIMUM_USERNAME_LENGTH) { return false; } return (bool)preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_-]$/', $username); } public static function getDefaultProfileImageURI() { return celerity_get_resource_uri('/rsrc/image/avatar.png'); } public function attachStatus(PhabricatorUserStatus $status) { $this->status = $status; return $this; } public function getStatus() { $this->assertAttached($this->status); return $this->status; } public function hasStatus() { return $this->status !== self::ATTACHABLE; } public function attachProfileImageURI($uri) { $this->profileImage = $uri; return $this; } public function loadProfileImageURI() { if ($this->profileImage) { return $this->profileImage; } $src_phid = $this->getProfileImagePHID(); if ($src_phid) { + // TODO: (T603) Can we get rid of this entirely and move it to + // PeopleQuery with attach/attachable? $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $src_phid); if ($file) { $this->profileImage = $file->getBestURI(); } } if (!$this->profileImage) { $this->profileImage = self::getDefaultProfileImageURI(); } return $this->profileImage; } public function getFullName() { return $this->getUsername().' ('.$this->getRealName().')'; } public function __toString() { return $this->getUsername(); } public static function loadOneWithEmailAddress($address) { $email = id(new PhabricatorUserEmail())->loadOneWhere( 'address = %s', $address); if (!$email) { return null; } return id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadOneWhere( 'phid = %s', $email->getUserPHID()); } /* -( Omnipotence )-------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Returns true if this user is omnipotent. Omnipotent users bypass all policy * checks. * * @return bool True if the user bypasses policy checks. */ public function isOmnipotent() { return $this->omnipotent; } /** * Get an omnipotent user object for use in contexts where there is no acting * user, notably daemons. * * @return PhabricatorUser An omnipotent user. */ public static function getOmnipotentUser() { static $user = null; if (!$user) { $user = new PhabricatorUser(); $user->omnipotent = true; $user->makeEphemeral(); } return $user; } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_PUBLIC; case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE; } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { return $this->getPHID() && ($viewer->getPHID() === $this->getPHID()); } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return pht('Only you can edit your information.'); default: return null; } } /* -( PhabricatorCustomFieldInterface )------------------------------------ */ public function getCustomFieldSpecificationForRole($role) { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('user.fields'); } public function getCustomFieldBaseClass() { return 'PhabricatorUserCustomField'; } public function getCustomFields() { return $this->assertAttached($this->customFields); } public function attachCustomFields(PhabricatorCustomFieldAttachment $fields) { $this->customFields = $fields; return $this; } } diff --git a/src/applications/pholio/controller/PholioInlineThumbController.php b/src/applications/pholio/controller/PholioInlineThumbController.php index 219996fe26..9fb7c9a79a 100644 --- a/src/applications/pholio/controller/PholioInlineThumbController.php +++ b/src/applications/pholio/controller/PholioInlineThumbController.php @@ -1,44 +1,49 @@ imageid = idx($data, 'imageid'); } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $image = id(new PholioImage())->load($this->imageid); if ($image == null) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $mock = id(new PholioMockQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($image->getMockID())) ->executeOne(); if (!$mock) { return new Aphront404Response(); } - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $image->getFilePHID()); + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($user) + ->witHPHIDs(array($image->getFilePHID())) + ->executeOne(); + + if (!$file) { + return new Aphront404Response(); + } return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($file->getThumb60x45URI()); } } diff --git a/src/applications/pholio/query/PholioImageQuery.php b/src/applications/pholio/query/PholioImageQuery.php index cbffb17fc3..b619e25739 100644 --- a/src/applications/pholio/query/PholioImageQuery.php +++ b/src/applications/pholio/query/PholioImageQuery.php @@ -1,154 +1,157 @@ ids = $ids; return $this; } public function withPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->phids = $phids; return $this; } public function withMockIDs(array $mock_ids) { $this->mockIDs = $mock_ids; return $this; } public function withObsolete($obsolete) { $this->obsolete = $obsolete; return $this; } public function needInlineComments($need_inline_comments) { $this->needInlineComments = $need_inline_comments; return $this; } public function setMockCache($mock_cache) { $this->mockCache = $mock_cache; return $this; } public function getMockCache() { return $this->mockCache; } protected function loadPage() { $table = new PholioImage(); $conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r'); $data = queryfx_all( $conn_r, 'SELECT * FROM %T %Q %Q %Q', $table->getTableName(), $this->buildWhereClause($conn_r), $this->buildOrderClause($conn_r), $this->buildLimitClause($conn_r)); $images = $table->loadAllFromArray($data); return $images; } private function buildWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r) { $where = array(); $where[] = $this->buildPagingClause($conn_r); if ($this->ids) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'id IN (%Ld)', $this->ids); } if ($this->phids) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'phid IN (%Ls)', $this->phids); } if ($this->mockIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'mockID IN (%Ld)', $this->mockIDs); } if ($this->obsolete !== null) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'isObsolete = %d', $this->obsolete); } return $this->formatWhereClause($where); } protected function willFilterPage(array $images) { assert_instances_of($images, 'PholioImage'); $file_phids = mpull($images, 'getFilePHID'); - $all_files = mpull(id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( - 'phid IN (%Ls)', - $file_phids), null, 'getPHID'); + + $all_files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) + ->withPHIDs($file_phids) + ->execute(); + $all_files = mpull($all_files, null, 'getPHID'); if ($this->needInlineComments) { $all_inline_comments = id(new PholioTransactionComment()) ->loadAllWhere('imageid IN (%Ld)', mpull($images, 'getID')); $all_inline_comments = mgroup($all_inline_comments, 'getImageID'); } foreach ($images as $image) { $file = idx($all_files, $image->getFilePHID()); if (!$file) { $file = PhabricatorFile::loadBuiltin($this->getViewer(), 'missing.png'); } $image->attachFile($file); if ($this->needInlineComments) { $inlines = idx($all_inline_comments, $image->getID(), array()); $image->attachInlineComments($inlines); } } if ($this->getMockCache()) { $mocks = $this->getMockCache(); } else { $mock_ids = mpull($images, 'getMockID'); // DO NOT set needImages to true; recursion results! $mocks = id(new PholioMockQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withIDs($mock_ids) ->execute(); $mocks = mpull($mocks, null, 'getID'); } foreach ($images as $index => $image) { $mock = idx($mocks, $image->getMockID()); if ($mock) { $image->attachMock($mock); } else { // mock is missing or we can't see it unset($images[$index]); } } return $images; } } diff --git a/src/applications/pholio/query/PholioMockQuery.php b/src/applications/pholio/query/PholioMockQuery.php index 1f37935d28..f08c9e4633 100644 --- a/src/applications/pholio/query/PholioMockQuery.php +++ b/src/applications/pholio/query/PholioMockQuery.php @@ -1,161 +1,164 @@ ids = $ids; return $this; } public function withPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->phids = $phids; return $this; } public function withAuthorPHIDs(array $author_phids) { $this->authorPHIDs = $author_phids; return $this; } public function needCoverFiles($need_cover_files) { $this->needCoverFiles = $need_cover_files; return $this; } public function needImages($need_images) { $this->needImages = $need_images; return $this; } public function needInlineComments($need_inline_comments) { $this->needInlineComments = $need_inline_comments; return $this; } public function needTokenCounts($need) { $this->needTokenCounts = $need; return $this; } protected function loadPage() { $table = new PholioMock(); $conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r'); $data = queryfx_all( $conn_r, 'SELECT * FROM %T %Q %Q %Q', $table->getTableName(), $this->buildWhereClause($conn_r), $this->buildOrderClause($conn_r), $this->buildLimitClause($conn_r)); $mocks = $table->loadAllFromArray($data); if ($mocks && $this->needImages) { $this->loadImages($mocks); } if ($mocks && $this->needCoverFiles) { $this->loadCoverFiles($mocks); } if ($mocks && $this->needTokenCounts) { $this->loadTokenCounts($mocks); } return $mocks; } private function buildWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r) { $where = array(); $where[] = $this->buildPagingClause($conn_r); if ($this->ids) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'id IN (%Ld)', $this->ids); } if ($this->phids) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'phid IN (%Ls)', $this->phids); } if ($this->authorPHIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'authorPHID in (%Ls)', $this->authorPHIDs); } return $this->formatWhereClause($where); } private function loadImages(array $mocks) { assert_instances_of($mocks, 'PholioMock'); $mock_map = mpull($mocks, null, 'getID'); $all_images = id(new PholioImageQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->setMockCache($mock_map) ->withMockIDs(array_keys($mock_map)) ->needInlineComments($this->needInlineComments) ->execute(); $image_groups = mgroup($all_images, 'getMockID'); foreach ($mocks as $mock) { $mock_images = idx($image_groups, $mock->getID(), array()); $mock->attachAllImages($mock_images); $active_images = mfilter($mock_images, 'getIsObsolete', true); $mock->attachImages(msort($active_images, 'getSequence')); } } private function loadCoverFiles(array $mocks) { assert_instances_of($mocks, 'PholioMock'); $cover_file_phids = mpull($mocks, 'getCoverPHID'); - $cover_files = mpull(id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( - 'phid IN (%Ls)', - $cover_file_phids), null, 'getPHID'); + $cover_files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) + ->withPHIDs($cover_file_phids) + ->execute(); + + $cover_files = mpull($cover_files, null, 'getPHID'); foreach ($mocks as $mock) { $file = idx($cover_files, $mock->getCoverPHID()); if (!$file) { $file = PhabricatorFile::loadBuiltin($this->getViewer(), 'missing.png'); } $mock->attachCoverFile($file); } } private function loadTokenCounts(array $mocks) { assert_instances_of($mocks, 'PholioMock'); $phids = mpull($mocks, 'getPHID'); $counts = id(new PhabricatorTokenCountQuery()) ->withObjectPHIDs($phids) ->execute(); foreach ($mocks as $mock) { $mock->attachTokenCount(idx($counts, $mock->getPHID(), 0)); } } } diff --git a/src/applications/project/storage/PhabricatorProjectProfile.php b/src/applications/project/storage/PhabricatorProjectProfile.php index fb2e959320..ee8f42abea 100644 --- a/src/applications/project/storage/PhabricatorProjectProfile.php +++ b/src/applications/project/storage/PhabricatorProjectProfile.php @@ -1,20 +1,21 @@ getProfileImagePHID(); + // TODO: (T603) Can we get rid of this and move it to a Query? $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $src_phid); if ($file) { return $file->getBestURI(); } return PhabricatorUser::getDefaultProfileImageURI(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/repository/worker/commitmessageparser/PhabricatorRepositoryCommitMessageParserWorker.php b/src/applications/repository/worker/commitmessageparser/PhabricatorRepositoryCommitMessageParserWorker.php index 1b893ac206..d7f66b0457 100644 --- a/src/applications/repository/worker/commitmessageparser/PhabricatorRepositoryCommitMessageParserWorker.php +++ b/src/applications/repository/worker/commitmessageparser/PhabricatorRepositoryCommitMessageParserWorker.php @@ -1,540 +1,541 @@ commit; $data = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData())->loadOneWhere( 'commitID = %d', $commit->getID()); if (!$data) { $data = new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData(); } $data->setCommitID($commit->getID()); $data->setAuthorName($author); $data->setCommitDetail( 'authorPHID', $this->resolveUserPHID($author)); $data->setCommitMessage($message); if ($committer) { $data->setCommitDetail('committer', $committer); $data->setCommitDetail( 'committerPHID', $this->resolveUserPHID($committer)); } $repository = $this->repository; $author_phid = $this->lookupUser( $commit, $data->getAuthorName(), $data->getCommitDetail('authorPHID')); $data->setCommitDetail('authorPHID', $author_phid); $user = new PhabricatorUser(); if ($author_phid) { $user = $user->loadOneWhere( 'phid = %s', $author_phid); } $call = new ConduitCall( 'differential.parsecommitmessage', array( 'corpus' => $message, 'partial' => true, )); $call->setUser($user); $result = $call->execute(); $field_values = $result['fields']; if (!empty($field_values['reviewedByPHIDs'])) { $data->setCommitDetail( 'reviewerPHID', reset($field_values['reviewedByPHIDs'])); } $revision_id = idx($field_values, 'revisionID'); if (!$revision_id) { $hashes = $this->getCommitHashes( $repository, $commit); if ($hashes) { $revisions = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withCommitHashes($hashes) ->execute(); if (!empty($revisions)) { $revision = $this->identifyBestRevision($revisions); $revision_id = $revision->getID(); } } } $data->setCommitDetail( 'differential.revisionID', $revision_id); $committer_phid = $this->lookupUser( $commit, $data->getCommitDetail('committer'), $data->getCommitDetail('committerPHID')); $data->setCommitDetail('committerPHID', $committer_phid); if ($author_phid != $commit->getAuthorPHID()) { $commit->setAuthorPHID($author_phid); } $commit->setSummary($data->getSummary()); $commit->save(); $conn_w = id(new DifferentialRevision())->establishConnection('w'); // NOTE: The `differential_commit` table has a unique ID on `commitPHID`, // preventing more than one revision from being associated with a commit. // Generally this is good and desirable, but with the advent of hash // tracking we may end up in a situation where we match several different // revisions. We just kind of ignore this and pick one, we might want to // revisit this and do something differently. (If we match several revisions // someone probably did something very silly, though.) $revision = null; $should_autoclose = $repository->shouldAutocloseCommit($commit, $data); if ($revision_id) { $lock = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock(get_class($this).':'.$revision_id); $lock->lock(5 * 60); // TODO: Check if a more restrictive viewer could be set here $revision = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery()) ->withIDs(array($revision_id)) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->needRelationships(true) ->needReviewerStatus(true) ->executeOne(); if ($revision) { $commit_drev = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_COMMIT_HAS_DREV; id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor()) ->setActor($user) ->addEdge($commit->getPHID(), $commit_drev, $revision->getPHID()) ->save(); queryfx( $conn_w, 'INSERT IGNORE INTO %T (revisionID, commitPHID) VALUES (%d, %s)', DifferentialRevision::TABLE_COMMIT, $revision->getID(), $commit->getPHID()); $status_closed = ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED; $should_close = ($revision->getStatus() != $status_closed) && $should_autoclose; if ($should_close) { $actor_phid = nonempty( $committer_phid, $author_phid, $revision->getAuthorPHID()); $actor = id(new PhabricatorUser()) ->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $actor_phid); $diff = $this->attachToRevision($revision, $actor_phid); $revision->setDateCommitted($commit->getEpoch()); $editor = new DifferentialCommentEditor( $revision, DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE); $editor->setActor($actor); $editor->setIsDaemonWorkflow(true); $vs_diff = $this->loadChangedByCommit($diff); if ($vs_diff) { $data->setCommitDetail('vsDiff', $vs_diff->getID()); $changed_by_commit = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI( '/D'.$revision->getID(). '?vs='.$vs_diff->getID(). '&id='.$diff->getID(). '#toc'); $editor->setChangedByCommit($changed_by_commit); } $commit_name = $repository->formatCommitName( $commit->getCommitIdentifier()); $committer_name = $this->loadUserName( $committer_phid, $data->getCommitDetail('committer'), $actor); $author_name = $this->loadUserName( $author_phid, $data->getAuthorName(), $actor); $info = array(); $info[] = "authored by {$author_name}"; if ($committer_name && ($committer_name != $author_name)) { $info[] = "committed by {$committer_name}"; } $info = implode(', ', $info); $editor ->setMessage("Closed by commit {$commit_name} ({$info}).") ->save(); } } $lock->unlock(); } if ($should_autoclose) { $fields = DifferentialFieldSelector::newSelector() ->getFieldSpecifications(); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if (!$field->shouldAppearOnCommitMessage()) { continue; } $field->setUser($user); $value = idx($field_values, $field->getCommitMessageKey()); $field->setValueFromParsedCommitMessage($value); if ($revision) { $field->setRevision($revision); } $field->didParseCommit($repository, $commit, $data); } } $data->save(); } private function loadUserName($user_phid, $default, PhabricatorUser $actor) { if (!$user_phid) { return $default; } $handle = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($actor) ->withPHIDs(array($user_phid)) ->executeOne(); return '@'.$handle->getName(); } private function attachToRevision( DifferentialRevision $revision, $actor_phid) { $drequest = DiffusionRequest::newFromDictionary(array( 'user' => PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser(), 'initFromConduit' => false, 'repository' => $this->repository, 'commit' => $this->commit->getCommitIdentifier(), )); $raw_diff = DiffusionRawDiffQuery::newFromDiffusionRequest($drequest) ->loadRawDiff(); // TODO: Support adds, deletes and moves under SVN. $changes = id(new ArcanistDiffParser())->parseDiff($raw_diff); $diff = DifferentialDiff::newFromRawChanges($changes) ->setRevisionID($revision->getID()) ->setAuthorPHID($actor_phid) ->setCreationMethod('commit') ->setSourceControlSystem($this->repository->getVersionControlSystem()) ->setLintStatus(DifferentialLintStatus::LINT_SKIP) ->setUnitStatus(DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_SKIP) ->setDateCreated($this->commit->getEpoch()) ->setDescription( 'Commit r'. $this->repository->getCallsign(). $this->commit->getCommitIdentifier()); // TODO: This is not correct in SVN where one repository can have multiple // Arcanist projects. $arcanist_project = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryArcanistProject()) ->loadOneWhere('repositoryID = %d LIMIT 1', $this->repository->getID()); if ($arcanist_project) { $diff->setArcanistProjectPHID($arcanist_project->getPHID()); } $parents = DiffusionCommitParentsQuery::newFromDiffusionRequest($drequest) ->loadParents(); if ($parents) { $diff->setSourceControlBaseRevision(head_key($parents)); } // TODO: Attach binary files. $revision->setLineCount($diff->getLineCount()); return $diff->save(); } private function loadChangedByCommit(DifferentialDiff $diff) { $repository = $this->repository; $vs_changesets = array(); $vs_diff = id(new DifferentialDiff())->loadOneWhere( 'revisionID = %d AND creationMethod != %s ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', $diff->getRevisionID(), 'commit'); foreach ($vs_diff->loadChangesets() as $changeset) { $path = $changeset->getAbsoluteRepositoryPath($repository, $vs_diff); $path = ltrim($path, '/'); $vs_changesets[$path] = $changeset; } $changesets = array(); foreach ($diff->getChangesets() as $changeset) { $path = $changeset->getAbsoluteRepositoryPath($repository, $diff); $path = ltrim($path, '/'); $changesets[$path] = $changeset; } if (array_fill_keys(array_keys($changesets), true) != array_fill_keys(array_keys($vs_changesets), true)) { return $vs_diff; } $hunks = id(new DifferentialHunk())->loadAllWhere( 'changesetID IN (%Ld)', mpull($vs_changesets, 'getID')); $hunks = mgroup($hunks, 'getChangesetID'); foreach ($vs_changesets as $changeset) { $changeset->attachHunks(idx($hunks, $changeset->getID(), array())); } $file_phids = array(); foreach ($vs_changesets as $changeset) { $metadata = $changeset->getMetadata(); $file_phid = idx($metadata, 'new:binary-phid'); if ($file_phid) { $file_phids[$file_phid] = $file_phid; } } $files = array(); if ($file_phids) { - $files = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( - 'phid IN (%Ls)', - $file_phids); + $files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) + ->withPHIDs($file_phids) + ->execute(); $files = mpull($files, null, 'getPHID'); } foreach ($changesets as $path => $changeset) { $vs_changeset = $vs_changesets[$path]; $file_phid = idx($vs_changeset->getMetadata(), 'new:binary-phid'); if ($file_phid) { if (!isset($files[$file_phid])) { return $vs_diff; } $drequest = DiffusionRequest::newFromDictionary(array( 'user' => PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser(), 'initFromConduit' => false, 'repository' => $this->repository, 'commit' => $this->commit->getCommitIdentifier(), 'path' => $path, )); $corpus = DiffusionFileContentQuery::newFromDiffusionRequest($drequest) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->loadFileContent() ->getCorpus(); if ($files[$file_phid]->loadFileData() != $corpus) { return $vs_diff; } } else { $context = implode("\n", $changeset->makeChangesWithContext()); $vs_context = implode("\n", $vs_changeset->makeChangesWithContext()); // We couldn't just compare $context and $vs_context because following // diffs will be considered different: // // -(empty line) // -echo 'test'; // (empty line) // // (empty line) // -echo "test"; // -(empty line) $hunk = id(new DifferentialHunk())->setChanges($context); $vs_hunk = id(new DifferentialHunk())->setChanges($vs_context); if ($hunk->makeOldFile() != $vs_hunk->makeOldFile() || $hunk->makeNewFile() != $vs_hunk->makeNewFile()) { return $vs_diff; } } } return null; } /** * When querying for revisions by hash, more than one revision may be found. * This function identifies the "best" revision from such a set. Typically, * there is only one revision found. Otherwise, we try to pick an accepted * revision first, followed by an open revision, and otherwise we go with a * closed or abandoned revision as a last resort. */ private function identifyBestRevision(array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); // get the simplest, common case out of the way if (count($revisions) == 1) { return reset($revisions); } $first_choice = array(); $second_choice = array(); $third_choice = array(); foreach ($revisions as $revision) { switch ($revision->getStatus()) { // "Accepted" revisions -- ostensibly what we're looking for! case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED: $first_choice[] = $revision; break; // "Open" revisions case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVIEW: case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVISION: $second_choice[] = $revision; break; // default is a wtf? here default: case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ABANDONED: case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED: $third_choice[] = $revision; break; } } // go down the ladder like a bro at last call if (!empty($first_choice)) { return $this->identifyMostRecentRevision($first_choice); } if (!empty($second_choice)) { return $this->identifyMostRecentRevision($second_choice); } if (!empty($third_choice)) { return $this->identifyMostRecentRevision($third_choice); } } /** * Given a set of revisions, returns the revision with the latest * updated time. This is ostensibly the most recent revision. */ private function identifyMostRecentRevision(array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); $revisions = msort($revisions, 'getDateModified'); return end($revisions); } /** * Emit an event so installs can do custom lookup of commit authors who may * not be naturally resolvable. */ private function lookupUser( PhabricatorRepositoryCommit $commit, $query, $guess) { $type = PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_DIFFUSION_LOOKUPUSER; $data = array( 'commit' => $commit, 'query' => $query, 'result' => $guess, ); $event = new PhabricatorEvent($type, $data); PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event); return $event->getValue('result'); } private function resolveUserPHID($user_name) { if (!strlen($user_name)) { return null; } $phid = $this->findUserByUserName($user_name); if ($phid) { return $phid; } $phid = $this->findUserByEmailAddress($user_name); if ($phid) { return $phid; } $phid = $this->findUserByRealName($user_name); if ($phid) { return $phid; } // No hits yet, try to parse it as an email address. $email = new PhutilEmailAddress($user_name); $phid = $this->findUserByEmailAddress($email->getAddress()); if ($phid) { return $phid; } $display_name = $email->getDisplayName(); if ($display_name) { $phid = $this->findUserByUserName($display_name); if ($phid) { return $phid; } $phid = $this->findUserByRealName($display_name); if ($phid) { return $phid; } } return null; } private function findUserByUserName($user_name) { $by_username = id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadOneWhere( 'userName = %s', $user_name); if ($by_username) { return $by_username->getPHID(); } return null; } private function findUserByRealName($real_name) { // Note, real names are not guaranteed unique, which is why we do it this // way. $by_realname = id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadAllWhere( 'realName = %s', $real_name); if (count($by_realname) == 1) { return reset($by_realname)->getPHID(); } return null; } private function findUserByEmailAddress($email_address) { $by_email = PhabricatorUser::loadOneWithEmailAddress($email_address); if ($by_email) { return $by_email->getPHID(); } return null; } } diff --git a/src/applications/xhprof/controller/PhabricatorXHProfProfileController.php b/src/applications/xhprof/controller/PhabricatorXHProfProfileController.php index dac92925a8..089fa8bd3f 100644 --- a/src/applications/xhprof/controller/PhabricatorXHProfProfileController.php +++ b/src/applications/xhprof/controller/PhabricatorXHProfProfileController.php @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ phid = $data['phid']; } public function processRequest() { + $request = $this->getRequest(); - $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( - 'phid = %s', - $this->phid); - + $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) + ->setViewer($request->getUser()) + ->withPHIDs(array($this->phid)) + ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $data = $file->loadFileData(); $data = unserialize($data); if (!$data) { throw new Exception("Failed to unserialize XHProf profile!"); } - $request = $this->getRequest(); $symbol = $request->getStr('symbol'); $is_framed = $request->getBool('frame'); if ($symbol) { $view = new PhabricatorXHProfProfileSymbolView(); $view->setSymbol($symbol); } else { $view = new PhabricatorXHProfProfileTopLevelView(); $view->setFile($file); $view->setLimit(100); } $view->setBaseURI($request->getRequestURI()->getPath()); $view->setIsFramed($is_framed); $view->setProfileData($data); return $this->buildStandardPageResponse( $view, array( 'title' => 'Profile', 'frame' => $is_framed, )); } }