diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseFileController.php b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseFileController.php index c996b7602a..6a14f5ac53 100644 --- a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseFileController.php +++ b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseFileController.php @@ -1,1020 +1,1020 @@ getRequest(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $before = $request->getStr('before'); if ($before) { return $this->buildBeforeResponse($before); } $path = $drequest->getPath(); $preferences = $request->getUser()->loadPreferences(); $show_blame = $request->getBool( 'blame', $preferences->getPreference( PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_DIFFUSION_BLAME, false)); $show_color = $request->getBool( 'color', $preferences->getPreference( PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_DIFFUSION_COLOR, true)); $view = $request->getStr('view'); if ($request->isFormPost() && $view != 'raw') { $preferences->setPreference( PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_DIFFUSION_BLAME, $show_blame); $preferences->setPreference( PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_DIFFUSION_COLOR, $show_color); $preferences->save(); $uri = $request->getRequestURI() ->alter('blame', null) ->alter('color', null); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($uri); } // We need the blame information if blame is on and we're building plain // text, or blame is on and this is an Ajax request. If blame is on and // this is a colorized request, we don't show blame at first (we ajax it // in afterward) so we don't need to query for it. $needs_blame = ($show_blame && !$show_color) || ($show_blame && $request->isAjax()); $file_content = DiffusionFileContent::newFromConduit( $this->callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( 'diffusion.filecontentquery', array( 'commit' => $drequest->getCommit(), 'path' => $drequest->getPath(), 'needsBlame' => $needs_blame, ))); $data = $file_content->getCorpus(); if ($view === 'raw') { return $this->buildRawResponse($path, $data); } $this->loadLintMessages(); $binary_uri = null; if (ArcanistDiffUtils::isHeuristicBinaryFile($data)) { $file = $this->loadFileForData($path, $data); $file_uri = $file->getBestURI(); if ($file->isViewableImage()) { $corpus = $this->buildImageCorpus($file_uri); } else { $corpus = $this->buildBinaryCorpus($file_uri, $data); $binary_uri = $file_uri; } } else { // Build the content of the file. $corpus = $this->buildCorpus( $show_blame, $show_color, $file_content, $needs_blame, $drequest, $path, $data); } if ($request->isAjax()) { return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse())->setContent($corpus); } require_celerity_resource('diffusion-source-css'); // Render the page. $view = $this->buildActionView($drequest); $action_list = $this->enrichActionView( $view, $drequest, $show_blame, $show_color, $binary_uri); $properties = $this->buildPropertyView($drequest, $action_list); $object_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($this->buildHeaderView($drequest)) ->addPropertyList($properties); $content = array(); $content[] = $object_box; $follow = $request->getStr('follow'); if ($follow) { $notice = new AphrontErrorView(); $notice->setSeverity(AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_WARNING); $notice->setTitle(pht('Unable to Continue')); switch ($follow) { case 'first': $notice->appendChild( pht("Unable to continue tracing the history of this file because ". "this commit is the first commit in the repository.")); break; case 'created': $notice->appendChild( pht("Unable to continue tracing the history of this file because ". "this commit created the file.")); break; } $content[] = $notice; } $renamed = $request->getStr('renamed'); if ($renamed) { $notice = new AphrontErrorView(); $notice->setSeverity(AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_NOTICE); $notice->setTitle(pht('File Renamed')); $notice->appendChild( pht("File history passes through a rename from '%s' to '%s'.", $drequest->getPath(), $renamed)); $content[] = $notice; } $content[] = $corpus; $content[] = $this->buildOpenRevisions(); $crumbs = $this->buildCrumbs( array( 'branch' => true, 'path' => true, 'view' => 'browse', )); $basename = basename($this->getDiffusionRequest()->getPath()); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $content, ), array( 'title' => $basename, )); } private function loadLintMessages() { $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $branch = $drequest->loadBranch(); if (!$branch || !$branch->getLintCommit()) { return; } $this->lintCommit = $branch->getLintCommit(); $conn = id(new PhabricatorRepository())->establishConnection('r'); $where = ''; if ($drequest->getLint()) { $where = qsprintf( $conn, 'AND code = %s', $drequest->getLint()); } $this->lintMessages = queryfx_all( $conn, 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE branchID = %d %Q AND path = %s', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_LINTMESSAGE, $branch->getID(), $where, '/'.$drequest->getPath()); } private function buildCorpus( $show_blame, $show_color, DiffusionFileContent $file_content, $needs_blame, DiffusionRequest $drequest, $path, $data) { if (!$show_color) { $style = "margin: 1em 2em; width: 90%; height: 80em; font-family: monospace"; if (!$show_blame) { $corpus = phutil_tag( 'textarea', array( 'style' => $style, ), $file_content->getCorpus()); } else { $text_list = $file_content->getTextList(); $rev_list = $file_content->getRevList(); $blame_dict = $file_content->getBlameDict(); $rows = array(); foreach ($text_list as $k => $line) { $rev = $rev_list[$k]; $author = $blame_dict[$rev]['author']; $rows[] = sprintf("%-10s %-20s %s", substr($rev, 0, 7), $author, $line); } $corpus = phutil_tag( 'textarea', array( 'style' => $style, ), implode("\n", $rows)); } } else { require_celerity_resource('syntax-highlighting-css'); $text_list = $file_content->getTextList(); $rev_list = $file_content->getRevList(); $blame_dict = $file_content->getBlameDict(); $text_list = implode("\n", $text_list); $text_list = PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::highlightWithFilename( $path, $text_list); $text_list = explode("\n", $text_list); $rows = $this->buildDisplayRows($text_list, $rev_list, $blame_dict, $needs_blame, $drequest, $show_blame, $show_color); $corpus_table = javelin_tag( 'table', array( 'class' => "diffusion-source remarkup-code PhabricatorMonospaced", 'sigil' => 'phabricator-source', ), $rows); if ($this->getRequest()->isAjax()) { return $corpus_table; } $id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); $projects = $drequest->loadArcanistProjects(); $langs = array(); foreach ($projects as $project) { $ls = $project->getSymbolIndexLanguages(); if (!$ls) { continue; } $dep_projects = $project->getSymbolIndexProjects(); $dep_projects[] = $project->getPHID(); foreach ($ls as $lang) { if (!isset($langs[$lang])) { $langs[$lang] = array(); } $langs[$lang] += $dep_projects + array($project); } } $lang = last(explode('.', $drequest->getPath())); if (isset($langs[$lang])) { Javelin::initBehavior( 'repository-crossreference', array( 'container' => $id, 'lang' => $lang, 'projects' => $langs[$lang], )); } $corpus = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'id' => $id, ), $corpus_table); $corpus = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText('File Contents') ->appendChild($corpus); Javelin::initBehavior('load-blame', array('id' => $id)); } return $corpus; } private function enrichActionView( PhabricatorActionListView $view, DiffusionRequest $drequest, $show_blame, $show_color, $binary_uri) { $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $base_uri = $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI(); $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Show Last Change')) ->setHref( $drequest->generateURI( array( 'action' => 'change', ))) ->setIcon('new')); if ($show_blame) { $blame_text = pht('Disable Blame'); $blame_icon = 'blame-grey'; $blame_value = 0; } else { $blame_text = pht('Enable Blame'); $blame_icon = 'blame'; $blame_value = 1; } $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName($blame_text) ->setHref($base_uri->alter('blame', $blame_value)) ->setIcon($blame_icon) ->setUser($viewer) ->setRenderAsForm(true)); if ($show_color) { $highlight_text = pht('Disable Highlighting'); $highlight_icon = 'highlight-grey'; $highlight_value = 0; } else { $highlight_text = pht('Enable Highlighting'); $highlight_icon = 'highlight'; $highlight_value = 1; } $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName($highlight_text) ->setHref($base_uri->alter('color', $highlight_value)) ->setIcon($highlight_icon) ->setUser($viewer) ->setRenderAsForm(true)); $href = null; if ($this->getRequest()->getStr('lint') !== null) { $lint_text = pht('Hide %d Lint Message(s)', count($this->lintMessages)); $href = $base_uri->alter('lint', null); } else if ($this->lintCommit === null) { $lint_text = pht('Lint not Available'); } else { $lint_text = pht( 'Show %d Lint Message(s)', count($this->lintMessages)); $href = $this->getDiffusionRequest()->generateURI(array( 'action' => 'browse', 'commit' => $this->lintCommit, ))->alter('lint', ''); } $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName($lint_text) ->setHref($href) ->setIcon('warning') ->setDisabled(!$href)); if ($binary_uri) { $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Download Raw File')) ->setHref($binary_uri) ->setIcon('download')); } else { $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('View Raw File')) ->setHref($base_uri->alter('view', 'raw')) ->setIcon('file')); } $view->addAction($this->createEditAction()); return $view; } private function createEditAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $path = $drequest->getPath(); $line = nonempty((int)$drequest->getLine(), 1); $callsign = $repository->getCallsign(); $editor_link = $user->loadEditorLink($path, $line, $callsign); $action = id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Open in Editor')) ->setIcon('edit'); $action->setHref($editor_link); $action->setDisabled(!$editor_link); return $action; } private function buildDisplayRows( array $text_list, array $rev_list, array $blame_dict, $needs_blame, DiffusionRequest $drequest, $show_blame, $show_color) { $handles = array(); if ($blame_dict) { $epoch_list = ipull(ifilter($blame_dict, 'epoch'), 'epoch'); $epoch_min = min($epoch_list); $epoch_max = max($epoch_list); $epoch_range = ($epoch_max - $epoch_min) + 1; $author_phids = ipull(ifilter($blame_dict, 'authorPHID'), 'authorPHID'); $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($author_phids); } $line_arr = array(); $line_str = $drequest->getLine(); $ranges = explode(',', $line_str); foreach ($ranges as $range) { if (strpos($range, '-') !== false) { list($min, $max) = explode('-', $range, 2); $line_arr[] = array( 'min' => min($min, $max), 'max' => max($min, $max), ); } else if (strlen($range)) { $line_arr[] = array( 'min' => $range, 'max' => $range, ); } } $display = array(); $line_number = 1; $last_rev = null; $color = null; foreach ($text_list as $k => $line) { $display_line = array( 'epoch' => null, 'commit' => null, 'author' => null, 'target' => null, 'highlighted' => null, 'line' => $line_number, 'data' => $line, ); if ($show_blame) { // If the line's rev is same as the line above, show empty content // with same color; otherwise generate blame info. The newer a change // is, the more saturated the color. $rev = idx($rev_list, $k, $last_rev); if ($last_rev == $rev) { $display_line['color'] = $color; } else { $blame = $blame_dict[$rev]; if (!isset($blame['epoch'])) { $color = '#ffd'; // Render as warning. } else { $color_ratio = ($blame['epoch'] - $epoch_min) / $epoch_range; $color_value = 0xE6 * (1.0 - $color_ratio); $color = sprintf( '#%02x%02x%02x', $color_value, 0xF6, $color_value); } $display_line['epoch'] = idx($blame, 'epoch'); $display_line['color'] = $color; $display_line['commit'] = $rev; $author_phid = idx($blame, 'authorPHID'); if ($author_phid && $handles[$author_phid]) { $author_link = $handles[$author_phid]->renderLink(); } else { $author_link = phutil_tag( 'span', array( ), $blame['author']); } $display_line['author'] = $author_link; $last_rev = $rev; } } if ($line_arr) { if ($line_number == $line_arr[0]['min']) { $display_line['target'] = true; } foreach ($line_arr as $range) { if ($line_number >= $range['min'] && $line_number <= $range['max']) { $display_line['highlighted'] = true; } } } $display[] = $display_line; ++$line_number; } $request = $this->getRequest(); $viewer = $request->getUser(); $commits = array_filter(ipull($display, 'commit')); if ($commits) { $commits = id(new DiffusionCommitQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withRepository($drequest->getRepository()) ->withIdentifiers($commits) ->execute(); $commits = mpull($commits, null, 'getCommitIdentifier'); } $revision_ids = id(new DifferentialRevision()) ->loadIDsByCommitPHIDs(mpull($commits, 'getPHID')); $revisions = array(); if ($revision_ids) { $revisions = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withIDs($revision_ids) ->execute(); } $phids = array(); foreach ($commits as $commit) { if ($commit->getAuthorPHID()) { $phids[] = $commit->getAuthorPHID(); } } foreach ($revisions as $revision) { if ($revision->getAuthorPHID()) { $phids[] = $revision->getAuthorPHID(); } } $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids); Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-oncopy', array()); $engine = null; $inlines = array(); if ($this->getRequest()->getStr('lint') !== null && $this->lintMessages) { $engine = new PhabricatorMarkupEngine(); $engine->setViewer($viewer); foreach ($this->lintMessages as $message) { $inline = id(new PhabricatorAuditInlineComment()) ->setID($message['id']) ->setSyntheticAuthor( ArcanistLintSeverity::getStringForSeverity($message['severity']). ' '.$message['code'].' ('.$message['name'].')') ->setLineNumber($message['line']) ->setContent($message['description']); $inlines[$message['line']][] = $inline; $engine->addObject( $inline, PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface::MARKUP_FIELD_BODY); } $engine->process(); require_celerity_resource('differential-changeset-view-css'); } $rows = $this->renderInlines( idx($inlines, 0, array()), ($show_blame), $engine); foreach ($display as $line) { $line_href = $drequest->generateURI( array( 'action' => 'browse', 'line' => $line['line'], 'stable' => true, )); $blame = array(); $style = null; if (array_key_exists('color', $line)) { if ($line['color']) { $style = 'background: '.$line['color'].';'; } $before_link = null; $commit_link = null; $revision_link = null; if (idx($line, 'commit')) { $commit = $line['commit']; if (idx($commits, $commit)) { $tooltip = $this->renderCommitTooltip( $commits[$commit], $handles, $line['author']); } else { $tooltip = null; } Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-tooltips', array()); require_celerity_resource('aphront-tooltip-css'); $commit_link = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $drequest->generateURI( array( 'action' => 'commit', 'commit' => $line['commit'], )), 'sigil' => 'has-tooltip', 'meta' => array( 'tip' => $tooltip, 'align' => 'E', 'size' => 600, ), ), phutil_utf8_shorten($line['commit'], 9, '')); $revision_id = null; if (idx($commits, $commit)) { $revision_id = idx($revision_ids, $commits[$commit]->getPHID()); } if ($revision_id) { $revision = idx($revisions, $revision_id); if ($revision) { $tooltip = $this->renderRevisionTooltip($revision, $handles); $revision_link = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/D'.$revision->getID(), 'sigil' => 'has-tooltip', 'meta' => array( 'tip' => $tooltip, 'align' => 'E', 'size' => 600, ), ), 'D'.$revision->getID()); } } $uri = $line_href->alter('before', $commit); $before_link = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $uri->setQueryParam('view', 'blame'), 'sigil' => 'has-tooltip', 'meta' => array( 'tip' => pht('Skip Past This Commit'), 'align' => 'E', 'size' => 300, ), ), "\xC2\xAB"); } $blame[] = phutil_tag( 'th', array( 'class' => 'diffusion-blame-link', ), $before_link); $object_links = array(); $object_links[] = $commit_link; if ($revision_link) { $object_links[] = phutil_tag('span', array(), '/'); $object_links[] = $revision_link; } $blame[] = phutil_tag( 'th', array( 'class' => 'diffusion-rev-link', ), $object_links); } $line_link = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $line_href, 'style' => $style, ), $line['line']); $blame[] = javelin_tag( 'th', array( 'class' => 'diffusion-line-link', 'sigil' => 'phabricator-source-line', 'style' => $style, ), $line_link); Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-line-linker'); if ($line['target']) { Javelin::initBehavior( 'diffusion-jump-to', array( 'target' => 'scroll_target', )); $anchor_text = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'id' => 'scroll_target', ), ''); } else { $anchor_text = null; } $blame[] = phutil_tag( 'td', array( ), array( $anchor_text, // NOTE: See phabricator-oncopy behavior. "\xE2\x80\x8B", // TODO: [HTML] Not ideal. - phutil_safe_html($line['data']), + phutil_safe_html(str_replace("\t", ' ', $line['data'])), )); $rows[] = phutil_tag( 'tr', array( 'class' => ($line['highlighted'] ? 'phabricator-source-highlight' : null), ), $blame); $rows = array_merge($rows, $this->renderInlines( idx($inlines, $line['line'], array()), ($show_blame), $engine)); } return $rows; } private function renderInlines(array $inlines, $needs_blame, $engine) { $rows = array(); foreach ($inlines as $inline) { $inline_view = id(new DifferentialInlineCommentView()) ->setMarkupEngine($engine) ->setInlineComment($inline) ->render(); $row = array_fill(0, ($needs_blame ? 5 : 1), phutil_tag('th')); $row[] = phutil_tag('td', array(), $inline_view); $rows[] = phutil_tag('tr', array('class' => 'inline'), $row); } return $rows; } private function loadFileForData($path, $data) { $file = PhabricatorFile::buildFromFileDataOrHash( $data, array( 'name' => basename($path), 'ttl' => time() + 60 * 60 * 24, 'viewPolicy' => PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE, )); $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $file->attachToObject( $this->getRequest()->getUser(), $this->getDiffusionRequest()->getRepository()->getPHID()); unset($unguarded); return $file; } private function buildRawResponse($path, $data) { $file = $this->loadFileForData($path, $data); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($file->getBestURI()); } private function buildImageCorpus($file_uri) { $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView(); $properties->addImageContent( phutil_tag( 'img', array( 'src' => $file_uri, ))); return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Image')) ->addPropertyList($properties); } private function buildBinaryCorpus($file_uri, $data) { $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView(); $size = strlen($data); $properties->addTextContent( pht( 'This is a binary file. It is %s byte(s) in length.', new PhutilNumber($size))); return $properties; } private function buildBeforeResponse($before) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); // NOTE: We need to get the grandparent so we can capture filename changes // in the parent. $parent = $this->loadParentCommitOf($before); $old_filename = null; $was_created = false; if ($parent) { $grandparent = $this->loadParentCommitOf($parent); if ($grandparent) { $rename_query = new DiffusionRenameHistoryQuery(); $rename_query->setRequest($drequest); $rename_query->setOldCommit($grandparent); $rename_query->setViewer($request->getUser()); $old_filename = $rename_query->loadOldFilename(); $was_created = $rename_query->getWasCreated(); } } $follow = null; if ($was_created) { // If the file was created in history, that means older commits won't // have it. Since we know it existed at 'before', it must have been // created then; jump there. $target_commit = $before; $follow = 'created'; } else if ($parent) { // If we found a parent, jump to it. This is the normal case. $target_commit = $parent->getCommitIdentifier(); } else { // If there's no parent, this was probably created in the initial commit? // And the "was_created" check will fail because we can't identify the // grandparent. Keep the user at 'before'. $target_commit = $before; $follow = 'first'; } $path = $drequest->getPath(); $renamed = null; if ($old_filename !== null && $old_filename !== '/'.$path) { $renamed = $path; $path = $old_filename; } $line = null; // If there's a follow error, drop the line so the user sees the message. if (!$follow) { $line = $this->getBeforeLineNumber($target_commit); } $before_uri = $drequest->generateURI( array( 'action' => 'browse', 'commit' => $target_commit, 'line' => $line, 'path' => $path, )); $before_uri->setQueryParams($request->getRequestURI()->getQueryParams()); $before_uri = $before_uri->alter('before', null); $before_uri = $before_uri->alter('renamed', $renamed); $before_uri = $before_uri->alter('follow', $follow); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($before_uri); } private function getBeforeLineNumber($target_commit) { $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $line = $drequest->getLine(); if (!$line) { return null; } $raw_diff = $this->callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( 'diffusion.rawdiffquery', array( 'commit' => $drequest->getCommit(), 'path' => $drequest->getPath(), 'againstCommit' => $target_commit)); $old_line = 0; $new_line = 0; foreach (explode("\n", $raw_diff) as $text) { if ($text[0] == '-' || $text[0] == ' ') { $old_line++; } if ($text[0] == '+' || $text[0] == ' ') { $new_line++; } if ($new_line == $line) { return $old_line; } } // We didn't find the target line. return $line; } private function loadParentCommitOf($commit) { $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $before_req = DiffusionRequest::newFromDictionary( array( 'user' => $user, 'repository' => $drequest->getRepository(), 'commit' => $commit, )); $parents = DiffusionQuery::callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( $user, $before_req, 'diffusion.commitparentsquery', array( 'commit' => $commit, )); return head($parents); } private function renderRevisionTooltip( DifferentialRevision $revision, array $handles) { $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $date = phabricator_date($revision->getDateModified(), $viewer); $id = $revision->getID(); $title = $revision->getTitle(); $header = "D{$id} {$title}"; $author = $handles[$revision->getAuthorPHID()]->getName(); return "{$header}\n{$date} \xC2\xB7 {$author}"; } private function renderCommitTooltip( PhabricatorRepositoryCommit $commit, array $handles, $author) { $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $date = phabricator_date($commit->getEpoch(), $viewer); $summary = trim($commit->getSummary()); if ($commit->getAuthorPHID()) { $author = $handles[$commit->getAuthorPHID()]->getName(); } return "{$summary}\n{$date} \xC2\xB7 {$author}"; } }