Fatal error: Class 'PhabricatorTestCase' not found
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My PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon is not working, with the above error. Can anyone help? Thanks.
I've never seen that error occur before. Can you provide steps to reproduce the error?
I'd do a full update to Phabricator (pull most recent) and restart php/apache. Generally "Class not found" indicates somethings out of sync or not updated properly.
I got the error after the following commit
8cdafb0 - Allow users to set a line-height in their monospaced font preference
I did a full update and restart httpd and phd, and that's what I got. How I can provide more information for debugging? Thanks.
I'd do a full update to Phabricator (pull most recent) and restart php/apache. Generally "Class not found" indicates somethings out of sync or not updated properly.
Thanks. I've done a full update with the sample script at https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/upgrading/ and got the same error.
Can you either provide us with a clear set of steps to reproduce the issue on a second machine or provide us access to your machine?
Chad, I really appreciate your help. For clear steps, all I did was just 'git pull', and I'm sorry, I know it's really inconvenient for you but I don't think I'd be able to provide the access unfortunately. Is there any other option for me to get help? Like point me to how I could debug this. Thanks. Appreciate.
git pull isn't how you update Phabricator. Can you go into complete detail of every command you ran, cut and paste the output if you like.
Basically, we need specifics in order to provide you with additional help. If you could go out of your way to give us too much information, it would be great.
The error you pasted "Can't Find Class" almost universally points to an improper update (map libraries get cached). So this means shutting down apache / php-fpm, stopping phd daemons, updating with git pull, and restarting everything.
Outside of that, I would start with these questions:
- How did you install Phabricator?
- What OS are you running?
- What PHP version do you use?
- What is your update routine?
- What version of phabricator/arcanist/libphutil are you running?
- Have you tried a cold reboot?
- When does the error occur?
- Are there any triggers? Commits, Diffs, Builds?
- What prompted you to dig into the console for these failures to begin with?
- Can you reproduce it on http://phacility.com?
- Anything more specific on how we can reproduce this issue locally?
Chad, would screen remote-control work for you to help?
I probably won't be able to reproduce the issue locally, and so I'm not sure if it'd be helpful to answer the questions. Briefly, I installed Phabricator with the instruction on the website on RHEL6 with php-5.3.3-27.el6_5.2.x86_64. I'll find all the information if screen remote control doesn't work for you. Thanks again.
We're happy to do whatever you need under Phacility Consulting services. This bills out at $1,500 an hour.
Uh, okay. That number looks scary. I guess I have to figure it out by myself. Thanks.
Basically us taking 1-2 hours to solve a complex issue is likely very reasonable vs. you spending hours/days on it depending on severity and timeliness need.
"Free Support" is offered at no cost, but our only requirement is a way to reproduce the issue locally. We have a large userbase and only 2 full time developers, so providing deeper "free support" isn't possible. We'd never be able to build Phabricator if that were the case.
I totally understand. Since it doesn't seem likely that I can reproduce the issue, I'll dig more and see what I can find helpful. Thanks.