How to set task visibility for projects with restricted access by default?
How to set task visibility for projects with restricted access by default?
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maxie updated the question from to How to set task visibility for projects with restricted access by default?.Jan 26 2016, 2:37 PM2016-01-26 14:37:59 (UTC+0)
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Objects do not inherit visibility rules by assigning Projects. You need to either set up Spaces or manually edit Policies on each task that you need to restrict visibility on,
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To manage who can seen an object, use the object's policy controls, Spaces (see Spaces User Guide) and Custom Forms (see User Guide: Customizing Forms).
I understood how custom forms work but I don't understand how I can implement spaces after creating them in the Spaces application (sorry for asking again).
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It's per object. So when you create an object, like a task, assign it to a space under Viewable By: