$ arc land --hold --trace
libphutil loaded from 'D:\Arcanist\libphutil\src'.
arcanist loaded from 'D:\Arcanist\arcanist\src'.
Config: Reading user configuration file "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming/.arcrc"...
Config: Did not find system configuration at "C:\ProgramData\Phabricator/Arcanist/config".
Working Copy: Unable to find .arcconfig in any of these locations: D:\repositories\testrepo/.arcconfig.
Working Copy: Path "D:\repositories\testrepo" is part of `git` working copy "D:\repositories\testrepo".
Working Copy: Project root is at "D:\repositories\testrepo".
Config: Did not find local configuration at "D:\repositories\testrepo\.git\arc/config".
>>> [0] <conduit> user.whoami() <bytes = 117>
>>> [1] <http> https://phab.website.com/api/user.whoami
<<< [1] <http> 786,875 us
<<< [0] <conduit> 787,600 us
>>> [2] <exec> $ git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD
<<< [2] <exec> 33,346 us
>>> [3] <exec> $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "test2"@{upstream}
<<< [3] <exec> 26,464 us
>>> [4] <exec> $ git --version
<<< [4] <exec> 23,593 us
>>> [5] <exec> $ git ls-remote --get-url "origin"
<<< [5] <exec> 25,769 us
>>> [6] <conduit> repository.query() <bytes = 241>
>>> [7] <http> https://phab.website.com/api/repository.query
<<< [7] <http> 156,782 us
<<< [6] <conduit> 157,485 us
>>> [8] <exec> $ git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD
<<< [8] <exec> 25,830 us
Landing current branch 'test2'.
>>> [9] <exec> $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "test2"@{upstream}
<<< [9] <exec> 15,100 us
>>> [10] <exec> $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "master"@{upstream}
<<< [10] <exec> 16,963 us
>>> [11] <exec> $ git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD
<<< [11] <exec> 12,609 us
>>> [12] <exec> $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "test2"@{upstream}
<<< [12] <exec> 12,829 us
 TARGET  Landing onto "master", the default target under git.
>>> [13] <exec> $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "test2"@{upstream}
<<< [13] <exec> 12,440 us
 REMOTE  Using remote "origin", the default remote under git.
>>> [14] <exec> $ git diff --no-ext-diff --no-textconv --raw "HEAD" --
>>> [15] <exec> $ git ls-files --others --exclude-standard
<<< [15] <exec> 11,962 us
<<< [14] <exec> 13,783 us
>>> [16] <exec> $ git diff-files --name-only
<<< [16] <exec> 12,202 us
>>> [17] <exec> $ git rev-parse --verify "origin/master"
<<< [17] <exec> 12,493 us
>>> [18] <exec> $ git rev-parse --verify "test2"
<<< [18] <exec> 12,655 us
 FETCH  Fetching origin/master...
>>> [19] <exec> $ git fetch -- "origin" "master"
<<< [19] <exec> 2,339,754 us
>>> [20] <exec> $ git log --oneline "origin/master".."dec3bf1c7e5003569eb05e10fc87875bf043a3ba" --
<<< [20] <exec> 26,700 us
This commit will be landed:

      - dec3bf1 Test land --hold

>>> [21] <exec> $ git rev-parse HEAD
<<< [21] <exec> 13,913 us
>>> [22] <exec> $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
<<< [22] <exec> 14,135 us
>>> [23] <exec> $ git checkout "test2" --
<<< [23] <exec> 19,154 us
>>> [24] <exec> $ git rev-parse "HEAD"
<<< [24] <exec> 12,691 us
>>> [25] <exec> $ git merge-base "origin/master" "dec3bf1c7e5003569eb05e10fc87875bf043a3ba"
<<< [25] <exec> 15,058 us
>>> [26] <exec> $ git log --first-parent --format=medium "e6ecc67ae8576d00da95205f4a78e4b750306e2f".."dec3bf1c7e5003569eb05e10fc87875bf043a3ba"
<<< [26] <exec> 15,257 us
>>> [27] <conduit> differential.query() <bytes = 140>
>>> [28] <http> https://phab.website.com/api/differential.query
<<< [28] <http> 154,059 us
<<< [27] <conduit> 154,561 us

    Revision 'D10: Test land --hold' has not been accepted. Continue anyway?
    [y/N] y

>>> [29] <conduit> differential.getcommitmessage() <bytes = 148>
>>> [30] <http> https://phab.website.com/api/differential.getcommitmessage
<<< [30] <http> 147,777 us
<<< [29] <conduit> 148,313 us
Landing revision 'D10: Test land --hold'...
>>> [31] <conduit> harbormaster.querybuildables() <bytes = 218>
>>> [32] <http> https://phab.website.com/api/harbormaster.querybuildables
<<< [32] <http> 146,222 us
<<< [31] <conduit> 146,811 us
 BUILDS PASSED  Harbormaster builds for the active diff completed successfully.
>>> [33] <exec> $ git checkout "origin/master" --
<<< [33] <exec> 71,672 us
>>> [34] <exec> $ git log -n1 --format=%aD%n%an%n%ae "dec3bf1c7e5003569eb05e10fc87875bf043a3ba" --
<<< [34] <exec> 24,766 us
>>> [35] <exec> $ git merge --no-stat --no-commit --ff --squash -- "dec3bf1c7e5003569eb05e10fc87875bf043a3ba"
<<< [35] <exec> 28,628 us
>>> [36] <exec> $ git diff HEAD --
<<< [36] <exec> 14,744 us
>>> [37] <exec> $ git commit --author "name <email@gmail.com>" --date "Sat, 12 Dec 2015 09:08:26 -0700"
-F "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\1ztx3mdvqsys0s0c\118B94.tmp" --
<<< [37] <exec> 65,531 us
>>> [38] <event> land.willPushRevision <listeners = 0>
<<< [38] <event> 321 us
>>> [39] <exec> $ git rev-parse --verify "HEAD"
<<< [39] <exec> 17,472 us
 HOLD  Holding change locally, it has not been pushed.