[root@phabulous006:/mnt/phabricator (master)]# bin/repository update OST --trace >>> [2] phabricator_repository <<< [2] 4,441 us >>> [3] SELECT `r`.* FROM `repository` r WHERE (r.callsign IN ('OST')) ORDER BY `r`.`id` DESC <<< [3] 1,137 us >>> [4] ph:phabric-6rILUDHKjHKu:repository.update:418 >>> [5] phabricator_repository <<< [5] 3,939 us >>> [6] SET wait_timeout = 2147483 <<< [6] 945 us >>> [7] SELECT GET_LOCK('ph:phabric-6rILUDHKjHKu:repository.update:418', 0) <<< [7] 982 us >>> [8] phabricator_repository <<< [8] 3,869 us >>> [9] INSERT INTO `repository_statusmessage` (repositoryID, statusType, statusCode, parameters, epoch) VALUES (418, 'init', 'working', '{\"message\":\"Creating a new working copy for repository \'OST\'.\"}', 1440721169) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statusCode = VALUES(statusCode), parameters = VALUES(parameters), epoch = VALUES(epoch) <<< [9] 1,965 us >>> [10] $ git init --bare -- '/mnt/repos/OST' <<< [10] 19,233 us >>> [11] $ which 'php' <<< [11] 12,516 us >>> [12] INSERT INTO `repository_statusmessage` (repositoryID, statusType, statusCode, parameters, epoch) VALUES (418, 'init', 'okay', '{\"message\":null}', 1440721169) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statusCode = VALUES(statusCode), parameters = VALUES(parameters), epoch = VALUES(epoch) <<< [12] 2,156 us >>> [13] DELETE FROM `repository_statusmessage` WHERE repositoryID = 418 AND statusType = 'needs-update' <<< [13] 2,030 us >>> [14] $ git for-each-ref --sort='-creatordate' --format='%(objectname)%01%(objecttype)%01%(refname)%01%(*objectname)%01%(*objecttype)%01%(subject)%01%(creator)' 'refs/heads/' <<< [14] 16,857 us >>> [15] SELECT * FROM `repository_commit` WHERE repositoryID = 418 AND (importStatus & 15) != 15 LIMIT 1 <<< [15] 1,271 us >>> [16] START TRANSACTION <<< [16] 1,002 us >>> [17] SELECT * FROM `repository` WHERE `id` = 418 FOR UPDATE <<< [17] 1,136 us >>> [18] UPDATE `repository` SET `name` = 'ownership-tools', `callsign` = 'OST', `uuid` = NULL, `viewPolicy` = 'PHID-PROJ-vmqjh3i4uqzqky67vnxu', `editPolicy` = 'admin', `pushPolicy` = 'PHID-PROJ-vmqjh3i4uqzqky67vnxu', `versionControlSystem` = 'git', `details` = '{\"importing\":false,\"tracking-enabled\":true,\"local-path\":\"\\/mnt\\/repos\\/OST\\/\",\"hosting-enabled\":true,\"serve-over-http\":\"off\",\"serve-over-ssh\":\"readwrite\"}', `credentialPHID` = NULL, `almanacServicePHID` = NULL, `spacePHID` = NULL, `id` <<< [18] 1,194 us >>> [19] COMMIT <<< [19] 1,729 us >>> [20] $ git for-each-ref --sort='-creatordate' --format='%(objectname)%01%(objecttype)%01%(refname)%01%(*objectname)%01%(*objecttype)%01%(subject)%01%(creator)' 'refs/heads/' <<< [20] 15,903 us >>> [21] $ git for-each-ref --sort='-creatordate' --format='%(objectname)%01%(objecttype)%01%(refname)%01%(*objectname)%01%(*objecttype)%01%(subject)%01%(creator)' 'refs/tags/' <<< [21] 15,287 us >>> [22] SELECT * FROM `repository_refcursor` r WHERE (repositoryPHID IN ('PHID-REPO-6pmvid3gk5jompjafdzs')) ORDER BY `id` DESC <<< [22] 1,418 us >>> [23] SELECT * FROM `repository_mirror` WHERE (repositoryPHID IN ('PHID-REPO-6pmvid3gk5jompjafdzs')) ORDER BY `id` DESC <<< [23] 1,085 us >>> [24] INSERT INTO `repository_statusmessage` (repositoryID, statusType, statusCode, parameters, epoch) VALUES (418, 'fetch', 'okay', '[]', 1440721169) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statusCode = VALUES(statusCode), parameters = VALUES(parameters), epoch = VALUES(epoch) <<< [24] 1,919 us >>> [25] SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('ph:phabric-6rILUDHKjHKu:repository.update:418') <<< [25] 1,064 us <<< [4] 124,629 us Updated repository rOST.