open FSharp.Data open FSharp.Data.JsonExtensions open System.Xml open System.Net open System.Web open System.IO open System.Text (* # WHAT IS THIS? An F# script to import Fogbugz tickets into Phabricator. Feel free to port the logic if you can't get F# running on your platform. ## Usage: - Update the constants below. - Run on a per-project basis like: `FogbugzToPhabricator.exe "FogbugzUser" "FogbugzPassword" "Fogbugz Project Name" "Phabricator Project Name"` ## Notes: - No warranty. - You will want to change constants and debug first and THEN have it actually import. - You will need to put this in a Program.fs in a project with FSharp.Data added, and reference the above assemblies. - There are a lot of constants. You should probably look at what they do before you run this. This script does a few environment-tuned and project-specific things: - Things in a milestone "Future" will get added to the #Future project in Phabricator - It assumes usernames are LDAP - should work fine if not, but if you have trouble, change DOMAIN because I am lazy - I arbitrarily truncate the import at 30 comments, configurable. We have error reporting tickets that have hundredddds. This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to *) // Debugging is fun! let DEBUG = false let DEBUG_MULTIPART = false // Fogbugz settings let FOGBUGZ_URL = "http://fogbugz/api.asp" let DOMAIN = "WISLEG" // Phabricator settings let PHABRICATOR_URL = "https://phab.wisleg.root.local/" let PHABRICATOR_USER = "Bob" let CONDUIT_TOKEN = "api-zs6inn5omfwoppfn5hqwyhsalqv7" // Useful for testing small numbers of tickets before the real import let MAX_TICKETS = 2000 // Truncates the imported comments at a certain sane limit let MAX_COMMENTS = 30 let FOGBUGZ_CASE_FIELDS = "ixBug,sEvent,sTitle,sLatestTextSummary,sProject,sArea,sTags,ixPriority,ixPersonAssignedTo,sFixFor,sCategory" let stringToXml s = let doc = new XmlDocument() doc.LoadXml s doc let xfind (elem:System.Xml.XmlNode) x = let inner = elem.Item(x,"") if inner = null then "" else inner.InnerText let fetchMultipart (url:string) args = let encoding = new ASCIIEncoding() let utf8encoding = new UTF8Encoding() let http = HttpWebRequest.Create(url) :?> HttpWebRequest http.Method <- "POST"; http.AllowWriteStreamBuffering <- true let boundaryString = "----------------DEADBEEFHOORAY" let boundary = "--" + boundaryString http.ContentType <- "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundaryString let writeAscii (s:string) = encoding.GetBytes s let writeUTF8 (s:string) = utf8encoding.GetBytes s let cr = System.Environment.NewLine let output = args |> (fun (k,v) -> [ boundary + cr |> writeAscii "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"" + cr |> writeAscii "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + k + "\"" + cr + cr |> writeAscii writeUTF8 v writeAscii cr ] ) |> List.concat let finalOutput = output @ [writeAscii (boundary + "--")] let length = finalOutput |> List.fold (fun total b -> total + b.Length) 0 if DEBUG_MULTIPART then printfn "Got length %i" length printfn "Sending args %A" args printfn "Sending output:" (finalOutput |> List.iter (fun b -> printf "%s" <| encoding.GetString(b)) ) http.ContentLength <- int64 length let stream = http.GetRequestStream() for x in finalOutput do stream.Write(x, 0, x.Length) stream.Close() let response = http.GetResponse().GetResponseStream() let reader = new StreamReader(response) let returnString = reader.ReadToEnd() reader.Close() returnString let fogbugzFetch args = fetchMultipart FOGBUGZ_URL args let fogbugzXml args = fogbugzFetch args |> stringToXml let addToken token args = args @ ["token", token] type Fogbugz = { Token: string Users: (string * string) list Projects: (string * string) list } with static member Connect(username, password) = let doc = fogbugzXml [ ("email", username); ("password", password); ("cmd", "logon") ] let tokens = doc.SelectNodes("//token") if (tokens.Count < 1) then failwith (sprintf "Unexpected result from FogBugz: %s" doc.InnerXml) let token = tokens.[0].InnerText let fetch = addToken token >> fogbugzXml let doc = fetch [ ("cmd", "listPeople") ] let users = [ for p in doc.SelectNodes("//person") do let find = xfind p yield ( find "ixPerson", (find "sLDAPUid").Replace(DOMAIN + "\\","") ) ] let doc = fetch [ ("cmd", "listProjects") ] let projects = [ for p in doc.SelectNodes("//project") do let find = xfind p yield ( find "ixProject", find "sProject" ) ] { Token = token Users = users Projects = projects } member self.Fetch = addToken self.Token >> fogbugzXml member self.Search(q, cols, max) = let cols = defaultArg cols "ixBug,sEvent,sTitle,ixProject" self.Fetch [ ("q", q) ("cols", cols) ("max", string max) ("cmd", "search") ] member self.LookupUser ixPerson = self.Users |> List.tryPick (fun (i,n) -> if i = ixPerson then Some n else None) type PhabUser = JsonProvider<""" [ { "phid": "PHID-USER-3fstcq463si2mqwbhg3d", "userName": "JDoe", "realName": "John Doe", "image": "https:\/\/phab.wisleg.root.local\/res\/phabricator\/3eb28cd9\/rsrc\/image\/avatar.png", "uri": "https:\/\/phab.wisleg.root.local\/p\/JDoe\/", "roles": [ "verified", "approved", "activated" ] } ] """> type PhabProject = JsonProvider<""" { "id": "1", "phid": "PHID-PROJ-7k3ihejmysfbrinsjssu", "name": "Name", "profileImagePHID": "PHID-FILE-wpx363l4xiu76te7z2jq", "icon": "cloud", "color": "red", "members": [ "PHID-USER-yrmohaxcwbumgouvdyio" ], "slugs": [ "projectname" ], "dateCreated": "1432234693", "dateModified": "1432310731" } """> let fetch (url:string) (args: (string * string) list) = let http = HttpWebRequest.Create(url) :?> HttpWebRequest http.Method <- "POST"; http.AllowWriteStreamBuffering <- true http.ContentType <- "application/json" let concatArgs = args |> ( fun (k,v) -> sprintf "%s=%s" (HttpUtility.UrlEncode k) (HttpUtility.UrlEncode v) ) |> String.concat "&" let output = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes concatArgs if DEBUG then printfn "Posting to %s, %A" url concatArgs http.ContentLength <- int64 output.Length let stream = http.GetRequestStream() stream.Write(output, 0, output.Length) stream.Close() let response = http.GetResponse().GetResponseStream() let reader = new StreamReader(response) let returnString = reader.ReadToEnd() reader.Close() returnString let phabricatorFetch methodName (args: (string * string) list) = let url = PHABRICATOR_URL + "api/" + methodName + "?api.token=" + CONDUIT_TOKEN let response = fetch url args let json = JsonValue.Parse response match json?result with | JsonValue.Null -> failwithf "Could not parse Phabricator response %s" response | x -> x let stringsEqual (a:string) (b:string) = a.ToLowerInvariant() = b.ToLowerInvariant() let toString x = sprintf "%O" x type Phabricator = { Users: (string * string * PhabUser.Root) list Projects: (string * string * PhabProject.Root) list } with static member Connect() = { Users = phabricatorFetch "user.query" [] |> toString |> PhabUser.Parse |> Array.toList |> (fun x -> x.UserName, x.Phid, x) Projects = phabricatorFetch "project.query" [] |> toString |> JsonValue.Parse |> fun x -> x?data.Properties |> Array.toList |> (fun (key,thing) -> let stuff = thing.ToString() |> PhabProject.Parse stuff.Name, stuff.Phid, stuff) } member self.LookupProject name = self.Projects |> List.tryPick (fun (n,_,p) -> if stringsEqual n name then Some p else None) member self.LookupUser name = self.Users |> List.tryPick (fun (n,_,u) -> if stringsEqual n name then Some u else None) member self.Run command args = phabricatorFetch command args member self.CreateTask args = self.Run "maniphest.createtask" args member self.UpdateTask args = self.Run "maniphest.update" args member self.SearchTask args = self.Run "maniphest.query" args |> function | JsonValue.Array [| |] -> [| |] | JsonValue.Record x -> x | f -> failwithf "Expected array from search, got %A" f type Comment = { Description: string Username: string option Date: System.DateTime option } with static member Create x = { Description = x; Username = None; Date = None} /// The bucket we'll hold information in type Ticket = { OriginalId: string Title: string Project: string Area: string Category: string Tags: string Priority: string LatestSummary: string Comments: Comment list FixFor: string AssignedUsername: string option } with member self.PhabricatorPriority = match self.Priority with | "1" -> 100 | "2" -> 80 | "3" | "4" -> 50 | "5" | "6" -> 25 | _ -> 90 let import user pass fbProjectName phabProjectName = let phab = Phabricator.Connect() let fb = Fogbugz.Connect(user, pass) let phabricatorProjectId = match phab.LookupProject phabProjectName with | None -> failwithf "Can't find phabricator project named %s" phabProjectName | Some p -> p.Phid let phabricatorFuture = phab.LookupProject "Future" let convert (elem:System.Xml.XmlNode) = let find = xfind elem let ixBug = find "ixBug" let comments = if ixBug = "" then [] else let events = fb.Search(ixBug, Some "events,ixPerson,dt", MAX_COMMENTS + 1).SelectNodes("//event"); [ for e in events do let text = e.SelectNodes("s") let date = e.SelectNodes("dt") let ixPerson = e.SelectNodes("ixPerson") yield { Description = [ for t in text do let trimmed = t.InnerText.Trim() if trimmed <> "" then yield trimmed ] |> String.concat "\n\n" Username = if ixPerson.Count > 0 then fb.LookupUser ixPerson.[0].InnerText else None Date = if date.Count > 0 then Some (System.DateTime.Parse(date.[0].InnerText)) else None } ] { OriginalId = find "ixBug" Title = find "sTitle" Project = find "sProject" FixFor = find "sFixFor" Area = find "sArea" Category = find "sCategory" Tags = find "sTags" Priority = find "ixPriority" LatestSummary = find "sLatestTextSummary" Comments = comments AssignedUsername = fb.LookupUser (find "ixPersonAssignedTo") } let jsonString (x:string) = //x.Replace("\"", "\\\"") x |> JsonValue.String let jsonEscape (x:string) = (jsonString x).ToString() let toManiphestArgs t = let originalUrl = sprintf "http://fogbugz/default.asp?%s" t.OriginalId let comments = if t.Comments.Length > MAX_COMMENTS then ( Seq.truncate MAX_COMMENTS t.Comments |> List.ofSeq ) @ [ Comment.Create <| sprintf "[[ %s | Comments have been TRUNCATED. Please go to the original fogbugz ticket to see more comments. ]]" originalUrl ] else t.Comments |> List.choose (fun c -> let phabUser = phab.LookupUser (defaultArg c.Username "") let userName = phabUser |> (fun x -> "@" + x.UserName) if c.Description.Trim() = "" then None else let date = c.Date |> (fun x -> x.ToLocalTime().ToString("**yyyy-MM-dd** HH:mm")) Some <| sprintf "**%s** %s\n%s" (defaultArg userName "Unknown user") (defaultArg date "Unknown date") c.Description ) |> String.concat "\n\n-----\n\n" let description = (sprintf "# [[ %s | From Fogbugz: %s ]]\n\n" originalUrl t.OriginalId) + (sprintf "FB Milestone: **%s**\n\n" t.FixFor) + (sprintf "FB Area: **%s**\n\n" t.Area) + (if t.Tags.Equals "" then "" else (sprintf "FB Tags: **%s**\n\n" t.Tags)) + (sprintf "# Description:\n\n %s" comments) let projects = [| yield phabricatorProjectId match t.FixFor with | "Future" -> match phabricatorFuture with | Some i -> yield i.Phid | _ -> failwith "Couldn't find future project" | _ -> () |] let projectsStupidPhpEncoding = projects |> Seq.mapi (fun i p -> sprintf "projectPHIDs[%i]" i, p) [ yield "title", t.Title yield "description", description yield "priority", string t.PhabricatorPriority yield! projectsStupidPhpEncoding match t.AssignedUsername with | Some name -> match phab.LookupUser name with | Some user -> yield "ownerPHID", user.Phid | _ -> () | _ -> () ] |> (fun (k,v) -> k, v.ToString()) let xml = fb.Search( sprintf """ project:"%s" AND status:"Open" """ fbProjectName, Some FOGBUGZ_CASE_FIELDS, MAX_TICKETS ).SelectNodes("/response/cases/case"); for x in xml do let ticket = convert x let args = toManiphestArgs ticket // Find existing imported "from fogbugz" task if it exists let existing = phab.SearchTask [ ("fullText", jsonEscape ticket.Title) ] |> Array.tryFind ( fun (phid,v) -> match v?description with | JsonValue.String desc -> desc.Contains(sprintf "From Fogbugz: %s" ticket.OriginalId) | _ -> false ) match existing with | Some (phid, existingTicket) -> // pass in the existing Phid so we edit the existing ticket let editedArgs = ("phid", phid) :: args let result = phab.UpdateTask editedArgs printfn "Task updated for ticket %s %s: %A" ticket.OriginalId ticket.Title result | None -> let result = phab.CreateTask args printfn "Task created for ticket %s %s: %A" ticket.OriginalId ticket.Title result [] let main argv = import argv.[0] argv.[1] argv.[2] argv.[3] 0