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- User Since
- Sep 6 2015, 2:42 PM (495 w, 1 d)
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- Available
Sep 6 2015
Sep 6 2015
rsellam added a comment to T5173: Provide man pages for Arcanist.
If the arcanist manpage is shipped with the arcanist binary, i don't see where is the problem. Are you telling me the arcanist manpage content depends on the installed plugins ?
rsellam added a comment to T5173: Provide man pages for Arcanist.
Is there a chance to have a man page for arcanist anytime soon?
Creating a manpage only requires running "help2man /path/to/arc -N -n "command-line interface to Phabricator" > arc.1". It can of course be run automatically when a new arc version changes its usage.