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- User Since
- Feb 19 2014, 2:09 AM (578 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
Feb 19 2014
Feb 19 2014
• jcline added a comment to T4453: When multiple commits correspond to a single revision, Differential updates to show one of them arbitrarily.
Do you actually use this feature? If we just stopped updating the displayed changes on commit, would that be reasonable in your use case?
• jcline added a comment to T4453: When multiple commits correspond to a single revision, Differential updates to show one of them arbitrarily.
Looking at one of our recent examples of this, the commit it says the diff was closed by was the first commit made on that branch. Seems like a plausible theory.
• jcline added a comment to T4453: When multiple commits correspond to a single revision, Differential updates to show one of them arbitrarily.
I always use whatever the arc default is. I know some of my coworkers do other things, however.
• jcline raised the priority of T4453: When multiple commits correspond to a single revision, Differential updates to show one of them arbitrarily from to Needs Triage.