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- User Since
- Oct 29 2015, 4:14 AM (477 w, 3 d)
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- Available
Nov 5 2015
O my god ,the herald rule entry is in config module,thanks chad
If you put Auditors: username1, username2 in your commit message, it will trigger an audit request to those users when you push it to a tracked branch.
I add the Auditors:pengrongxin in my commit message,but i don't receive audit request,this is why?
thank chad,I looked the document about the audit description,but i don't know to create Herald rules,
thanks chad ,I did it byarc diff --update id,also I have a problem about audit after post push the code,
how do i create audit after post push thanks
Nov 3 2015
i do by follow step
1 i need modify the code 2 do the git commit after modified complete 3 arc diff --update D3
Nov 2 2015
thanks tycho,
I arc diff is ok ,I looked the review task in differential ,But i have a question
is that i register a user,need administrator to approved ,how i do the approved thanks
User Since Mon, Nov 2, 4:09 PM (11 m, 58 s) Roles Administrator, Not Approved
What default do you want to use? [origin/master]
I upgradle php to 5.6,the issue is went away also,thanks,
but I use arc diff to commit ph server,the log is follow:
Linting... No lint engine configured for this project. Running unit tests... No unit test engine is configured for this project. Usage Exception: No changes found. (Did you specify the wrong commit range?)
you mean is the php require 5.6,I use 5.5.3 ,aways show segmentation faults while exec php command,
I exec arc diff also tell me the segmentation faults,
>>> [0] <conduit> user.whoami() <bytes = 117> >>> [1] <http> <<< [1] <http> 362,526 us <<< [0] <conduit> 364,815 us >>> [2] <exec> $ git diff --no-ext-diff --no-textconv --raw 'HEAD' -- >>> [3] <exec> $ git ls-files --others --exclude-standard [1] 80613 segmentation fault arc diff --trace
the follow output log is error?
Config: Did not find local configuration at "/Users/pengrongxin/workspace/ufish-service/.git/arc/config".
by homebrew
my system is mac OS X ,php is 5.5.3
I install ph server in linux env, the ph server repo pull from remote git repo is no problem thanks any one
looked the output log ,the ph server is did the work for pull the repo of us(my git reop)
the ph server us repo the status is follow :
Type Git Callsign US Projects None Status Repository Active Found Binary git /usr/bin/git Pull Daemon Running Task Daemon Running Storage Directory OK /var/repo Initializing Working Copy Daemons are initializing the working copy
I install git-core ,add git-http-backend to /usr/bin dir,and redo the command of '/repository update US --trace'
the output log is follow
>>> [9] <query> INSERT INTO `repository_statusmessage` (repositoryID, statusType, statusCode, parameters, epoch) VALUES (8, 'init', 'working', '{\"message\":\"Creating a new working copy for repository \'US\'.\"}', 1446433333) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statusCode = VALUES(statusCode), parameters = VALUES(parameters), epoch = VALUES(epoch) <<< [9] <query> 2,103 us >>> [10] <connect> phabricator_passphrase <<< [10] <connect> 478 us >>> [11] <query> SELECT * FROM `passphrase_credential` WHERE (phid IN ('PHID-CDTL-ktdk77skbcx53aaew7bk')) ORDER BY `id` DESC <<< [11] <query> 338 us >>> [12] <query> SELECT * FROM `passphrase_secret` WHERE id IN (2) <<< [12] <query> 296 us >>> [13] <exec> $ git clone --bare -- 'xxxxx' '/var/repo/US' [1] 79645 segmentation fault ./bin/repository update US --trace
Oct 31 2015
I do the command of '$ /usr/local/opensource/phabricator/bin/repository update API --trace', the api repo status is changed ,see follow
Type Git Callsign API Clone/Checkout As ufish-server/ Projects ufish-server Status Repository Active Found Binary git /usr/bin/git Missing Binary git-http-backend Unable to find this binary in the webserver's PATH. You may need to configure environment.append-paths. Pull Daemon Running Task Daemon Running Storage Directory OK /var/repo Working Copy OK /var/repo/API/ Waiting For Update Waiting for daemons to read updates. Importing 0.00% Complete
ph remote repo need git-http-backend support ,but i not found the git-http-backend thanks
Oct 30 2015
my system is mac os ,also the daemon process communicate with ph server is normal ,the ph server is aways found daemon process is dead