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abstract class PhutilKeyValueCache
Phabricator Technical Documentation ()

Interface to a key-value cache like Memcache or APC. This class provides a uniform interface to multiple different key-value caches and integration with PhutilServiceProfiler.


Key-Value Cache Implementation

  • public function isAvailable() — Determine if the cache is available. For example, the APC cache tests if APC is installed. If this method returns false, the cache is not operational and can not be used.
  • final public function getKey($key, $default) — Get a single key from cache. See @{method:getKeys} to get multiple keys at once.
  • final public function setKey($key, $value, $ttl) — Set a single key in cache. See @{method:setKeys} to set multiple keys at once.
  • final public function deleteKey($key) — Delete a key from the cache. See @{method:deleteKeys} to delete multiple keys at once.
  • abstract public function getKeys($keys) — Get data from the cache.
  • abstract public function setKeys($keys, $ttl) — Put data into the key-value cache.
  • abstract public function deleteKeys($keys) — Delete a list of keys from the cache.
  • abstract public function destroyCache() — Completely destroy all data in the cache.


public function isAvailable()

Determine if the cache is available. For example, the APC cache tests if APC is installed. If this method returns false, the cache is not operational and can not be used.

boolTrue if the cache can be used.

final public function getKey($key, $default)

Get a single key from cache. See getKeys() to get multiple keys at once.

string$keyKey to retrieve.
wild$defaultOptional value to return if the key is not found. By default, returns null.
wildCache value (on cache hit) or default value (on cache miss).

final public function setKey($key, $value, $ttl)

Set a single key in cache. See setKeys() to set multiple keys at once.

See setKeys() for a description of TTLs.

string$keyKey to set.
wild$valueValue to set.
int|null$ttlOptional TTL.

final public function deleteKey($key)

Delete a key from the cache. See deleteKeys() to delete multiple keys at once.

string$keyKey to delete.

abstract public function getKeys($keys)

Get data from the cache.

list<string>$keysList of cache keys to retrieve.
dict<string, wild>Dictionary of keys that were found in the cache. Keys not present in the cache are omitted, so you can detect a cache miss.

abstract public function setKeys($keys, $ttl)

Put data into the key-value cache.

With a TTL ("time to live"), the cache will automatically delete the key after a specified number of seconds. By default, there is no expiration policy and data will persist in cache indefinitely.

dict<string,$keyswild> Map of cache keys to values.
int|null$ttlTTL for cache keys, in seconds.

abstract public function deleteKeys($keys)

Delete a list of keys from the cache.

list<string>$keysList of keys to delete.

abstract public function destroyCache()

Completely destroy all data in the cache.
