Hello Team,
We are planning to use phabricator tool for code review activity. Let me first exaplain existing team setup and review process
Reviewer team is based in Netherlands. Developer team is based in India. we are using SVN repository. We are working in sprints of 3 week duration. We are using mantis with scrum board plug-in. For each new sprint , new project is created in mantis. we have total 4 repositories - so entier application is using code from those 4 repositories. Each sprint project contains set of User stories. Those are having numbers like #5233 , #1234 etc. so project is group of these Use stories. Each developer works on one specific user story. so once he done with developent he change the status of that use story say #5233 to "resolved". while commiting changes into SVN , developer specifies "Issue #5233" in commit message. Reviewer only pics the user story which are marked as resolved. so against that user story #5233 , there can be multiple commits across those 4 repositories. Currenlt reviewer is using tortoise SVN client and using "show log" feature on respectived branch he searches commits against perticular user story number i.e. #5233. It's easy to select multiple or single commits against that user story number and do review. Reviewer creates excel file mentioning file name , line numbers and comments. Once review done, it attaches tha excel file into user story as attachment in Mantis. So lot of manual efforts are required to do reviewer. Developer goes thorugh attached review excel file and commits changes into SVN repository. so Reviewer agains verifies comments, using that show log feature of tortoise SVN client and story number #5233.
This is just overall process. Best option for us is Audit only. so No Differential at all as it will block the developer. Could you please suggest how we can achieve this same review work flow with zero or minimum customization in Phabricator tool. More to that we need to generate reports for analysis.. content of report should be for now all review comments against each user story number for perticular sprint project.