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Unable to view the changes in a commit
Closed, InvalidPublic


The changes for commits in some of my repositories don't display:

pasted_file (615×1 px, 65 KB)

I see a 404 on the POST to /diff/.

The blue Modified link above also 404s, as does the Show Last Change when I view the file directly:

pasted_file (212×193 px, 11 KB)

Any ideas on what can cause this? Any diagnostic actions I can do to check? Are these "changes" stored anywhere and need to be rebuilt, or are they calculated as you load the page?

Event Timeline

Wideshanks raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Wideshanks updated the task description. (Show Details)
Wideshanks added a subscriber: Wideshanks.

Basic questions:

  • Are you up to date (Phabricator at HEAD)?
  • I cannot offhand reproduce the issue here (can you?)
  • Are there errors in your log?

More information on reporting bugs in our guide:

Restart Apache or PHP-FPM: Phabricator uses caches which don't get reset until you restart Apache or PHP-FPM. After updating, make sure you restart.

Hey Chad, thanks. I believe the problem was failing to restart the webserver after doing some operation I had done. All the diffs are appearing now.

btrahan claimed this task.