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Provide links to Audits and/or Concerns
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Audits and concern do not appear to expose a unique link. When a auditor raises a concern during an audit it would be useful for the developer to be able to link to the audit/concern if addressing the concern with an subsequent commit.

Event Timeline

doubleg raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
doubleg updated the task description. (Show Details)
doubleg added a project: Audit.
doubleg added a subscriber: doubleg.

Also, simply adding rPea67a8ab8e58f64a31fb0129932413e18bc1f649 to the commit message will automatically mention the commit and related diffs in the timeline.

chad claimed this task.

Closing since this appears easy to do with Remarkup already. Linking to an individual comment can be done by clicking on the timestamp of that object.