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'Edit Dependencies' only shows old closed diffs for 'Created by Me'
Closed, InvalidPublic


As title, it only shows old and closed diffs, but actually there are newer diffs (open or closed).

Event Timeline

kylejao raised the priority of this task from to Low.
kylejao updated the task description. (Show Details)
kylejao added a project: Differential.
kylejao added a subscriber: kylejao.
chad raised the priority of this task from Low to Needs Triage.Feb 7 2015, 3:31 PM
btrahan claimed this task.
btrahan added a subscriber: btrahan.

This doesn't reproduce on this installation for me. I currently have 3 open revisions. When I invoke the "Edit Dependencies" dialogue and select "Created by Me" i see exactly these three revisions.

Please let us know how to reproduce this on this install. Thanks!

This is happening on my instance. Can you point me on how I can debug it? Thanks.

Your best bet to getting a fix is make it reproduce on this install or give instructions that reproduce it on this install.

Debugging code is tricky business. Here are lur developer guides - - and otherwise its debugging a website stuff really.