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Recent Activity Feed Render Failure
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have block on dashboard that displays recent activity and one of entries just failed to render. I'm not sure what it was supposed to display.

Phabricator_FeedStoryRenderFailed.png (1×892 px, 221 KB)

If you need to run me some query against the database to determine the failure, then please tell what to do.

Event Timeline

aik099 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
aik099 updated the task description. (Show Details)
aik099 added a project: Feed.
aik099 added a subscriber: aik099.

What type of custom fields are you using in the differential application?

Also, do you remember what edit you might have made to the custom field? (I think its from something on D2 or D3 just looking at your stream...)

A quick guess is you removed the JIRA field value, and we try to render it in a fairly dumb way, passing the new value of null / empty / '' / etc through the stack, eventually getting you that handle error.

Nope, I wasn't doing anything related to that. I just created few Herald rules related to differential. I've opened "differential_revision" table in the "phabricator_differential" database and there is no such PHID PHID-XACT-DREV-2blzexpfugzzn32 in the phid column. I'm wondering from where the item id in the story comes from.

I have that ID in the differential_transaction table though. The record says I've removed value from Repository field. And I've created revision manually, not via Arcanist.

Phabricator_Differential_Revision_Change.png (1×1 px, 244 KB)

I can reproduce the issue by taking a diff and removing the repository from it. The attached diff makes it so I can't reproduce anymore. :)