diff --git a/.arclint b/.arclint
--- a/.arclint
+++ b/.arclint
@@ -38,9 +38,7 @@
     "spelling": {
       "type": "spelling",
-      "exclude": [
-        "(^src/lint/linter/spelling/ArcanistSpellingDefaultData\\.php$)"
-      ]
+      "exclude": "(resources/spelling/.*\\.json$)"
     "text": {
       "type": "text"
diff --git a/resources/spelling/english.json b/resources/spelling/english.json
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/spelling/english.json
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+  "rules": {
+    "fullword": {
+      "abandonning": "abandoning",
+      "abigious": "ambiguous",
+      "abitrate": "arbitrate",
+      "abov": "above",
+      "absense": "absence",
+      "absolut": "absolute",
+      "absoulte": "absolute",
+      "acceleratoin": "acceleration",
+      "accelleration": "acceleration",
+      "accesing": "accessing",
+      "accesnt": "accent",
+      "accessable": "accessible",
+      "accesss": "access",
+      "accidentaly": "accidentally",
+      "accidentually": "accidentally",
+      "accomodate": "accommodate",
+      "accomodates": "accommodates",
+      "accout": "account",
+      "acess": "access",
+      "acessable": "accessible",
+      "acient": "ancient",
+      "ackowledge": "acknowledge",
+      "ackowledged": "acknowledged",
+      "acknowldegement": "acknowldegement",
+      "acording": "according",
+      "activete": "activate",
+      "acumulating": "accumulating",
+      "addional": "additional",
+      "additionaly": "additionally",
+      "addreses": "addresses",
+      "aditional": "additional",
+      "aditionally": "additionally",
+      "aditionaly": "additionally",
+      "adress": "address",
+      "adresses": "addresses",
+      "adviced": "advised",
+      "afecting": "affecting",
+      "albumns": "albums",
+      "alegorical": "allegorical",
+      "algorith": "algorithm",
+      "algorithmical": "algorithmic",
+      "algoritm": "algorithm",
+      "algoritms": "algorithms",
+      "algorrithm": "algorithm",
+      "algorritm": "algorithm",
+      "allpication": "application",
+      "alogirhtms": "algorithms",
+      "alot": "a lot",
+      "alow": "allow",
+      "alows": "allows",
+      "altough": "although",
+      "ambigious": "ambiguous",
+      "amoung": "among",
+      "amout": "amount",
+      "analysator": "analyzer",
+      "ang": "and",
+      "anniversery": "anniversary",
+      "annoucement": "announcement",
+      "anomolies": "anomalies",
+      "anomoly": "anomaly",
+      "aplication": "application",
+      "appearence": "appearance",
+      "appliction": "application",
+      "applictions": "applications",
+      "appropiate": "appropriate",
+      "appropriatly": "appropriately",
+      "aquired": "acquired",
+      "arbitary": "arbitrary",
+      "architechture": "architecture",
+      "arguement": "argument",
+      "arguements": "arguments",
+      "aritmetic": "arithmetic",
+      "arraival": "arrival",
+      "artifical": "artificial",
+      "artillary": "artillery",
+      "assigment": "assignment",
+      "assigments": "assignments",
+      "assistent": "assistant",
+      "asuming": "assuming",
+      "asycronous": "asynchronous",
+      "atomatically": "automatically",
+      "attachement": "attachment",
+      "attemps": "attempts",
+      "attruibutes": "attributes",
+      "authentification": "authentication",
+      "automaticaly": "automatically",
+      "automaticly": "automatically",
+      "automatize": "automate",
+      "automatized": "automated",
+      "automatizes": "automates",
+      "autonymous": "autonomous",
+      "auxilliary": "auxiliary",
+      "avaiable": "available",
+      "availabled": "available",
+      "availablity": "availability",
+      "availale": "available",
+      "availavility": "availability",
+      "availble": "available",
+      "availiable": "available",
+      "avaliable": "available",
+      "backgroud": "background",
+      "bahavior": "behavior",
+      "baloon": "balloon",
+      "baloons": "balloons",
+      "bandwith": "bandwidth",
+      "batery": "battery",
+      "becomming": "becoming",
+      "becuase": "because",
+      "begining": "beginning",
+      "bianries": "binaries",
+      "calender": "calendar",
+      "cancelation": "cancellation",
+      "capabilites": "capabilities",
+      "capatibilities": "capabilities",
+      "cariage": "carriage",
+      "challange": "challenge",
+      "challanges": "challenges",
+      "changable": "changeable",
+      "charachter": "character",
+      "charachters": "characters",
+      "charater": "character",
+      "charaters": "characters",
+      "charcter": "character",
+      "childs": "children",
+      "chnage": "change",
+      "chnages": "changes",
+      "choosen": "chosen",
+      "collapsable": "collapsible",
+      "colorfull": "colorful",
+      "comand": "command",
+      "comit": "commit",
+      "commerical": "commercial",
+      "comminucation": "communication",
+      "commited": "committed",
+      "commiting": "committing",
+      "committ": "commit",
+      "commoditiy": "commodity",
+      "compability": "compatibility",
+      "compatability": "compatibility",
+      "compatable": "compatible",
+      "compatibiliy": "compatibility",
+      "compatibilty": "compatibility",
+      "compilant": "compliant",
+      "compleatly": "completely",
+      "completly": "completely",
+      "complient": "compliant",
+      "compres": "compress",
+      "compresion": "compression",
+      "comression": "compression",
+      "conditionaly": "conditionally",
+      "configuratoin": "configuration",
+      "conjuction": "conjunction",
+      "connectinos": "connections",
+      "connnection": "connection",
+      "connnections": "connections",
+      "consistancy": "consistency",
+      "consistant": "consistent",
+      "containes": "contains",
+      "containts": "contains",
+      "contaisn": "contains",
+      "contence": "contents",
+      "continous": "continuous",
+      "continously": "continuously",
+      "continueing": "continuing",
+      "contraints": "constraints",
+      "convertor": "converter",
+      "convinient": "convenient",
+      "corected": "corrected",
+      "correponding": "corresponding",
+      "correponds": "corresponds",
+      "correspoding": "corresponding",
+      "cryptocraphic": "cryptographic",
+      "curently": "currently",
+      "dafault": "default",
+      "deafult": "default",
+      "deamon": "daemon",
+      "decompres": "decompress",
+      "definate": "definite",
+      "definately": "definitely",
+      "delare": "declare",
+      "delared": "declared",
+      "delares": "declares",
+      "delaring": "declaring",
+      "delemiter": "delimiter",
+      "delemiters": "delimiters",
+      "delimeter": "delimiter",
+      "delimeters": "delimiters",
+      "dependancies": "dependencies",
+      "dependancy": "dependency",
+      "dependant": "dependent",
+      "depreacted": "deprecated",
+      "depreacte": "deprecate",
+      "desactivate": "deactivate",
+      "detabase": "database",
+      "developement": "development",
+      "developped": "developed",
+      "developpement": "development",
+      "developper": "developer",
+      "developpment": "development",
+      "deveolpment": "development",
+      "devided": "divided",
+      "dictionnary": "dictionary",
+      "diplay": "display",
+      "disapeared": "disappeared",
+      "discontiguous": "noncontiguous",
+      "dispertion": "dispersion",
+      "dissapears": "disappears",
+      "docuentation": "documentation",
+      "documantation": "documentation",
+      "documentaion": "documentation",
+      "downlad": "download",
+      "downlads": "downloads",
+      "easilly": "easily",
+      "ecspecially": "especially",
+      "edditable": "editable",
+      "editting": "editing",
+      "efficently": "efficiently",
+      "eletronic": "electronic",
+      "enchanced": "enhanced",
+      "encorporating": "incorporating",
+      "endianess": "endianness",
+      "enhaced": "enhanced",
+      "enlightnment": "enlightenment",
+      "enocded": "encoded",
+      "enterily": "entirely",
+      "envireonment": "environment",
+      "enviroiment": "environment",
+      "enviroment": "environment",
+      "environement": "environment",
+      "environent": "environment",
+      "equiped": "equipped",
+      "equivelant": "equivalent",
+      "equivilant": "equivalent",
+      "estbalishment": "establishment",
+      "etsablishment": "establishment",
+      "etsbalishment": "establishment",
+      "excecutable": "executable",
+      "exceded": "exceeded",
+      "excellant": "excellent",
+      "exlcude": "exclude",
+      "exlcusive": "exclusive",
+      "expecially": "especially",
+      "explicitely": "explicitly",
+      "explict": "explicit",
+      "explictly": "explicitly",
+      "expresion": "expression",
+      "exprimental": "experimental",
+      "extensability": "extensibility",
+      "extention": "extension",
+      "extracter": "extractor",
+      "failuer": "failure",
+      "familar": "familiar",
+      "fatser": "faster",
+      "feauture": "feature",
+      "feautures": "features",
+      "fetaure": "feature",
+      "fetaures": "features",
+      "forse": "force",
+      "fortan": "fortran",
+      "forwardig": "forwarding",
+      "framwork": "framework",
+      "functionallity": "functionality",
+      "functionaly": "functionally",
+      "functionnality": "functionality",
+      "functiosn": "functions",
+      "functonality": "functionality",
+      "futhermore": "furthermore",
+      "generiously": "generously",
+      "grabing": "grabbing",
+      "grahical": "graphical",
+      "grahpical": "graphical",
+      "grapic": "graphic",
+      "guage": "gauge",
+      "halfs": "halves",
+      "handfull": "handful",
+      "heirarchically": "hierarchically",
+      "helpfull": "helpful",
+      "hierachy": "hierarchy",
+      "heirachy": "hierarchy",
+      "heirarchy": "hierarchy",
+      "hierarchie": "hierarchy",
+      "heirarchie": "hierarchy",
+      "howver": "however",
+      "immeadiately": "immediately",
+      "implemantation": "implementation",
+      "implemention": "implementation",
+      "incomming": "incoming",
+      "incompatabilities": "incompatibilities",
+      "incompatable": "incompatible",
+      "inconsistant": "inconsistent",
+      "indendation": "indentation",
+      "indended": "intended",
+      "independant": "independent",
+      "independed": "independent",
+      "informatiom": "information",
+      "informations": "information",
+      "infromation": "information",
+      "initalize": "initialize",
+      "initators": "initiators",
+      "initializiation": "initialization",
+      "inofficial": "unofficial",
+      "integreated": "integrated",
+      "integrety": "integrity",
+      "integrey": "integrity",
+      "intendet": "intended",
+      "interchangable": "interchangeable",
+      "intermittant": "intermittent",
+      "interupted": "interrupted",
+      "intial": "initial",
+      "intregral": "integral",
+      "intuative": "intuitive",
+      "invokation": "invocation",
+      "invokations": "invocations",
+      "jave": "java",
+      "langage": "language",
+      "langauage": "language",
+      "langauge": "language",
+      "langugage": "language",
+      "lauch": "launch",
+      "leightweight": "lightweight",
+      "lesstiff": "lesstif",
+      "libaries": "libraries",
+      "libary": "library",
+      "librairies": "libraries",
+      "libraris": "libraries",
+      "licenceing": "licencing",
+      "loggging": "logging",
+      "loggin": "login",
+      "logile": "logfile",
+      "machinary": "machinery",
+      "maintainance": "maintenance",
+      "maintainence": "maintenance",
+      "maintan": "maintain",
+      "makeing": "making",
+      "malplace": "misplace",
+      "malplaced": "misplaced",
+      "managable": "manageable",
+      "managment": "management",
+      "manoeuvering": "maneuvering",
+      "mathimatical": "mathematical",
+      "mathimatic": "mathematic",
+      "mathimatics": "mathematics",
+      "ment": "meant",
+      "messsage": "message",
+      "messsages": "messages",
+      "microprocesspr": "microprocessor",
+      "milliseonds": "milliseconds",
+      "miscelleneous": "miscellaneous",
+      "misformed": "malformed",
+      "mispelled": "misspelled",
+      "mispelt": "misspelt",
+      "mmnemonic": "mnemonic",
+      "modulues": "modules",
+      "monochorome": "monochrome",
+      "monochromo": "monochrome",
+      "monocrome": "monochrome",
+      "mroe": "more",
+      "multidimensionnal": "multidimensional",
+      "mulitplied": "multiplied",
+      "mutiple": "multiple",
+      "nam": "name",
+      "nams": "names",
+      "navagating": "navigating",
+      "nead": "need",
+      "neccesary": "necessary",
+      "neccessary": "necessary",
+      "necesary": "necessary",
+      "negotation": "negotiation",
+      "nescessary": "necessary",
+      "nessessary": "necessary",
+      "noticable": "noticeable",
+      "notications": "notifications",
+      "occationally": "occasionally",
+      "omitt": "omit",
+      "ommitted": "omitted",
+      "onself": "oneself",
+      "optionnal": "optional",
+      "optmizations": "optimizations",
+      "orientatied": "orientated",
+      "orientied": "oriented",
+      "ouput": "output",
+      "overaall": "overall",
+      "overriden": "overridden",
+      "pacakge": "package",
+      "pachage": "package",
+      "packacge": "package",
+      "packege": "package",
+      "packge": "package",
+      "pakage": "package",
+      "pallette": "palette",
+      "paramameters": "parameters",
+      "paramater": "parameter",
+      "parametes": "parameters",
+      "parametised": "parametrised",
+      "paramter": "parameter",
+      "paramters": "parameters",
+      "particularily": "particularly",
+      "pased": "passed",
+      "pendantic": "pedantic",
+      "peprocessor": "preprocessor",
+      "perfoming": "performing",
+      "permissons": "permissions",
+      "persistant": "persistent",
+      "plattform": "platform",
+      "pleaes": "please",
+      "ploting": "plotting",
+      "poinnter": "pointer",
+      "posible": "possible",
+      "possibilites": "possibilities",
+      "powerfull": "powerful",
+      "preceed": "precede",
+      "preceeded": "preceded",
+      "preceeding": "preceding",
+      "precendence": "precedence",
+      "precission": "precision",
+      "prefered": "preferred",
+      "prefferably": "preferably",
+      "prepaired": "prepared",
+      "primative": "primitive",
+      "princliple": "principle",
+      "priorty": "priority",
+      "priviledge": "privilege",
+      "priviledges": "privileges",
+      "procceed": "proceed",
+      "proccesors": "processors",
+      "proces": "process",
+      "processess": "processes",
+      "processessing": "processing",
+      "processpr": "processor",
+      "processsing": "processing",
+      "progams": "programs",
+      "programers": "programmers",
+      "programm": "program",
+      "programms": "programs",
+      "promps": "prompts",
+      "pronnounced": "pronounced",
+      "prononciation": "pronunciation",
+      "pronouce": "pronounce",
+      "pronunce": "pronounce",
+      "propery": "property",
+      "propigate": "propagate",
+      "propigation": "propagation",
+      "prosess": "process",
+      "protable": "portable",
+      "protcol": "protocol",
+      "protecion": "protection",
+      "protocoll": "protocol",
+      "psychadelic": "psychedelic",
+      "quering": "querying",
+      "reasearch": "research",
+      "reasearcher": "researcher",
+      "reasearchers": "researchers",
+      "recogniced": "recognised",
+      "recognizeable": "recognizable",
+      "recommanded": "recommended",
+      "redircet": "redirect",
+      "redirectrion": "redirection",
+      "reenable": "re-enable",
+      "reenabled": "re-enabled",
+      "reencode": "re-encode",
+      "refence": "reference",
+      "registerd": "registered",
+      "registraration": "registration",
+      "regulamentations": "regulations",
+      "remoote": "remote",
+      "removeable": "removable",
+      "repectively": "respectively",
+      "replacments": "replacements",
+      "replys": "replies",
+      "requiere": "require",
+      "requred": "required",
+      "requried": "required",
+      "resizeable": "resizable",
+      "ressize": "resize",
+      "ressource": "resource",
+      "ressources": "resources",
+      "retransmited": "retransmitted",
+      "retreive": "retrieve",
+      "retreived": "retrieved",
+      "rmeove": "remove",
+      "rmeoved": "removed",
+      "rmeoves": "removes",
+      "runned": "ran",
+      "runnning": "running",
+      "sacrifying": "sacrificing",
+      "safly": "safely",
+      "savable": "saveable",
+      "searchs": "searches",
+      "secund": "second",
+      "separatly": "separately",
+      "sepcify": "specify",
+      "seperated": "separated",
+      "seperately": "separately",
+      "seperate": "separate",
+      "seperatly": "separately",
+      "seperator": "separator",
+      "sepperate": "separate",
+      "sequencial": "sequential",
+      "serveral": "several",
+      "setts": "sets",
+      "similiar": "similar",
+      "simliar": "similar",
+      "softwares": "software",
+      "speach": "speech",
+      "speciefied": "specified",
+      "specifed": "specified",
+      "specificatin": "specification",
+      "specificaton": "specification",
+      "specifing": "specifying",
+      "speficied": "specified",
+      "speling": "spelling",
+      "splitted": "split",
+      "spreaded": "spread",
+      "staically": "statically",
+      "standardss": "standards",
+      "standart": "standard",
+      "staticly": "statically",
+      "subdirectoires": "subdirectories",
+      "suble": "subtle",
+      "succesfully": "successfully",
+      "succesful": "successful",
+      "sucessfully": "successfully",
+      "superflous": "superfluous",
+      "superseeded": "superseded",
+      "suplied": "supplied",
+      "suport": "support",
+      "suppored": "supported",
+      "supportin": "supporting",
+      "suppoted": "supported",
+      "suppported": "supported",
+      "suppport": "support",
+      "supress": "suppress",
+      "surpress": "suppress",
+      "surpresses": "suppresses",
+      "surpesses": "suppresses",
+      "suspicously": "suspiciously",
+      "synax": "syntax",
+      "synchonized": "synchronized",
+      "syncronize": "synchronize",
+      "syncronizing": "synchronizing",
+      "syncronus": "synchronous",
+      "syste": "system",
+      "sytem": "system",
+      "sythesis": "synthesis",
+      "taht": "that",
+      "targetted": "targeted",
+      "targetting": "targeting",
+      "teh": "the",
+      "throught": "through",
+      "transfered": "transferred",
+      "transfering": "transferring",
+      "trasmission": "transmission",
+      "treshold": "threshold",
+      "trigerring": "triggering",
+      "unconditionaly": "unconditionally",
+      "unecessary": "unnecessary",
+      "unexecpted": "unexpected",
+      "unfortunatelly": "unfortunately",
+      "unknonw": "unknown",
+      "unkown": "unknown",
+      "unneedingly": "unnecessarily",
+      "unuseful": "useless",
+      "usefule": "useful",
+      "usefull": "useful",
+      "usege": "usage",
+      "usera": "users",
+      "usualy": "usually",
+      "utilites": "utilities",
+      "utillities": "utilities",
+      "utilties": "utilities",
+      "utiltity": "utility",
+      "utitlty": "utility",
+      "variantions": "variations",
+      "varient": "variant",
+      "verbse": "verbose",
+      "verisons": "versions",
+      "verison": "version",
+      "verson": "version",
+      "visiters": "visitors",
+      "vitual": "virtual",
+      "whataver": "whatever",
+      "wheter": "whether",
+      "wierd": "weird",
+      "writting": "writing",
+      "yur": "your"
+    },
+    "partial": {
+      "recieve": "receive",
+      "uft8": "utf8",
+      "lenght": "length",
+      "heigth": "height",
+      "fuction": "function"
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/lint/linter/ArcanistSpellingLinter.php b/src/lint/linter/ArcanistSpellingLinter.php
--- a/src/lint/linter/ArcanistSpellingLinter.php
+++ b/src/lint/linter/ArcanistSpellingLinter.php
@@ -3,17 +3,16 @@
  * Enforces basic spelling. Spelling inside code is actually pretty hard to
  * get right without false positives. I take a conservative approach and
- * just use a blacklisted set of words that are commonly spelled
- * incorrectly.
+ * just use a blacklisted set of words that are commonly spelled incorrectly.
 final class ArcanistSpellingLinter extends ArcanistLinter {
+  const LINT_SPELLING_FULL    = 1;
-  private $partialWordRules;
-  private $wholeWordRules;
-  private $severity;
+  private $dictionaries     = array();
+  private $partialWordRules = array();
+  private $wholeWordRules   = array();
   public function getInfoName() {
     return pht('Spellchecker');
@@ -23,13 +22,6 @@
     return pht('Detects common misspellings of English words.');
-  public function __construct($severity = self::LINT_SPELLING_PICKY) {
-    $this->severity = $severity;
-    $this->wholeWordRules = ArcanistSpellingDefaultData::getFullWordRules();
-    $this->partialWordRules =
-      ArcanistSpellingDefaultData::getPartialWordRules();
-  }
   public function getLinterName() {
     return 'SPELL';
@@ -38,61 +30,93 @@
     return 'spelling';
-  public function addPartialWordRule(
-    $incorrect_word,
-    $correct_word,
-    $severity = self::LINT_SPELLING_IMPORTANT) {
+  public function getLinterConfigurationOptions() {
+    $options = array(
+      'spelling.dictionaries' => array(
+        'type' => 'optional list<string>',
+        'help' => pht('Pass in custom dictionaries.'),
+      ),
+    );
+    return $options + parent::getLinterConfigurationOptions();
+  }
+  public function setLinterConfigurationValue($key, $value) {
+    switch ($key) {
+      case 'spelling.dictionaries':
+        foreach ($value as $dictionary) {
+          $this->loadDictionary($dictionary);
+        }
+        return;
+    }
-    $this->partialWordRules[$severity][$incorrect_word] = $correct_word;
+    return parent::setLinterConfigurationValue($key, $value);
-  public function addWholeWordRule(
-    $incorrect_word,
-    $correct_word,
-    $severity = self::LINT_SPELLING_IMPORTANT) {
+  public function loadDictionary($path) {
+    $dict = phutil_json_decode(Filesystem::readFile($path));
+    PhutilTypeSpec::checkMap(
+      $dict,
+      array(
+        'rules' => 'map<string, map<string, string>>',
+      ));
+    $rules = $dict['rules'];
-    $this->wholeWordRules[$severity][$incorrect_word] = $correct_word;
+    $this->dictionaries[] = $path;
+    $this->wholeWordRules = array_merge(
+      $this->wholeWordRules,
+      idx($rules, 'fullword', array()));
+    $this->partialWordRules = array_merge(
+      $this->partialWordRules,
+      idx($rules, 'partial', array()));
+  }
+  public function addPartialWordRule($mispelling, $correction) {
+    $this->partialWordRules = array_merge(
+      $this->partialWordRules,
+      array($mispelling => $correction));
+  }
+  public function addWholeWordRule($mispelling, $correction) {
+    $this->wholeWordRules = array_merge(
+      $this->wholeWordRules,
+      array($mispelling => $correction));
   public function getLintSeverityMap() {
     return array(
-      self::LINT_SPELLING_PICKY     => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_WARNING,
-      self::LINT_SPELLING_IMPORTANT => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ERROR,
+      self::LINT_SPELLING_FULL    => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_WARNING,
+      self::LINT_SPELLING_PARTIAL => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_WARNING,
   public function getLintNameMap() {
     return array(
-      self::LINT_SPELLING_PICKY     => pht('Possible Spelling Mistake'),
-      self::LINT_SPELLING_IMPORTANT => pht('Possible Spelling Mistake'),
+      self::LINT_SPELLING_FULL    => pht('Possible Spelling Mistake'),
+      self::LINT_SPELLING_PARTIAL => pht('Possible Spelling Mistake'),
   public function lintPath($path) {
-    foreach ($this->partialWordRules as $severity => $wordlist) {
-      if ($severity >= $this->severity) {
-        if (!$this->isCodeEnabled($severity)) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        foreach ($wordlist as $misspell => $correct) {
-          $this->checkPartialWord($path, $misspell, $correct, $severity);
-        }
-      }
+    // TODO: This is a bit hacky. If no dictionaries were specified, then add
+    // the default dictionary.
+    if (!$this->dictionaries) {
+      $root = phutil_get_library_root('arcanist').'/..';
+      $this->loadDictionary($root.'/resources/spelling/english.json');
-    foreach ($this->wholeWordRules as $severity => $wordlist) {
-      if ($severity >= $this->severity) {
-        if (!$this->isCodeEnabled($severity)) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        foreach ($wordlist as $misspell => $correct) {
-          $this->checkWholeWord($path, $misspell, $correct, $severity);
-        }
-      }
+    foreach ($this->partialWordRules as $mispelling => $correction) {
+      $this->checkPartialWord($path, $mispelling, $correction);
+    }
+    foreach ($this->wholeWordRules as $mispelling => $correction) {
+      $this->checkWholeWord($path, $mispelling, $correction);
-  protected function checkPartialWord($path, $word, $correct_word, $severity) {
+  protected function checkPartialWord($path, $word, $correction) {
     $text = $this->getData($path);
     $pos = 0;
     while ($pos < strlen($text)) {
@@ -101,21 +125,21 @@
       $original = substr($text, $next, strlen($word));
-      $replacement = self::fixLetterCase($correct_word, $original);
+      $replacement = self::fixLetterCase($correction, $original);
-        $severity,
           "Possible spelling error. You wrote '%s', but did you mean '%s'?",
-          $correct_word),
+          $correction),
       $pos = $next + 1;
-  protected function checkWholeWord($path, $word, $correct_word, $severity) {
+  protected function checkWholeWord($path, $word, $correction) {
     $text = $this->getData($path);
     $matches = array();
     $num_matches = preg_match_all(
@@ -128,28 +152,29 @@
     foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
       $original = $match[0];
-      $replacement = self::fixLetterCase($correct_word, $original);
+      $replacement = self::fixLetterCase($correction, $original);
-        $severity,
+        self::LINT_SPELLING_FULL,
           "Possible spelling error. You wrote '%s', but did you mean '%s'?",
-          $correct_word),
+          $correction),
   public static function fixLetterCase($string, $case) {
-    if ($case == strtolower($case)) {
-      return strtolower($string);
-    } else if ($case == strtoupper($case)) {
-      return strtoupper($string);
-    } else if ($case == ucwords(strtolower($case))) {
-      return ucwords(strtolower($string));
-    } else {
-      return null;
+    switch ($case) {
+      case strtolower($case):
+        return strtolower($string);
+      case strtoupper($case):
+        return strtoupper($string);
+      case ucwords(strtolower($case)):
+        return ucwords(strtolower($string));
+      default:
+        return null;
diff --git a/src/lint/linter/__tests__/spelling/spell.lint-test b/src/lint/linter/__tests__/spelling/spell.lint-test
--- a/src/lint/linter/__tests__/spelling/spell.lint-test
+++ b/src/lint/linter/__tests__/spelling/spell.lint-test
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
 Added ZZZZsupermnZZZZ
 Added full batmn batmnZZZZ
diff --git a/src/lint/linter/spelling/ArcanistSpellingDefaultData.php b/src/lint/linter/spelling/ArcanistSpellingDefaultData.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/lint/linter/spelling/ArcanistSpellingDefaultData.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
- * Contains default spelling correction rules for ArcanistSpellingLinter.
- * Inside its own file to keep logic of ArcanistSpellingLinter clean.
- */
-class ArcanistSpellingDefaultData {
-  // From http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/APOCAL/Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes-1.000/lib/Pod/Spell/CommonMistakes/WordList.pm
-  // Pruned by hand. If you modify this list, remember to remove case only
-  // spelling suggestions and any with special characters like - or '.
-  public static function getFullWordRules() {
-    return array(
-      array(
-        // Variable common
-        'abandonning' => 'abandoning',
-        'abigious' => 'ambiguous',
-        'abitrate' => 'arbitrate',
-        'abov' => 'above',
-        'absense' => 'absence',
-        'absolut' => 'absolute',
-        'absoulte' => 'absolute',
-        'acceleratoin' => 'acceleration',
-        'accelleration' => 'acceleration',
-        'accesing' => 'accessing',
-        'accesnt' => 'accent',
-        'accessable' => 'accessible',
-        'accesss' => 'access',
-        'accidentaly' => 'accidentally',
-        'accidentually' => 'accidentally',
-        'accomodate' => 'accommodate',
-        'accomodates' => 'accommodates',
-        'accout' => 'account',
-        'acess' => 'access',
-        'acessable' => 'accessible',
-        'acient' => 'ancient',
-        'ackowledge' => 'acknowledge',
-        'ackowledged' => 'acknowledged',
-        'acknowldegement' => 'acknowldegement',
-        'acording' => 'according',
-        'activete' => 'activate',
-        'acumulating' => 'accumulating',
-        'addional' => 'additional',
-        'additionaly' => 'additionally',
-        'addreses' => 'addresses',
-        'aditional' => 'additional',
-        'aditionally' => 'additionally',
-        'aditionaly' => 'additionally',
-        'adress' => 'address',
-        'adresses' => 'addresses',
-        'adviced' => 'advised',
-        'afecting' => 'affecting',
-        'albumns' => 'albums',
-        'alegorical' => 'allegorical',
-        'algorith' => 'algorithm',
-        'algorithmical' => 'algorithmic',
-        'algoritm' => 'algorithm',
-        'algoritms' => 'algorithms',
-        'algorrithm' => 'algorithm',
-        'algorritm' => 'algorithm',
-        'allpication' => 'application',
-        'alogirhtms' => 'algorithms',
-        'alot' => 'a lot',
-        'alow' => 'allow',
-        'alows' => 'allows',
-        'altough' => 'although',
-        'ambigious' => 'ambiguous',
-        'amoung' => 'among',
-        'amout' => 'amount',
-        'analysator' => 'analyzer',
-        'ang' => 'and',
-        'anniversery' => 'anniversary',
-        'annoucement' => 'announcement',
-        'anomolies' => 'anomalies',
-        'anomoly' => 'anomaly',
-        'aplication' => 'application',
-        'appearence' => 'appearance',
-        'appliction' => 'application',
-        'applictions' => 'applications',
-        'appropiate' => 'appropriate',
-        'appropriatly' => 'appropriately',
-        'aquired' => 'acquired',
-        'arbitary' => 'arbitrary',
-        'architechture' => 'architecture',
-        'arguement' => 'argument',
-        'arguements' => 'arguments',
-        'aritmetic' => 'arithmetic',
-        'arraival' => 'arrival',
-        'artifical' => 'artificial',
-        'artillary' => 'artillery',
-        'assigment' => 'assignment',
-        'assigments' => 'assignments',
-        'assistent' => 'assistant',
-        'asuming' => 'assuming',
-        'asycronous' => 'asynchronous',
-        'atomatically' => 'automatically',
-        'attachement' => 'attachment',
-        'attemps' => 'attempts',
-        'attruibutes' => 'attributes',
-        'authentification' => 'authentication',
-        'automaticaly' => 'automatically',
-        'automaticly' => 'automatically',
-        'automatize' => 'automate',
-        'automatized' => 'automated',
-        'automatizes' => 'automates',
-        'autonymous' => 'autonomous',
-        'auxilliary' => 'auxiliary',
-        'avaiable' => 'available',
-        'availabled' => 'available',
-        'availablity' => 'availability',
-        'availale' => 'available',
-        'availavility' => 'availability',
-        'availble' => 'available',
-        'availiable' => 'available',
-        'avaliable' => 'available',
-        'backgroud' => 'background',
-        'bahavior' => 'behavior',
-        'baloon' => 'balloon',
-        'baloons' => 'balloons',
-        'bandwith' => 'bandwidth',
-        'batery' => 'battery',
-        'becomming' => 'becoming',
-        'becuase' => 'because',
-        'begining' => 'beginning',
-        'bianries' => 'binaries',
-        'calender' => 'calendar',
-        'cancelation' => 'cancellation',
-        'capabilites' => 'capabilities',
-        'capatibilities' => 'capabilities',
-        'cariage' => 'carriage',
-        'challange' => 'challenge',
-        'challanges' => 'challenges',
-        'changable' => 'changeable',
-        'charachter' => 'character',
-        'charachters' => 'characters',
-        'charater' => 'character',
-        'charaters' => 'characters',
-        'charcter' => 'character',
-        'childs' => 'children',
-        'chnage' => 'change',
-        'chnages' => 'changes',
-        'choosen' => 'chosen',
-        'collapsable' => 'collapsible',
-        'colorfull' => 'colorful',
-        'comand' => 'command',
-        'comit' => 'commit',
-        'commerical' => 'commercial',
-        'comminucation' => 'communication',
-        'commited' => 'committed',
-        'commiting' => 'committing',
-        'committ' => 'commit',
-        'commoditiy' => 'commodity',
-        'compability' => 'compatibility',
-        'compatability' => 'compatibility',
-        'compatable' => 'compatible',
-        'compatibiliy' => 'compatibility',
-        'compatibilty' => 'compatibility',
-        'compilant' => 'compliant',
-        'compleatly' => 'completely',
-        'completly' => 'completely',
-        'complient' => 'compliant',
-        'compres' => 'compress',
-        'compresion' => 'compression',
-        'comression' => 'compression',
-        'conditionaly' => 'conditionally',
-        'configuratoin' => 'configuration',
-        'conjuction' => 'conjunction',
-        'connectinos' => 'connections',
-        'connnection' => 'connection',
-        'connnections' => 'connections',
-        'consistancy' => 'consistency',
-        'consistant' => 'consistent',
-        'containes' => 'contains',
-        'containts' => 'contains',
-        'contaisn' => 'contains',
-        'contence' => 'contents',
-        'continous' => 'continuous',
-        'continously' => 'continuously',
-        'continueing' => 'continuing',
-        'contraints' => 'constraints',
-        'convertor' => 'converter',
-        'convinient' => 'convenient',
-        'corected' => 'corrected',
-        'correponding' => 'corresponding',
-        'correponds' => 'corresponds',
-        'correspoding' => 'corresponding',
-        'cryptocraphic' => 'cryptographic',
-        'curently' => 'currently',
-        'dafault' => 'default',
-        'deafult' => 'default',
-        'deamon' => 'daemon',
-        'decompres' => 'decompress',
-        'definate' => 'definite',
-        'definately' => 'definitely',
-        'delare' => 'declare',
-        'delared' => 'declared',
-        'delares' => 'declares',
-        'delaring' => 'declaring',
-        'delemiter' => 'delimiter',
-        'delemiters' => 'delimiters',
-        'delimeter' => 'delimiter',
-        'delimeters' => 'delimiters',
-        'dependancies' => 'dependencies',
-        'dependancy' => 'dependency',
-        'dependant' => 'dependent',
-        'depreacted' => 'deprecated',
-        'depreacte' => 'deprecate',
-        'desactivate' => 'deactivate',
-        'detabase' => 'database',
-        'developement' => 'development',
-        'developped' => 'developed',
-        'developpement' => 'development',
-        'developper' => 'developer',
-        'developpment' => 'development',
-        'deveolpment' => 'development',
-        'devided' => 'divided',
-        'dictionnary' => 'dictionary',
-        'diplay' => 'display',
-        'disapeared' => 'disappeared',
-        'discontiguous' => 'noncontiguous',
-        'dispertion' => 'dispersion',
-        'dissapears' => 'disappears',
-        'docuentation' => 'documentation',
-        'documantation' => 'documentation',
-        'documentaion' => 'documentation',
-        'downlad' => 'download',
-        'downlads' => 'downloads',
-        'easilly' => 'easily',
-        'ecspecially' => 'especially',
-        'edditable' => 'editable',
-        'editting' => 'editing',
-        'efficently' => 'efficiently',
-        'eletronic' => 'electronic',
-        'enchanced' => 'enhanced',
-        'encorporating' => 'incorporating',
-        'endianess' => 'endianness',
-        'enhaced' => 'enhanced',
-        'enlightnment' => 'enlightenment',
-        'enocded' => 'encoded',
-        'enterily' => 'entirely',
-        'envireonment' => 'environment',
-        'enviroiment' => 'environment',
-        'enviroment' => 'environment',
-        'environement' => 'environment',
-        'environent' => 'environment',
-        'equiped' => 'equipped',
-        'equivelant' => 'equivalent',
-        'equivilant' => 'equivalent',
-        'estbalishment' => 'establishment',
-        'etsablishment' => 'establishment',
-        'etsbalishment' => 'establishment',
-        'excecutable' => 'executable',
-        'exceded' => 'exceeded',
-        'excellant' => 'excellent',
-        'exlcude' => 'exclude',
-        'exlcusive' => 'exclusive',
-        'expecially' => 'especially',
-        'explicitely' => 'explicitly',
-        'explict' => 'explicit',
-        'explictly' => 'explicitly',
-        'expresion' => 'expression',
-        'exprimental' => 'experimental',
-        'extensability' => 'extensibility',
-        'extention' => 'extension',
-        'extracter' => 'extractor',
-        'failuer' => 'failure',
-        'familar' => 'familiar',
-        'fatser' => 'faster',
-        'feauture' => 'feature',
-        'feautures' => 'features',
-        'fetaure' => 'feature',
-        'fetaures' => 'features',
-        'forse' => 'force',
-        'fortan' => 'fortran',
-        'forwardig' => 'forwarding',
-        'framwork' => 'framework',
-        'functionallity' => 'functionality',
-        'functionaly' => 'functionally',
-        'functionnality' => 'functionality',
-        'functiosn' => 'functions',
-        'functonality' => 'functionality',
-        'futhermore' => 'furthermore',
-        'generiously' => 'generously',
-        'grabing' => 'grabbing',
-        'grahical' => 'graphical',
-        'grahpical' => 'graphical',
-        'grapic' => 'graphic',
-        'guage' => 'gauge',
-        'halfs' => 'halves',
-        'handfull' => 'handful',
-        'heirarchically' => 'hierarchically',
-        'helpfull' => 'helpful',
-        'hierachy' => 'hierarchy',
-        'heirachy' => 'hierarchy',
-        'heirarchy' => 'hierarchy',
-        'hierarchie' => 'hierarchy',
-        'heirarchie' => 'hierarchy',
-        'howver' => 'however',
-        'immeadiately' => 'immediately',
-        'implemantation' => 'implementation',
-        'implemention' => 'implementation',
-        'incomming' => 'incoming',
-        'incompatabilities' => 'incompatibilities',
-        'incompatable' => 'incompatible',
-        'inconsistant' => 'inconsistent',
-        'indendation' => 'indentation',
-        'indended' => 'intended',
-        'independant' => 'independent',
-        'independed' => 'independent',
-        'informatiom' => 'information',
-        'informations' => 'information',
-        'infromation' => 'information',
-        'initalize' => 'initialize',
-        'initators' => 'initiators',
-        'initializiation' => 'initialization',
-        'inofficial' => 'unofficial',
-        'integreated' => 'integrated',
-        'integrety' => 'integrity',
-        'integrey' => 'integrity',
-        'intendet' => 'intended',
-        'interchangable' => 'interchangeable',
-        'intermittant' => 'intermittent',
-        'interupted' => 'interrupted',
-        'intial' => 'initial',
-        'intregral' => 'integral',
-        'intuative' => 'intuitive',
-        'invokation' => 'invocation',
-        'invokations' => 'invocations',
-        'jave' => 'java',
-        'langage' => 'language',
-        'langauage' => 'language',
-        'langauge' => 'language',
-        'langugage' => 'language',
-        'lauch' => 'launch',
-        'leightweight' => 'lightweight',
-        'lesstiff' => 'lesstif',
-        'libaries' => 'libraries',
-        'libary' => 'library',
-        'librairies' => 'libraries',
-        'libraris' => 'libraries',
-        'licenceing' => 'licencing',
-        'loggging' => 'logging',
-        'loggin' => 'login',
-        'logile' => 'logfile',
-        'machinary' => 'machinery',
-        'maintainance' => 'maintenance',
-        'maintainence' => 'maintenance',
-        'maintan' => 'maintain',
-        'makeing' => 'making',
-        'malplace' => 'misplace',
-        'malplaced' => 'misplaced',
-        'managable' => 'manageable',
-        'managment' => 'management',
-        'manoeuvering' => 'maneuvering',
-        'mathimatical' => 'mathematical',
-        'mathimatic' => 'mathematic',
-        'mathimatics' => 'mathematics',
-        'ment' => 'meant',
-        'messsage' => 'message',
-        'messsages' => 'messages',
-        'microprocesspr' => 'microprocessor',
-        'milliseonds' => 'milliseconds',
-        'miscelleneous' => 'miscellaneous',
-        'misformed' => 'malformed',
-        'mispelled' => 'misspelled',
-        'mispelt' => 'misspelt',
-        'mmnemonic' => 'mnemonic',
-        'modulues' => 'modules',
-        'monochorome' => 'monochrome',
-        'monochromo' => 'monochrome',
-        'monocrome' => 'monochrome',
-        'mroe' => 'more',
-        'multidimensionnal' => 'multidimensional',
-        'mulitplied' => 'multiplied',
-        'mutiple' => 'multiple',
-        'nam' => 'name',
-        'nams' => 'names',
-        'navagating' => 'navigating',
-        'nead' => 'need',
-        'neccesary' => 'necessary',
-        'neccessary' => 'necessary',
-        'necesary' => 'necessary',
-        'negotation' => 'negotiation',
-        'nescessary' => 'necessary',
-        'nessessary' => 'necessary',
-        'noticable' => 'noticeable',
-        'notications' => 'notifications',
-        'occationally' => 'occasionally',
-        'omitt' => 'omit',
-        'ommitted' => 'omitted',
-        'onself' => 'oneself',
-        'optionnal' => 'optional',
-        'optmizations' => 'optimizations',
-        'orientatied' => 'orientated',
-        'orientied' => 'oriented',
-        'ouput' => 'output',
-        'overaall' => 'overall',
-        'overriden' => 'overridden',
-        'pacakge' => 'package',
-        'pachage' => 'package',
-        'packacge' => 'package',
-        'packege' => 'package',
-        'packge' => 'package',
-        'pakage' => 'package',
-        'pallette' => 'palette',
-        'paramameters' => 'parameters',
-        'paramater' => 'parameter',
-        'parametes' => 'parameters',
-        'parametised' => 'parametrised',
-        'paramter' => 'parameter',
-        'paramters' => 'parameters',
-        'particularily' => 'particularly',
-        'pased' => 'passed',
-        'pendantic' => 'pedantic',
-        'peprocessor' => 'preprocessor',
-        'perfoming' => 'performing',
-        'permissons' => 'permissions',
-        'persistant' => 'persistent',
-        'plattform' => 'platform',
-        'pleaes' => 'please',
-        'ploting' => 'plotting',
-        'poinnter' => 'pointer',
-        'posible' => 'possible',
-        'possibilites' => 'possibilities',
-        'powerfull' => 'powerful',
-        'preceed' => 'precede',
-        'preceeded' => 'preceded',
-        'preceeding' => 'preceding',
-        'precendence' => 'precedence',
-        'precission' => 'precision',
-        'prefered' => 'preferred',
-        'prefferably' => 'preferably',
-        'prepaired' => 'prepared',
-        'primative' => 'primitive',
-        'princliple' => 'principle',
-        'priorty' => 'priority',
-        'priviledge' => 'privilege',
-        'priviledges' => 'privileges',
-        'procceed' => 'proceed',
-        'proccesors' => 'processors',
-        'proces' => 'process',
-        'processess' => 'processes',
-        'processessing' => 'processing',
-        'processpr' => 'processor',
-        'processsing' => 'processing',
-        'progams' => 'programs',
-        'programers' => 'programmers',
-        'programm' => 'program',
-        'programms' => 'programs',
-        'promps' => 'prompts',
-        'pronnounced' => 'pronounced',
-        'prononciation' => 'pronunciation',
-        'pronouce' => 'pronounce',
-        'pronunce' => 'pronounce',
-        'propery' => 'property',
-        'propigate' => 'propagate',
-        'propigation' => 'propagation',
-        'prosess' => 'process',
-        'protable' => 'portable',
-        'protcol' => 'protocol',
-        'protecion' => 'protection',
-        'protocoll' => 'protocol',
-        'psychadelic' => 'psychedelic',
-        'quering' => 'querying',
-        'reasearch' => 'research',
-        'reasearcher' => 'researcher',
-        'reasearchers' => 'researchers',
-        'recogniced' => 'recognised',
-        'recognizeable' => 'recognizable',
-        'recommanded' => 'recommended',
-        'redircet' => 'redirect',
-        'redirectrion' => 'redirection',
-        'reenable' => 're-enable',
-        'reenabled' => 're-enabled',
-        'reencode' => 're-encode',
-        'refence' => 'reference',
-        'registerd' => 'registered',
-        'registraration' => 'registration',
-        'regulamentations' => 'regulations',
-        'remoote' => 'remote',
-        'removeable' => 'removable',
-        'repectively' => 'respectively',
-        'replacments' => 'replacements',
-        'replys' => 'replies',
-        'requiere' => 'require',
-        'requred' => 'required',
-        'requried' => 'required',
-        'resizeable' => 'resizable',
-        'ressize' => 'resize',
-        'ressource' => 'resource',
-        'ressources' => 'resources',
-        'retransmited' => 'retransmitted',
-        'retreive' => 'retrieve',
-        'retreived' => 'retrieved',
-        'rmeove' => 'remove',
-        'rmeoved' => 'removed',
-        'rmeoves' => 'removes',
-        'runned' => 'ran',
-        'runnning' => 'running',
-        'sacrifying' => 'sacrificing',
-        'safly' => 'safely',
-        'savable' => 'saveable',
-        'searchs' => 'searches',
-        'secund' => 'second',
-        'separatly' => 'separately',
-        'sepcify' => 'specify',
-        'seperated' => 'separated',
-        'seperately' => 'separately',
-        'seperate' => 'separate',
-        'seperatly' => 'separately',
-        'seperator' => 'separator',
-        'sepperate' => 'separate',
-        'sequencial' => 'sequential',
-        'serveral' => 'several',
-        'setts' => 'sets',
-        'similiar' => 'similar',
-        'simliar' => 'similar',
-        'softwares' => 'software',
-        'speach' => 'speech',
-        'speciefied' => 'specified',
-        'specifed' => 'specified',
-        'specificatin' => 'specification',
-        'specificaton' => 'specification',
-        'specifing' => 'specifying',
-        'speficied' => 'specified',
-        'speling' => 'spelling',
-        'splitted' => 'split',
-        'spreaded' => 'spread',
-        'staically' => 'statically',
-        'standardss' => 'standards',
-        'standart' => 'standard',
-        'staticly' => 'statically',
-        'subdirectoires' => 'subdirectories',
-        'suble' => 'subtle',
-        'succesfully' => 'successfully',
-        'succesful' => 'successful',
-        'sucessfully' => 'successfully',
-        'superflous' => 'superfluous',
-        'superseeded' => 'superseded',
-        'suplied' => 'supplied',
-        'suport' => 'support',
-        'suppored' => 'supported',
-        'supportin' => 'supporting',
-        'suppoted' => 'supported',
-        'suppported' => 'supported',
-        'suppport' => 'support',
-        'supress' => 'suppress',
-        'surpress' => 'suppress',
-        'surpresses' => 'suppresses',
-        'surpesses' => 'suppresses',
-        'suspicously' => 'suspiciously',
-        'synax' => 'syntax',
-        'synchonized' => 'synchronized',
-        'syncronize' => 'synchronize',
-        'syncronizing' => 'synchronizing',
-        'syncronus' => 'synchronous',
-        'syste' => 'system',
-        'sytem' => 'system',
-        'sythesis' => 'synthesis',
-        'taht' => 'that',
-        'targetted' => 'targeted',
-        'targetting' => 'targeting',
-        'throught' => 'through',
-        'transfered' => 'transferred',
-        'transfering' => 'transferring',
-        'trasmission' => 'transmission',
-        'treshold' => 'threshold',
-        'trigerring' => 'triggering',
-        'unconditionaly' => 'unconditionally',
-        'unecessary' => 'unnecessary',
-        'unexecpted' => 'unexpected',
-        'unfortunatelly' => 'unfortunately',
-        'unknonw' => 'unknown',
-        'unkown' => 'unknown',
-        'unneedingly' => 'unnecessarily',
-        'unuseful' => 'useless',
-        'usefule' => 'useful',
-        'usefull' => 'useful',
-        'usege' => 'usage',
-        'usera' => 'users',
-        'usualy' => 'usually',
-        'utilites' => 'utilities',
-        'utillities' => 'utilities',
-        'utilties' => 'utilities',
-        'utiltity' => 'utility',
-        'utitlty' => 'utility',
-        'variantions' => 'variations',
-        'varient' => 'variant',
-        'verbse' => 'verbose',
-        'verisons' => 'versions',
-        'verison' => 'version',
-        'verson' => 'version',
-        'visiters' => 'visitors',
-        'vitual' => 'virtual',
-        'whataver' => 'whatever',
-        'wheter' => 'whether',
-        'wierd' => 'weird',
-        'writting' => 'writing',
-        'yur' => 'your',
-        // Variable common_cpan
-        'refering' => 'referring',
-        'writeable' => 'writable',
-        'nineth' => 'ninth',
-        'ommited' => 'omitted',
-        'omited' => 'omitted',
-        'requrie' => 'require',
-        'existant' => 'existent',
-        'agument' => 'argument',
-        'destionation' => 'destination',
-      ), array(
-        'teh' => 'the',
-      ),
-    );
-  }
-  public static function getPartialWordRules() {
-    return array(
-      array(),
-      array(
-        'recieve' => 'receive',
-        'uft8' => 'utf8',
-        'lenght' => 'length',
-        'heigth' => 'height',
-        'fuction' => 'function',
-      ),
-    );
-  }