diff --git a/src/docs/user/configuration/managing_daemons.diviner b/src/docs/user/configuration/managing_daemons.diviner --- a/src/docs/user/configuration/managing_daemons.diviner +++ b/src/docs/user/configuration/managing_daemons.diviner @@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ - **phd launch** to launch individual daemons; and - **phd debug** to debug problems with daemons. +NOTE: The daemons need to run as the daemon user that you have configured in the +`phd.user` option. The `phd start` command does not enforce this, so you should +execute the `phd` command as the configured daemon user. + NOTE: When you upgrade Phabricator or change configuration, you should restart the daemons by running `phd restart`.