diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -2860,8 +2860,6 @@
     'PhabricatorDaemonLog' => 'applications/daemon/storage/PhabricatorDaemonLog.php',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogEvent' => 'applications/daemon/storage/PhabricatorDaemonLogEvent.php',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogEventGarbageCollector' => 'applications/daemon/garbagecollector/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventGarbageCollector.php',
-    'PhabricatorDaemonLogEventViewController' => 'applications/daemon/controller/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventViewController.php',
-    'PhabricatorDaemonLogEventsView' => 'applications/daemon/view/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventsView.php',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogGarbageCollector' => 'applications/daemon/garbagecollector/PhabricatorDaemonLogGarbageCollector.php',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogListController' => 'applications/daemon/controller/PhabricatorDaemonLogListController.php',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogListView' => 'applications/daemon/view/PhabricatorDaemonLogListView.php',
@@ -8725,8 +8723,6 @@
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogEvent' => 'PhabricatorDaemonDAO',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogEventGarbageCollector' => 'PhabricatorGarbageCollector',
-    'PhabricatorDaemonLogEventViewController' => 'PhabricatorDaemonController',
-    'PhabricatorDaemonLogEventsView' => 'AphrontView',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogGarbageCollector' => 'PhabricatorGarbageCollector',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogListController' => 'PhabricatorDaemonController',
     'PhabricatorDaemonLogListView' => 'AphrontView',
diff --git a/src/applications/daemon/application/PhabricatorDaemonsApplication.php b/src/applications/daemon/application/PhabricatorDaemonsApplication.php
--- a/src/applications/daemon/application/PhabricatorDaemonsApplication.php
+++ b/src/applications/daemon/application/PhabricatorDaemonsApplication.php
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
           '' => 'PhabricatorDaemonLogListController',
           '(?P<id>[1-9]\d*)/' => 'PhabricatorDaemonLogViewController',
-        'event/(?P<id>[1-9]\d*)/' => 'PhabricatorDaemonLogEventViewController',
         'bulk/' => array(
           '(?:query/(?P<queryKey>[^/]+)/)?' =>
diff --git a/src/applications/daemon/controller/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventViewController.php b/src/applications/daemon/controller/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventViewController.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/daemon/controller/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventViewController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-final class PhabricatorDaemonLogEventViewController
-  extends PhabricatorDaemonController {
-  public function handleRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
-    $id = $request->getURIData('id');
-    $event = id(new PhabricatorDaemonLogEvent())->load($id);
-    if (!$event) {
-      return new Aphront404Response();
-    }
-    $event_view = id(new PhabricatorDaemonLogEventsView())
-      ->setEvents(array($event))
-      ->setUser($request->getUser())
-      ->setCombinedLog(true)
-      ->setShowFullMessage(true);
-    $log_panel = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
-      ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY)
-      ->appendChild($event_view);
-    $daemon_id = $event->getLogID();
-    $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs()
-      ->addTextCrumb(
-        pht('Daemon %s', $daemon_id),
-        $this->getApplicationURI("log/{$daemon_id}/"))
-      ->addTextCrumb(pht('Event %s', $event->getID()))
-      ->setBorder(true);
-    $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView())
-      ->setHeader(pht('Combined Log'))
-      ->setHeaderIcon('fa-file-text');
-    $view = id(new PHUITwoColumnView())
-      ->setHeader($header)
-      ->setFooter($log_panel);
-    return $this->newPage()
-      ->setTitle(pht('Combined Daemon Log'))
-      ->appendChild($view);
-  }
diff --git a/src/applications/daemon/view/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventsView.php b/src/applications/daemon/view/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventsView.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/daemon/view/PhabricatorDaemonLogEventsView.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-final class PhabricatorDaemonLogEventsView extends AphrontView {
-  private $events;
-  private $combinedLog;
-  private $showFullMessage;
-  public function setShowFullMessage($show_full_message) {
-    $this->showFullMessage = $show_full_message;
-    return $this;
-  }
-  public function setEvents(array $events) {
-    assert_instances_of($events, 'PhabricatorDaemonLogEvent');
-    $this->events = $events;
-    return $this;
-  }
-  public function setCombinedLog($is_combined) {
-    $this->combinedLog = $is_combined;
-    return $this;
-  }
-  public function render() {
-    $viewer = $this->getViewer();
-    $rows = array();
-    foreach ($this->events as $event) {
-      // Limit display log size. If a daemon gets stuck in an output loop this
-      // page can be like >100MB if we don't truncate stuff. Try to do cheap
-      // line-based truncation first, and fall back to expensive UTF-8 character
-      // truncation if that doesn't get things short enough.
-      $message = $event->getMessage();
-      $more = null;
-      if (!$this->showFullMessage) {
-        $more_lines = null;
-        $more_chars = null;
-        $line_limit = 12;
-        if (substr_count($message, "\n") > $line_limit) {
-          $message = explode("\n", $message);
-          $more_lines = count($message) - $line_limit;
-          $message = array_slice($message, 0, $line_limit);
-          $message = implode("\n", $message);
-        }
-        $char_limit = 8192;
-        if (strlen($message) > $char_limit) {
-          $message = phutil_utf8v($message);
-          $more_chars = count($message) - $char_limit;
-          $message = array_slice($message, 0, $char_limit);
-          $message = implode('', $message);
-        }
-        if ($more_chars) {
-          $more = new PhutilNumber($more_chars);
-          $more = pht('Show %d more character(s)...', $more);
-        } else if ($more_lines) {
-          $more = new PhutilNumber($more_lines);
-          $more = pht('Show %d more line(s)...', $more);
-        }
-        if ($more) {
-          $id = $event->getID();
-          $more = array(
-            "\n...\n",
-            phutil_tag(
-              'a',
-              array(
-                'href' => "/daemon/event/{$id}/",
-              ),
-              $more),
-          );
-        }
-      }
-      $row = array(
-        $event->getLogType(),
-        phabricator_date($event->getEpoch(), $viewer),
-        phabricator_time($event->getEpoch(), $viewer),
-        array(
-          $message,
-          $more,
-        ),
-      );
-      if ($this->combinedLog) {
-        array_unshift(
-          $row,
-          phutil_tag(
-            'a',
-            array(
-              'href' => '/daemon/log/'.$event->getLogID().'/',
-            ),
-            pht('Daemon %s', $event->getLogID())));
-      }
-      $rows[] = $row;
-    }
-    $classes = array(
-      '',
-      '',
-      'right',
-      'wide prewrap',
-    );
-    $headers = array(
-      'Type',
-      'Date',
-      'Time',
-      'Message',
-    );
-    if ($this->combinedLog) {
-      array_unshift($classes, 'pri');
-      array_unshift($headers, 'Daemon');
-    }
-    $log_table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
-    $log_table->setHeaders($headers);
-    $log_table->setColumnClasses($classes);
-    return $log_table->render();
-  }