diff --git a/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialReviewersField.php b/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialReviewersField.php
--- a/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialReviewersField.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialReviewersField.php
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
     return 'differential:reviewers';
-  public function getFieldKeyForConduit() {
-    return 'reviewerPHIDs';
-  }
   public function getFieldName() {
     return pht('Reviewers');
@@ -24,108 +20,6 @@
     return $revision->getReviewerStatus();
-  public function getNewValueForApplicationTransactions() {
-    $specs = array();
-    foreach ($this->getValue() as $reviewer) {
-      $specs[$reviewer->getReviewerPHID()] = array(
-        'data' => $reviewer->getEdgeData(),
-      );
-    }
-    return array('=' => $specs);
-  }
-  public function readValueFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
-    $datasource = id(new DifferentialBlockingReviewerDatasource())
-      ->setViewer($request->getViewer());
-    $new_phids = $request->getArr($this->getFieldKey());
-    $new_phids = $datasource->evaluateTokens($new_phids);
-    $reviewers = array();
-    foreach ($new_phids as $spec) {
-      if (!is_array($spec)) {
-        $reviewers[$spec] = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_ADDED;
-      } else {
-        $reviewers[$spec['phid']] = $spec['type'];
-      }
-    }
-    $this->updateReviewers($this->getValue(), $reviewers);
-  }
-  private function updateReviewers(array $old_reviewers, array $new_map) {
-    // Compute a new set of reviewer objects. We're going to respect the new
-    // reviewer order, add or remove any new or missing reviewers, and respect
-    // any blocking or unblocking changes. For reviewers who were there before
-    // and are still there, we're going to keep the old value because it
-    // may be something like "Accept", "Reject", etc.
-    $old_map = mpull($old_reviewers, 'getStatus', 'getReviewerPHID');
-    $status_blocking = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_BLOCKING;
-    $new_reviewers = array();
-    foreach ($new_map as $phid => $new) {
-      $old = idx($old_map, $phid);
-      // If we have an old status and this didn't make the reviewer blocking
-      // or nonblocking, just retain the old status. This makes sure we don't
-      // throw away rejects, accepts, etc.
-      if ($old) {
-        $is_block = ($old !== $status_blocking && $new === $status_blocking);
-        $is_unblock = ($old === $status_blocking && $new !== $status_blocking);
-        if (!$is_block && !$is_unblock) {
-          $new_reviewers[$phid] = $old;
-          continue;
-        }
-      }
-      $new_reviewers[$phid] = $new;
-    }
-    foreach ($new_reviewers as $phid => $status) {
-      $new_reviewers[$phid] = new DifferentialReviewerProxy(
-        $phid,
-        array(
-          'status' => $status,
-        ));
-    }
-    $this->setValue($new_reviewers);
-  }
-  public function renderEditControl(array $handles) {
-    $status_blocking = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_BLOCKING;
-    $value = array();
-    foreach ($this->getValue() as $reviewer) {
-      $phid = $reviewer->getReviewerPHID();
-      if ($reviewer->getStatus() == $status_blocking) {
-        $value[] = 'blocking('.$phid.')';
-      } else {
-        $value[] = $phid;
-      }
-    }
-    return id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl())
-      ->setUser($this->getViewer())
-      ->setName($this->getFieldKey())
-      ->setDatasource(new DifferentialReviewerDatasource())
-      ->setValue($value)
-      ->setError($this->getFieldError())
-      ->setLabel($this->getFieldName());
-  }
-  public function getApplicationTransactionType() {
-    return PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE;
-  }
-  public function getApplicationTransactionMetadata() {
-    return array(
-      'edge:type' => DifferentialRevisionHasReviewerEdgeType::EDGECONST,
-    );
-  }
   public function shouldAppearInPropertyView() {
     return true;
@@ -164,99 +58,6 @@
     return $reviewers;
-  public function shouldAppearInCommitMessage() {
-    return true;
-  }
-  public function shouldAppearInCommitMessageTemplate() {
-    return true;
-  }
-  public function getCommitMessageLabels() {
-    return array(
-      'Reviewer',
-      'Reviewers',
-    );
-  }
-  public function parseValueFromCommitMessage($value) {
-    $results = $this->parseObjectList(
-      $value,
-      array(
-        PhabricatorPeopleUserPHIDType::TYPECONST,
-        PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST,
-        PhabricatorOwnersPackagePHIDType::TYPECONST,
-      ),
-      false,
-      array('!'));
-    return $this->flattenReviewers($results);
-  }
-  public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForCommitMessage() {
-    return mpull($this->getValue(), 'getReviewerPHID');
-  }
-  public function readValueFromCommitMessage($value) {
-    $value = $this->inflateReviewers($value);
-    $reviewers = array();
-    foreach ($value as $spec) {
-      $phid = $spec['phid'];
-      $is_blocking = isset($spec['suffixes']['!']);
-      if ($is_blocking) {
-        $status = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_BLOCKING;
-      } else {
-        $status = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_ADDED;
-      }
-      $reviewers[$phid] = $status;
-    }
-    $this->updateReviewers(
-      $this->getObject()->getReviewerStatus(),
-      $reviewers);
-    return $this;
-  }
-  public function renderCommitMessageValue(array $handles) {
-    $suffixes = array();
-    $status_blocking = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_BLOCKING;
-    foreach ($this->getValue() as $reviewer) {
-      if ($reviewer->getStatus() == $status_blocking) {
-        $phid = $reviewer->getReviewerPHID();
-        $suffixes[$phid] = '!';
-      }
-    }
-    return $this->renderObjectList($handles, $suffixes);
-  }
-  public function validateCommitMessageValue($value) {
-    if (!$value) {
-      return;
-    }
-    $author_phid = $this->getObject()->getAuthorPHID();
-    $config_self_accept_key = 'differential.allow-self-accept';
-    $allow_self_accept = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($config_self_accept_key);
-    $value = $this->inflateReviewers($value);
-    foreach ($value as $spec) {
-      $phid = $spec['phid'];
-      if (($phid == $author_phid) && !$allow_self_accept) {
-        throw new DifferentialFieldValidationException(
-          pht('The author of a revision can not be a reviewer.'));
-      }
-    }
-  }
   public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForRevisionHeaderWarnings() {
     return mpull($this->getValue(), 'getReviewerPHID');
@@ -288,44 +89,4 @@
     return $warnings;
-  public function getProTips() {
-    return array(
-      pht(
-        'You can mark a reviewer as blocking by adding an exclamation '.
-        'mark ("!") after their name.'),
-    );
-  }
-  private function flattenReviewers(array $values) {
-    // NOTE: For now, `arc` relies on this field returning only scalars, so we
-    // need to reduce the results into scalars. See T10981.
-    $result = array();
-    foreach ($values as $value) {
-      $result[] = $value['phid'].implode('', array_keys($value['suffixes']));
-    }
-    return $result;
-  }
-  private function inflateReviewers(array $values) {
-    $result = array();
-    foreach ($values as $value) {
-      if (substr($value, -1) == '!') {
-        $value = substr($value, 0, -1);
-        $suffixes = array('!' => '!');
-      } else {
-        $suffixes = array();
-      }
-      $result[] = array(
-        'phid' => $value,
-        'suffixes' => $suffixes,
-      );
-    }
-    return $result;
-  }
diff --git a/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialTransaction.php b/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialTransaction.php
--- a/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialTransaction.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialTransaction.php
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
     // without doing a migration. At some point, we should do a migration and
     // throw this away.
+    // NOTE: Old reviewer edits are raw edge transactions. They could be
+    // migrated to modular transactions when the rest of this migrates.
     $xaction_type = $this->getTransactionType();
     if ($xaction_type == PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD) {
       switch ($this->getMetadataValue('customfield:key')) {
diff --git a/src/applications/transactions/storage/PhabricatorApplicationTransaction.php b/src/applications/transactions/storage/PhabricatorApplicationTransaction.php
--- a/src/applications/transactions/storage/PhabricatorApplicationTransaction.php
+++ b/src/applications/transactions/storage/PhabricatorApplicationTransaction.php
@@ -960,9 +960,18 @@
         if ($field) {
           return $field->getApplicationTransactionTitle($this);
         } else {
-          return pht(
-            '%s edited a custom field.',
-            $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid));
+          $developer_mode = 'phabricator.developer-mode';
+          $is_developer = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($developer_mode);
+          if ($is_developer) {
+            return pht(
+              '%s edited a custom field (with key "%s").',
+              $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid),
+              $this->getMetadata('customfield:key'));
+          } else {
+            return pht(
+              '%s edited a custom field.',
+              $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid));
+          }
       case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN: