diff --git a/src/applications/project/engine/PhabricatorProjectProfilePanelEngine.php b/src/applications/project/engine/PhabricatorProjectProfilePanelEngine.php
--- a/src/applications/project/engine/PhabricatorProjectProfilePanelEngine.php
+++ b/src/applications/project/engine/PhabricatorProjectProfilePanelEngine.php
@@ -20,18 +20,6 @@
-    // TODO: This is temporary.
-    $uri = urisprintf(
-      '/maniphest/?statuses=open()&projects=%s#R',
-      $object->getPHID());
-    $panels[] = $this->newPanel()
-      ->setBuiltinKey('tasks')
-      ->setPanelKey(PhabricatorLinkProfilePanel::PANELKEY)
-      ->setPanelProperty('icon', 'maniphest')
-      ->setPanelProperty('name', pht('Open Tasks'))
-      ->setPanelProperty('uri', $uri);
     $panels[] = $this->newPanel()
diff --git a/src/applications/search/engine/PhabricatorProfilePanelEngine.php b/src/applications/search/engine/PhabricatorProfilePanelEngine.php
--- a/src/applications/search/engine/PhabricatorProfilePanelEngine.php
+++ b/src/applications/search/engine/PhabricatorProfilePanelEngine.php
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@
         if ($panel->isDisabled()) {
           $hide_icon = 'fa-plus';
-          $hide_text = pht('Show');
+          $hide_text = pht('Enable');
         } else if ($panel->getBuiltinKey() !== null) {
           $hide_icon = 'fa-times';
           $hide_text = pht('Disable');
@@ -683,10 +683,14 @@
+    $doc_link = PhabricatorEnv::getDoclink('Profile Menu User Guide');
+    $doc_name = pht('Profile Menu User Guide');
       id(new PhabricatorActionView())
-        ->setName(pht('TODO: Write Documentation')));
+        ->setHref($doc_link)
+        ->setName($doc_name));
     $action_button = id(new PHUIButtonView())
diff --git a/src/docs/user/userguide/profile_menu.diviner b/src/docs/user/userguide/profile_menu.diviner
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/docs/user/userguide/profile_menu.diviner
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+@title Profile Menu User Guide
+@group userguide
+Master profile menus for projects and other objects.
+Some objects, like projects, have customizable menus called "profile menus".
+This guide discusses how to add, remove, reorder, configure and extend these
+Supported Applications
+These applications currently support profile menus:
+| Application | Support |
+| Projects | Full |
+| People | //Read-Only// |
+Collapsing and Expanding
+To collapse a full-width profile menu, click
+{nav icon="angle-left", name="Collapse"}. To expand a narrow menu, click
+{nav icon="angle-right", name="Expand"}.
+If you're logged in, this setting is sticky, and all menus will respect your
+Editing Menus
+You can only edit an object's menu if you can edit the object. For example, you
+must have permission to edit a project in order to reconfigure the menu for the
+To edit a menu, click {nav icon="pencil", name="Edit Menu"}. This brings you to
+the menu configuration interface which allows you to add and remove items,
+reorder the menu, edit existing items, and choose a default item.
+Menus are comprised of a list of items. Some of the items are builtin
+(for example, projects have builtin "Profile", "Workboard" and "Members"
+items). You can also add custom items. Builtin and custom items mostly
+behave in similar ways, but there are a few exceptions (for example, you can
+not completely delete builtin items).
+Adding Items
+To add new items to a menu, use {nav icon="cog", name="Configure Menu"} and
+choose a type of item to add. See below for more details on available items.
+You can also find a link to this documentation in the same menu, if you want
+to reference it later.
+Reordering Items
+To reorder items, drag and drop them to the desired position. Your changes
+will be reflected in the item ordering in the menu.
+Setting a Default
+The default item controls what content is shown when a user browses to the
+object's main page. For example, the default item for a project controls where
+the user ends up when they click a link to the project from another
+To choose a default item, click {nav icon="thumb-tack", name="Make Default"}.
+Not all kinds of items can be set as the default item. For example, you can not
+set a separator line as a default because the item can't be selected and has no
+If no default is explicitly selected, or a default is deleted or disabled, the
+first item which is eligible to be a default is used as the default item.
+Removing Items
+To remove items, click the {nav icon="times", name="Delete"} action.
+Builtin items can not be deleted and have a
+{nav icon="times", name="Disable"} action instead, which will hide them but
+not delete them. You an re-enable a disabled item with the
+{nav icon="plus', name="Enable"} action.
+Removing or hiding an item does not disable the underlying functionality.
+For example, if you hide the "Members" item for a project, that just removes
+it from the menu. The project still has members, and users can still navigate
+to the members page by following a link to it from elsewhere in the application
+or entering the URI manually.
+Editing Items
+To edit an item, click the name of the item. This will show you available
+configuration for the item and allow you to edit it.
+Which properties are editable depends on what sort of item you are editing.
+Most items can be renamed, and some items have more settings available. For
+example, when editing a link, you can choose the link target and select an
+icon for the item.
+A few items have no configuration. For example, visual separator lines are
+purely cosmetic and have no available settings.
+Available Items
+When you add items, you can choose between different types of items to add.
+Which item types are available depends on what sort of object you are editing
+the menu for, but most objects support these items:
+  - {icon link} **Link**: Allows you to create an item which links to
+    somewhere else in Phabricator, or to an external site.
+  - {icon minus} **Divider**: Adds a visual separator to the menu. This is
+    purely cosmetic.
+  - {icon coffee} **Motivator**: Motivate your employees with inspirational
+    quotes. A new quote every day!
+To learn more about how an item works, try adding it. You can always delete
+it later if it doesn't do what you wanted.
+Writing New Item Types
+IMPORTANT: This feature is not stable, and the API is subject to change.
+To add new types of items, subclass @{class:PhabricatorProfilePanel}.
diff --git a/src/docs/user/userguide/projects.diviner b/src/docs/user/userguide/projects.diviner
--- a/src/docs/user/userguide/projects.diviner
+++ b/src/docs/user/userguide/projects.diviner
@@ -51,3 +51,45 @@
 If you'd like to receive edit notifications for a project, you can write a
 Herald rule to keep you in the loop.
+Customizing Menus
+Projects support profile menus, which are customizable. For full details on
+managing and customizing profile menus, see @{article:Profile Menu User Guide}.
+Here are some examples of common ways to customize project profile menus that
+may be useful:
+**Link to Tasks or Repositories**: You can add a menu item for "Open Tasks" or
+"Active Repositories" for a project by running the search in the appropriate
+application, then adding a link to the search results to the menu.
+This can let you quickly jump from a project screen to related tasks,
+revisions, repositories, or other objects.
+For more details on how to use search and manage queries, see
+@{article:Search User Guide}.
+**New Task Button**: To let users easily make a new task that is tagged with
+the current project, add a link to the "New Task" form with the project
+prefilled, or to a custom form with appropriate defaults.
+For information on customizing and prefilling forms, see
+@{article:User Guide: Customizing Forms}.
+**Link to Wiki Pages**: You can add links to relevant wiki pages or other
+documentation to the menu to make it easy to find and access. You could also
+link to a Conpherence if you have a chatroom for a project.
+**Link to External Resources**: You can link to external resources outside
+of Phabricator if you have other pages which are relevant to a project.
+**Set Workboard as Default**: For projects that are mostly used to organize
+tasks, change the default item to the workboard instead of the profile to get
+to the workboard view more easily.
+**Hide Unused Items**: If you have a project which you don't expect to have
+members or won't have a workboard, you can hide these items to streamline the