diff --git a/src/land/ArcanistGitLandEngine.php b/src/land/ArcanistGitLandEngine.php
--- a/src/land/ArcanistGitLandEngine.php
+++ b/src/land/ArcanistGitLandEngine.php
@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
       if ($this->getShouldHold()) {
-        $this->writeInfo(
-          pht('HOLD'),
-          pht('Holding change locally, it has not been pushed.'));
+        $this->didHoldChanges();
       } else {
@@ -542,4 +540,41 @@
+  private function didHoldChanges() {
+    $this->writeInfo(
+      pht('HOLD'),
+      pht(
+        'Holding change locally, it has not been pushed.'));
+    $push_command = csprintf(
+      '$ git push -- %R %R:%R',
+      $this->getTargetRemote(),
+      $this->mergedRef,
+      $this->getTargetOnto());
+    $restore_command = csprintf(
+      '$ git checkout %R --',
+      $this->localRef);
+    echo tsprintf(
+      "\n%s\n\n".
+      "%s\n\n".
+      "    %s\n\n".
+      "%s\n\n".
+      "    %s\n\n".
+      "%s\n",
+      pht(
+        'This local working copy now contains the merged changes in a '.
+        'detached state.'),
+      pht('You can push the changes manually with this command:'),
+      $push_command,
+      pht(
+        'You can go back to how things were before you ran `arc land` with '.
+        'this command:'),
+      $restore_command,
+      pht(
+        'Local branches have not been changed, and are still in exactly the '.
+        'same state as before.'));
+  }