diff --git a/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementAdjustWorkflow.php b/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementAdjustWorkflow.php
--- a/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementAdjustWorkflow.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementAdjustWorkflow.php
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@
   public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args) {
     $force = $args->getArg('force');
     $unsafe = $args->getArg('unsafe');
+    $dry_run = $args->getArg('dryrun');
-    return $this->adjustSchemata($force, $unsafe);
+    return $this->adjustSchemata($force, $unsafe, $dry_run);
   private function requireAllPatchesApplied() {
@@ -60,606 +61,4 @@
-  private function loadSchemata() {
-    $query = id(new PhabricatorConfigSchemaQuery())
-      ->setAPI($this->getAPI());
-    $actual = $query->loadActualSchema();
-    $expect = $query->loadExpectedSchema();
-    $comp = $query->buildComparisonSchema($expect, $actual);
-    return array($comp, $expect, $actual);
-  }
-  private function adjustSchemata($force, $unsafe) {
-    $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole();
-    $console->writeOut(
-      "%s\n",
-      pht('Verifying database schemata...'));
-    list($adjustments, $errors) = $this->findAdjustments();
-    $api = $this->getAPI();
-    if (!$adjustments) {
-      $console->writeOut(
-        "%s\n",
-        pht('Found no adjustments for schemata.'));
-      return $this->printErrors($errors, 0);
-    }
-    if (!$force && !$api->isCharacterSetAvailable('utf8mb4')) {
-      $message = pht(
-        "You have an old version of MySQL (older than 5.5) which does not ".
-        "support the utf8mb4 character set. If you apply adjustments now ".
-        "and later update MySQL to 5.5 or newer, you'll need to apply ".
-        "adjustments again (and they will take a long time).\n\n".
-        "You can exit this workflow, update MySQL now, and then run this ".
-        "workflow again. This is recommended, but may cause a lot of downtime ".
-        "right now.\n\n".
-        "You can exit this workflow, continue using Phabricator without ".
-        "applying adjustments, update MySQL at a later date, and then run ".
-        "this workflow again. This is also a good approach, and will let you ".
-        "delay downtime until later.\n\n".
-        "You can proceed with this workflow, and then optionally update ".
-        "MySQL at a later date. After you do, you'll need to apply ".
-        "adjustments again.\n\n".
-        "For more information, see \"Managing Storage Adjustments\" in ".
-        "the documentation.");
-      $console->writeOut(
-        "\n**<bg:yellow> %s </bg>**\n\n%s\n",
-        pht('OLD MySQL VERSION'),
-        phutil_console_wrap($message));
-      $prompt = pht('Continue with old MySQL version?');
-      if (!phutil_console_confirm($prompt, $default_no = true)) {
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable())
-      ->addColumn('database', array('title' => pht('Database')))
-      ->addColumn('table', array('title' => pht('Table')))
-      ->addColumn('name', array('title' => pht('Name')))
-      ->addColumn('info', array('title' => pht('Issues')));
-    foreach ($adjustments as $adjust) {
-      $info = array();
-      foreach ($adjust['issues'] as $issue) {
-        $info[] = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueName($issue);
-      }
-      $table->addRow(array(
-        'database' => $adjust['database'],
-        'table' => idx($adjust, 'table'),
-        'name' => idx($adjust, 'name'),
-        'info' => implode(', ', $info),
-      ));
-    }
-    $console->writeOut("\n\n");
-    $table->draw();
-    if (!$force) {
-      $console->writeOut(
-        "\n%s\n",
-        pht(
-          "Found %s issues(s) with schemata, detailed above.\n\n".
-          "You can review issues in more detail from the web interface, ".
-          "in Config > Database Status. To better understand the adjustment ".
-          "workflow, see \"Managing Storage Adjustments\" in the ".
-          "documentation.\n\n".
-          "MySQL needs to copy table data to make some adjustments, so these ".
-          "migrations may take some time.",
-          new PhutilNumber(count($adjustments))));
-      $prompt = pht('Fix these schema issues?');
-      if (!phutil_console_confirm($prompt, $default_no = true)) {
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    $console->writeOut(
-      "%s\n",
-      pht('Dropping caches, for faster migrations...'));
-    $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
-    $bin = $root.'/bin/cache';
-    phutil_passthru('%s purge --purge-all', $bin);
-    $console->writeOut(
-      "%s\n",
-      pht('Fixing schema issues...'));
-    $conn = $api->getConn(null);
-    if ($unsafe) {
-      queryfx($conn, 'SET SESSION sql_mode = %s', '');
-    } else {
-      queryfx($conn, 'SET SESSION sql_mode = %s', 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES');
-    }
-    $failed = array();
-    // We make changes in several phases.
-    $phases = array(
-      // Drop surplus autoincrements. This allows us to drop primary keys on
-      // autoincrement columns.
-      'drop_auto',
-      // Drop all keys we're going to adjust. This prevents them from
-      // interfering with column changes.
-      'drop_keys',
-      // Apply all database, table, and column changes.
-      'main',
-      // Restore adjusted keys.
-      'add_keys',
-      // Add missing autoincrements.
-      'add_auto',
-    );
-    $bar = id(new PhutilConsoleProgressBar())
-      ->setTotal(count($adjustments) * count($phases));
-    foreach ($phases as $phase) {
-      foreach ($adjustments as $adjust) {
-        try {
-          switch ($adjust['kind']) {
-            case 'database':
-              if ($phase == 'main') {
-                queryfx(
-                  $conn,
-                  'ALTER DATABASE %T CHARACTER SET = %s COLLATE = %s',
-                  $adjust['database'],
-                  $adjust['charset'],
-                  $adjust['collation']);
-              }
-              break;
-            case 'table':
-              if ($phase == 'main') {
-                queryfx(
-                  $conn,
-                  'ALTER TABLE %T.%T COLLATE = %s',
-                  $adjust['database'],
-                  $adjust['table'],
-                  $adjust['collation']);
-              }
-              break;
-            case 'column':
-              $apply = false;
-              $auto = false;
-              $new_auto = idx($adjust, 'auto');
-              if ($phase == 'drop_auto') {
-                if ($new_auto === false) {
-                  $apply = true;
-                  $auto = false;
-                }
-              } else if ($phase == 'main') {
-                $apply = true;
-                if ($new_auto === false) {
-                  $auto = false;
-                } else {
-                  $auto = $adjust['is_auto'];
-                }
-              } else if ($phase == 'add_auto') {
-                if ($new_auto === true) {
-                  $apply = true;
-                  $auto = true;
-                }
-              }
-              if ($apply) {
-                $parts = array();
-                if ($auto) {
-                  $parts[] = qsprintf(
-                    $conn,
-                    'AUTO_INCREMENT');
-                }
-                if ($adjust['charset']) {
-                  $parts[] = qsprintf(
-                    $conn,
-                    'CHARACTER SET %Q COLLATE %Q',
-                    $adjust['charset'],
-                    $adjust['collation']);
-                }
-                queryfx(
-                  $conn,
-                  'ALTER TABLE %T.%T MODIFY %T %Q %Q %Q',
-                  $adjust['database'],
-                  $adjust['table'],
-                  $adjust['name'],
-                  $adjust['type'],
-                  implode(' ', $parts),
-                  $adjust['nullable'] ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL');
-              }
-              break;
-            case 'key':
-              if (($phase == 'drop_keys') && $adjust['exists']) {
-                if ($adjust['name'] == 'PRIMARY') {
-                  $key_name = 'PRIMARY KEY';
-                } else {
-                  $key_name = qsprintf($conn, 'KEY %T', $adjust['name']);
-                }
-                queryfx(
-                  $conn,
-                  'ALTER TABLE %T.%T DROP %Q',
-                  $adjust['database'],
-                  $adjust['table'],
-                  $key_name);
-              }
-              if (($phase == 'add_keys') && $adjust['keep']) {
-                // Different keys need different creation syntax. Notable
-                // special cases are primary keys and fulltext keys.
-                if ($adjust['name'] == 'PRIMARY') {
-                  $key_name = 'PRIMARY KEY';
-                } else if ($adjust['indexType'] == 'FULLTEXT') {
-                  $key_name = qsprintf($conn, 'FULLTEXT %T', $adjust['name']);
-                } else {
-                  if ($adjust['unique']) {
-                    $key_name = qsprintf(
-                      $conn,
-                      'UNIQUE KEY %T',
-                      $adjust['name']);
-                  } else {
-                    $key_name = qsprintf(
-                      $conn,
-                      '/* NONUNIQUE */ KEY %T',
-                      $adjust['name']);
-                  }
-                }
-                queryfx(
-                  $conn,
-                  'ALTER TABLE %T.%T ADD %Q (%Q)',
-                  $adjust['database'],
-                  $adjust['table'],
-                  $key_name,
-                  implode(', ', $adjust['columns']));
-              }
-              break;
-            default:
-              throw new Exception(
-                pht('Unknown schema adjustment kind "%s"!', $adjust['kind']));
-          }
-        } catch (AphrontQueryException $ex) {
-          $failed[] = array($adjust, $ex);
-        }
-        $bar->update(1);
-      }
-    }
-    $bar->done();
-    if (!$failed) {
-      $console->writeOut(
-        "%s\n",
-        pht('Completed fixing all schema issues.'));
-      $err = 0;
-    } else {
-      $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable())
-        ->addColumn('target', array('title' => pht('Target')))
-        ->addColumn('error', array('title' => pht('Error')));
-      foreach ($failed as $failure) {
-        list($adjust, $ex) = $failure;
-        $pieces = array_select_keys(
-          $adjust,
-          array('database', 'table', 'name'));
-        $pieces = array_filter($pieces);
-        $target = implode('.', $pieces);
-        $table->addRow(
-          array(
-            'target' => $target,
-            'error' => $ex->getMessage(),
-          ));
-      }
-      $console->writeOut("\n");
-      $table->draw();
-      $console->writeOut(
-        "\n%s\n",
-        pht('Failed to make some schema adjustments, detailed above.'));
-      $console->writeOut(
-        "%s\n",
-        pht(
-          'For help troubleshooting adjustments, see "Managing Storage '.
-          'Adjustments" in the documentation.'));
-      $err = 1;
-    }
-    return $this->printErrors($errors, $err);
-  }
-  private function findAdjustments() {
-    list($comp, $expect, $actual) = $this->loadSchemata();
-    $issue_charset = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_CHARSET;
-    $issue_collation = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_COLLATION;
-    $issue_columntype = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_COLUMNTYPE;
-    $issue_surpluskey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_SURPLUSKEY;
-    $issue_missingkey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_MISSINGKEY;
-    $issue_columns = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_KEYCOLUMNS;
-    $issue_unique = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_UNIQUE;
-    $issue_longkey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_LONGKEY;
-    $issue_auto = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_AUTOINCREMENT;
-    $adjustments = array();
-    $errors = array();
-    foreach ($comp->getDatabases() as $database_name => $database) {
-      foreach ($this->findErrors($database) as $issue) {
-        $errors[] = array(
-          'database' => $database_name,
-          'issue' => $issue,
-        );
-      }
-      $expect_database = $expect->getDatabase($database_name);
-      $actual_database = $actual->getDatabase($database_name);
-      if (!$expect_database || !$actual_database) {
-        // If there's a real issue here, skip this stuff.
-        continue;
-      }
-      $issues = array();
-      if ($database->hasIssue($issue_charset)) {
-        $issues[] = $issue_charset;
-      }
-      if ($database->hasIssue($issue_collation)) {
-        $issues[] = $issue_collation;
-      }
-      if ($issues) {
-        $adjustments[] = array(
-          'kind' => 'database',
-          'database' => $database_name,
-          'issues' => $issues,
-          'charset' => $expect_database->getCharacterSet(),
-          'collation' => $expect_database->getCollation(),
-        );
-      }
-      foreach ($database->getTables() as $table_name => $table) {
-        foreach ($this->findErrors($table) as $issue) {
-          $errors[] = array(
-            'database' => $database_name,
-            'table' => $table_name,
-            'issue' => $issue,
-          );
-        }
-        $expect_table = $expect_database->getTable($table_name);
-        $actual_table = $actual_database->getTable($table_name);
-        if (!$expect_table || !$actual_table) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        $issues = array();
-        if ($table->hasIssue($issue_collation)) {
-          $issues[] = $issue_collation;
-        }
-        if ($issues) {
-          $adjustments[] = array(
-            'kind' => 'table',
-            'database' => $database_name,
-            'table' => $table_name,
-            'issues' => $issues,
-            'collation' => $expect_table->getCollation(),
-          );
-        }
-        foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column_name => $column) {
-          foreach ($this->findErrors($column) as $issue) {
-            $errors[] = array(
-              'database' => $database_name,
-              'table' => $table_name,
-              'name' => $column_name,
-              'issue' => $issue,
-            );
-          }
-          $expect_column = $expect_table->getColumn($column_name);
-          $actual_column = $actual_table->getColumn($column_name);
-          if (!$expect_column || !$actual_column) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          $issues = array();
-          if ($column->hasIssue($issue_collation)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_collation;
-          }
-          if ($column->hasIssue($issue_charset)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_charset;
-          }
-          if ($column->hasIssue($issue_columntype)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_columntype;
-          }
-          if ($column->hasIssue($issue_auto)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_auto;
-          }
-          if ($issues) {
-            if ($expect_column->getCharacterSet() === null) {
-              // For non-text columns, we won't be specifying a collation or
-              // character set.
-              $charset = null;
-              $collation = null;
-            } else {
-              $charset = $expect_column->getCharacterSet();
-              $collation = $expect_column->getCollation();
-            }
-            $adjustment = array(
-              'kind' => 'column',
-              'database' => $database_name,
-              'table' => $table_name,
-              'name' => $column_name,
-              'issues' => $issues,
-              'collation' => $collation,
-              'charset' => $charset,
-              'type' => $expect_column->getColumnType(),
-              // NOTE: We don't adjust column nullability because it is
-              // dangerous, so always use the current nullability.
-              'nullable' => $actual_column->getNullable(),
-              // NOTE: This always stores the current value, because we have
-              // to make these updates separately.
-              'is_auto' => $actual_column->getAutoIncrement(),
-            );
-            if ($column->hasIssue($issue_auto)) {
-              $adjustment['auto'] = $expect_column->getAutoIncrement();
-            }
-            $adjustments[] = $adjustment;
-          }
-        }
-        foreach ($table->getKeys() as $key_name => $key) {
-          foreach ($this->findErrors($key) as $issue) {
-            $errors[] = array(
-              'database' => $database_name,
-              'table' => $table_name,
-              'name' => $key_name,
-              'issue' => $issue,
-            );
-          }
-          $expect_key = $expect_table->getKey($key_name);
-          $actual_key = $actual_table->getKey($key_name);
-          $issues = array();
-          $keep_key = true;
-          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_surpluskey)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_surpluskey;
-            $keep_key = false;
-          }
-          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_missingkey)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_missingkey;
-          }
-          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_columns)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_columns;
-          }
-          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_unique)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_unique;
-          }
-          // NOTE: We can't really fix this, per se, but we may need to remove
-          // the key to change the column type. In the best case, the new
-          // column type won't be overlong and recreating the key really will
-          // fix the issue. In the worst case, we get the right column type and
-          // lose the key, which is still better than retaining the key having
-          // the wrong column type.
-          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_longkey)) {
-            $issues[] = $issue_longkey;
-          }
-          if ($issues) {
-            $adjustment = array(
-              'kind' => 'key',
-              'database' => $database_name,
-              'table' => $table_name,
-              'name' => $key_name,
-              'issues' => $issues,
-              'exists' => (bool)$actual_key,
-              'keep' => $keep_key,
-            );
-            if ($keep_key) {
-              $adjustment += array(
-                'columns' => $expect_key->getColumnNames(),
-                'unique' => $expect_key->getUnique(),
-                'indexType' => $expect_key->getIndexType(),
-              );
-            }
-            $adjustments[] = $adjustment;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return array($adjustments, $errors);
-  }
-  private function findErrors(PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema $schema) {
-    $result = array();
-    foreach ($schema->getLocalIssues() as $issue) {
-      $status = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueStatus($issue);
-      if ($status == PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::STATUS_FAIL) {
-        $result[] = $issue;
-      }
-    }
-    return $result;
-  }
-  private function printErrors(array $errors, $default_return) {
-    if (!$errors) {
-      return $default_return;
-    }
-    $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole();
-    $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable())
-      ->addColumn('target', array('title' => pht('Target')))
-      ->addColumn('error', array('title' => pht('Error')));
-    foreach ($errors as $error) {
-      $pieces = array_select_keys(
-        $error,
-        array('database', 'table', 'name'));
-      $pieces = array_filter($pieces);
-      $target = implode('.', $pieces);
-      $name = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueName($error['issue']);
-      $table->addRow(
-        array(
-          'target' => $target,
-          'error' => $name,
-        ));
-    }
-    $console->writeOut("\n");
-    $table->draw();
-    $console->writeOut("\n");
-    $message = pht(
-      "The schemata have serious errors (detailed above) which the adjustment ".
-      "workflow can not fix.\n\n".
-      "If you are not developing Phabricator itself, report this issue to ".
-      "the upstream.\n\n".
-      "If you are developing Phabricator, these errors usually indicate that ".
-      "your schema specifications do not agree with the schemata your code ".
-      "actually builds.");
-    $console->writeOut(
-      "**<bg:red> %s </bg>**\n\n%s\n",
-      pht('SCHEMATA ERRORS'),
-      phutil_console_wrap($message));
-    return 2;
-  }
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementUpgradeWorkflow.php b/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementUpgradeWorkflow.php
--- a/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementUpgradeWorkflow.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementUpgradeWorkflow.php
@@ -13,18 +13,26 @@
             'name'  => 'apply',
             'param' => 'patch',
-            'help'  => 'Apply __patch__ explicitly. This is an advanced '.
-                       'feature for development and debugging; you should '.
-                       'not normally use this flag.',
+            'help'  => pht(
+              'Apply __patch__ explicitly. This is an advanced feature for '.
+              'development and debugging; you should not normally use this '.
+              'flag. This skips adjustment.'),
             'name'  => 'no-quickstart',
-            'help'  => 'Build storage patch-by-patch from scatch, even if it '.
-                       'could be loaded from the quickstart template.',
+            'help'  => pht(
+              'Build storage patch-by-patch from scatch, even if it could '.
+              'be loaded from the quickstart template.'),
             'name'  => 'init-only',
-            'help'  => 'Initialize storage only; do not apply patches.',
+            'help'  => pht(
+              'Initialize storage only; do not apply patches or adjustments.'),
+          ),
+          array(
+            'name' => 'no-adjust',
+            'help' => pht(
+              'Do not apply storage adjustments after storage upgrades.'),
@@ -59,6 +67,7 @@
     $no_quickstart = $args->getArg('no-quickstart');
     $init_only = $args->getArg('init-only');
+    $no_adjust = $args->getArg('no-adjust');
     $applied = $api->getAppliedPatches();
     if ($applied === null) {
@@ -187,7 +196,15 @@
-    return 0;
+    $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole();
+    if ($no_adjust || $init_only || $apply_only) {
+      $console->writeOut(
+        "%s\n",
+        pht('Declining to apply storage adjustments.'));
+      return 0;
+    } else {
+      return $this->adjustSchemata($is_force, $unsafe = false, $is_dry);
+    }
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow.php b/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow.php
--- a/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow.php
@@ -25,4 +25,611 @@
     return $this->api;
+  private function loadSchemata() {
+    $query = id(new PhabricatorConfigSchemaQuery())
+      ->setAPI($this->getAPI());
+    $actual = $query->loadActualSchema();
+    $expect = $query->loadExpectedSchema();
+    $comp = $query->buildComparisonSchema($expect, $actual);
+    return array($comp, $expect, $actual);
+  }
+  protected function adjustSchemata($force, $unsafe, $dry_run) {
+    $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole();
+    $console->writeOut(
+      "%s\n",
+      pht('Verifying database schemata...'));
+    list($adjustments, $errors) = $this->findAdjustments();
+    $api = $this->getAPI();
+    if (!$adjustments) {
+      $console->writeOut(
+        "%s\n",
+        pht('Found no adjustments for schemata.'));
+      return $this->printErrors($errors, 0);
+    }
+    if (!$force && !$api->isCharacterSetAvailable('utf8mb4')) {
+      $message = pht(
+        "You have an old version of MySQL (older than 5.5) which does not ".
+        "support the utf8mb4 character set. If you apply adjustments now ".
+        "and later update MySQL to 5.5 or newer, you'll need to apply ".
+        "adjustments again (and they will take a long time).\n\n".
+        "You can exit this workflow, update MySQL now, and then run this ".
+        "workflow again. This is recommended, but may cause a lot of downtime ".
+        "right now.\n\n".
+        "You can exit this workflow, continue using Phabricator without ".
+        "applying adjustments, update MySQL at a later date, and then run ".
+        "this workflow again. This is also a good approach, and will let you ".
+        "delay downtime until later.\n\n".
+        "You can proceed with this workflow, and then optionally update ".
+        "MySQL at a later date. After you do, you'll need to apply ".
+        "adjustments again.\n\n".
+        "For more information, see \"Managing Storage Adjustments\" in ".
+        "the documentation.");
+      $console->writeOut(
+        "\n**<bg:yellow> %s </bg>**\n\n%s\n",
+        pht('OLD MySQL VERSION'),
+        phutil_console_wrap($message));
+      $prompt = pht('Continue with old MySQL version?');
+      if (!phutil_console_confirm($prompt, $default_no = true)) {
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable())
+      ->addColumn('database', array('title' => pht('Database')))
+      ->addColumn('table', array('title' => pht('Table')))
+      ->addColumn('name', array('title' => pht('Name')))
+      ->addColumn('info', array('title' => pht('Issues')));
+    foreach ($adjustments as $adjust) {
+      $info = array();
+      foreach ($adjust['issues'] as $issue) {
+        $info[] = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueName($issue);
+      }
+      $table->addRow(array(
+        'database' => $adjust['database'],
+        'table' => idx($adjust, 'table'),
+        'name' => idx($adjust, 'name'),
+        'info' => implode(', ', $info),
+      ));
+    }
+    $console->writeOut("\n\n");
+    $table->draw();
+    if ($dry_run) {
+      $console->writeOut(
+        "%s\n",
+        pht('DRYRUN: Would apply adjustments.'));
+      return 0;
+    } else if (!$force) {
+      $console->writeOut(
+        "\n%s\n",
+        pht(
+          "Found %s issues(s) with schemata, detailed above.\n\n".
+          "You can review issues in more detail from the web interface, ".
+          "in Config > Database Status. To better understand the adjustment ".
+          "workflow, see \"Managing Storage Adjustments\" in the ".
+          "documentation.\n\n".
+          "MySQL needs to copy table data to make some adjustments, so these ".
+          "migrations may take some time.",
+          new PhutilNumber(count($adjustments))));
+      $prompt = pht('Fix these schema issues?');
+      if (!phutil_console_confirm($prompt, $default_no = true)) {
+        return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    $console->writeOut(
+      "%s\n",
+      pht('Dropping caches, for faster migrations...'));
+    $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
+    $bin = $root.'/bin/cache';
+    phutil_passthru('%s purge --purge-all', $bin);
+    $console->writeOut(
+      "%s\n",
+      pht('Fixing schema issues...'));
+    $conn = $api->getConn(null);
+    if ($unsafe) {
+      queryfx($conn, 'SET SESSION sql_mode = %s', '');
+    } else {
+      queryfx($conn, 'SET SESSION sql_mode = %s', 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES');
+    }
+    $failed = array();
+    // We make changes in several phases.
+    $phases = array(
+      // Drop surplus autoincrements. This allows us to drop primary keys on
+      // autoincrement columns.
+      'drop_auto',
+      // Drop all keys we're going to adjust. This prevents them from
+      // interfering with column changes.
+      'drop_keys',
+      // Apply all database, table, and column changes.
+      'main',
+      // Restore adjusted keys.
+      'add_keys',
+      // Add missing autoincrements.
+      'add_auto',
+    );
+    $bar = id(new PhutilConsoleProgressBar())
+      ->setTotal(count($adjustments) * count($phases));
+    foreach ($phases as $phase) {
+      foreach ($adjustments as $adjust) {
+        try {
+          switch ($adjust['kind']) {
+            case 'database':
+              if ($phase == 'main') {
+                queryfx(
+                  $conn,
+                  'ALTER DATABASE %T CHARACTER SET = %s COLLATE = %s',
+                  $adjust['database'],
+                  $adjust['charset'],
+                  $adjust['collation']);
+              }
+              break;
+            case 'table':
+              if ($phase == 'main') {
+                queryfx(
+                  $conn,
+                  'ALTER TABLE %T.%T COLLATE = %s',
+                  $adjust['database'],
+                  $adjust['table'],
+                  $adjust['collation']);
+              }
+              break;
+            case 'column':
+              $apply = false;
+              $auto = false;
+              $new_auto = idx($adjust, 'auto');
+              if ($phase == 'drop_auto') {
+                if ($new_auto === false) {
+                  $apply = true;
+                  $auto = false;
+                }
+              } else if ($phase == 'main') {
+                $apply = true;
+                if ($new_auto === false) {
+                  $auto = false;
+                } else {
+                  $auto = $adjust['is_auto'];
+                }
+              } else if ($phase == 'add_auto') {
+                if ($new_auto === true) {
+                  $apply = true;
+                  $auto = true;
+                }
+              }
+              if ($apply) {
+                $parts = array();
+                if ($auto) {
+                  $parts[] = qsprintf(
+                    $conn,
+                    'AUTO_INCREMENT');
+                }
+                if ($adjust['charset']) {
+                  $parts[] = qsprintf(
+                    $conn,
+                    'CHARACTER SET %Q COLLATE %Q',
+                    $adjust['charset'],
+                    $adjust['collation']);
+                }
+                queryfx(
+                  $conn,
+                  'ALTER TABLE %T.%T MODIFY %T %Q %Q %Q',
+                  $adjust['database'],
+                  $adjust['table'],
+                  $adjust['name'],
+                  $adjust['type'],
+                  implode(' ', $parts),
+                  $adjust['nullable'] ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL');
+              }
+              break;
+            case 'key':
+              if (($phase == 'drop_keys') && $adjust['exists']) {
+                if ($adjust['name'] == 'PRIMARY') {
+                  $key_name = 'PRIMARY KEY';
+                } else {
+                  $key_name = qsprintf($conn, 'KEY %T', $adjust['name']);
+                }
+                queryfx(
+                  $conn,
+                  'ALTER TABLE %T.%T DROP %Q',
+                  $adjust['database'],
+                  $adjust['table'],
+                  $key_name);
+              }
+              if (($phase == 'add_keys') && $adjust['keep']) {
+                // Different keys need different creation syntax. Notable
+                // special cases are primary keys and fulltext keys.
+                if ($adjust['name'] == 'PRIMARY') {
+                  $key_name = 'PRIMARY KEY';
+                } else if ($adjust['indexType'] == 'FULLTEXT') {
+                  $key_name = qsprintf($conn, 'FULLTEXT %T', $adjust['name']);
+                } else {
+                  if ($adjust['unique']) {
+                    $key_name = qsprintf(
+                      $conn,
+                      'UNIQUE KEY %T',
+                      $adjust['name']);
+                  } else {
+                    $key_name = qsprintf(
+                      $conn,
+                      '/* NONUNIQUE */ KEY %T',
+                      $adjust['name']);
+                  }
+                }
+                queryfx(
+                  $conn,
+                  'ALTER TABLE %T.%T ADD %Q (%Q)',
+                  $adjust['database'],
+                  $adjust['table'],
+                  $key_name,
+                  implode(', ', $adjust['columns']));
+              }
+              break;
+            default:
+              throw new Exception(
+                pht('Unknown schema adjustment kind "%s"!', $adjust['kind']));
+          }
+        } catch (AphrontQueryException $ex) {
+          $failed[] = array($adjust, $ex);
+        }
+        $bar->update(1);
+      }
+    }
+    $bar->done();
+    if (!$failed) {
+      $console->writeOut(
+        "%s\n",
+        pht('Completed fixing all schema issues.'));
+      $err = 0;
+    } else {
+      $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable())
+        ->addColumn('target', array('title' => pht('Target')))
+        ->addColumn('error', array('title' => pht('Error')));
+      foreach ($failed as $failure) {
+        list($adjust, $ex) = $failure;
+        $pieces = array_select_keys(
+          $adjust,
+          array('database', 'table', 'name'));
+        $pieces = array_filter($pieces);
+        $target = implode('.', $pieces);
+        $table->addRow(
+          array(
+            'target' => $target,
+            'error' => $ex->getMessage(),
+          ));
+      }
+      $console->writeOut("\n");
+      $table->draw();
+      $console->writeOut(
+        "\n%s\n",
+        pht('Failed to make some schema adjustments, detailed above.'));
+      $console->writeOut(
+        "%s\n",
+        pht(
+          'For help troubleshooting adjustments, see "Managing Storage '.
+          'Adjustments" in the documentation.'));
+      $err = 1;
+    }
+    return $this->printErrors($errors, $err);
+  }
+  private function findAdjustments() {
+    list($comp, $expect, $actual) = $this->loadSchemata();
+    $issue_charset = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_CHARSET;
+    $issue_collation = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_COLLATION;
+    $issue_columntype = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_COLUMNTYPE;
+    $issue_surpluskey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_SURPLUSKEY;
+    $issue_missingkey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_MISSINGKEY;
+    $issue_columns = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_KEYCOLUMNS;
+    $issue_unique = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_UNIQUE;
+    $issue_longkey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_LONGKEY;
+    $issue_auto = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_AUTOINCREMENT;
+    $adjustments = array();
+    $errors = array();
+    foreach ($comp->getDatabases() as $database_name => $database) {
+      foreach ($this->findErrors($database) as $issue) {
+        $errors[] = array(
+          'database' => $database_name,
+          'issue' => $issue,
+        );
+      }
+      $expect_database = $expect->getDatabase($database_name);
+      $actual_database = $actual->getDatabase($database_name);
+      if (!$expect_database || !$actual_database) {
+        // If there's a real issue here, skip this stuff.
+        continue;
+      }
+      $issues = array();
+      if ($database->hasIssue($issue_charset)) {
+        $issues[] = $issue_charset;
+      }
+      if ($database->hasIssue($issue_collation)) {
+        $issues[] = $issue_collation;
+      }
+      if ($issues) {
+        $adjustments[] = array(
+          'kind' => 'database',
+          'database' => $database_name,
+          'issues' => $issues,
+          'charset' => $expect_database->getCharacterSet(),
+          'collation' => $expect_database->getCollation(),
+        );
+      }
+      foreach ($database->getTables() as $table_name => $table) {
+        foreach ($this->findErrors($table) as $issue) {
+          $errors[] = array(
+            'database' => $database_name,
+            'table' => $table_name,
+            'issue' => $issue,
+          );
+        }
+        $expect_table = $expect_database->getTable($table_name);
+        $actual_table = $actual_database->getTable($table_name);
+        if (!$expect_table || !$actual_table) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        $issues = array();
+        if ($table->hasIssue($issue_collation)) {
+          $issues[] = $issue_collation;
+        }
+        if ($issues) {
+          $adjustments[] = array(
+            'kind' => 'table',
+            'database' => $database_name,
+            'table' => $table_name,
+            'issues' => $issues,
+            'collation' => $expect_table->getCollation(),
+          );
+        }
+        foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column_name => $column) {
+          foreach ($this->findErrors($column) as $issue) {
+            $errors[] = array(
+              'database' => $database_name,
+              'table' => $table_name,
+              'name' => $column_name,
+              'issue' => $issue,
+            );
+          }
+          $expect_column = $expect_table->getColumn($column_name);
+          $actual_column = $actual_table->getColumn($column_name);
+          if (!$expect_column || !$actual_column) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          $issues = array();
+          if ($column->hasIssue($issue_collation)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_collation;
+          }
+          if ($column->hasIssue($issue_charset)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_charset;
+          }
+          if ($column->hasIssue($issue_columntype)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_columntype;
+          }
+          if ($column->hasIssue($issue_auto)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_auto;
+          }
+          if ($issues) {
+            if ($expect_column->getCharacterSet() === null) {
+              // For non-text columns, we won't be specifying a collation or
+              // character set.
+              $charset = null;
+              $collation = null;
+            } else {
+              $charset = $expect_column->getCharacterSet();
+              $collation = $expect_column->getCollation();
+            }
+            $adjustment = array(
+              'kind' => 'column',
+              'database' => $database_name,
+              'table' => $table_name,
+              'name' => $column_name,
+              'issues' => $issues,
+              'collation' => $collation,
+              'charset' => $charset,
+              'type' => $expect_column->getColumnType(),
+              // NOTE: We don't adjust column nullability because it is
+              // dangerous, so always use the current nullability.
+              'nullable' => $actual_column->getNullable(),
+              // NOTE: This always stores the current value, because we have
+              // to make these updates separately.
+              'is_auto' => $actual_column->getAutoIncrement(),
+            );
+            if ($column->hasIssue($issue_auto)) {
+              $adjustment['auto'] = $expect_column->getAutoIncrement();
+            }
+            $adjustments[] = $adjustment;
+          }
+        }
+        foreach ($table->getKeys() as $key_name => $key) {
+          foreach ($this->findErrors($key) as $issue) {
+            $errors[] = array(
+              'database' => $database_name,
+              'table' => $table_name,
+              'name' => $key_name,
+              'issue' => $issue,
+            );
+          }
+          $expect_key = $expect_table->getKey($key_name);
+          $actual_key = $actual_table->getKey($key_name);
+          $issues = array();
+          $keep_key = true;
+          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_surpluskey)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_surpluskey;
+            $keep_key = false;
+          }
+          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_missingkey)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_missingkey;
+          }
+          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_columns)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_columns;
+          }
+          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_unique)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_unique;
+          }
+          // NOTE: We can't really fix this, per se, but we may need to remove
+          // the key to change the column type. In the best case, the new
+          // column type won't be overlong and recreating the key really will
+          // fix the issue. In the worst case, we get the right column type and
+          // lose the key, which is still better than retaining the key having
+          // the wrong column type.
+          if ($key->hasIssue($issue_longkey)) {
+            $issues[] = $issue_longkey;
+          }
+          if ($issues) {
+            $adjustment = array(
+              'kind' => 'key',
+              'database' => $database_name,
+              'table' => $table_name,
+              'name' => $key_name,
+              'issues' => $issues,
+              'exists' => (bool)$actual_key,
+              'keep' => $keep_key,
+            );
+            if ($keep_key) {
+              $adjustment += array(
+                'columns' => $expect_key->getColumnNames(),
+                'unique' => $expect_key->getUnique(),
+                'indexType' => $expect_key->getIndexType(),
+              );
+            }
+            $adjustments[] = $adjustment;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return array($adjustments, $errors);
+  }
+  private function findErrors(PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema $schema) {
+    $result = array();
+    foreach ($schema->getLocalIssues() as $issue) {
+      $status = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueStatus($issue);
+      if ($status == PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::STATUS_FAIL) {
+        $result[] = $issue;
+      }
+    }
+    return $result;
+  }
+  private function printErrors(array $errors, $default_return) {
+    if (!$errors) {
+      return $default_return;
+    }
+    $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole();
+    $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable())
+      ->addColumn('target', array('title' => pht('Target')))
+      ->addColumn('error', array('title' => pht('Error')));
+    foreach ($errors as $error) {
+      $pieces = array_select_keys(
+        $error,
+        array('database', 'table', 'name'));
+      $pieces = array_filter($pieces);
+      $target = implode('.', $pieces);
+      $name = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueName($error['issue']);
+      $table->addRow(
+        array(
+          'target' => $target,
+          'error' => $name,
+        ));
+    }
+    $console->writeOut("\n");
+    $table->draw();
+    $console->writeOut("\n");
+    $message = pht(
+      "The schemata have serious errors (detailed above) which the adjustment ".
+      "workflow can not fix.\n\n".
+      "If you are not developing Phabricator itself, report this issue to ".
+      "the upstream.\n\n".
+      "If you are developing Phabricator, these errors usually indicate that ".
+      "your schema specifications do not agree with the schemata your code ".
+      "actually builds.");
+    $console->writeOut(
+      "**<bg:red> %s </bg>**\n\n%s\n",
+      pht('SCHEMATA ERRORS'),
+      phutil_console_wrap($message));
+    return 2;
+  }