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Phabricator workboards should have scroll-locked column headers
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Use Case:
As a user of large workboards, I would like to continue to see the column headers even when I scroll to the very bottom of a long column so that I can keep myself oriented on the board and still manage tasks.

Event Timeline

dstrine updated the task description. (Show Details)
dstrine added subscribers: dstrine, qgil.

Do you have a CSS only solution? position: fixed would only lock one axis.

@chad I'm not very technical. Also I read a lot of your documentation. It clearly states that new requests should not start with specific solution, only use cases.

Looking at T9378 I don't see any associated tasks which address my use case. Could you provide more information?

Also I would like to discuss paid prioritization for this task.

There are a couple concerns with this suggestion. Mostly, the core problem as described is "workboard has too many tasks". This is the problem we'd likely want to investigate and address.

Projects v3 is current under planning on our Roadmap (short term). With Sprints, Milestones, and Subprojects, along with a new Workboard design (M1450), there will be many new tools to deal with overloaded Workboards.

Prioritization wise, I don't think we'll ever accept design tasks. We haven't formally documented this, but overall we'll be open to design feedback during the planning and building/shipping process for a product, but after it's off the roadmap (shipped), that will be closed. We're happy to take "please lock the titles" as feedback, but there are no promises to what will end up in the final product.

I spent about a day attempting this request in the past and found it impossible as a pure CSS solution. That leaves copious amounts of JavaScript as a solution, which I think is not a great use of our engineering time (we're only 2 people). Mostly we hope the improvements in Projects v3 moots the need for such a feature.