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Introduce task links with CSS style visited
Closed, DuplicatePublic


When browsing big task list for example /maniphest/query/all/ it would be nice to see which links have already been visited. This could be easily done by using CSS style visited.

Event Timeline

Jonas_ raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Jonas_ updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jonas_ added a project: Maniphest.
Jonas_ added a subscriber: Jonas_.

Please read and give us more details on what problem you are having using Phabricator. I can't right now think of a workflow where this is helpful on a day to day basis. Or more specifically, if there are aspects of Phabricator I need to micro manage involvement in, I already can accomplish that with custom Dashboards.

Going to assume you just want it easier to work through a list of stuff.