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Just updated Phabricator to **HEAD** daemon start failed with error
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Just updated Phabricator to HEAD. Trying to start phd daemons failed with error: PhutilProxyException ["Bad username / password"]

Checked values for sendGrid via:

./bin/config get sendgrid.api-user
./bin/config get sendgrid.api-key

User/ Password are correct. Any suggestions?


[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC] [2014-12-15 15:40:49] EXCEPTION: (PhutilProxyException) Error while executing task ID 102 from queue. {>} (HTTPFutureHTTPRe
{"message": "error", "errors": ["Bad username / password"]} at [<phutil>/src/future/http/BaseHTTPFuture.php:337]
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #0 BaseHTTPFuture::parseRawHTTPResponse(string) called at [<phutil>/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php:387]
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #1 HTTPSFuture::isReady() called at [<phutil>/src/future/Future.php:39]
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #2 Future::resolve() called at [<phutil>/src/future/http/BaseHTTPFuture.php:277]
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #3 BaseHTTPFuture::resolvex() called at [<phabricator>/src/applications/metamta/adapter/PhabricatorMailImplementationSend
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #4 PhabricatorMailImplementationSendGridAdapter::send() called at [<phabricator>/src/applications/metamta/storage/Phabric
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #5 PhabricatorMetaMTAMail::sendNow() called at [<phabricator>/src/applications/metamta/PhabricatorMetaMTAWorker.php:26]
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #6 PhabricatorMetaMTAWorker::doWork() called at [<phabricator>/src/infrastructure/daemon/workers/PhabricatorWorker.php:91
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #7 PhabricatorWorker::executeTask() called at [<phabricator>/src/infrastructure/daemon/workers/storage/PhabricatorWorkerA
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #8 PhabricatorWorkerActiveTask::executeTask() called at [<phabricator>/src/infrastructure/daemon/workers/PhabricatorTaskm
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #9 PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon::run() called at [<phutil>/src/daemon/PhutilDaemon.php:91]
[25-Feb-2015 15:40:49 UTC]   #10 PhutilDaemon::execute() called at [<phutil>/scripts/daemon/exec/exec_daemon.php:111]
[25-Feb-2015 23:52:31 UTC] Bringing daemon 'PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon' online...
[25-Feb-2015 23:52:32 UTC] Bringing daemon 'PhabricatorGarbageCollectorDaemon' online...
[25-Feb-2015 23:52:33 UTC] Bringing daemon 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon' online...
[25-Feb-2015 23:52:33 UTC] Bringing daemon 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon' online...
[25-Feb-2015 23:52:34 UTC] Bringing daemon 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon' online...
[25-Feb-2015 23:52:34 UTC] Bringing daemon 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon' online...

Event Timeline

rphl raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
rphl updated the task description. (Show Details)
rphl added a subscriber: rphl.

From the log, it looks like brining the daemons online worked fine, and they hit that error about 8 hours earlier (maybe a one-time issue on SendGrid's side). Am I misunderstanding? I'm looking at the timestamps -- 25 Feb 15:00 vs 25 Feb 23:00.

Was this the same issue, or someone else? The paste link expired:

[02:31am] XN-Matt: Hi there. Wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for an error we're getting after a git pull?
[02:32am] XN-Matt: is what we're seeing when attempting to start/stop phd

who is XN-Matt, don't know him...

Just restarted all services (apache / mysql / phd (stop/start)) multiple times, the error disappeared (Log is empty)

Freeing active task leases...
Freed 0 task lease(s).
Launching daemons:
(Logs will appear in "/var/tmp/phd/log/daemons.log".)

    PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon (Static)
    PhabricatorTriggerDaemon (Static)
    PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon (Autoscaling: group=task, pool=4, reserve=0)


Hmmm, I will keep an eye on it at the next upgrade.

epriestley claimed this task.

Ah, I wasn't sure if he was you or not. He asked a similar question in IRC and left before I had chance to answer.

Sounds like things are in good shape (that output looks correct). Let us know if you run into any more issues.