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Fix CTRL+click and middle click on notifications menu
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When I try to open a notification in a new tab by using CTRL+click, Phabricator opens the notification in the current tab.
If I try middle button of the mouse, it does nothing at all.

Tested using Firefox 33 on Linux.

Event Timeline

he7d3r raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
he7d3r updated the task description. (Show Details)
he7d3r added a subscriber: he7d3r.
he7d3r renamed this task from Fix CTRL+click on notifications menu to Fix CTRL+click and middle click on notifications menu.Nov 24 2014, 1:07 AM
he7d3r added a project: Phabricator.
chad claimed this task.

I am not able to reproduce this on Firefox 33 / Mac or Windows. We just use plain old anchor tags there, nothing magical.

Try cliking in the empty spaces instead of cliking in the links.

I understand what you're saying, but it was the intended design when I read the comments. The offending code is at;12f3f6d3a9ef9c7731051815846810cb3c4cd248$87 if you're interested in supplying a patch, we'd take a look at it. Overall it'd be hard for us to provide this feature in any reasonable timeframe given it's relative impact.

But why make it inconsistent?

  • It loads the content if the user clicks with the left button (in the same page, even if CTRL is pressed)
  • It does not load the content if the user clicks with the middle button (the callback to JX.Stratcom.listen('click', null, ... ) is never called).

I don't believe it's intentionally inconsistent, just that it was added as a convenience and things no one thought of were not tested.

I'm happy to keep this as a bug if you like, but I can't give it any real priority. If you would be able to submit a patch, that would be awesome of course. T4778 explains in better detail how we work on resolving issues.