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You Shall Not Pass: Unknown Object (Repository)
Closed, InvalidPublic


Version :
phabricator 612a93229fa3004c0a1f1da3e1d4155aa544dd20 (Fri, May 6)
arcanist c58f1b9a2507488b2152473dd1f0bbc7e99c09c1 (Fri, Apr 29)
phutil 4b44d03ba60c8a67f70a91cb11765b8b61f73598 (Mon, Apr 25)
sprint df6e9dee03e4dd0da551199df33b6d04bf096d32 (Mon, Apr 11)

Reproduction steps:

Create a new repository Git
Policies :
Visible To S1 Default Space · All Users
Editable By All Users
Pushable By All Users

Expected result:

git clone would be work via ssh. (I have another old repository that works again via ssh)

Actual result:
Git clone failed and here the message :
phabricator-ssh-exec: [You Shall Not Pass: Unknown Object (Repository)] This object is in a space you do not have permission to access.

(other bugs in relation probably : I cannot change the Space by default)

Event Timeline

I can't reproduce this. Here are the repository policies:

Screen Shot 2016-05-08 at 1.59.00 PM.png (1×1 px, 140 KB)

Here's the repository detail screen:

Screen Shot 2016-05-08 at 1.59.07 PM.png (1×1 px, 154 KB)

Here's a clone working fine:

$ git clone ssh:// local-clone
Cloning into 'local-clone'...
# Fetch received by "", forwarding to cluster host.
# Waiting up to 120 second(s) for a cluster read lock on ""...
# Acquired read lock immediately.
# Device "" is already a cluster leader and does not need to be synchronized.
# Cleared to fetch on cluster host "".
remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

Any idea what I can do differently to reproduce the issue?

I cannot change the Space by default

I can reproduce this, I'll make a note on T10923. See also T10922.

The difference with our interface : I have not installed "http git" only ssh git

Any idea what I can do differently to reproduce the issue?

Where can I find the log about this message on the server ?

The difference with our interface : I have not installed "http git" only ssh git

You are the only one who can reproduce the issue, so you need to provide valid reproduction steps which we can follow to reproduce the issue.

If you think HTTP being enabled is the critical difference between our environments, enable HTTP operations on your server, verify that this fixes the problem, then update the reproduction steps to include this information. We don't have the resources to debug this by going back and forth. See Providing Reproduction Steps.

Where can I find the log about this message on the server ?

There are no additional logs generated for policy errors.

We can't reproduce this, so we can't move forward. Feel free to open a new issue if you are able to provide reproduction steps.