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ctrl+enter to commit in all fields
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atm the "save changes"/"submit" key is enter or ctrl+enter depending on the field that's selected. For example in Maniphest in the Title/Assigned field it's [Enter], in the Description field it's [Ctrl+Enter] and in Status neither works. It would be great if Ctrl+Enter worked everywhere.

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I largely can't reproduce this. Here's what I did:

  • I'm using Safari on Mac OS X. I have "Full Keyboard Access" enabled in my Accessibility settings (normally, Control + F7).
  • I clicked "Edit Task", on this task, used "Tab" to select various fields, then pressed "Enter" or "Command + Enter".
  • If I focus any field which is not a textarea (for example, "Status"), "Enter" submits the form.
  • If I focus a textarea field, "Enter" types a literal newline, and "Command + Enter" submits the form.

That is, the rule is:

  • Enter submits forms.
  • In text areas, enter submits newlines, so Command + Enter submits forms.

This rule appears consistent in my browser / OS.

Right. This was a feature request to have "ctrl+enter" (or cmd enter on osx) to work in all fields (in addition to enter in the fields where it makes sense), so that there's 1 key that always works to submit the current form.

As for enter:
On Chrome/Windows "Enter" reopens a combobox (like status), ctrl+enter the doesnt' do anything for the status field.

eadler added a project: Restricted Project.Aug 5 2016, 5:05 PM
epriestley claimed this task.