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Support Windows paths for lint results

Authored by mbishopim3 on Aug 3 2017, 4:18 PM.
Referenced Files
F13288303: D18326.diff
Tue, Jun 4, 10:09 AM
F13276340: D18326.diff
Fri, May 31, 5:51 AM
F13262583: D18326.diff
Mon, May 27, 2:16 AM
F13245844: D18326.diff
Thu, May 23, 6:19 AM
F13231104: D18326.id44064.diff
Tue, May 21, 12:11 AM
F13192111: D18326.diff
Sun, May 12, 5:27 AM
Unknown Object (File)
May 7 2024, 10:03 AM
Unknown Object (File)
May 6 2024, 2:52 PM


Group Reviewers
Blessed Reviewers

When providing lint results in specific files on Windows, handle slash differences so that Arcanist has the correct references to provide things such as inline comments in Differential.

Test Plan

arc lint and subsequent revision submission on files resident on Windows, note correct display of lint results with links.

Diff Detail

rARC Arcanist
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 18068
Build 24271: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

Get local issues with unit tests corrected

@epriestley are code contributions no longer accepted? We don't consider this something related to a bug report per se.

See Contributing Code.

The barrier for contributions is extremely high. In almost all cases where users write code nowadays, it would save us time if they just reported a bug with reproduction instructions instead, since we almost always need this information anyway and sending a patch without this information just adds more overhead.

This is probably one of those cases. There's no associated task describing what the actual problem is, and from the description alone, I don't really know what problem this solves, how to reproduce the issue, etc. Since I don't know what the actual goal is here, I'm not really sure if this is a reasonable fix or not.

Offhand, I'd guess it probably isn't the best fix we could come up with. One aspect of this change which I'm uneasy about, and which might be a bit of a red flag, is that we're destroying information fairly early in the pipeline. Often, it's better to preserve information for as long as possible and normalize it at the last moment. I'm not sure if that applies here or not, but I'd want to look at ways we might be able to retain the original path information for as long as possible.

See also Planning.